static LinqProcessor()
        var _take = new ProcessTake();
        var _where = new ProcessWhere();
        var _single = new ProcessSingle();
        var _first = new ProcessFirst();
        var _distinct = new ProcessDistinct();
        var _holdLock = new ProcessWithHoldLock();
        var _noLock = new ProcessWithNoLock();
        var _rowAt = new ProcessRowAt();
        var _orderByAscending = new ProcessOrderBy( true );
        var _orderByDescending = new ProcessOrderBy( false );
        var _notImplemented = new ProcessNotImplemented();

        _functionMapping.Add( "Aggregate", _notImplemented ); // aggregate
        _functionMapping.Add( "All", _notImplemented ); // can't see how this can be done
        _functionMapping.Add( "Any", _notImplemented ); // can't see how this can be done
        _functionMapping.Add( "AsQueryable", _notImplemented ); // can't see how this is necessary
        _functionMapping.Add( "Average", _notImplemented ); // aggregate
        _functionMapping.Add( "Cast", _notImplemented ); // can't see how this is necessary
        _functionMapping.Add( "Concat", _notImplemented ); // can't see how this is necessary
        _functionMapping.Add( "Contains", _notImplemented ); // can't see how this is necessary
        _functionMapping.Add( "Count", _notImplemented ); // aggregate
        _functionMapping.Add( "DefaultIfEmpty", _notImplemented );// not even sure what this does
        _functionMapping.Add( "Distinct", _distinct );
        _functionMapping.Add( "ElementAt", _notImplemented ); // can't see how this is necessary, unless do a TOP N and return the last item
        _functionMapping.Add( "ElementAtOrDefault", _notImplemented ); // can't see how this is necessary, unless do a TOP N and return the last item
        _functionMapping.Add( "Except", _notImplemented );
        _functionMapping.Add( "First", _first );
        _functionMapping.Add( "FirstOrDefault", _first );
        _functionMapping.Add( "GroupBy", _notImplemented ); // aggregate
        _functionMapping.Add( "GroupJoin", _notImplemented ); // aggregate
        _functionMapping.Add( "Intersect", _notImplemented ); // can't see how this can be done
        _functionMapping.Add( "Join", _notImplemented ); // can't see how this can be done
        _functionMapping.Add( "Last", _notImplemented ); // rely on the user to do this manually
        _functionMapping.Add( "LastOrDefault", _notImplemented ); // rely on the user to do this manually
        _functionMapping.Add( "LongCount", _notImplemented ); // aggregate
        _functionMapping.Add( "Max", _notImplemented ); // aggregate
        _functionMapping.Add( "Min", _notImplemented ); // aggregate
        _functionMapping.Add( "OfType", _notImplemented ); // can't see how this is necessary
        _functionMapping.Add( "OrderBy", _orderByAscending );
        _functionMapping.Add( "OrderByDescending", _orderByDescending );
        _functionMapping.Add( "Reverse", _notImplemented ); // rely on the user to do this manually
        _functionMapping.Add( "RowAt", _rowAt );
        _functionMapping.Add( "RowAtOrDefault", _rowAt );
        _functionMapping.Add( "Select", _notImplemented ); // rely on the user to do this manually
        _functionMapping.Add( "SelectMany", _notImplemented );
        _functionMapping.Add( "SequenceEqual", _notImplemented ); // not even sure what this does
        _functionMapping.Add( "Single", _single );
        _functionMapping.Add( "SingleOrDefault", _single );
        _functionMapping.Add( "Skip", _notImplemented ); // rely on the user to do this manually
        _functionMapping.Add( "SkipWhile", _notImplemented ); // rely on the user to do this manually
        _functionMapping.Add( "Sum", _notImplemented ); // aggregate
        _functionMapping.Add( "Take", _take ); // not even sure what this does
        _functionMapping.Add( "TakeWhile", _notImplemented ); // not even sure what this does
        _functionMapping.Add( "ThenBy", _orderByAscending );
        _functionMapping.Add( "ThenByDescending", _orderByDescending );
        _functionMapping.Add( "Union", _notImplemented ); // rely on the user to do this manually
        _functionMapping.Add( "Where", _where );
        _functionMapping.Add( "WithNoLock", _noLock );
        _functionMapping.Add( "WithHoldLock", _holdLock );
        _functionMapping.Add( "Zip", _notImplemented ); // rely on the user to do this manually
Exemple #2
            static LinqProcessor()
                var _take              = new ProcessTake();
                var _where             = new ProcessWhere();
                var _single            = new ProcessSingle();
                var _first             = new ProcessFirst();
                var _distinct          = new ProcessDistinct();
                var _holdLock          = new ProcessWithHoldLock();
                var _noLock            = new ProcessWithNoLock();
                var _rowAt             = new ProcessRowAt();
                var _orderByAscending  = new ProcessOrderBy(true);
                var _orderByDescending = new ProcessOrderBy(false);
                var _notImplemented    = new ProcessNotImplemented();

                _functionMapping.Add("Aggregate", _notImplemented);          // aggregate
                _functionMapping.Add("All", _notImplemented);                // can't see how this can be done
                _functionMapping.Add("Any", _notImplemented);                // can't see how this can be done
                _functionMapping.Add("AsQueryable", _notImplemented);        // can't see how this is necessary
                _functionMapping.Add("Average", _notImplemented);            // aggregate
                _functionMapping.Add("Cast", _notImplemented);               // can't see how this is necessary
                _functionMapping.Add("Concat", _notImplemented);             // can't see how this is necessary
                _functionMapping.Add("Contains", _notImplemented);           // can't see how this is necessary
                _functionMapping.Add("Count", _notImplemented);              // aggregate
                _functionMapping.Add("DefaultIfEmpty", _notImplemented);     // not even sure what this does
                _functionMapping.Add("Distinct", _distinct);
                _functionMapping.Add("ElementAt", _notImplemented);          // can't see how this is necessary, unless do a TOP N and return the last item
                _functionMapping.Add("ElementAtOrDefault", _notImplemented); // can't see how this is necessary, unless do a TOP N and return the last item
                _functionMapping.Add("Except", _notImplemented);
                _functionMapping.Add("First", _first);
                _functionMapping.Add("FirstOrDefault", _first);
                _functionMapping.Add("GroupBy", _notImplemented);       // aggregate
                _functionMapping.Add("GroupJoin", _notImplemented);     // aggregate
                _functionMapping.Add("Intersect", _notImplemented);     // can't see how this can be done
                _functionMapping.Add("Join", _notImplemented);          // can't see how this can be done
                _functionMapping.Add("Last", _notImplemented);          // rely on the user to do this manually
                _functionMapping.Add("LastOrDefault", _notImplemented); // rely on the user to do this manually
                _functionMapping.Add("LongCount", _notImplemented);     // aggregate
                _functionMapping.Add("Max", _notImplemented);           // aggregate
                _functionMapping.Add("Min", _notImplemented);           // aggregate
                _functionMapping.Add("OfType", _notImplemented);        // can't see how this is necessary
                _functionMapping.Add("OrderBy", _orderByAscending);
                _functionMapping.Add("OrderByDescending", _orderByDescending);
                _functionMapping.Add("Reverse", _notImplemented); // rely on the user to do this manually
                _functionMapping.Add("RowAt", _rowAt);
                _functionMapping.Add("RowAtOrDefault", _rowAt);
                _functionMapping.Add("Select", _notImplemented);        // rely on the user to do this manually
                _functionMapping.Add("SelectMany", _notImplemented);
                _functionMapping.Add("SequenceEqual", _notImplemented); // not even sure what this does
                _functionMapping.Add("Single", _single);
                _functionMapping.Add("SingleOrDefault", _single);
                _functionMapping.Add("Skip", _notImplemented);      // rely on the user to do this manually
                _functionMapping.Add("SkipWhile", _notImplemented); // rely on the user to do this manually
                _functionMapping.Add("Sum", _notImplemented);       // aggregate
                _functionMapping.Add("Take", _take);                // not even sure what this does
                _functionMapping.Add("TakeWhile", _notImplemented); // not even sure what this does
                _functionMapping.Add("ThenBy", _orderByAscending);
                _functionMapping.Add("ThenByDescending", _orderByDescending);
                _functionMapping.Add("Union", _notImplemented); // rely on the user to do this manually
                _functionMapping.Add("Where", _where);
                _functionMapping.Add("WithNoLock", _noLock);
                _functionMapping.Add("WithHoldLock", _holdLock);
                _functionMapping.Add("Zip", _notImplemented); // rely on the user to do this manually