Exemple #1
    private void Edit(int filter_id)
        DataRow dr = ProfileMetric.GetThreshold(filter_id);

        if (dr != null)
            ltfilter_displayname.Text = dr["threshold_filter_displayname"].ToString();

            txtfilter_ytd.Text = dr["threshold_filter_ytd"].ToString();
            txtfilter_yoy.Text = dr["threshold_filter_yoy"].ToString();

            if (dr["threshold_filter_ytd_operator"] != System.DBNull.Value &&
                ddlfilter_ytd_operator.Items.FindByValue(dr["threshold_filter_ytd_operator"].ToString()) != null)
                ddlfilter_ytd_operator.SelectedValue = dr["threshold_filter_ytd_operator"].ToString();

            if (dr["threshold_filter_yoy_operator"] != System.DBNull.Value &&
                ddlfilter_yoy_operator.Items.FindByValue(dr["threshold_filter_yoy_operator"].ToString()) != null)
                ddlfilter_yoy_operator.SelectedValue = dr["threshold_filter_yoy_operator"].ToString();

        ViewState["edit_filter_id"] = filter_id;
        pnlAddEdit.Visible          = true;
Exemple #2
        ProfileMetric Profile1()
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                var applicator = new BindingApplicator();

                var bindingExpression = new BindingExpression
                    //Converter = "BooleanToVisibilityConverter",
                    //ConverterParameter = "Visible,Hidden,Hidden",
                    Path   = nameof(ViewModelTestClass.Bool1),
                    Target = nameof(ViewTestClass.Bool1)

                var target = new ViewTestClass();
                var source = new ViewModelTestClass();

                applicator.ApplyBinding(bindingExpression, target, source);

            DateTime endTime  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var      duration = endTime - startTime;

            var metric = new ProfileMetric();

            metric.Name     = "Simple";
            metric.TimeSpan = new TimeSpan(duration.Ticks / iterations);

Exemple #3
        ProfileMetric Profile2()
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var path = nameof(ViewModelTestClass.NestedClass1)
                       + "." + "Bool2";

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                var applicator = new BindingApplicator();

                var bindingExpression = new BindingExpression
                    Path   = path,
                    Target = nameof(ViewTestClass.Bool1)

                var target = new ViewTestClass();
                var source = new ViewModelTestClass();

                applicator.ApplyBinding(bindingExpression, target, source);

            DateTime endTime  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var      duration = endTime - startTime;

            var metric = new ProfileMetric();

            metric.Name     = "Nested";
            metric.TimeSpan = new TimeSpan(duration.Ticks / iterations);

Exemple #4
        ProfileMetric Profile3()
            var converter = new DummyBooleanToVisibilityConverter();

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                var applicator = new BindingApplicator();

                var bindingExpression = new BindingExpression
                    Path   = nameof(ViewModelTestClass.Bool1),
                    Target = nameof(ViewTestClass.Visibility),
                    //Converter = "Codon.UI.Data.DummyBooleanToVisibilityConverter, Codon.ApiProfiling"

                var target = new ViewTestClass();
                var source = new ViewModelTestClass();

                applicator.ApplyBinding(bindingExpression, target, source, converter);

            DateTime endTime  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var      duration = endTime - startTime;

            var metric = new ProfileMetric();

            metric.Name     = "Converter";
            metric.TimeSpan = new TimeSpan(duration.Ticks / iterations);

Exemple #5
    private void InitMetricFilters()
        //added checkboxes to treeview - BW, 4/15/2012.
        Literal list;
        string  listItem = "";

        List <ProfileMetric> metriclist = ProfileMetric.InitMetricList();
        var listOfUls = new List <string>();

        foreach (ProfileMetric pm in metriclist)
            foreach (ProfileMetric.MetricThreshold mt in pm.thresholds)
                /*CheckBox chk = new CheckBox();
                 * chk.ID = "chk" + pm.columnname + ((int)mt.ThresholdType).ToString();
                 * chk.Attributes.Add("threshold", mt.ToString());
                 * chk.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ReDraw('" + ddlMSA.ClientID + "')");
                 * //chk.Style.Add("margin", "5px");
                 * chk.Text = "";*/
                string chkbox = "<span threshold=\"" + mt.ToString() + "\"><input type='checkbox' onclick=\"ReDraw('" + ddlMSA.ClientID + "')\"  id=\"ContentPlaceHolder1_chk" + pm.columnname + ((int)mt.ThresholdType).ToString() + "\" name=\"ContentPlaceHolder1_chk" + pm.columnname + ((int)mt.ThresholdType).ToString() + "\"></span>";

                var lt     = new Literal();
                var thrstr = (mt.ThresholdType == ProfileMetric.MetricThreshold.ThresholdTypes.InControl) ? string.Empty :
                             "(" + mt.Threshold.ToString("0.00") + ")";
                var editlnk = (mt.ThresholdType == ProfileMetric.MetricThreshold.ThresholdTypes.InControl) ? string.Empty :
                              "<a href=\"ManageThresholdUsers.aspx?redirect=GoogleMap.aspx&edit_filter_id=" + pm.thresholdid + "\">Edit</a>";

                lt.Text = "<span style=\"font-size:12px;\">" + pm.displayname + " (" + mt.ThresholdType.ToString() + ") " + thrstr + " " +
                          editlnk + "</span>";

                //Change this line for Master Page

                listItem += "<li><span>" + chkbox + " " + lt.Text + "</span></li>";

                //Following was the original code
                //dvDropDowns.Controls.Add(new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl("br"));

            listOfUls.Add("<li class='expandable'><span style=\"font-size:12px;\">" + pm.columnname + "</span><ul>" + listItem + "</ul></li>");
            listItem = "";

        string liText = "";

        foreach (var listOfUl in listOfUls)
            //liText += "<li class='collapsable'> " + listOfUl + " </li>";
            liText += listOfUl;

        list = new Literal {
            Text = "<ul id='browser' class='treeview'>" + liText + "</ul><br/>"
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new profile.
 /// </summary>
 public Profile(string name, ProfileMetric metric, string[] vehicleTypes, Constraint[] constrainedVariables, Vehicle parent, Func <IAttributeCollection, FactorAndSpeed> custom)
     _name                 = name;
     _metric               = metric;
     _vehicleTypes         = vehicleTypes;
     _constrainedVariables = constrainedVariables;
     _parent               = parent;
     _custom               = custom;
Exemple #7
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.IsValid)
            if (ViewState["edit_filter_id"] != null && (int)ViewState["edit_filter_id"] > 0)
                DataRow dr = ProfileMetric.GetThreshold((int)ViewState["edit_filter_id"]);

                if (dr != null)
                    if (dr != null)
                        if (txtfilter_ytd.Text == string.Empty)
                            dr["threshold_filter_ytd"] = System.DBNull.Value;
                            dr["threshold_filter_ytd"] = decimal.Parse(txtfilter_ytd.Text);

                        if (txtfilter_yoy.Text == string.Empty)
                            dr["threshold_filter_yoy"] = System.DBNull.Value;
                            dr["threshold_filter_yoy"] = decimal.Parse(txtfilter_yoy.Text);

                        dr["threshold_filter_ytd_operator"] = int.Parse(ddlfilter_ytd_operator.SelectedValue);
                        dr["threshold_filter_yoy_operator"] = int.Parse(ddlfilter_yoy_operator.SelectedValue);


                ltMessage.Text = "Threshold update successful";
                ltMessage.Text = "Error occurred while saving changes";

            if (ViewState["redirect"] != null)
    protected void gvThresholds_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
        if (e.Keys.Count > 0)
            int filter_id = (int)e.Keys[0];

            ltMessage.Text = "Threshold delete successful";
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the weight for the given metric.
 /// </summary>
 public static float GetForMetric(this Weight weight, ProfileMetric metric)
     switch (metric)
         case ProfileMetric.TimeInSeconds:
             return weight.Time;
         case ProfileMetric.DistanceInMeters:
             return weight.Distance;
     return weight.Value;
Exemple #10
 public Profile(string name, Func <TagsCollectionBase, Speed> getSpeed, Func <Speed> minSpeed, Func <TagsCollectionBase, bool> canStop, Func <TagsCollectionBase, TagsCollectionBase, bool> equals, List <string> vehicleTypes, Func <TagsCollectionBase, Factor> getFactor)
     this._minSpeed     = minSpeed;
     this._getSpeed     = getSpeed;
     this._canStop      = canStop;
     this._equals       = equals;
     this._vehicleTypes = vehicleTypes;
     this._name         = name;
     this._metric       = ProfileMetric.Custom;
     this._getFactor    = getFactor;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new dynamic profile.
        /// </summary>
        internal DynamicProfile(string name, ProfileMetric metric, string[] vehicleTypes, DynamicVehicle parent, Script script, object factor_and_speed)
            : base(name, metric, vehicleTypes, null, parent)
            _name         = name;
            _metric       = metric;
            _vehicleTypes = vehicleTypes;
            _script       = script;
            _function     = factor_and_speed;

            _attributesTable = new Table(_script);
            _resultsTable    = new Table(_script);
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the weight for the given metric.
        /// </summary>
        public float GetForMetric(ProfileMetric metric)
            switch (metric)
            case ProfileMetric.TimeInSeconds:

            case ProfileMetric.DistanceInMeters:
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.IsValid)
            decimal?threshold_filter_ytd = null;
            decimal?threshold_filter_yoy = null;

            if (txtfilter_ytd.Text != string.Empty)
                threshold_filter_ytd = decimal.Parse(txtfilter_ytd.Text);

            if (txtfilter_yoy.Text != string.Empty)
                threshold_filter_yoy = decimal.Parse(txtfilter_yoy.Text);

            if (ViewState["edit_filter_id"] == null)
                                              , txtfilter_displayname.Text
                                              , threshold_filter_ytd
                                              , threshold_filter_yoy
                                              , chkfilter_percentage.Checked
                                              , ddlfilter_formatstring.SelectedValue
                                              , int.Parse(ddlfilter_ytd_operator.SelectedValue)
                                              , int.Parse(ddlfilter_yoy_operator.SelectedValue));

                ltMessage.Text = "Threshold addition successful";
            else if (ViewState["edit_filter_id"] != null && (int)ViewState["edit_filter_id"] > 0)
                                              , txtfilter_desc.Text
                                              , txtfilter_displayname.Text
                                              , threshold_filter_ytd
                                              , threshold_filter_yoy
                                              , chkfilter_percentage.Checked
                                              , ddlfilter_formatstring.SelectedValue
                                              , int.Parse(ddlfilter_ytd_operator.SelectedValue)
                                              , int.Parse(ddlfilter_yoy_operator.SelectedValue));

                ltMessage.Text = "Threshold update successful";
                ltMessage.Text = "Error Occurred Saving changes";
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new routing profile.
 /// </summary>
 public Profile(string name, Func <IAttributeCollection, Speed> getSpeed, Func <Speed> minSpeed, Func <IAttributeCollection, bool> canStop,
                Func <IAttributeCollection, IAttributeCollection, bool> equals, List <string> vehicleTypes, Func <IAttributeCollection, Factor> getFactor,
                ProfileMetric metric = ProfileMetric.Custom)
     _minSpeed     = minSpeed;
     _getSpeed     = getSpeed;
     _canStop      = canStop;
     _equals       = equals;
     _vehicleTypes = vehicleTypes;
     _name         = name;
     _metric       = metric;
     _getFactor    = getFactor;
Exemple #15
    public static DataRow GetThreshold(int filter_id)
        DataSet ds = ProfileMetric.GetThresholdData(true);

        if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Find(filter_id);


Exemple #16
 public Profile(string name, Func <TagsCollectionBase, Speed> getSpeed, Func <Speed> minSpeed, Func <TagsCollectionBase, bool> canStop, Func <TagsCollectionBase, TagsCollectionBase, bool> equals, List <string> vehicleTypes, ProfileMetric metric)
     if (metric == ProfileMetric.Custom)
         throw new ArgumentException("Cannot set a custom metric without a getFactor function.");
     this._minSpeed     = minSpeed;
     this._getSpeed     = getSpeed;
     this._canStop      = canStop;
     this._equals       = equals;
     this._vehicleTypes = vehicleTypes;
     this._name         = name;
     this._metric       = metric;
     this._getFactor    = (Func <TagsCollectionBase, Factor>)null;
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new routing profile.
        /// </summary>
        public Profile(string name, Func <IAttributeCollection, Speed> getSpeed, Func <Speed> minSpeed, Func <IAttributeCollection, bool> canStop,
                       Func <IAttributeCollection, IAttributeCollection, bool> equals, List <string> vehicleTypes, ProfileMetric metric)
            if (metric == ProfileMetric.Custom)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot set a custom metric without a getFactor function.");

            _minSpeed     = minSpeed;
            _getSpeed     = getSpeed;
            _canStop      = canStop;
            _equals       = equals;
            _vehicleTypes = vehicleTypes;
            _name         = name;
            _metric       = metric;
            _getFactor    = null;
Exemple #18
    public static List <ProfileMetric> InitMetricList()
        List <ProfileMetric> lst = new List <ProfileMetric>();
        DataSet ds = GetThresholdData(true);

        if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                string colname = (dr["threshold_filter_desc"] == System.DBNull.Value) ?
                                 "Filter" + dr["threshold_filter_id"].ToString() : dr["threshold_filter_desc"].ToString();
                string dispname = (dr["threshold_filter_displayname"] == System.DBNull.Value) ?
                                  "Filter " + dr["threshold_filter_id"].ToString() : dr["threshold_filter_displayname"].ToString();
                bool perc = (bool)dr["threshold_filter_percentage"];

                ProfileMetric pm = new ProfileMetric((int)dr["threshold_filter_id"], colname, dispname, perc);

                pm.displayformatstring = dr["threshold_filter_formatstring"].ToString().Trim();

                if (dr["threshold_filter_ytd"] != System.DBNull.Value)
                    pm.thresholds.Add(new MetricThreshold(decimal.Parse(dr["threshold_filter_ytd"].ToString())
                                                          , MetricThreshold.ThresholdTypes.YTD
                                                          , (int.Parse(dr["threshold_filter_ytd_operator"].ToString()) == 1) ?
                                                          MetricThreshold.ThresholdOperatorTypes.GTE : MetricThreshold.ThresholdOperatorTypes.LTE));

                if (dr["threshold_filter_yoy"] != System.DBNull.Value)
                    pm.thresholds.Add(new MetricThreshold(decimal.Parse(dr["threshold_filter_yoy"].ToString())
                                                          , MetricThreshold.ThresholdTypes.YoY
                                                          , (int.Parse(dr["threshold_filter_yoy_operator"].ToString()) == 1) ?
                                                          MetricThreshold.ThresholdOperatorTypes.GTE : MetricThreshold.ThresholdOperatorTypes.LTE));
                // InControl is last in the loop for ProfileMetric pm list
                pm.thresholds.Add(new MetricThreshold(0.0m
                                                      , MetricThreshold.ThresholdTypes.InControl
                                                      , MetricThreshold.ThresholdOperatorTypes.LTE));

    protected void gvThresholds_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
        int filter_id = (int)gvThresholds.DataKeys[e.NewEditIndex].Value;

        DataRow dr = ProfileMetric.GetThreshold(filter_id);

        if (dr != null)
            txtfilter_desc.Text        = dr["threshold_filter_desc"].ToString();
            txtfilter_displayname.Text = dr["threshold_filter_displayname"].ToString();
            txtfilter_ytd.Text         = dr["threshold_filter_ytd"].ToString();
            txtfilter_yoy.Text         = dr["threshold_filter_yoy"].ToString();
            if (ddlfilter_formatstring.Items.FindByValue(dr["threshold_filter_formatstring"].ToString()) != null)
                ddlfilter_formatstring.SelectedValue = dr["threshold_filter_formatstring"].ToString();

            chkfilter_percentage.Checked = (dr["threshold_filter_percentage"] != System.DBNull.Value &&
                                            (bool)dr["threshold_filter_percentage"] == true);

            if (dr["threshold_filter_ytd_operator"] != System.DBNull.Value &&
                ddlfilter_ytd_operator.Items.FindByValue(dr["threshold_filter_ytd_operator"].ToString()) != null)
                ddlfilter_ytd_operator.SelectedValue = dr["threshold_filter_ytd_operator"].ToString();

            if (dr["threshold_filter_yoy_operator"] != System.DBNull.Value &&
                ddlfilter_yoy_operator.Items.FindByValue(dr["threshold_filter_yoy_operator"].ToString()) != null)
                ddlfilter_yoy_operator.SelectedValue = dr["threshold_filter_yoy_operator"].ToString();

        ViewState["edit_filter_id"] = filter_id;
        e.Cancel = true;

        btnSave.Text = "Save Threshold";
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the given customer at the best location if possible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tour">The tour to insert into.</param>
        /// <param name="weights">The directed weights.</param>
        /// <param name="turnPenalties">The turn pentalties.</param>
        /// <param name="customer">The customer to insert.</param>
        /// <param name="metric">The metric to use, time, distance or custom.</param>
        /// <param name="max">The maximum allowed cost of the insertion.</param>
        public static Weight InsertCheapestDirected(this Tour tour, Weight[][] weights, Weight[] turnPenalties, ProfileMetric metric, int customer, Weight max)
            if (tour.Count == 1)
            { // there is only one customer, the first one in the route.
                if (tour.First == tour.Last)
                { // there is one customer but it's both the start and the end.
                    var firstId = DirectedHelper.ExtractId(tour.First);

                    var bestCost = new Weight()
                        Distance = float.MaxValue,
                        Time = float.MaxValue,
                        Value = float.MaxValue
                    var bestDirected1Id = int.MaxValue;
                    var bestDirected2Id = int.MaxValue;
                    for (var turn1 = 0; turn1 < 4; turn1++)
                        var firstDirectedId = DirectedHelper.BuildDirectedId(firstId, turn1);
                        var firstArrivalId = DirectedHelper.ExtractArrivalId(firstDirectedId);
                        var firstDepartureId = DirectedHelper.ExtractDepartureId(firstDirectedId);
                        for (var turn2 = 0; turn2 < 4; turn2++)
                            var customerDirectedId = DirectedHelper.BuildDirectedId(customer, turn2);
                            var customerArrivalId = DirectedHelper.ExtractArrivalId(customerDirectedId);
                            var customerDepartureId = DirectedHelper.ExtractDepartureId(customerDirectedId);

                            var weight = turnPenalties[turn1];
                            weight += turnPenalties[turn2];
                            weight += weights[firstDepartureId][customerArrivalId];
                            weight += weights[customerDepartureId][firstArrivalId];

                            if (bestCost.GetForMetric(metric) > weight.GetForMetric(metric))
                                bestDirected1Id = firstDirectedId;
                                bestDirected2Id = customerDirectedId;
                                bestCost = weight;

                    if (bestCost.GetForMetric(metric) <= max.GetForMetric(metric))
                        tour.Replace(tour.First, bestDirected1Id);
                        tour.InsertAfter(tour.First, bestDirected2Id);

                        return bestCost;
                { // there is one customer, the last one is not set.
                    var firstId = DirectedHelper.ExtractId(tour.First);

                    int departureOffset1, arrivalOffset2;
                    var cost = DirectedHelper.CheapestInsert(weights, turnPenalties,
                        firstId, customer, metric, out departureOffset1, out arrivalOffset2);
                    if (cost.GetForMetric(metric) <= max.GetForMetric(metric))
                        var newFirst = DirectedHelper.UpdateDepartureOffset(
                            DirectedHelper.BuildDirectedId(firstId, 0), departureOffset1);
                        var customerDirectedId = DirectedHelper.UpdateArrivalOffset(
                            DirectedHelper.BuildDirectedId(customer, 0), arrivalOffset2);

                        tour.Replace(tour.First, newFirst);
                        tour.InsertAfter(tour.First, customerDirectedId);

                        return cost;
            { // at least 2 customers already exist, insert a new one in between.
                var cost = Weight.MaxValue;
                var departureOffsetFrom = Constants.NOT_SET;
                var arrivalOffsetTo = Constants.NOT_SET;
                var turn = Constants.NOT_SET;
                var location = new Pair(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);

                foreach (var pair in tour.Pairs())
                    int departureOffset1, arrivalOffset3, turn2;
                    var fromIsFirst = tour.IsFirst(pair.From);
                    var toIsLast = tour.IsLast(pair.To);
                    var localCost = CheapestInsertionDirectedHelper.CalculateCheapestInsert(weights, turnPenalties, metric, pair.From, customer, pair.To,
                        !fromIsFirst, !toIsLast, out departureOffset1, out arrivalOffset3, out turn2);
                    if (localCost.GetForMetric(metric) < cost.GetForMetric(metric))
                        cost = localCost;
                        location = pair;
                        departureOffsetFrom = departureOffset1;
                        arrivalOffsetTo = arrivalOffset3;
                        turn = turn2;

                if (cost.GetForMetric(metric) <= max.GetForMetric(metric))
                    var directedId = DirectedHelper.BuildDirectedId(customer, turn);
                    tour.InsertAfter(location.From, directedId);

                    // update departure offset at from.
                    var newFromId = DirectedHelper.UpdateDepartureOffset(location.From, departureOffsetFrom);
                    if (location.From != newFromId)
                        tour.Replace(location.From, newFromId);
                    var newToId = DirectedHelper.UpdateArrivalOffset(location.To, arrivalOffsetTo);
                    if (location.To != newToId)
                        tour.Replace(location.To, newToId);

                    return cost;
            return Weight.Zero; // insert failed, probably costs are too high (above given max parameter).
Exemple #21
    private void GenerateMap()
        DataSet ds = GetTopProviders();

        if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
            List <LatLong> lst = new List <LatLong>();

            foreach (DataRowView dr in ds.Tables[0].DefaultView)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append((dr["Address1"] != null) ? Server.UrlEncode(dr["Address1"].ToString().ToUpper()) : string.Empty);
                //sb.Append((dr["Address2"] != null) ? Server.UrlEncode(dr["Address2"].ToString().ToUpper()) : string.Empty);
                sb.Append((dr["City"] != null && dr["City"].ToString() != string.Empty) ? ",+" + Server.UrlEncode(dr["City"].ToString().ToUpper()) : string.Empty);
                sb.Append((dr["State"] != null && dr["State"].ToString() != string.Empty) ? ",+" + Server.UrlEncode(dr["State"].ToString().ToUpper()) : string.Empty);

                string name         = (dr["Provider"] != null) ? dr["Provider"].ToString().ToUpper() : string.Empty;
                string phone        = (dr["Phone"] != null) ? dr["Phone"].ToString() : string.Empty;
                string tin          = (dr["TIN9"] != null) ? dr["TIN9"].ToString() : string.Empty;
                string suffix       = (dr["SUFFIX"] != null) ? dr["SUFFIX"].ToString() : string.Empty;
                string icon         = _iconGreen;
                string msa          = (dr["MSA"] != null) ? dr["MSA"].ToString() : string.Empty;
                string currentyear  = (dr["Current_Year"] != null) ? dr["Current_Year"].ToString() : string.Empty;
                string previousyear = (dr["Previous_Year"] != null) ? dr["Previous_Year"].ToString() : string.Empty;
                string lat          = (dr["lat"] != null) ? dr["lat"].ToString() : string.Empty;
                string lng          = (dr["long"] != null) ? dr["long"].ToString() : string.Empty;

                bool contracted = false;
                if (dr["Contracted"] != System.DBNull.Value)
                    bool.TryParse(dr["Contracted"].ToString(), out contracted);

                //Currently Thresholds are hardcoded into ProfileMetric.cs class under App_Code
                //If they are coming from class, it could be set here
                //If anything not in control, icon is red

                List <ProfileMetric> metriclist = ProfileMetric.InitMetricList();
                ProfileMetric.UpdateMetricWithData(metriclist, ds.Tables[0], dr.Row);

                //Not needed as per the new business logic

                /*foreach (ProfileMetric pm in metriclist)
                 * {
                 *  //If any of the Metrics is not in control, icon is red
                 *  if (pm.incontrol.HasValue && pm.incontrol.Value == false)
                 *  {
                 *      icon = _iconRed;
                 *  }
                 * }*/

                LatLong latlng = new LatLong(tin, suffix, lat, lng, name, Server.UrlDecode(sb.ToString()), phone, msa, icon, contracted, currentyear, previousyear);

                if (latlng.Lat != string.Empty && latlng.Lng != string.Empty)
                    latlng.MetricList = metriclist;

            System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer oSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
            string sJSON = oSerializer.Serialize(lst);

            if (lst.Count > 0)
                ltinitmap.Text  = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">var latlngarr = " + sJSON + ";</script>" + Environment.NewLine;
                ltinitmap.Text += string.Format("<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">var map = initialize(latlngarr);</script>");
                //daily query limit can trigger this else condition
                ltinitmap.Text = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">alert('No Providers Found');</script>";
 private void BindGrid()
     gvThresholds.DataSource = ProfileMetric.GetThresholdData(false); //sets values to current user session or database
Exemple #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new profile.
 /// </summary>
 public Profile(string name, ProfileMetric metric, string[] vehicleTypes, Constraint[] constrainedVariables, Vehicle parent)
     : this(name, metric, vehicleTypes, constrainedVariables, parent, null)
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the minimum weight from customer1 -> customer2 while inserting customer2. Outputs the best departure and arrival offsets.
        /// </summary>
        public static Weight CheapestInsert(this Weight[][] weights, Weight[] penalties, int id1, int id2, ProfileMetric metric,
                                            out int departureOffset1, out int arrivalOffset2)
            var best  = Itinero.Algorithms.Weights.Weight.MaxValue;
            var base1 = id1 * 2;
            var base2 = id2 * 2;

            departureOffset1 = -1;
            arrivalOffset2   = -1;

            for (var do1 = 0; do1 < 2; do1++)
                var departureId1 = base1 + do1;
                for (var ao2 = 0; ao2 < 2; ao2++)
                    var arrivalId2 = base2 + ao2;

                    var weight = weights[departureId1][arrivalId2];

                    if (weight.GetForMetric(metric) < best.GetForMetric(metric))
                        departureOffset1 = do1;
                        arrivalOffset2   = ao2;

                        best = weight;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the minimum weight from customer1 -> customer3 while inserting customer2 and the best direction and turns to use.
        /// </summary>
        public static Weight CalculateCheapestInsert(this Weight[][] weights, Weight[] penalties, ProfileMetric metric, 
            int directedId1, int id2, int directedId3, bool includeTurn1, bool includeTurn3, out int departureOffset1, out int arrivalOffset3,
            out int turn2)
            // extract existing data.
            int id1, turn1, arrivalId1, departureId1, arrivalOffset1, temp;
            DirectedHelper.ExtractAll(directedId1, out arrivalId1, out departureId1, out id1, out turn1);
            DirectedHelper.ExtractOffset(turn1, out arrivalOffset1, out temp);
            int id3, turn3, arrivalId3, departureId3, departureOffset3;
            DirectedHelper.ExtractAll(directedId3, out arrivalId3, out departureId3, out id3, out turn3);
            DirectedHelper.ExtractOffset(turn3, out temp, out departureOffset3);

            // calculate current weight.
            var weightBefore = weights[departureId1][arrivalId3];
            if (includeTurn1)
                weightBefore += penalties[turn1];
            if (includeTurn3)
                weightBefore += penalties[turn3];

            // evaluate all possibilities.
            var best = Weight.MaxValue;
            var base1 = id1 * 2;
            var base2 = id2 * 2;
            var base3 = id3 * 2;
            departureOffset1 = Constants.NOT_SET;
            arrivalOffset3 = Constants.NOT_SET;
            turn2 = Constants.NOT_SET;
            for (var do1 = 0; do1 < 2; do1++)
                var d1 = base1 + do1;
                var turn1Weight = Weight.Zero;
                if (includeTurn1)
                    turn1 = DirectedHelper.BuildTurn(arrivalOffset1, do1);
                    turn1Weight = penalties[turn1];
                for (var ao3 = 0; ao3 < 2; ao3++)
                    var a3 = base3 + ao3;
                    var turn3Weight = Weight.Zero;
                    if (includeTurn3)
                        turn3 = DirectedHelper.BuildTurn(departureOffset3, ao3);
                        turn3Weight = penalties[turn3];
                    for (var t = 0; t < 4; t++)
                        int ao2, do2;
                        DirectedHelper.ExtractOffset(t, out ao2, out do2);

                        var weight = weights[d1][base2 + ao2] +
                            weights[base2 + do2][a3] +
                            penalties[t] + turn1Weight +

                        if (weight.GetForMetric(metric) < best.GetForMetric(metric))
                            best = weight;
                            departureOffset1 = do1;
                            arrivalOffset3 = ao3;
                            turn2 = t;
            return best - weightBefore;