private ProductionDetail IniEdit(ProductionDetail model) { model.MainMenu = _mainMenu; model.CurrentMenu = PageInfo; var company = GlobalFunctions.GetCompanyList(_companyBll); if (CurrentUser.UserRole != Enums.UserRole.Administrator) { var userPlantCompany = _userPlantMapBll.GetCompanyByUserId(CurrentUser.USER_ID); var poaMapCompany = _poaMapBll.GetCompanyByPoaId(CurrentUser.USER_ID); var distinctCompany = company.Where(x => userPlantCompany.Contains(x.Value)); if (CurrentUser.UserRole == Enums.UserRole.POA) { distinctCompany = company.Where(x => poaMapCompany.Contains(x.Value)); } var getCompany = new SelectList(distinctCompany, "Value", "Text"); company = getCompany; } model.CompanyCodeList = company; model.PlantWerkList = GlobalFunctions.GetPlantByCompanyId(""); model.FacodeList = GlobalFunctions.GetFaCodeByPlant(""); model.UomList = GlobalFunctions.GetUomStickGram(_uomBll); return(model); }
// // GET: /Production/Edit public ActionResult Edit(string companyCode, string plantWerk, string faCode, DateTime productionDate) { if (CurrentUser.UserRole == Enums.UserRole.Viewer || CurrentUser.UserRole == Enums.UserRole.Controller) { return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Production", new { companyCode = companyCode, plantWerk = plantWerk, faCode = faCode, productionDate = productionDate })); } var model = new ProductionDetail(); var dbProduction = _productionBll.GetById(companyCode, plantWerk, faCode, productionDate); model = Mapper.Map <ProductionDetail>(dbProduction); model = IniEdit(model); model.CompanyCodeX = model.CompanyCode; model.PlantWerksX = model.PlantWerks; model.ProductionDateX = model.ProductionDate; model.FaCodeX = model.FaCode; return(View(model)); }
public async Task <ProductionDetail> getProductDetailsByProductDetailsIdAsync(string path) { ProductionDetail productDetails = null; HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(path); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { productDetails = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ProductionDetail>(); } return(productDetails); }
public JsonResult GetBrandCeByPlant(string plantWerk) { var listBrandCe = GlobalFunctions.GetFaCodeByPlant(plantWerk); var model = new ProductionDetail() { FacodeList = listBrandCe }; return(Json(model)); }
private ProductionDetail InitDetail(ProductionDetail model) { model.MainMenu = _mainMenu; model.CurrentMenu = PageInfo; model.CompanyCodeList = GlobalFunctions.GetCompanyList(_companyBll); model.PlantWerkList = GlobalFunctions.GetPlantAll(); model.FacodeList = GlobalFunctions.GetBrandList(); model.UomList = GlobalFunctions.GetUomStickGram(_uomBll); return(model); }
public ActionResult ProductDetail(int id) { DBModelContainer db = new DBModelContainer(); ProductionDetail pr = new ProductionDetail(); pr.ProductId = id; var names = (from p in db.Products join c in db.Categories on p.CategoryId equals c.CategoryId where p.ProductId == id select new { ProductName = p.Name, CategoryName = c.Name }).FirstOrDefault(); pr.Title = names.CategoryName + " > " + names.ProductName; pr.listdata = (from p in db.ProductDetails join production in db.Products on p.ProductId equals production.ProductId where p.ProductId == id select new ProductionDetail() { Color = p.Color, Description = production.Description, Price = p.Price, Size = p.Size, Amount = p.Amount, Picture = p.Picture, ProductDetailsId = p.ProductDetailsId, ProductId = p.ProductId, ProductionName = production.Name }).ToList(); // return View(productionDetail.FirstOrDefault()); pr.reviewListData = (from r in db.Reviews join p in db.Products on r.ProductId equals p.ProductId join u in db.Users on r.UserId equals u.UserId where p.ProductId == id select new ReviewProduction() { ProductId = r.ProductId, Title = r.Title, Content = r.Content, OverallRating = r.OverallRating, ReviewId = r.ReviewId, UserId = r.UserId, UserName = u.UserName, ReviewDate = r.ReviewDate }).ToList(); return(View(pr)); }
// // GET: /Production/Create public ActionResult Create() { if (CurrentUser.UserRole == Enums.UserRole.Viewer || CurrentUser.UserRole == Enums.UserRole.Administrator || CurrentUser.UserRole == Enums.UserRole.Controller) { AddMessageInfo("Operation not allow", Enums.MessageInfoType.Error); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } var model = new ProductionDetail(); model = InitCreate(model); model.ProductionDate = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"); return(View(model)); }
// // GET: /Production/Detail public ActionResult Detail(string companyCode, string plantWerk, string faCode, DateTime productionDate) { var model = new ProductionDetail(); var dbProduction = _productionBll.GetById(companyCode, plantWerk, faCode, productionDate); model = Mapper.Map <ProductionDetail>(dbProduction); model.ChangesHistoryList = Mapper.Map <List <ChangesHistoryItemModel> >(_changeHistoryBll.GetByFormTypeAndFormId(Enums.MenuList.CK4C, "Daily_" + companyCode + "_" + plantWerk + "_" + faCode + "_" + productionDate.ToString("ddMMMyyyy"))); model = InitDetail(model); return(View(model)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> ProductDetail(int id) { DBModelContainer db = new DBModelContainer(); ProductionDetail pr = new ProductionDetail(); pr.ProductId = id; // get product title equal to CategoryName + " > " + names.ProductName; ProductionService service = new ProductionService(); pr.Title = (await service.getProductTitleByProductId(id)).Title; /*{ * Color, * Description, * Price, * Size, * Amount, * Picture, * ProductDetailsId, * ProductId, * ProductionName * }*/ // get all productDetails by a given product pr.listdata = await service.getProductDetailsByProductId(id); /*{ * ProductId, * * Title, * Content, * OverallRating, * * ReviewId, * UserId, * UserName, * ReviewDate * }*/ // get all reviews about a given product pr.reviewListData = await service.getReviewsByProductId(id); return(View(pr)); }
public JsonResult CompanyListPartialProduction(string companyId) { var listPlant = GlobalFunctions.GetPlantByCompanyId(companyId); var filterPlant = listPlant; var newListPlant = new SelectList(filterPlant, "Value", "Text"); if (CurrentUser.UserRole != Enums.UserRole.Administrator) { var newFilterPlant = listPlant.Where(x => CurrentUser.ListUserPlants.Contains(x.Value)); newListPlant = new SelectList(newFilterPlant, "Value", "Text"); } var model = new ProductionDetail() { PlantWerkList = newListPlant }; return(Json(model)); }
// Get public async Task <ActionResult> Index() { ShoppingService service = new ShoppingService(); ProductionService productService = new ProductionService(); ShoppingCart shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart(); if (FormsAuth.UserManager.User != null) { /*{ * Amount, * CartId, * Type, * CartDetailsId, * ExtendedPrice, * ProductDetailsId, * Price, * Picture, * ProductName, * ProductID, * Color, * UserId, * TotalAmountProduction * }*/ // get all shopping cart items of current user shoppingCart.listItemCart = await service.getCartItemsByUserId(UserManager.User.Id); } else // get from Cookie { HttpCookie reqCookies; HttpCookie reqIDListCookies = Request.Cookies["ProductDetailIDlist"]; if (reqIDListCookies != null) { string dataAsString = reqIDListCookies.Value; if (!dataAsString.Equals(string.Empty)) { List <int> listdata = new List <int>(); List <CartItem> listCartItem = new List <CartItem>(); listdata = dataAsString.Split(',').Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < listdata.Count(); i++) { CartItem item = new CartItem(); item.ProductDetailsId = listdata[i]; reqCookies = Request.Cookies["CartItems[" + item.ProductDetailsId.ToString() + "]"]; if (reqCookies != null) { CartItem cookiesItem = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <CartItem>(reqCookies.Value); item.Amount = cookiesItem.Amount; item.Price = cookiesItem.Price; listCartItem.Add(item); } } // if (listCartItem.Count() > 0) { List <CartDetailItem> cartDetailItemList = new List <CartDetailItem>(); // for each cookies item foreach (CartItem cookiesItem in listCartItem) { CartDetailItem cartDetailItem = new CartDetailItem(); // get more information from product & productDetails tables in Database ProductionDetail productDetail = await productService.getProductDetailByProductDetailsIds(cookiesItem.ProductDetailsId); Production product = await productService.getProductionByProductDetailsId(cookiesItem.ProductDetailsId); cartDetailItem.ProductDetailsId = cookiesItem.ProductDetailsId; cartDetailItem.Price = productDetail.Price; cartDetailItem.Picture = productDetail.Picture; cartDetailItem.Color = productDetail.Color; cartDetailItem.TotalAmountProduction = productDetail.Amount; cartDetailItem.Amount = cookiesItem.Amount; cartDetailItem.ExtendedPrice = cookiesItem.Price; cartDetailItem.CartId = 0; cartDetailItem.Type = 0; cartDetailItem.CartDetailsId = 0; cartDetailItem.ProductID = product.ProductId; cartDetailItem.ProductName = product.ProductionName; cartDetailItem.UserId = 0; cartDetailItemList.Add(cartDetailItem); } shoppingCart.listItemCart = cartDetailItemList; } } } } return(View(shoppingCart)); }
/// <summary> /// 取得庫存 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List <Item> GetStorage(BrandEnum brand, FlavorEnum flavor, PackageEnum package, ProductionType productionType, ProductionDetail productionDetailType) { return(_stockService.GetStorage(brand, flavor, package, productionType, productionDetailType)); }
public List <Item> GetItems(BrandEnum brand, FlavorEnum flavor, ProductionType type, ProductionDetail detail) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void Extract(Guid srcPackID, string productCode, int productionID, bool isAllowPos) { if (productionID <= 0) throw new Exception("Production null"); PackBLL bll = new PackBLL(); Pack pack = bll.Get4Extract(srcPackID, isAllowPos); var newP = PackBLL.Add(pack.DIN, productCode, pack); if (pack.Status != Pack.StatusX.Produced) PackBLL.ChangeStatus(pack.ID, Pack.StatusX.Produced, PackTransaction.TypeX.Out_Product); var pDetail = new ProductionDetail() { ProductionID = productionID, FromPackID = pack.ID, ToPackID = newP.ID, }; Add(pDetail); }
private void Divide(Guid srcPackID, string division, int volume, int productionID) { PackBLL bll = new PackBLL(); Pack pack = bll.Get4Extract(srcPackID); string newProductCode = pack.ProductCode.Substring(0, pack.ProductCode.Length - 2) + division; var newP = PackBLL.Add(pack.DIN, newProductCode, volume, orgPack: pack); if (pack.Status != Pack.StatusX.Produced) PackBLL.ChangeStatus(pack.ID, Pack.StatusX.Produced, PackTransaction.TypeX.Out_Product); var pDetail = new ProductionDetail() { ProductionID = productionID, FromPackID = pack.ID, ToPackID = newP.ID, }; Add(pDetail); }
public ActionResult Edit(ProductionDetail model) { var dbProduction = _productionBll.GetById(model.CompanyCodeX, model.PlantWerksX, model.FaCodeX, Convert.ToDateTime(model.ProductionDateX)); try { if (dbProduction == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("Production", "Data is not Found"); model = IniEdit(model); return(View("Edit", model)); } var param = new MonthClosingGetByParam(); param.ClosingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(model.ProductionDate); param.PlantId = model.PlantWerks; param.DisplayDate = null; var monthClosingdata = _monthClosingBll.GetDataByParam(param); if (monthClosingdata != null) { AddMessageInfo("Please check closing date.", Enums.MessageInfoType.Warning); model = IniEdit(model); model.CompanyCode = model.CompanyCode; model.PlantWerks = model.PlantWerks; model.FaCode = model.FaCode; model.ProductionDate = model.ProductionDate; return(View("Edit", model)); } if (model.CompanyCode != model.CompanyCodeX || model.PlantWerks != model.PlantWerksX || model.FaCode != model.FaCodeX || Convert.ToDateTime(model.ProductionDate) != Convert.ToDateTime(model.ProductionDateX)) { var existingData = _productionBll.GetExistDto(model.CompanyCode, model.PlantWerks, model.FaCode, Convert.ToDateTime(model.ProductionDate)); if (existingData != null) { AddMessageInfo("Data Already Exist", Enums.MessageInfoType.Warning); return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Production", new { companyCode = model.CompanyCode, plantWerk = model.PlantWerks, faCode = model.FaCode, productionDate = model.ProductionDate })); } else { model.QtyPacked = 0; model.ProdQtyStick = 0; model.QtyPackedStr = "0"; model.ProdQtyStickStr = "0"; model.Zb = 0; model.ZbStr = "0"; model.PackedAdjusted = 0; model.PackedAdjustedStr = "0"; } } //if (model.PackedAdjustedStr != "" && model.PackedAdjustedStr != null && model.QtyPackedStr != "" && model.QtyPackedStr != null) //{ // if (decimal.Parse(model.PackedAdjustedStr) > decimal.Parse(model.QtyPackedStr)) // { // AddMessageInfo("Packed-Adjusted value can't be greater than Qty Packed", Enums.MessageInfoType.Warning); // return RedirectToAction("Edit", "Production", new // { // companyCode = model.CompanyCode, // plantWerk = model.PlantWerks, // faCode = model.FaCode, // productionDate = model.ProductionDate // }); // } //} var dbPrductionNew = Mapper.Map <ProductionDto>(model); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { var error = ModelState.Values.Where(c => c.Errors.Count > 0).ToList(); if (error.Count > 0) { // } } var output = _productionBll.Save(dbPrductionNew, CurrentUser.USER_ID); var message = Constans.SubmitMessage.Updated; if (output.isNewData) { message = Constans.SubmitMessage.Saved; } if (!output.isFromSap) { if (model.CompanyCode != model.CompanyCodeX || model.PlantWerks != model.PlantWerksX || model.FaCode != model.FaCodeX || Convert.ToDateTime(model.ProductionDate) != Convert.ToDateTime(model.ProductionDateX)) { MoveOldChangeLogHistory(dbPrductionNew); _productionBll.DeleteOldData(model.CompanyCodeX, model.PlantWerksX, model.FaCodeX, Convert.ToDateTime(model.ProductionDateX)); } } AddMessageInfo(message, Enums.MessageInfoType.Success); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception exception) { AddMessageInfo(exception.Message, Enums.MessageInfoType.Error); } model = IniEdit(model); return(View("Edit", model)); }
public ActionResult Create(ProductionDetail model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var param = new MonthClosingGetByParam(); param.ClosingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(model.ProductionDate); param.PlantId = model.PlantWerks; param.DisplayDate = null; var monthClosingdata = _monthClosingBll.GetDataByParam(param); if (monthClosingdata != null) { AddMessageInfo("Please check closing date.", Enums.MessageInfoType.Warning); model = InitCreate(model); model.CompanyCode = model.CompanyCode; model.PlantWerks = model.PlantWerks; model.FaCode = model.FaCode; model.ProductionDate = model.ProductionDate; return(View(model)); } var existingData = _productionBll.GetExistDto(model.CompanyCode, model.PlantWerks, model.FaCode, Convert.ToDateTime(model.ProductionDate)); if (existingData != null) { AddMessageInfo("Data Already Exist", Enums.MessageInfoType.Warning); return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Production", new { companyCode = model.CompanyCode, plantWerk = model.PlantWerks, faCode = model.FaCode, productionDate = model.ProductionDate })); } //if(model.PackedAdjusted > model.QtyPacked){ // AddMessageInfo("Packed-Adjusted value can't be greater than Qty Packed", Enums.MessageInfoType.Warning); // return RedirectToAction("Edit", "Production", new // { // companyCode = model.CompanyCode, // plantWerk = model.PlantWerks, // faCode = model.FaCode, // productionDate = model.ProductionDate // }); //} var data = Mapper.Map <ProductionDto>(model); try { _productionBll.Save(data, CurrentUser.USER_ID); AddMessageInfo(Constans.SubmitMessage.Saved, Enums.MessageInfoType.Success ); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception exception) { AddMessageInfo(exception.Message, Enums.MessageInfoType.Error ); } } else { var errorlist = ModelState.Values.Select(x => x.Errors).ToList(); var errMsg = ""; foreach (var error in errorlist) { foreach (var err in error) { errMsg = err.ErrorMessage + "\n"; } } AddMessageInfo(errMsg, Enums.MessageInfoType.Error); } model = InitCreate(model); return(View(model)); }
public Expression <Func <ItemEntity, bool> > GetItemExp(BrandEnum brand, FlavorEnum flavor, PackageEnum package, ProductionType productionType, ProductionDetail productionDetailType) { Expression <Func <ItemEntity, bool> > itemWhere = c => true; if (brand != BrandEnum.Null) { var prefix = itemWhere.Compile(); itemWhere = c => prefix(c) && c.Brand == (int)brand; } if (flavor != FlavorEnum.Null) { var prefix = itemWhere.Compile(); itemWhere = c => prefix(c) && c.Flavor == (int)flavor; } if (package != PackageEnum.Null) { var prefix = itemWhere.Compile(); itemWhere = c => prefix(c) && c.Package == (int)package; } if (productionType != ProductionType.Null) { var prefix = itemWhere.Compile(); itemWhere = c => prefix(c) && c.ProductionType == (int)productionType; } if (productionDetailType != ProductionDetail.Null) { var prefix = itemWhere.Compile(); itemWhere = c => prefix(c) && c.ProductionDetailType == (int)productionDetailType; } return(itemWhere); }
private ProductionDetail Add(ProductionDetail detail) { RedBloodDataContext db = new RedBloodDataContext(); db.ProductionDetails.InsertOnSubmit(detail); db.SubmitChanges(); return detail; }