Exemple #1
        private void dgvSales_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            var source         = new BindingSource();
            int id             = Convert.ToInt32(this.dgvSales.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value);
            int ProdId         = Convert.ToInt32(this.dgvSales.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value);
            int quantityBought = Convert.ToInt32(this.dgvSales.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value);
            int amountPaid     = Convert.ToInt32(this.dgvSales.CurrentRow.Cells[4].Value);

            decimal original_Price = Convert.ToInt32(this.dgvSales.CurrentRow.Cells[6].Value);

            if (e.KeyData == Keys.Delete)
                if (demo.Any(x => x.quantity == 1 && x.id == id))
                    //Reduce Total
                    demo.Where(w => w.id == id).ToList().ForEach(s => temp = temp - Convert.ToDecimal(s.OriginalPrice));
                    total.Text = temp.ToString();

                    //Remove That Record from ProductSales Table and grid
                    ProductSalesRepo PSR = new ProductSalesRepo(context);

                    var x = demo.Where(p => p.id == id).FirstOrDefault <JointSalesProd>();

                    //Update Sales table to reflect the price
                    int SalesId = Convert.ToInt32(txtSearchId.Text);
                    SalesRepo.UpdateSalesPrice(SalesId, temp);

                    //Update Product Table to add retured product
                    ProductRepo.AddProductQuantity(ProdId, 1);
                    source.DataSource   = demo;   //Bind Demo to datasource
                    dgvSales.DataSource = source; ///Bind demo to grid

                else if (demo.Any(x => x.quantity > 1 && x.id == id))
                    temp = 0.00M;
                    editPanel.Visible   = true;
                    ProductId.Text      = ProdId.ToString();
                    ProdSalesId.Text    = id.ToString();
                    OriginalPrice.Text  = original_Price.ToString();
                    QuantityBought.Text = quantityBought.ToString();
                    AmountPaid.Text     = amountPaid.ToString();
Exemple #2
        private void btnMakeReturns_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ProductSalesRepo PSR = new ProductSalesRepo(context);
            var     source       = new BindingSource();
            int     x            = Convert.ToInt32(ProdSalesId.Text);
            int     y            = Convert.ToInt32(QuantityReturned.Text);
            int     z            = Convert.ToInt32(ProductId.Text);
            int     c            = Convert.ToInt32(QuantityReturned.Text);
            decimal aP           = Convert.ToDecimal(AmountPaid.Text);//Convert The amount paid label into decimal and store it in aP.

            //totally deleting sales record of a particular product if all that product is totally Returned.
            if (aP > 0)
                ProductSalesRepo.UpdateQuantityandNewPrice(x, y, Convert.ToDecimal(AmountPaid.Text));
            else if (aP == 0)

            //Update Sales table to reflect the price
            int SalesId = Convert.ToInt32(txtSearchId.Text);

            SalesRepo.UpdateSalesPrice(SalesId, Convert.ToDecimal(total.Text));

            //Update Product Table to add retured product
            ProductRepo.AddProductQuantity(z, c);

            ClearControls();//Clear the editPanels Control
            if (MessageBox.Show("Done Editing?", "Ok to continue", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                var newSalesRecord = PSR.CallSalesById(x);
                temp = 0.00M;
                editPanel.Visible = false;