Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 通过keyword查询所有产品
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyword"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ProductListBykeyword SearchProductByKeyword(string keyword)
            ProductListBykeyword plist = new ProductListBykeyword();
            string         catesql     = "select a.ID,a.PartName,a.CategoryID,a.PartBrand,a.Price,b.imgpath from Parts a left join  (select *  from ImgStock where id in (select min(id)  from ImgStock group by PartID)) b on a.ID=b.PartID  where a.State=1 and  a.CategoryID in (select id from PartsCategory where  CategoryName like '%{0}%' ) and a.ProType=0 order by a.ShowDate, a.orderby desc";
            List <Product> list1       = db.Database.SqlQuery <Product>(string.Format(catesql, keyword)).ToList();

            string         prosql = "select a.ID,a.PartName,a.CategoryID,a.PartBrand,a.Price,b.imgpath from Parts a left join  (select *  from ImgStock where id in (select min(id)  from ImgStock group by PartID)) b on a.ID=b.PartID  where a.State=1 and  a.PartName like '%{0}%' and a.ProType=0 order by a.ShowDate, a.orderby desc";
            List <Product> list2  = db.Database.SqlQuery <Product>(string.Format(prosql, keyword)).ToList();

            if (list1.Count == 0)
                list1 = list2;
                if (list2.Count > 0)
            list1 = list1.Where((x, i) => list1.FindIndex(z => z.ID == x.ID) == i).ToList();

            string     carsql    = "select id from CarM where brand like '%{0}%' or model like '%{0}%'";
            List <int> carList   = db.Database.SqlQuery <int>(string.Format(carsql, keyword)).ToList();
            string     carProsql = "select a.ID,a.PartName,a.CategoryID,a.PartBrand,a.Price,b.imgpath from Parts a left join  (select *  from ImgStock where id in (select min(id)  from ImgStock group by PartID)) b on a.ID=b.PartID  where a.State=1 and  a.tocars like '%,{0},%'  and a.ProType=0 order by a.ShowDate, a.orderby desc";

            foreach (var item in carList)
                List <Product> list3 = db.Database.SqlQuery <Product>(string.Format(carProsql, item)).ToList();
                if (list1.Count == 0)
                    list1 = list3;
                    if (list3.Count > 0)
            list1 = list1.Where((x, i) => list1.FindIndex(z => z.ID == x.ID) == i).ToList();
            //List<Product> list3 = db.Database.SqlQuery<Product>(string.Format(prosql, keyword)).ToList();

            plist.proList = list1;
            //string CSql = " select * from PartsCategory where ID={0} and IsShow=1 ";
            //DAO.PartsCategory pc = db.Database.SqlQuery<DAO.PartsCategory>(string.Format(CSql, string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) ? "1" : id)).FirstOrDefault();
            //plist.partCate = pc;
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult SearchProduct(string keyword, int pageIndex = 1)
            int                  pageSize = 32; //数量
            string               kd       = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(keyword.Trim());
            ProductBll           bll      = new ProductBll();
            ProductListBykeyword proList  = bll.SearchProductByKeyword(kd);
            List <Product>       plist    = proList.proList;
            var                  page     = (from c in plist select c).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize);//跳过前50条数据,取10条

            proList.proList     = page.ToList();
            proList.totleCount  = plist.Count;
            proList.pageSize    = pageSize;
            proList.currentPage = pageIndex;