Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var client = new Client("https://www.mystore.com/mm5/json.mvc", "MY_API_TOKEN", "MY_SIGNING_KEY");

            client.DefaultStoreCode = "STORE_CODE";

            var loadProductRequest = new ProductListLoadQueryRequest(client);

            /// apply filtering to match a specific product
            /// @see ListQueryExample.cs
            loadProductRequest.GetFilter().Equal("code", "MY_PRODUCT");

            /// include all custom fields

            ProductListLoadQueryResponse loadProductResponse = loadProductRequest.Send();

            if (!loadProductResponse.IsSuccess())
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}: {1}", loadProductResponse.GetErrorCode(), loadProductResponse.GetErrorMessage());
                Console.WriteLine("Successfully loaded product");

            if (loadProductResponse.GetProducts().Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No Products Found");

            var product = loadProductResponse.GetProducts()[0];

            Console.WriteLine("Loaded Product {0} Code {1} Name {2}", product.GetId(), product.GetCode(), product.GetName());

            /// You can access the custom fields of the product from the CustomFieldValues model
            VariableValue myCustomFieldValue = product.GetCustomFieldValues().GetValue("MyField");

            // Field values can be inspected of their type. Supported types are any IConvertible, and Array's of IConvertible (multitext)
            if (myCustomFieldValue.ValueType == VariableValue.ValueDataType.ConvertibleType)
                String myCustomFieldValueString = myCustomFieldValue.ToString();
            else if (myCustomFieldValue.ValueType == VariableValue.ValueDataType.ArrayType)
                foreach (var v in myCustomFieldValue.GetValueArray())
                    String myCustomFieldValueMultitextString = v.ToString();

            /// to get a specific module field, specify the optional 2rd argument with the module code.
            VariableValue myModuleCustomFieldValue = product.GetCustomFieldValues().GetValue("MyField", "MyModule");

            /// Some requests accept a Model object in their constructor
            /// which will allow the Request object to inherit data from.
            /// ProductUpdate accepts a Product model.
            var request = new ProductUpdateRequest(client, product);

            request.SetProductName("The New Product Name")
            .SetProductDescription("New Product Description")

            /// You can update custom field values using the CustomFieldValues model.
            request.GetCustomFieldValues().SetValue("MyField", "MyValue");

            /// to update a specific module field, specify the optional 3rd argument with the module code.
            request.GetCustomFieldValues().SetValue("MyField", "MyValue", "MyModule");

            ProductUpdateResponse response = request.Send();

            if (!response.IsSuccess())
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}: {1}", response.GetErrorCode(), response.GetErrorMessage());
                Console.WriteLine("Successfully updated product");
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var client = new Client("https://www.mystore.com/mm5/json.mvc", "MY_API_TOKEN", "MY_SIGNING_KEY");

            client.DefaultStoreCode = "STORE_CODE";

            /// All Request objects which inherit from ListQueryRequest
            /// can utilize the FilterExpression class to fluently add
            /// search filters to the *List_Load_Query requests.
            /// @see ListQueryRequest
            /// @see FilterExpression

            var request = new ProductListLoadQueryRequest(client);

            /// Get the FilterExpression object for the request.
            /// This will enforce only adding search filters to
            /// defined fields in ProductListLoadQuery. Trying to
            /// filter against undefined fields throws an exception.
            /// @see ProductListLoadQueryRequest::availableSearchFields
            /// @see ProductListLoadQueryRequest::getAvailableSearchFields()
            /// @see FilterExpression

            var filters = request.GetFilter();

            /// Alternately, you can just create a FilterExpression object
            /// directly.
            /// filters = new FilterExpression()
            /// This will not enforce a requests available search fields.
            /// var filters = FilterExpression(request: request)
            /// This will enforce a requests available search fields.

            filters.Equal("code", "foo")
            .OrEqual("code", "bar");

            /// You can nest additional expressions to create
            /// more complex search queries:

                .Like("code", "BAZ%")
                .AndGreaterThan("price", 9.99)

            /// This would result in a query along the lines of:
            /// [...] WHERE code = "foo" OR code = "bar" OR ( code LIKE "BAZ%" AND price > 9.99 )

            /// You can get an array of available search fields for a ListQueryRequest
            var availableSearchFields = request.GetAvailableSearchFields();

            /// Some *List_Load_Query functions allow you to include additional data in the response
            /// by specifying additional on demand columns

            /// You can add a single column

            /// You can set (and replace) an array columns
            request.SetOnDemandColumns(new string[] { "column", "column2", "column3" });

            /// You can get an array of supported columns from the Request
            var availableColumns = request.GetAvailableOnDemandColumns();

            /// You can set all supported on demand columns the request supports like this

            /// Lists which include Custom Fields (Product,Category,Order) you must explicitly specify
            /// the custom field module and code as an on demand column or using wildcards

            request.AddOnDemandColumn("CustomField_Values:*");                                          // Includes ALL custom fields
            request.AddOnDemandColumn("CustomField_Values:customfields:*");                             // Includes all fields provided by the customfields module
            request.AddOnDemandColumn("CustomField_Values:customfields:MyFieldCode");                   // includes only the MyFieldCode provided by the customfields module

            /* You can sort the result list by using  the setSort method on the Request */
            request.SetSort("field", ProductListLoadQueryRequest.SortDirection.ASC);

            /// Get an array of available sort fields
            var availableSortFields = request.GetAvailableSortFields();

            /// Some *List_Load_Query functions support custom filters specific to the request.
            /// You can add custom filters using the setCustomFilter method. The value type will
            /// vary for each custom field.

            // Send the request

            ProductListLoadQueryResponse response = request.Send();

            if (!response.IsSuccess())
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}: {1}", response.GetErrorCode(), response.GetErrorMessage());
                foreach (Product product in response.GetProducts())
                    Console.WriteLine("Product ID: {0} Code: {1} Name: {2}", product.GetId(), product.GetCode(), product.GetName());

                    /// Custom Field Values can be accessed via the CustomFieldValues model object
                    /// @see CustomFieldValues

                    var myCustomField = product.GetCustomFieldValues().GetValue("MyFieldCode");

                    var myModuleCustomField = product.GetCustomFieldValues().GetValue("MyModuleFieldCode", "MyModule");