// this is where it all happends private void GetUsage() { ProcessEntry32 ProcessInfo = new ProcessEntry32(); ProcessTimes ProcessTimes = new ProcessTimes(); IntPtr ProcessList, ProcessHandle = ProcessCPU.PROCESS_HANDLE_ERROR; ProcessData CurrentProcessData; int Index; int Total = 0; bool NoError; // this creates a pointer to the current process list ProcessList = ProcessCPU.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(ProcessCPU.TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (ProcessList == ProcessCPU.PROCESS_LIST_ERROR) { return; } // we usage Process32First, Process32Next to loop threw the processes ProcessInfo.Size = ProcessCPU.PROCESS_ENTRY_32_SIZE; NoError = ProcessCPU.Process32First(ProcessList, ref ProcessInfo); IDList.Clear(); ProcessView.SuspendLayout(); while (NoError) { try { // we need a process handle to pass it to GetProcessTimes function // the OpenProcess function will provide us the handle by the id ProcessHandle = ProcessCPU.OpenProcess(ProcessCPU.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, ProcessInfo.ID); // here's what we are looking for, this gets the kernel and user time ProcessCPU.GetProcessTimes( ProcessHandle, out ProcessTimes.RawCreationTime, out ProcessTimes.RawExitTime, out ProcessTimes.RawKernelTime, out ProcessTimes.RawUserTime); // convert the values to DateTime values ProcessTimes.ConvertTime(); //from here is just managing the gui for the process list CurrentProcessData = ProcessExists(ProcessInfo.ID); IDList.Add(ProcessInfo.ID); if (CurrentProcessData == PROCESS_DATA_NOT_FOUND) { Index = ProcessDataList.Add(new ProcessData( ProcessInfo.ID, ProcessInfo.ExeFilename, ProcessTimes.UserTime.Ticks, ProcessTimes.KernelTime.Ticks)); AddProcess((ProcessData)ProcessDataList[Index]); } else { Total += CurrentProcessData.UpdateCpuUsage( ProcessTimes.UserTime.Ticks, ProcessTimes.KernelTime.Ticks); } } finally { if (ProcessHandle != ProcessCPU.PROCESS_HANDLE_ERROR) { ProcessCPU.CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); } NoError = ProcessCPU.Process32Next(ProcessList, ref ProcessInfo); } } ProcessCPU.CloseHandle(ProcessList); Index = 0; while (Index < ProcessDataList.Count) { ProcessData TempProcess = (ProcessData)ProcessDataList[Index]; if (IDList.Contains(TempProcess.ID)) { Index++; } else { ProcessView.Items.Remove(TempProcess.ProcessItem); ProcessDataList.RemoveAt(Index); } } IdleProcessItem.SubItems[2].Text = (100 - Total) + "%"; ProcessView.ResumeLayout(); }
private void GetUsage() { ProcessEntry32 ProcessInfo = new ProcessEntry32(); ProcessTimes ProcessTimes = new ProcessTimes(); IntPtr ProcessList, ProcessHandle = ProcessCPU.PROCESS_HANDLE_ERROR; ProcessData CurrentProcessData; int Index = 0; int Total = 0; bool NoError; // this creates a pointer to the current process list ProcessList = ProcessCPU.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(ProcessCPU.TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (ProcessList == ProcessCPU.PROCESS_LIST_ERROR) { return; } // we usage Process32First, Process32Next to loop threw the processes ProcessInfo.Size = ProcessCPU.PROCESS_ENTRY_32_SIZE; NoError = ProcessCPU.Process32First(ProcessList, ref ProcessInfo); IDList.Clear(); ProcessView.SuspendLayout(); while (NoError) { try { // we need a process handle to pass it to GetProcessTimes function // the OpenProcess function will provide us the handle by the id ProcessHandle = ProcessCPU.OpenProcess(ProcessCPU.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, ProcessInfo.ID); // here's what we are looking for, this gets the kernel and user time ProcessCPU.GetProcessTimes( ProcessHandle, out ProcessTimes.RawCreationTime, out ProcessTimes.RawExitTime, out ProcessTimes.RawKernelTime, out ProcessTimes.RawUserTime); // convert the values to DateTime values ProcessTimes.ConvertTime(); //from here is just managing the gui for the process list CurrentProcessData = ProcessExists(ProcessInfo.ID); IDList.Add(ProcessInfo.ID); if (CurrentProcessData == PROCESS_DATA_NOT_FOUND) { Index = ProcessDataList.Add(new ProcessData( ProcessInfo.ID, ProcessInfo.ExeFilename, ProcessTimes.UserTime.Ticks, ProcessTimes.KernelTime.Ticks)); AddProcess((ProcessData)ProcessDataList[Index]); } else { //TEST inline condition Total += (CrcMrc.Properties.Settings.Default.CPUUseSwitch ? CurrentProcessData.UpdateCpuUsage( ProcessTimes.UserTime.Ticks, ProcessTimes.KernelTime.Ticks) : 0); } } finally { if (ProcessHandle != ProcessCPU.PROCESS_HANDLE_ERROR) { ProcessCPU.CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); } NoError = ProcessCPU.Process32Next(ProcessList, ref ProcessInfo); } } ProcessCPU.CloseHandle(ProcessList); Index = 0; DateTime dt = (System.DateTime)DateTime.Now; while (Index < ProcessDataList.Count) { ProcessData TempProcess = (ProcessData)ProcessDataList[Index]; dsProcess.ProcessRow row; row = pdt.NewProcessRow(); row.CompName = compName; //GetCompName(); row.CompUser = compUser; //GetCompUser(); row.IP = localIPAddress; //GetIPAddress(); // GetLocalIpAddress(); row.ProcesName = TempProcess.Name; row.CPUUse = TempProcess.CpuUsage; row.ProcTime = dt; row.ProcID = (Int32)TempProcess.ID; row.Title = GetTitleWindow((Int32)TempProcess.ID); //TEST TEST TEST string sProzori = String.Empty; IntPtr[] prozori = GetProcessWindows((int)TempProcess.ID); Int32[] lprozori = new Int32[prozori.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < prozori.Length; j++) { sProzori += "@" + prozori[j].ToInt32().ToString() + "@"; lprozori[j] = prozori[j].ToInt32(); } Int32[] commonElements = comm.iHwnd.Intersect(lprozori).ToArray(); Int32 commonElementsCounter = comm.iHwnd.Count() - comm.iHwnd.Except(lprozori).Count(); if (commonElements.Length > 0) { row.counter = (short)commonElementsCounter; row.currWindID = commonElements[0].ToString(); } row.hWindID = sProzori; /* counter prozora za gledanje */ Int32[] commonElementsView = comm.iHwndView.Intersect(lprozori).ToArray(); Int32 commonElementsCounterView = comm.iHwndView.Count() - comm.iHwndView.Except(lprozori).Count(); //if (commonElementsView.Length > 0 && commonElements.Length == 0) if (commonElementsView.Length > 0) { row.counter = (short)commonElementsCounterView; row.currWindID = commonElementsView[0].ToString(); row.ViewOnly = true; } if (row.counter > 0) { pdt.AddProcessRow(row); pdt.AcceptChanges(); LogTo("ADD " + row.ProcID + " " + row.ProcTime, true); } else { //pdt.RemoveProcessRow(row); row.Delete(); row = null; pdt.RejectChanges(); } if (IDList.Contains(TempProcess.ID)) { Index++; } else { ProcessView.Items.Remove(TempProcess.ProcessItem); ProcessDataList.RemoveAt(Index); } } IdleProcessItem.SubItems[2].Text = (100 - Total) + "%"; ProcessView.ResumeLayout(); comm.ResetCounter(); SaveXml(); ShowCountData(); }