private async Task <int> AddLocationToProduct(Product product, ProductRessource productRessource)
            foreach (var productLocation in productRessource.ProductsAtLocations)
                var location =
                    await _context.Location.FindAsync(productLocation.LocationId);

                if (location == null)

                if (productLocation.Quantity < 0)

                await _context.LocationProduct.AddAsync(new LocationProduct()
                    Location = location,
                    Product  = product,
                    Quantity = productLocation.Quantity

        private async Task <int> AddCategoryToProduct(Product product, ProductRessource productRessource)
            foreach (var productCategory in productRessource.Categories)
                var category = _context.Category.Find(productCategory.Id);

                if (category == null)
                    if (productCategory.Name == null)

                    var newCategory = new Category()
                        Name = productCategory.Name

                    await _context.Category.AddAsync(newCategory);

                    AddToProductCategoryTable(product, newCategory);
                    if (productCategory.Name != null)
                        category.Name = productCategory.Name;

                    AddToProductCategoryTable(product, category);

        private async Task <int> AddPropertyToProduct(Product product, ProductRessource productRessource)
            foreach (var productProperty in productRessource.Properties)
                //Nach der Property suchen
                var property = _context.Property.Find(productProperty.Id);

                //Wenn die Property nicht existiert: Erstelle Property und füge hinzu
                if (property == null)
                    //Bei der Erstellung einer Property müssen Name und Value angegeben werden.
                    if (productProperty.Name == null)

                    if (productProperty.Value == null)

                    //Neue Property erstellen
                    var newProperty = new Property()
                        Name  = productProperty.Name,
                        Value = productProperty.Value

                    //Eintrag in die Tabellen Property und ProductProperty
                    await _context.Property.AddAsync(newProperty);

                    AddToProductPropertyTable(product, newProperty);
                //Die Property existiert
                    //Falls Property Geändert wird: Änderungen übernehmen
                    if (productProperty.Name != null)
                        property.Name = productProperty.Name;

                    if (productProperty.Value != null)
                        property.Value = productProperty.Value;

                    AddToProductPropertyTable(product, property);

        public async Task <ActionResult <ProductRessource> > PostProductAsync(ProductRessource productRessource)
            // TODO: check/validate/sanitize values.
            using (var transaction = await _context.Database.BeginTransactionAsync())
                if (productRessource.Name == null)
                    return(Problem("The Products Price can not be under 0", statusCode: 404, title: "User Error"));

                if (productRessource.Price < 0)
                    return(Problem("The Products Price can not be under 0", statusCode: 404, title: "User Error"));

                if (productRessource.ProductsAtLocations.Count == 0)
                    return(BadRequest("Dem Produkt muss mindestens einen Standort zugewissen sein"));

                var newProduct = new Product()
                    CreatedAt = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(),
                    Name      = productRessource.Name,
                    Price     = productRessource.Price,
                    Sku       = productRessource.Sku

                await _context.Product.AddAsync(newProduct);

                int error = 0;

                if (productRessource.Properties != null)
                    error = await AddPropertyToProduct(newProduct, productRessource);

                    if (error == -1)
                        return(BadRequest("Der Property muss ein Name zugewissen sein!"));

                    if (error == -2)
                        return(BadRequest("Der Property muss ein Value zugewissen sein!"));

                if (productRessource.Categories != null)
                    error = await AddCategoryToProduct(newProduct, productRessource);

                    if (error == -1)
                        return(BadRequest("Der Kategorie muss ein Name zugewissen sein!"));

                if (productRessource.ProductsAtLocations != null)
                    error = await AddLocationToProduct(newProduct, productRessource);

                    if (error == -1)
                        return(BadRequest("Der Standort existiert nicht"));

                    if (error == -2)
                        return(BadRequest("Die Anzahl darf nicht kleiner 0 sein!"));

                var result = await TryContextSaveAsync();

                if (result != null)
                await transaction.CommitAsync();

                return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetProductAsync), new { id = newProduct.Id }, newProduct));