Exemple #1
        public static Product CreateProduct(ProductId id, string name,
                                            string desc, int totalSalesQty, CategoryId categoryId,
                                            ImageInfo thumbnailPath, IEnumerable <ImageInfo> slidingImgPath)
            var product = new Product(id, name, desc, totalSalesQty, categoryId, thumbnailPath, slidingImgPath);
            var policy  = new ProductPolicy();

            if (policy.IsSatisfy(product) == false)
                throw policy.GetWrapperException;

Exemple #2
        public Product(ProductId id, string name, string desc, ProductPrice price, ProductStatus status,
                       DateTimeOffset createdDate, DateTimeOffset?modifiedDate = null)
            this.Id           = id;
            this.Name         = name;
            this.Description  = desc;
            this.Price        = price;
            this.Status       = status;
            this.CreatedDate  = createdDate;
            this.ModifiedDate = modifiedDate;


            this.ApplyEvent(new ProductCreated(this.Id, this.Name, this.Description, this.Price.Price, this.Price.Discount,
                                               this.CreatedDate, this.ModifiedDate));
Exemple #3
    public DeploymentStack()
        // Define variables
        var config             = new Pulumi.Config();
        var rgName             = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}", config.Require("prefix"), config.Require("resourceFunction"), config.Require("environment"), config.Require("azureRegion"));
        var storageAccountName = string.Format("{0}{1}sa{2}{3}", config.Require("prefix"), config.Require("resourceFunction"), config.Require("environment"), config.Require("azureRegion"));
        var apimName           = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}", config.Require("prefix"), config.Require("resourceFunction"), config.Require("environment"), config.Require("azureRegion"));
        var kvName             = string.Format("{0}-{1}-kv-{2}-{3}", config.Require("prefix"), config.Require("resourceFunction"), config.Require("environment"), config.Require("azureRegion"));
        var appInsightsName    = string.Format("{0}-{1}-appinsights-{2}-{3}", config.Require("prefix"), config.Require("resourceFunction"), config.Require("environment"), config.Require("azureRegion"));
        var tags = new InputMap <string>()
            { "belongsto", "Core Resources" },
            { "environment", "Development" },
            { "costcenter", "Backend" },
            { "owner", "IT" }

        // Get current identity details
        var clientConfig     = Output.Create(Pulumi.Azure.Core.Invokes.GetClientConfig());
        var tenantId         = clientConfig.Apply(c => c.TenantId);
        var currentPrincipal = clientConfig.Apply(c => c.ObjectId);

        // Create the Azure Resource Group
        var rg = new ResourceGroup("rg", new ResourceGroupArgs()
            Name     = rgName,
            Location = config.Require("azureLocation"),
            Tags     = tags

        // Create the storage account to contain policy, OpenApi and other deployment related files
        var sa = new Account("sa", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            Name                   = storageAccountName,
            AccountKind            = "StorageV2",
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard",
            EnableHttpsTrafficOnly = true,
            Tags                   = tags
                             new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { rg }
        var saContainerApim = new Container("apim-files",
                                            new ContainerArgs()
            StorageAccountName = sa.Name, ContainerAccessType = "private"
                                            new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { rg }

        var saContainerApi = new Container("api-files",
                                           new ContainerArgs()
            StorageAccountName = sa.Name, ContainerAccessType = "private"
                                           new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { rg }

        // Create key vault to contain the certificate secret
        var kv = new KV.KeyVault("kv", new KV.KeyVaultArgs()
            Name = kvName,
            ResourceGroupName        = rg.Name,
            EnabledForDiskEncryption = false,
            SkuName        = "standard",
            TenantId       = tenantId,
            AccessPolicies =
                new KeyVaultAccessPoliciesArgs
                    TenantId               = tenantId,
                    ObjectId               = currentPrincipal,
                    SecretPermissions      = { "get" },
                    CertificatePermissions ={ "delete", "create", "get", "import", "list", "update" },
            Tags = tags

        // Upload the certificate to Key Vault --> Currently disabled because no valid pfx which breaks the deployment
        // var pfxBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("certificates/"+ config.Require("customDomainsCertificateName"));
        // var cert = new KV.Certificate("apim-tls-certificate", new KV.CertificateArgs()
        // {
        //     Name = "apim-tls-certificate",
        //     KeyVaultId = kv.Id,
        //     KeyVaultCertificate = new CertificateCertificateArgs()
        //     {
        //         Contents = System.Convert.ToBase64String(pfxBytes),
        //         Password = config.Require("customDomainsCertificatePasword")
        //     },
        //     CertificatePolicy = new CertificateCertificatePolicyArgs()
        //     {
        //         IssuerParameters = new CertificateCertificatePolicyIssuerParametersArgs()
        //         {
        //             Name = config.Require("customDomainsCertificateIssuer")
        //         },
        //         KeyProperties = new CertificateCertificatePolicyKeyPropertiesArgs()
        //         {
        //             Exportable = true,
        //             KeySize = 2048,
        //             KeyType = "RSA",
        //             ReuseKey = false
        //         },
        //         SecretProperties = new CertificateCertificatePolicySecretPropertiesArgs()
        //         {
        //             ContentType = "application/x-pkcs12"
        //         }
        //     }
        // },
        // new CustomResourceOptions()
        // {
        //     DependsOn = { rg, kv }
        // });

        // APIM resource
        var apim = new Service("apim", new ServiceArgs()
            Name = apimName,
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            SkuName           = "Developer_1",
            PublisherEmail    = config.Require("publisherEmail"),
            PublisherName     = config.Require("publisherName"),
            Tags     = tags,
            Identity = new ServiceIdentityArgs()
                Type = "SystemAssigned"
                               new CustomResourceOptions()
            CustomTimeouts = new CustomTimeouts {
                Create = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60)
            DependsOn = { rg, sa, kv }

        // Change Key Vault policy to be able to have APIM access the certificate
        // var kvApimPolicy = new KV.AccessPolicy("apim-policy", new KV.AccessPolicyArgs()
        // {
        //     TenantId = tenantId,
        //     ObjectId = apim.Identity.PrincipalId,
        //     SecretPermissions = {"get"},
        //     CertificatePermissions = {"get", "list"},
        //     KeyVaultId = kv.Id
        // });

        // Set custom domain
        // Call Powershell to assign custom domain to APIM instance

        // Create product on APIM
        var apimProduct = new Product("apimProduct", new ProductArgs()
            ResourceGroupName    = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName    = apim.Name,
            DisplayName          = config.Require("productName"),
            ProductId            = config.Require("productId"),
            ApprovalRequired     = bool.Parse(config.Require("productApprovalRequired")),
            Published            = bool.Parse(config.Require("productPublished")),
            SubscriptionRequired = bool.Parse(config.Require("productSubscriptionRequired")),
            SubscriptionsLimit   = int.Parse(config.Require("productSubscriptionLimit"))
                                      new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apim }
        var apimProductPolicy = new ProductPolicy("apimProductPolicy", new ProductPolicyArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            ProductId         = config.Require("productId"),
            XmlContent        = @"<policies>
                                <base />
                                <base />
                                <set-header name='Server' exists-action='delete' />
                                <set-header name='X-Powered-By' exists-action='delete' />
                                <set-header name='X-AspNet-Version' exists-action='delete' />
                                <base />
                                <base />
                                                  new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apim, apimProduct }

        // Create user
        var apimUser = new User("user", new UserArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            UserId            = string.Format("{0}-user", config.Require("productId")),
            Email             = string.Format("{0}-{1}@didago.nl", config.Require("productId"), config.Require("environment")),
            FirstName         = "user",
            LastName          = config.Require("productName"),
            State             = "active"
                                new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apim }

        // Create subscription
        var apimSubscription = new Subscription("subscription", new SubscriptionArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            DisplayName       = "Some subscription",
            ProductId         = apimProduct.Id,
            UserId            = apimUser.Id,
            PrimaryKey        = config.Require("productSubscriptionKey")
                                                new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apim, apimProduct, apimUser }

        // Create Application Insights
        var appInsights = new Insights("appinsights", new InsightsArgs()
            Name = appInsightsName,
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApplicationType   = "web",
            Tags = tags
        // Create APIM diagnostics logger
        var apimLogger = new Logger("apimLogger", new LoggerArgs()
            Name = $"{apimName}-logger",
            ResourceGroupName   = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName   = apim.Name,
            ApplicationInsights = new LoggerApplicationInsightsArgs()
                InstrumentationKey = appInsights.InstrumentationKey
                                    new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { appInsights, apim }

        // Add health probe to APIM, create operation, policy and assign to product
        var apiHealthProbe = new Api("healthProbe", new ApiArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            DisplayName       = "Health probe",
            Path      = "health-probe",
            Protocols = "https",
            Revision  = "1"
                                     new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apim }
        var apimHealthProbeOperation = new ApiOperation("pingOperation", new ApiOperationArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            ApiName           = apiHealthProbe.Name,
            DisplayName       = "Ping",
            Method            = "GET",
            UrlTemplate       = "/",
            OperationId       = "get-ping"
                                                        new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apiHealthProbe }
        var apiHealthProbePolicy = new ApiPolicy("healthProbePolicy", new ApiPolicyArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            ApiName           = apiHealthProbe.Name,
            XmlContent        = @"<policies>
                                    <set-status code='200' />
                                <base />
                                                 new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apimHealthProbeOperation }
        var apiHealtProbeProduct = new ProductApi("healthProbeProduct", new ProductApiArgs()
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApiManagementName = apim.Name,
            ApiName           = apiHealthProbe.Name,
            ProductId         = apimProduct.ProductId
                                                  new CustomResourceOptions()
            DependsOn = { apim, apimProduct, apiHealthProbePolicy }