Exemple #1
        public double GetScrapWeight(int plantID, int lineID, int shiftID, DateTime productionDate)
            double returnValue = 0;

            Plant         plant      = _repository.Repository <Plant>().GetById(plantID);
            UnitOfMeasure defaultUom = plant.UnitOfMeasureDefaults.First(m => m.UnitOfMeasureType.Code == "W").UnitOfMeasure;

            ProdLine     line     = _repository.Repository <ProdLine>().GetById(lineID);
            ProdLineType lineType = _repository.Repository <ProdLineType>().GetById(line.LineTypeID);

            Application.UoMConversionService convert = new Application.UoMConversionService();
            double result = 100;

             * var result = _repository.Repository<TPOLineScrap>().GetAllBy(
             *              p => p.PlantID == plantID &&
             *                   p.ShiftID == shiftID &&
             *                   p.WorkOrder.LineID == lineID &&
             *                   p.ProductionDate == productionDate).Sum(
             *                      p => convert.ConvertUoM(p.WeightUoMID, (decimal)p.Weight, defaultUom.ID)
             *                   );
             * returnValue = (double)Math.Round(result, 0);
            returnValue = result;

Exemple #2
        public double GetCompletionPercentage(int plantID, int lineID, int workOrderID)
            double returnValue = 0.0;

            WorkOrder workOrder = _repository.Repository <WorkOrder>().GetById(workOrderID);

            ProdLine     line     = _repository.Repository <ProdLine>().GetById(lineID);
            ProdLineType lineType = _repository.Repository <ProdLineType>().GetById(line.LineTypeID);

            double ran = 0;

            if (lineType.ProdLineTypeCode == "IM")
                ran = 0;

                 *  _repository.Repository<IMProd>().GetAllBy(
                 *      p => p.ProdLineID == lineID &&
                 *              p.WorkOrderID == workOrder.ID &&
                 *              p.IMProductID == workOrder.IMProductID &&
                 *              p.PlantID == plantID).Sum(p => p.PartsCarton);
                ran = 0;

                 * ran = _repository.Repository<TPOCProductRoll>().GetAllBy(
                 *      p => p.LineID == lineID &&
                 *              p.WorkOrderID == workOrder.ID &&
                 *              p.ProductID == workOrder.TPOProductID &&
                 *              p.PlantID == plantID).Sum(
                 *                  p =>  (p.Length * p.TPOProduct.Width) == null ? 0 : (p.Length * p.TPOProduct.Width)
                 *              );

            if (workOrder.RunArea > 0)
                returnValue = (ran / workOrder.RunArea);

Exemple #3
        public int Add(ProductionLinesDto dto)
            var entity = Mapper.Map <ProductionLinesDto, ProdLine>(dto);

            //TODO:  Set fields on ProdLinesPerform based on values in ProdLine
            //ProdLinesPerform plp = new ProdLinesPerform();
            //plp.LocID = entity.LocID;

            //TODO:  Handle setting current work order to Line based on its type (see usp_WO_UpdateRCRWWorkOrders in old DB for reference)

            #region Line Type Checks
            //Get the type of production line
            ProdLineType type = _repository.Repository <ProdLineType>().GetById(entity.LineTypeID);
            if (type != null)
                //If type is not reclaim or rework, make sure a WOLineUse record is present
                if (type.ProdLineTypeCode != "RW" && type.ProdLineTypeCode != "RC")
                    //TODO:  Once WOLineUse table has been created, create a new instance of that Entity here and assign to newly created ProdLine

                if (type.ProdLineTypeCode == "TPO" || type.ProdLineTypeCode == "RW" || type.ProdLineTypeCode == "WI" || type.ProdLineTypeCode == "CO")
                    //Create TPOCurrentScrim record
                    if (type.ProdLineTypeCode == "TPO" || type.ProdLineTypeCode == "CO")
                        TPOCurrentScrim currScrim = new TPOCurrentScrim();
                        currScrim.PlantID      = entity.PlantID;
                        currScrim.DateEntered  = entity.DateEntered;
                        currScrim.EnteredBy    = entity.EnteredBy;
                        currScrim.LastModified = entity.LastModified;
                        currScrim.ModifiedBy   = entity.ModifiedBy;
                        currScrim.ScrimPos     = "NA";

                        if (type.ProdLineTypeCode == "TPO")
                            //TODO:  Create TPOFormLineProd for this line for all products for the
                            //current plant in TPOProducts where IsRepel is false
                            //See usp_SA_LineProdFormCheck in old database

                        //TODO:  Once TPOCurrentBatch table has been created, create a new instance of that Entity here

            //Create ProductionShiftUse records for each available shift
            var prodShifts = _repository.Repository <ProductionShiftDto>().GetAllBy(s => s.PlantID == entity.PlantID).ToList();
            for (int i = 0; i < prodShifts.Count; i++)
                var minutes = 0;
                if (prodShifts[i].StartTime > prodShifts[i].EndTime)
                    minutes = prodShifts[i].StartTime.Subtract(prodShifts[i].EndTime).Minutes + 1440;
                    minutes = minutes = prodShifts[i].StartTime.Subtract(prodShifts[i].EndTime).Minutes;
                ProductionShiftUse use = new ProductionShiftUse()
                    ShiftID     = prodShifts[i].ID,
                    PlantID     = entity.PlantID,
                    Day1Minutes = minutes,
                    Day2Minutes = minutes,
                    Day3Minutes = minutes,
                    Day4Minutes = minutes,
                    Day5Minutes = minutes,
                    Day6Minutes = minutes,
                    Day7Minutes = minutes,

                    DateEntered  = entity.DateEntered,
                    EnteredBy    = entity.EnteredBy,
                    LastModified = entity.LastModified,
                    ModifiedBy   = entity.ModifiedBy

                //Need to create config line now since FK is non-nullable
                ProdLineRollConfig config = new ProdLineRollConfig()
                    RollName = type.ProdLineTypeCode,
                    TypeID   = type.ID,
                    Order    = 0
                entity.ProdLineRollConfig = config;

            //TODO:  Create new ProdDteChng record
            ProdDateChange change = new ProdDateChange()
                DateChange    = DateTime.Now,
                RotationStart = DateTime.Now,
                PlantID       = entity.PlantID,
                DateEntered   = entity.DateEntered,
                EnteredBy     = entity.EnteredBy,
                LastModified  = entity.LastModified,
                ModifiedBy    = entity.ModifiedBy

                _repository.Repository <ProdLine>().Insert(entity);
            catch (DbEntityValidationException valEx)
                var sb = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (var failure in valEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                    sb.AppendFormat("{0} failed validation\n", failure.Entry.Entity.GetType());
                    foreach (var error in failure.ValidationErrors)
                        sb.AppendFormat("- {0} : {1}", error.PropertyName, error.ErrorMessage);

                throw new DbEntityValidationException(
                          "Entity Validation Failed - errors follow:\n" +
                          sb.ToString(), valEx
                          ); // Add the original exception as the innerException
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #4
        public double GetScrapPercent(int plantID, int lineID, int shiftID, DateTime productionDate)
            double returnValue = 0;

            Plant         plant      = _repository.Repository <Plant>().GetById(plantID);
            UnitOfMeasure defaultUom = plant.UnitOfMeasureDefaults.First(m => m.UnitOfMeasureType.Code == "W").UnitOfMeasure;

            ProdLine        line     = _repository.Repository <ProdLine>().GetById(lineID);
            ProdLineType    lineType = _repository.Repository <ProdLineType>().GetById(line.LineTypeID);
            ProductionShift shift    = _repository.Repository <ProductionShift>().GetById(shiftID);

            Application.UoMConversionService convert = new Application.UoMConversionService();

            var scrap = 0;

             * var scrap = _repository.Repository<TPOLineScrap>().GetAllBy(
             *  p => p.PlantID == plantID &&
             *          p.ShiftID == shiftID &&
             *          p.WorkOrder.LineID == lineID &&
             *          p.ProductionDate == productionDate).Sum(
             *              p => convert.ConvertUoM(p.WeightUoMID, (decimal)p.Weight, defaultUom.ID)
             *          );
            if (lineType.ProdLineTypeCode == "IM")
                var prod = 0;

                 * var prod = _repository.Repository<IMProd>().GetAllBy(
                 *      p => p.ProdLineID == lineID &&
                 *              p.ProdShift == shift.Code &&
                 *              p.PlantID == plantID &&
                 *              p.ProdDate == productionDate).Sum(
                 *                  p => convert.ConvertUoM(p.WeightUOM, (decimal)p.CartonWeight, defaultUom.ID)
                 *              );
                if (prod > 0)
                    returnValue = (double)(scrap / prod);
                var prod = 0;

                 * var prod = _repository.Repository<TPOCProductRoll>().GetAllBy(
                 *      p => p.LineID == lineID &&
                 *              p.ShiftID == shiftID &&
                 *              p.PlantID == plantID &&
                 *              p.ProductionDate == productionDate).Sum(
                 *                  p => convert.ConvertUoM(p.WeightUoMID, (decimal)p.Weight, defaultUom.ID)
                 *              );
                if (prod > 0)
                    returnValue = (double)(scrap / prod);
