public override ProfileInfoCollection FindInactiveProfilesByUserName( ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, DateTime userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { CheckParameters(pageIndex, pageSize); SqlDatabase sqlDatabase = new SqlDatabase(_connectionString); DbCommand dbCommand = sqlDatabase.GetStoredProcCommand("adm.NlayerSP_ObtenerPerfilesInactivosPorUsuario"); sqlDatabase.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Login", DbType.String, usernameToMatch); sqlDatabase.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "UltimaActividad", DbType.Date, userInactiveSinceDate); sqlDatabase.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Inicio", DbType.Int32, pageIndex); sqlDatabase.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Cantidad", DbType.Int32, pageSize); ProfileInfoCollection profileInfoCollection = new ProfileInfoCollection(); using (IDataReader dataReader = sqlDatabase.ExecuteReader(dbCommand)) { totalRecords = dataReader.GetInt32(0); dataReader.NextResult(); while (dataReader.Read()) { ProfileInfo profileInfo = GetProfileInfoFromReader(dataReader); profileInfoCollection.Add(profileInfo); } } return(profileInfoCollection); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a user's profile /// Currently assumes a single user will match the token. /// </summary> /// <param name="authenticationOption"></param> /// <param name="usernameToMatch"></param> /// <param name="pageIndex"></param> /// <param name="pageSize"></param> /// <param name="totalRecords"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override ProfileInfoCollection FindProfilesByUserName(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { // TODO: Take paging into account // TODO: Take auth option into account totalRecords = 0; ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); GetAttributesRequest request = new GetAttributesRequest().WithDomainName(domain).WithItemName(usernameToMatch); GetAttributesResponse response = client.GetAttributes(request); if (response.GetAttributesResult.Attribute.Count > 0) { ProfileInfo profile = null; List <Attribute> attributes = response.GetAttributesResult.Attribute; MCItem item = new MCItem(); item.Domain = domain; item.ItemName = usernameToMatch; item.Attributes = new Hashtable(); foreach (Attribute attribute in attributes) { item.Attributes.Add(attribute.Name, attribute.Value); } bool Anon = bool.Parse(item.Get("Anon").Replace("", "false")); DateTime LastActivity = DateTime.Parse(item.Get("LastActivity")); DateTime LastUpdated = DateTime.Parse(item.Get("LastUpdated")); profile = new ProfileInfo(item.Id, Anon, LastActivity, LastUpdated, 0); profiles.Add(profile); } totalRecords = profiles.Count; return(profiles); }
public override ProfileInfoCollection FindProfilesByUserName(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { if (usernameToMatch == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("usernameToMatch"); } var pic = new ProfileInfoCollection(); var user = GetUserFromUserName(usernameToMatch); totalRecords = 0; if (user != null) { var username = GetUsername(user); pic.Add(new ProfileInfo(username, user.Properties.IsAnonymous, user.Properties.LastActivityDate, user.Properties.LastUpdatedDate, 0)); totalRecords = 1; } return(pic); }
public override ProfileInfoCollection GetAllProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { CheckParameters(pageIndex, pageSize); SqlDatabase sqlDatabase = new SqlDatabase(_connectionString); DbCommand dbCommand = sqlDatabase.GetStoredProcCommand("adm.NlayerSP_ObtenerPerfiles"); sqlDatabase.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Aplicacion", DbType.String, _applicationName); sqlDatabase.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Inicio", DbType.Int32, pageIndex); sqlDatabase.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Cantidad", DbType.Int32, pageSize); ProfileInfoCollection profileInfoCollection = new ProfileInfoCollection(); using (IDataReader dataReader = sqlDatabase.ExecuteReader(dbCommand)) { totalRecords = dataReader.GetInt32(0); dataReader.NextResult(); while (dataReader.Read()) { ProfileInfo profileInfo = GetProfileInfoFromReader(dataReader); profileInfoCollection.Add(profileInfo); } } return(profileInfoCollection); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves profile information for profiles in which the last activity date occurred on or before the specified date and the user name matches the specified contact name. /// </summary> /// <param name="authenticationOption">One of the <see cref="T:System.Web.Profile.ProfileAuthenticationOption"/> values, specifying whether anonymous, authenticated, or both types of profiles are returned.</param> /// <param name="usernameToMatch">The contact name to search for.</param> /// <param name="userInactiveSinceDate">A <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> that identifies which contact profiles are considered inactive. If the <see cref="P:System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfo.LastActivityDate"/> value of a contact profile occurs on or before this date and time, the profile is considered inactive.</param> /// <param name="pageIndex">The index of the page of results to return.</param> /// <param name="pageSize">The size of the page of results to return.</param> /// <param name="totalRecords">When this method returns, contains the total number of profiles.</param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="T:System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection"/> containing contact profile information for inactive profiles where the contact name matches the supplied <paramref name="usernameToMatch"/> parameter. /// </returns> public override ProfileInfoCollection FindInactiveProfilesByUserName(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, DateTime userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { if (!this.initialized) { totalRecords = 0; return(new ProfileInfoCollection()); } var result = new ProfileInfoCollection(); int pageNumber = pageIndex; do { int matchingProfilesCount; ProfileInfoCollection matchingProfiles = this.FindProfilesByUserName(authenticationOption, usernameToMatch, pageNumber, pageSize, out matchingProfilesCount); foreach (var profile in matchingProfiles.OfType <ProfileInfo>().Where(p => GetLastActiveDate(p.UserName) < userInactiveSinceDate)) { result.Add(profile); } if (((pageNumber + 1) * pageSize) >= matchingProfilesCount) { break; } pageNumber++; }while (result.Count < pageSize); totalRecords = result.Count; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves profile information for profiles in which the contact name matches the specified contact names. /// </summary> /// <param name="authenticationOption">One of the <see cref="T:System.Web.Profile.ProfileAuthenticationOption"/> values, specifying whether anonymous, authenticated, or both types of profiles are returned.</param> /// <param name="usernameToMatch">The contact name to search for.</param> /// <param name="pageIndex">The index of the page of results to return.</param> /// <param name="pageSize">The size of the page of results to return.</param> /// <param name="totalRecords">When this method returns, contains the total number of profiles.</param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="T:System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection"/> containing contact-profile information for profiles where the contact name matches the supplied <paramref name="usernameToMatch"/> parameter. /// </returns> public override ProfileInfoCollection FindProfilesByUserName(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { if (!this.initialized) { totalRecords = 0; return(new ProfileInfoCollection()); } var result = new ProfileInfoCollection(); int pageNumber = pageIndex; do { int matchingUsersNumber; var users = this.userRepository.FindUsersByName(usernameToMatch, pageNumber, pageSize, out matchingUsersNumber); foreach (var user in users.Where(user => this.HasProfile(user.Name))) { //Note: profile size should be counted. result.Add(new ProfileInfo(user.Name, false, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, 0)); } if (((pageNumber + 1) * pageSize) >= matchingUsersNumber) { break; } pageNumber++; }while (result.Count < pageSize); totalRecords = result.Count; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Get a collection of profiles based upon a user name matching string and inactivity date. /// </summary> /// <param name="authenticationOption">Current authentication option setting.</param> /// <param name="userNameToMatch">Characters representing user name to match (L to R).</param> /// <param name="userInactiveSinceDate">Inactivity date for deletion.</param> /// <param name="pageIndex"></param> /// <param name="pageSize"></param> /// <param name="totalRecords">Total records found (output).</param> /// <returns>Collection of profiles.</returns> public override System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection FindInactiveProfilesByUserName(System.Web.Profile.ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string userNameToMatch, DateTime userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { IObjectScope objScope = ORM.GetNewObjectScope(); const string queryInactiveProfilesByUserName = @"SELECT * FROM EmployeeProfileExtent AS o WHERE o.Employee.Name LIKE $1 AND o.Employee.LastActivityDate <= $2"; ProfileInfoCollection pic = new ProfileInfoCollection(); IQuery query = objScope.GetOqlQuery(queryInactiveProfilesByUserName); using (IQueryResult result = query.Execute(userNameToMatch + '*', userInactiveSinceDate)) { totalRecords = result.Count; int counter = 0; int startIndex = pageSize * pageIndex; int endIndex = startIndex + pageSize - 1; foreach (object res in result) { if (counter >= startIndex) { EmployeeProfile ep = res as EmployeeProfile; pic.Add(new ProfileInfo(ep.Employee.Name, false, ep.Employee.LastActivityDate, ep.LastUpdatedDate, 0)); } if (counter >= endIndex) { break; } counter += 1; } } return(pic); }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in a derived class, retrieves profile information for profiles in which the user name matches the specified user names. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="T:System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection"/> containing user-profile information for profiles where the user name matches the supplied <paramref name="usernameToMatch"/> parameter. /// </returns> /// <param name="authenticationOption">One of the <see cref="T:System.Web.Profile.ProfileAuthenticationOption"/> values, specifying whether anonymous, authenticated, or both types of profiles are returned. /// </param><param name="usernameToMatch">The user name to search for. /// </param><param name="pageIndex">The index of the page of results to return. /// </param><param name="pageSize">The size of the page of results to return. /// </param><param name="totalRecords">When this method returns, contains the total number of profiles. /// </param> public override ProfileInfoCollection FindProfilesByUserName(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { if (pageIndex < 1 || pageSize < 1) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("{0} page index.", _ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER)); } ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); int counter = 0; int startIndex = pageSize * (pageIndex - 1); int endIndex = startIndex + pageSize - 1; var foundProfile = new ProfileService().GetByUsernameApplicationName(usernameToMatch, this.ApplicationName); //totalRecords = profileList.Count; totalRecords = 0; if (foundProfile != null) { totalRecords = 1; profiles.Add(new ProfileInfo(foundProfile.Username, foundProfile.IsAnonymous.Value, foundProfile.LastActivityDate.Value, foundProfile.LastUpdatedDate.Value, 0)); } return(profiles); }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in a derived class, retrieves user profile data for all profiles in the data source. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="T:System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection"/> containing user-profile information for all profiles in the data source. /// </returns> /// <param name="authenticationOption">One of the <see cref="T:System.Web.Profile.ProfileAuthenticationOption"/> values, specifying whether anonymous, authenticated, or both types of profiles are returned. /// </param><param name="pageIndex">The index of the page of results to return. /// </param><param name="pageSize">The size of the page of results to return. /// </param><param name="totalRecords">When this method returns, contains the total number of profiles. /// </param> public override ProfileInfoCollection GetAllProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { if (pageIndex < 1 || pageSize < 1) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("{0} page index.", _ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER)); } ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); int counter = 0; int startIndex = pageSize * (pageIndex - 1); int endIndex = startIndex + pageSize - 1; TList <Profile> profileList = new ProfileService().GetAll(); totalRecords = profileList.Count; foreach (Profile profile in profileList) { if (counter >= startIndex) { profiles.Add(new ProfileInfo(profile.Username, profile.IsAnonymous.Value, profile.LastActivityDate.Value, profile.LastUpdatedDate.Value, 0)); } if (counter >= endIndex) { break; } counter++; } return(profiles); }
public override ProfileInfoCollection FindProfilesByUserName(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { var results = new ProfileInfoCollection(); totalRecords = 0; try { using (var con = SQLiteUtils.GetConnection(_connectionString)) { con.Open(); using (var cmd = con.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT u.UserName, u.IsAnonymous, u.LastActivityDate, p.LastUpdatedDate, DATALENGTH(p.PropertyNames) + DATALENGTH(p.PropertyValuesString) + DATALENGTH(p.PropertyValuesBinary) " + "FROM [aspnet_Users] u, [aspnet_Profile] p " + "WHERE u.UserId = p.UserId AND ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND (@ProfileAuthOptions = 2 OR (@ProfileAuthOptions = 0 AND IsAnonymous = 1) OR (@ProfileAuthOptions = 1 AND IsAnonymous = 0)) AND (@UserNameToMatch IS NULL OR LoweredUserName LIKE LOWER(@UserNameToMatch)) " + "ORDER BY u.UserName Asc " + "LIMIT @PageSize OFFSET @PageStart"; cmd.Parameters.AddRange(new[] { cmd.CreateParameter("@ApplicationId", _applicationId), cmd.CreateParameter("@ProfileAuthOptions", (int)authenticationOption), cmd.CreateParameter("@UserNameToMatch", usernameToMatch), cmd.CreateParameter("@PageSize", pageSize), cmd.CreateParameter("@PageStart", pageIndex * pageSize) }); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess)) { while (reader.Read()) { var username = reader.GetString(0); var isAnonymous = reader.GetBoolean(1); var lastActivityDate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(reader.GetDateTime(2), DateTimeKind.Utc); var lastUpdatedDate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(reader.GetDateTime(3), DateTimeKind.Utc); var size = reader.GetInt32(4); results.Add(new ProfileInfo(username, isAnonymous, lastActivityDate, lastUpdatedDate, size)); } } } } totalRecords = results.Count; } catch (SQLiteException ex) { if (!WriteExceptionsToEventLog) { throw; } EventLogger.WriteToEventLog(ex, "FindProfilesByUserName"); } return(results); }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in a derived class, retrieves user-profile data from the data source for profiles in which the last /// activity date occurred on or before the specified date. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="T:System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection"></see> containing user-profile information about the /// inactive profiles. /// </returns> /// <param name="authenticationOption"> /// One of the <see cref="T:System.Web.Profile.ProfileAuthenticationOption"></see> values, specifying whether /// anonymous, authenticated, or both types of profiles are returned. /// </param> /// <param name="userInactiveSinceDate"> /// A <see cref="T:System.DateTime"></see> that identifies which user profiles are considered inactive. If the /// <see /// cref="P:System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfo.LastActivityDate"> /// </see> /// of a user profile occurs on or before this date and time, the profile is considered inactive. /// </param> /// <param name="totalRecords">When this method returns, contains the total number of profiles.</param> /// <param name="pageIndex">The index of the page of results to return.</param> /// <param name="pageSize">The size of the page of results to return.</param> public override ProfileInfoCollection GetAllInactiveProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, DateTime userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { SessionWrapper sessionWrapper = SessionManager.GetSessionWrapper(); try { var infos = new ProfileInfoCollection(); IQueryable <ProfileValue> profiles = from profile in MemberShipFactory.Profiles.Take(pageSize).Skip(pageIndex * pageSize) where profile.LastActivityDate < userInactiveSinceDate select profile; totalRecords = (from profile in MemberShipFactory.Profiles.Take(pageSize).Skip(pageIndex * pageSize) where profile.LastActivityDate < userInactiveSinceDate select profile).Count(); foreach (ProfileValue prof in profiles) { User u = MemberShipFactory.CreateUserDao().GetByLoginId(prof.LoginId); infos.Add(ToProfileInfo(prof)); } return(infos); } finally { sessionWrapper.Close(); } }
private ProfileInfoCollection GetProfiles( ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, DateTime userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { List <string> whereClauses = new List <string>(); using (MySqlConnection c = new MySqlConnection(connectionString)) { c.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand( @"SELECT p.*,, u.isAnonymous, u.lastActivityDate, LENGTH(p.stringdata) + LENGTH(p.binarydata) AS profilesize FROM my_aspnet_profiles p JOIN my_aspnet_users u ON = p.userId WHERE u.applicationId = @appId", c); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@appId", app.FetchId(c)); if (usernameToMatch != null) { cmd.CommandText += " AND LIKE @userName"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userName", usernameToMatch); } if (userInactiveSinceDate != DateTime.MinValue) { cmd.CommandText += " AND u.lastActivityDate < @lastActivityDate"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastActivityDate", userInactiveSinceDate); } if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous) { cmd.CommandText += " AND u.isAnonymous = 1"; } else if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated) { cmd.CommandText += " AND u.isAnonymous = 0"; } cmd.CommandText += String.Format(" LIMIT {0},{1}", pageIndex * pageSize, pageSize); ProfileInfoCollection pic = new ProfileInfoCollection(); using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { ProfileInfo pi = new ProfileInfo( reader.GetString("name"), reader.GetBoolean("isAnonymous"), reader.GetDateTime("lastActivityDate"), reader.GetDateTime("lastUpdatedDate"), reader.GetInt32("profilesize")); pic.Add(pi); } } cmd.CommandText = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()"; totalRecords = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); return(pic); } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves profile information for profiles in which the user name matches the specified user names. /// </summary> /// <param name="authenticationOption">One of the <see cref="T:System.Web.Profile.ProfileAuthenticationOption"/> values, specifying whether anonymous, authenticated, or both types of profiles are returned.</param> /// <param name="usernameToMatch">The user name to search for.</param> /// <param name="pageIndex">The index of the page of results to return.</param> /// <param name="pageSize">The size of the page of results to return.</param> /// <param name="totalRecords">When this method returns, contains the total number of profiles.</param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="T:System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection"/> containing user-profile information for profiles where the user name matches the supplied <paramref name="usernameToMatch"/> parameter. /// </returns> public override ProfileInfoCollection FindProfilesByUserName(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { // Validate arguments if (pageIndex < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pageIndex"); } if (pageSize < 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pageSize"); } if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous) { // Anonymous profiles not supported totalRecords = 0; return(new ProfileInfoCollection()); } using (DataTable dt = new DataTable()) { // Prepare sql command using (SqlConnection db = this.OpenDatabase()) using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("", db)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usernameToMatch)) { cmd.CommandText = this.ExpandCommand("SELECT $UserName AS UserName, $LastUpdate AS LastUpdate FROM $Profiles WHERE $UserName=@UserName ORDER BY $UserName"); } else { cmd.CommandText = this.ExpandCommand("SELECT $UserName AS UserName, $LastUpdate AS LastUpdate FROM $Profiles WHERE $UserName=@UserName ORDER BY $UserName"); cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = usernameToMatch; } using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd)) da.Fill(dt); } // Prepare paging ProfileInfoCollection pic = new ProfileInfoCollection(); totalRecords = dt.Rows.Count; int minIndex = pageIndex * pageSize; if (minIndex > totalRecords - 1) { return(pic); } int maxIndex = minIndex + pageSize - 1; if (maxIndex > totalRecords - 1) { maxIndex = totalRecords - 1; } // Populate collection from data table for (int i = minIndex; i <= maxIndex; i++) { pic.Add(new ProfileInfo(System.Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["UserName"]), false, DateTime.Now, System.Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["LastUpdate"]), 0)); } return(pic); } }
// GetProfileInfo // Retrieves a count of profiles and creates a // ProfileInfoCollection from the profile data in the // database. Called by GetAllProfiles, GetAllInactiveProfiles, // FindProfilesByUserName, FindInactiveProfilesByUserName, // and GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles. // Specifying a pageIndex of 0 retrieves a count of the results only. private ProfileInfoCollection GetProfileInfo( ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, DateTime?userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { totalRecords = 0; ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); // Count profiles only. if (pageSize == 0) { return(profiles); } int counter = 0; int startIndex = pageSize * (pageIndex - 1); int endIndex = startIndex + pageSize - 1; bool?isAnonymous = null; if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous) { isAnonymous = true; } else if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated) { isAnonymous = false; } foreach (CustomProfile profile in Accessor.GetProfile( isAnonymous, usernameToMatch, userInactiveSinceDate, _applicationName, out totalRecords)) { if (counter >= startIndex) { ProfileInfo p = new ProfileInfo( profile.UserName, profile.IsAnonymous ?? true, profile.LastActivityDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, profile.LastUpdatedDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, 0); profiles.Add(p); } if (counter >= endIndex) { break; } counter++; } return(profiles); }
public override ProfileInfoCollection GetAllProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { ProfileInfoCollection pc = new ProfileInfoCollection(); totalRecords = 0; switch (authenticationOption) { case ProfileAuthenticationOption.All: { PageQueryParams pageQueryParams = new PageQueryParams(); pageQueryParams.PageIndex = pageIndex; pageQueryParams.PageSize = pageSize; List <SystemUserWrapper> users = SystemUserWrapper.FindAllByPage(pageQueryParams); totalRecords = pageQueryParams.RecordCount; foreach (SystemUserWrapper user in users) { pc.Add(new ProfileInfo(user.UserLoginID, false, user.LastActivityDate, user.LastLoginDate, 0)); } return(pc); }; case ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous: { return(pc); }; case ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated: { List <SystemUserWrapper> users = SystemUserWrapper.FindAuthenticatedUserAll(((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize), pageSize, out totalRecords); foreach (SystemUserWrapper user in users) { pc.Add(new ProfileInfo(user.UserLoginID, false, user.LastActivityDate, user.LastLoginDate, 0)); } return(pc); }; default: return(pc); } }
/// <summary> /// *note method not supported on our custom profile provider, return empty profile /// </summary> private ProfileInfoCollection GetProfileInfo(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, object userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); ProfileInfo profileInfo = new ProfileInfo("", false, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, 0); profiles.Add(profileInfo); totalRecords = 0; return(profiles); }
public virtual ProfileInfoCollection ProfileInfoCollectionFromCollection(global::SoftFluent.Samples.GED.Security.UserCollection users) { ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); foreach (global::SoftFluent.Samples.GED.Security.User user in users) { profiles.Add(ProfileInfoFromUser(user)); } return(profiles); }
public static ProfileInfoCollection ConvertToList(DataTable table) { ProfileInfoCollection list = new ProfileInfoCollection(); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { list.Add(ConvertToObject(row)); } return(list); }
private static ProfileInfoCollection ToProfileInfoCollection(IEnumerable <User> users) { var profileCollection = new ProfileInfoCollection(); foreach (var user in users) { profileCollection.Add(ToProfileInfo(user)); } return(profileCollection); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private Methods // //----------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Profiles for Query // //----------------------------------------------------// private ProfileInfoCollection GetProfilesForQuery(string sqlQuery, SQLiteParameter[] args, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { if (pageIndex < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Page index must be non-negative", "pageIndex"); } if (pageSize < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Page size must be positive", "pageSize"); } long lBound = (long)pageIndex * pageSize; long uBound = lBound + pageSize - 1; if (uBound > System.Int32.MaxValue) { throw new ArgumentException("pageIndex*pageSize too large"); } SQLiteConnection holder = new SQLiteConnection(_connectionString); ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); SQLiteDataReader reader = null; holder.Open(); SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sqlQuery, holder); int len = args.Length; for (int iter = 0; iter < len; iter++) { reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess); } totalRecords = 0; while (reader.Read()) { totalRecords++; if (totalRecords - 1 < lBound || totalRecords - 1 > uBound) { continue; } string username; DateTime dtLastActivity, dtLastUpdated; bool isAnon; username = reader.GetString(0); isAnon = reader.GetBoolean(1); dtLastActivity = reader.GetDateTime(2); dtLastUpdated = reader.GetDateTime(3); int size = reader.GetInt32(4); profiles.Add(new ProfileInfo(username, isAnon, dtLastActivity, dtLastUpdated, size)); } holder.Close(); return(profiles); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the profile info collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="profiles">The profiles.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected internal ProfileInfoCollection CreateProfileInfoCollection(IEnumerable <Profile> profiles) { ProfileInfoCollection collection = new ProfileInfoCollection(); foreach (var p in profiles) { int size = p.Names.Length + p.ValuesString.Length + p.ValuesBinary.Length; collection.Add(new ProfileInfo( p.UserName, !p.Authenticated, p.LastUpdated, p.LastUpdated, size)); } return(collection); }
public static ProfileInfoCollection GetAllInactiveProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption profileAuthenticationOption, DateTime inactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { ProfileInfoCollection infos = new ProfileInfoCollection(); List <SystemUserProfileEntity> profiles = businessProxy.GetAllInactiveProfiles(profileAuthenticationOption, inactiveSinceDate, pageIndex, pageSize, out totalRecords); foreach (SystemUserProfileEntity prof in profiles) { SystemUserEntity userEntity = userBusinessProxy.FindById(prof.UserID); infos.Add(new ProfileInfo(userEntity.UserLoginID, false, userEntity.LastActivityDate, prof.LastUpdatedDate, 2000)); } return(infos); }
private static ProfileInfoCollection ExtractProfileInfoFromRows(List <dynamic> rows, out int totalRecords) { var profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); totalRecords = 0; if (rows.Any()) { totalRecords = GetTotalRecords(rows); rows.ForEach(row => profiles.Add(CreateProfileInfo(row))); } return(profiles); }
public override ProfileInfoCollection GetAllInactiveProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, DateTime userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { var connection = GetConnection(); var key = string.Empty; var min = (double)userInactiveSinceDate.ToBinary(); const double max = double.MaxValue; switch (authenticationOption) { case ProfileAuthenticationOption.All: key = GetProfilesKey(); break; case ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous: key = GetProfilesKeyAnonymous(); break; case ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated: key = GetProfilesKeyAuthenticated(); break; } var allUsersTask = connection.SortedSets.Range(_redisDb, key, min, max); var allUsers = connection.Wait(allUsersTask); totalRecords = allUsers.Length; var start = pageIndex * pageSize; var users = allUsers.Skip(start).Take(pageSize); var collection = new ProfileInfoCollection(); Parallel.ForEach(users, result => { var profileResult = new string(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(result.Key)); var parts = profileResult.Split(':'); var profileName = parts[0]; var isAuthenticated = Convert.ToBoolean(parts[1]); var profileTask = connection.Hashes.GetAll(_redisDb, GetProfileKey(profileName, isAuthenticated)); var profileDict = connection.Wait(profileTask); if (profileDict.Count > 0) { profileDict.Add("Username", Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(profileName)); profileDict.Add("IsAuthenticated", BitConverter.GetBytes(isAuthenticated)); var user = CreateProfileInfoFromDictionary(profileDict); collection.Add(user); } }); return(collection); }
public ProfileInfoCollection FindProfilesByUserName(ProfileAuthenticationOption profileAuthenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { ProfileInfoCollection infos = new ProfileInfoCollection(); SystemUserEntity user = this.DataObjectsContainerIocID.SystemUserDataObjectInstance.GetUserByLoginID(usernameToMatch); SystemUserProfileEntity prof = GetUserProfileByUserID(usernameToMatch); infos.Add(new ProfileInfo(user.UserLoginID, false, user.LastActivityDate, prof.LastUpdatedDate, prof.PropertyValuesBinary.Length + prof.PropertyValuesString.Length)); totalRecords = 1; return(infos); }
/// <summary> /// *note method not supported on our custom profile provider, return empty profile /// </summary> ProfileInfoCollection GetProfileInfo(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, object userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { var profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); profiles.Add(new ProfileInfo( username: "", isAnonymous: false, lastActivityDate: DateTime.MinValue, lastUpdatedDate: DateTime.MinValue, size: 0)); totalRecords = 0; return(profiles); }
private ProfileInfoCollection GetProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, DateTime?userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { var query = GetQuery(authenticationOption, usernameToMatch, userInactiveSinceDate); totalRecords = (int)mongoCollection.Count(query); var profileInfoCollection = new ProfileInfoCollection(); foreach (var bsonDocument in mongoCollection.FindAs <BsonDocument>(query).SetSkip(pageIndex * pageSize).SetLimit(pageSize)) { profileInfoCollection.Add(ToProfileInfo(bsonDocument)); } return(profileInfoCollection); }
protected virtual ProfileInfoCollection GetProfileInfoCollection(IEnumerable <ISalesforceContact> contacts) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(contacts, "contacts"); var result = new ProfileInfoCollection(); foreach (var contact in contacts) { this.Cache.Users.Add(contact); result.Add(new ProfileInfo(contact.Login, false, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, 0)); } return(result); }
public override ProfileInfoCollection GetAllProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); UserList users = Bridge.GetUserContainer(false); if (users != null) { totalRecords = users.Children.Count; foreach (User u in users.GetChildren(new Collections.CountFilter(pageIndex * pageSize, pageSize))) { profiles.Add(CreateProfile(u)); } } totalRecords = 0; return(profiles); }
public override ProfileInfoCollection FindProfilesByUserName(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); User u = Bridge.GetUser(usernameToMatch); if (u != null) { totalRecords = 1; if (pageIndex == 0 && pageSize > 0) { profiles.Add(CreateProfile(u)); } } totalRecords = 0; return(profiles); }
public override ProfileInfoCollection FindInactiveProfilesByUserName(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, DateTime userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); FileInfo fi = this.GetProfileFile(usernameToMatch); if (fi != null && fi.Exists == true && fi.LastAccessTime < userInactiveSinceDate) { ProfileInfo profile = new ProfileInfo(usernameToMatch, false, fi.LastAccessTime, fi.LastWriteTime, GetProfileSize(fi)); profiles.Add(profile); } totalRecords = profiles.Count; return profiles; }
public ProfileInfoCollection FindProfilesByPropertyValue(SettingsProperty property, SearchOperator searchOperator, object value) { // instantiate an empty ProfileInfoCollection to use it for return ProfileInfoCollection pic = new ProfileInfoCollection(); // try and open the connection and get the results try { // get the connection we're going to use using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionStringName)) { // instantiate a SettingsPropertyValue from the property // to use it to serialize the value for comparison with the database SettingsPropertyValue spv = new SettingsPropertyValue(property); spv.PropertyValue = value; // set common parameters of the aspnet_Profile_FindProfiles stored procedure SqlCommand FindProfilesCommand = new SqlCommand("aspnet_Profile_FindProfiles", conn); FindProfilesCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; FindProfilesCommand.CommandTimeout = _commandTimeout; FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@ApplicationName", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 256).Value = base.ApplicationName; FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@PropertyName", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 256).Value = property.Name; FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@OperatorType", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = (Int32)searchOperator; // if the serialized property value is of type string // carry on if the size is within allowed limits Boolean bTooBig = false; if (spv.SerializedValue is String) { // if the serialized value is bigger than the PropertyValueString column's length if (((String)spv.SerializedValue).Length > Int32.MaxValue) { bTooBig = true; } else { if (searchOperator == SearchOperator.Contains || searchOperator == SearchOperator.FreeText) { // if the searchOperator is a freetext operator then pass the value unaltered FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@PropertyValueString", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, Int32.MaxValue).Value = spv.PropertyValue; FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@PropertyValueBinary", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarBinary, Int32.MaxValue).Value = DBNull.Value; } else { // otherwise serialise the value before passing it FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@PropertyValueString", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, Int32.MaxValue).Value = spv.SerializedValue; FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@PropertyValueBinary", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarBinary, Int32.MaxValue).Value = DBNull.Value; } // set the parameter @PropertyType to indicate the property is a string FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@PropertyType", System.Data.SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 0; } } else { if (((SqlBinary)spv.SerializedValue).Length > Int32.MaxValue) { bTooBig = true; } else { if (searchOperator == SearchOperator.Contains || searchOperator == SearchOperator.FreeText) { // if the searchOperator is a freetext operator then pass the value unaltered to the // @PropertyValueString because we are passing a string anyway not a binary FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@PropertyValueString", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, Int32.MaxValue).Value = spv.PropertyValue; FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@PropertyValueBinary", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarBinary, Int32.MaxValue).Value = DBNull.Value; } else { // otherwise just serialise the value and pass it to the @PropertyBinaryValue FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@PropertyValueString", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, Int32.MaxValue).Value = DBNull.Value; FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@PropertyValueBinary", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarBinary, Int32.MaxValue).Value = spv.SerializedValue; } // set the parameter @PropertyType to indicate the property is a binary FindProfilesCommand.Parameters.Add("@PropertyType", System.Data.SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 1; } } if (bTooBig) { // if the size is out of limits throw an exception throw new ProviderException("Property value length is too big."); } // Open the database conn.Open(); // Get a DataReader for the results we need using (SqlDataReader rdr = FindProfilesCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)) { while (rdr.Read()) { // create a ProfileInfo with the data you got back from the current record of the SqlDataReader ProfileInfo pi = new ProfileInfo(rdr.GetString(rdr.GetOrdinal("UserName")), rdr.GetBoolean(rdr.GetOrdinal("IsAnonymous")), DateTime.SpecifyKind(rdr.GetDateTime(rdr.GetOrdinal("LastActivityDate")), DateTimeKind.Utc), DateTime.SpecifyKind(rdr.GetDateTime(rdr.GetOrdinal("LastUpdatedDate")), DateTimeKind.Utc), 0); // add the ProfileInfo you just created to the ProfileInfoCollection that we will return pic.Add(pi); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // if anything went wrong, throw an exception throw new ProviderException("An error occured while finding profiles with your search criteria!", e); } return pic; }
//user made function for the next five functions to use private ProfileInfoCollection GetProfile(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, object userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { //MAS using (OrganizationService service = new OrganizationService(OurConnect())) { //Retrieve all profiles. ConditionExpression appCondition = new ConditionExpression(); appCondition.AttributeName = consts.appname; appCondition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal; appCondition.Values.Add(_ApplicationName); FilterExpression filter = new FilterExpression(); filter.Conditions.Add(appCondition); // If searching for a user name to match, add the command text and parameters. if (usernameToMatch != null) { ConditionExpression usernameCondition = new ConditionExpression(); usernameCondition.AttributeName = consts.username; usernameCondition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal; usernameCondition.Values.Add(usernameToMatch); filter.Conditions.Add(usernameCondition); } // If searching for inactive profiles, // add the command text and parameters. if (userInactiveSinceDate != null) { ConditionExpression lastActivityCondition = new ConditionExpression(); lastActivityCondition.AttributeName = consts.subject; lastActivityCondition.Operator = ConditionOperator.NotBetween; lastActivityCondition.Values.Add(userInactiveSinceDate); lastActivityCondition.Values.Add(DateTime.Now); filter.Conditions.Add(lastActivityCondition); } // If searching for a anonymous or authenticated profiles, // add the command text and parameters. ConditionExpression authenticationCondition = new ConditionExpression(); switch (authenticationOption) { case ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous: authenticationCondition.AttributeName = consts.isanonymous; authenticationCondition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal; authenticationCondition.Values.Add(true); break; case ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated: authenticationCondition.AttributeName = consts.isanonymous; authenticationCondition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal; authenticationCondition.Values.Add(false); break; default: break; } ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); try { QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(consts.userprofile); query.ColumnSet.AddColumn(consts.username); query.ColumnSet.AddColumn(consts.isanonymous); query.Criteria.AddFilter(filter); EntityCollection collection = service.RetrieveMultiple(query); totalRecords = collection.Entities.Count; if (totalRecords == 0) //No profiles return null; else if (pageSize == 0) { //Count all profiles for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i++) { ProfileInfo p = new ProfileInfo((string)collection.Entities[i][consts.username], (bool)collection.Entities[i][consts.isanonymous], lastActivity((string)collection.Entities[i][consts.username], String.Empty), lastActivity((string)collection.Entities[i][consts.username], "Modified"), 0); profiles.Add(p); } return profiles; } else { //All other functions var start = pageSize * pageSize; var end = (pageSize * pageSize) + (pageSize - (totalRecords % pageSize)); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { ProfileInfo p = new ProfileInfo((string)collection.Entities[i][consts.username], (bool)collection.Entities[i][consts.isanonymous], lastActivity((string)collection.Entities[i][consts.username], String.Empty), lastActivity((string)collection.Entities[i][consts.username], "Modified"), 0); profiles.Add(p); } return profiles; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error in grabbing profiles.", e);//TODO: change exception type } } }
public override ProfileInfoCollection GetAllProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection(); foreach (FileInfo fi in this.ProfileFiles) { if (fi != null && fi.Exists == true) { ProfileInfo profile = new ProfileInfo(this.GetUsernameFromFile(fi.Name), false, fi.LastAccessTime, fi.LastWriteTime, GetProfileSize(fi)); profiles.Add(profile); } } totalRecords = profiles.Count; return profiles; }