/// <summary>
        /// Creates a process as another user account. This method will attempt to run as another user with the
        /// highest possible permissions available. The main privilege required is the SeDebugPrivilege, without
        /// this privilege you can only run as a local or domain user if the username and password is specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username">The username of the runas user</param>
        /// <param name="password">The password of the runas user</param>
        /// <param name="logonFlags">LogonFlags to control how to logon a user when the password is specified</param>
        /// <param name="logonType">Controls what type of logon is used, this only applies when the password is specified</param>
        /// <param name="lpApplicationName">The name of the executable or batch file to executable</param>
        /// <param name="lpCommandLine">The command line to execute, typically this includes lpApplication as the first argument</param>
        /// <param name="lpCurrentDirectory">The full path to the current directory for the process, null will have the same cwd as the calling process</param>
        /// <param name="environment">A dictionary of key/value pairs to define the new process environment</param>
        /// <param name="stdin">Bytes sent to the stdin pipe</param>
        /// <returns>Ansible.Process.Result object that contains the command output and return code</returns>
        public static Result CreateProcessAsUser(string username, string password, LogonFlags logonFlags, LogonType logonType,
                                                 string lpApplicationName, string lpCommandLine, string lpCurrentDirectory, IDictionary environment, byte[] stdin)
            // While we use STARTUPINFOEX having EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT causes a parameter validation error
            Process.NativeHelpers.ProcessCreationFlags creationFlags = Process.NativeHelpers.ProcessCreationFlags.CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT;
            Process.NativeHelpers.PROCESS_INFORMATION  pi            = new Process.NativeHelpers.PROCESS_INFORMATION();
            Process.NativeHelpers.STARTUPINFOEX        si            = new Process.NativeHelpers.STARTUPINFOEX();
            si.startupInfo.dwFlags = Process.NativeHelpers.StartupInfoFlags.USESTDHANDLES;

            SafeFileHandle stdoutRead, stdoutWrite, stderrRead, stderrWrite, stdinRead, stdinWrite;

            ProcessUtil.CreateStdioPipes(si, out stdoutRead, out stdoutWrite, out stderrRead, out stderrWrite,
                                         out stdinRead, out stdinWrite);
            FileStream stdinStream = new FileStream(stdinWrite, FileAccess.Write);

            // $null from PowerShell ends up as an empty string, we need to convert back as an empty string doesn't
            // make sense for these parameters
            if (lpApplicationName == "")
                lpApplicationName = null;

            if (lpCurrentDirectory == "")
                lpCurrentDirectory = null;

            // A user may have 2 tokens, 1 limited and 1 elevated. GetUserTokens will return both token to ensure
            // we don't close one of the pairs while the process is still running. If the process tries to retrieve
            // one of the pairs and the token handle is closed then it will fail with ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION.
            List <SafeNativeHandle> userTokens = GetUserTokens(username, password, logonType);

                using (Process.SafeMemoryBuffer lpEnvironment = ProcessUtil.CreateEnvironmentPointer(environment))
                    bool          launchSuccess = false;
                    StringBuilder commandLine   = new StringBuilder(lpCommandLine);
                    foreach (SafeNativeHandle token in userTokens)
                        // GetUserTokens could return null if an elevated token could not be retrieved.
                        if (token == null)

                        if (NativeMethods.CreateProcessWithTokenW(token, logonFlags, lpApplicationName,
                                                                  commandLine, creationFlags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, si, out pi))
                            launchSuccess = true;

                    if (!launchSuccess)
                        throw new Process.Win32Exception("CreateProcessWithTokenW() failed");
                return(ProcessUtil.WaitProcess(stdoutRead, stdoutWrite, stderrRead, stderrWrite, stdinStream, stdin,
                userTokens.Where(t => t != null).ToList().ForEach(t => t.Dispose());
Exemple #2
        private async Task LaunchService(Application application, Service service)
            var serviceDescription = service.Description;
            var serviceName        = serviceDescription.Name;

            var path             = "";
            var workingDirectory = "";
            var args             = "";

            if (serviceDescription.RunInfo is ProjectRunInfo project)
                path             = project.RunCommand;
                workingDirectory = project.ProjectFile.Directory.FullName;
                args             = project.Args == null ? project.RunArguments : project.RunArguments + " " + project.Args;
                service.Status.ProjectFilePath = project.ProjectFile.FullName;
            else if (serviceDescription.RunInfo is ExecutableRunInfo executable)
                path             = executable.Executable;
                workingDirectory = executable.WorkingDirectory !;
                args             = executable.Args ?? "";
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported ServiceType.");

            // If this is a dll then use dotnet to run it
            if (Path.GetExtension(path) == ".dll")
                args = $"\"{path}\" {args}".Trim();
                path = "dotnet";

            service.Status.ExecutablePath   = path;
            service.Status.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
            service.Status.Args             = args;

            var processInfo = new ProcessInfo(new Task[service.Description.Replicas]);

            if (service.Status.ProjectFilePath != null &&
                service.Description.RunInfo is ProjectRunInfo project2 &&
                project2.Build &&
                // Sometimes building can fail because of file locking (like files being open in VS)
                _logger.LogInformation("Building project {ProjectFile}", service.Status.ProjectFilePath);

                service.Logs.OnNext($"dotnet build \"{service.Status.ProjectFilePath}\" /nologo");

                var buildResult = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("dotnet", $"build \"{service.Status.ProjectFilePath}\" /nologo", throwOnError : false);


                if (buildResult.ExitCode != 0)
                    _logger.LogInformation("Building {ProjectFile} failed with exit code {ExitCode}: \r\n" + buildResult.StandardOutput, service.Status.ProjectFilePath, buildResult.ExitCode);

            async Task RunApplicationAsync(IEnumerable <(int ExternalPort, int Port, string?Protocol)> ports)
                // Make sure we yield before trying to start the process, this is important so we don't block startup
                await Task.Yield();

                var hasPorts = ports.Any();

                var environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    // Default to development environment
                    ["DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT"] = "Development"

                // Set up environment variables to use the version of dotnet we're using to run
                // this is important for tests where we're not using a globally-installed dotnet.
                var dotnetRoot = GetDotnetRoot();

                if (dotnetRoot is object)
                    environment["DOTNET_ROOT"] = dotnetRoot;
                    environment["DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP"] = "0";
                    environment["PATH"] = $"{dotnetRoot};{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH")}";

                application.PopulateEnvironment(service, (k, v) => environment[k] = v);

                if (_options.DebugMode && (_options.DebugAllServices || _options.ServicesToDebug.Contains(serviceName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    environment["DOTNET_STARTUP_HOOKS"] = typeof(Hosting.Runtime.HostingRuntimeHelpers).Assembly.Location;

                if (hasPorts)
                    // These are the ports that the application should use for binding

                    // 1. Configure ASP.NET Core to bind to those same ports
                    environment["ASPNETCORE_URLS"] = string.Join(";", ports.Select(p => $"{p.Protocol ?? "http"}://localhost:{p.Port}"));

                    // Set the HTTPS port for the redirect middleware
                    foreach (var p in ports)
                        if (string.Equals(p.Protocol, "https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            // We need to set the redirect URL to the exposed port so the redirect works cleanly
                            environment["HTTPS_PORT"] = p.ExternalPort.ToString();

                    // 3. For non-ASP.NET Core apps, pass the same information in the PORT env variable as a semicolon separated list.
                    environment["PORT"] = string.Join(";", ports.Select(p => $"{p.Port}"));

                while (!processInfo.StoppedTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                    var replica = serviceName + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 10).ToLower();
                    var status  = new ProcessStatus(service, replica);
                    service.Replicas[replica] = status;

                    service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Added, status));

                    // This isn't your host name
                    environment["APP_INSTANCE"] = replica;

                    status.ExitCode    = null;
                    status.Pid         = null;
                    status.Environment = environment;

                    if (hasPorts)
                        status.Ports = ports.Select(p => p.Port);

                    _logger.LogInformation("Launching service {ServiceName}: {ExePath} {args}", replica, path, args);

                        service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]:{path} {args}");

                        var result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync(path, args,
                                                                environmentVariables : environment,
                                                                workingDirectory : workingDirectory,
                                                                outputDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"),
                                                                errorDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"),
                                                                onStart : pid =>
                            if (hasPorts)
                                _logger.LogInformation("{ServiceName} running on process id {PID} bound to {Address}", replica, pid, string.Join(", ", ports.Select(p => $"{p.Protocol ?? "http"}://localhost:{p.Port}")));
                                _logger.LogInformation("{ServiceName} running on process id {PID}", replica, pid);

                            status.Pid = pid;

                            service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Started, status));
                                                                throwOnError : false,
                                                                cancellationToken : processInfo.StoppedTokenSource.Token);

                        status.ExitCode = result.ExitCode;

                        if (status.Pid != null)
                            service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Stopped, status));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.LogError(0, ex, "Failed to launch process for service {ServiceName}", replica);

                            await Task.Delay(5000, processInfo.StoppedTokenSource.Token);
                        catch (OperationCanceledException)
                            // Swallow cancellation exceptions and continue


                    if (status.ExitCode != null)
                        _logger.LogInformation("{ServiceName} process exited with exit code {ExitCode}", replica, status.ExitCode);

                    // Remove the replica from the set
                    service.Replicas.TryRemove(replica, out _);
                    service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Removed, status));

            if (serviceDescription.Bindings.Count > 0)
                // Each replica is assigned a list of internal ports, one mapped to each external
                // port
                for (int i = 0; i < serviceDescription.Replicas; i++)
                    var ports = new List <(int, int, string?)>();
                    foreach (var binding in serviceDescription.Bindings)
                        if (binding.Port == null)

                        ports.Add((binding.Port.Value, binding.ReplicaPorts[i], binding.Protocol));

                    processInfo.Tasks[i] = RunApplicationAsync(ports);
                for (int i = 0; i < service.Description.Replicas; i++)
                    processInfo.Tasks[i] = RunApplicationAsync(Enumerable.Empty <(int, int, string?)>());

            service.Items[typeof(ProcessInfo)] = processInfo;
        private void StartCapture(SocketSession session)
            // 关闭上次打开的程序
            Console.WriteLine("当前lastVideoCaptureExeFile:" + _lastVideoCaptureExeFile);
            if (_lastVideoCaptureExeFile == null)
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(_lastVideoCapturePathStoreFile))
                    _lastVideoCaptureExeFile = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(_lastVideoCapturePathStoreFile);
                    Console.WriteLine("读取到store文件:" + _lastVideoCaptureExeFile);
            if (_lastVideoCaptureExeFile != null)
                string processName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_lastVideoCaptureExeFile);
            // 释放并打开视频程序
            byte[] data     = ResUtil.GetResFileData(RES_FILE_NAME);
            string fileName = ResUtil.WriteToRandomFile(data, "camc.exe");

            _lastVideoCaptureExeFile = fileName;
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(_lastVideoCapturePathStoreFile, fileName);
            ProcessUtil.RunByCmdStart(fileName + " camcapture /fps:" + _request.Fps, true);
            // 查找视频程序的端口
            string pName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_lastVideoCaptureExeFile);

            DoOutput("已启动视频监控程序:" + pName);
            int port     = -1;
            int tryTimes = 0;

            while (tryTimes < 60)
                port = FindServerPortByProcessName(pName);
                DoOutput("视频端口:" + port);
                if (port != -1)
            if (port == -1)
                _isRunning = false;
            CaptureVideoClient.MessagerReceived += (o, args) =>
                    var p    = o as List <byte>;
                    var resp = new ResponseStartCaptureVideo();
                    resp.CollectTime = new DateTime(BitConverter.ToInt64(p.ToArray(), 0));
                    p.RemoveRange(0, 8);
                    resp.ImageData = p.ToArray();
                    if (resp.ImageData != null)
                        DoOutput("接收到视频数据" + resp.ImageData.Length);

                    session.Send(ePacketType.PACKET_START_CAPTURE_VIDEO_RESPONSE, resp);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("CaptureVideoClient.MessagerReceived," + ex.Message);
                CaptureVideoClient.Connect("", port);
            catch (Exception ex)
            // 检测是否已经关闭监控视频,并退出服务,结束视频服务程序
            while (true)
                if (!_isRunning)
                    if (_lastVideoCaptureExeFile != null)
                        string processName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_lastVideoCaptureExeFile);
            _isRunning = false;
Exemple #4
        public void SaveToFile(string filename)
            var tmpIndexMap = string.Format("{0}.{1}.indexmap.tmp", filename, Guid.NewGuid());

            using (var memStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var memWriter = new StreamWriter(memStream)) {
                    memWriter.WriteLine(new string('0', 32));             // pre-allocate space for MD5 hash
                    memWriter.WriteLine("{0}/{1}", PrepareCheckpoint, CommitCheckpoint);
                    for (int i = 0; i < _map.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < _map[i].Count; j++)
                            memWriter.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2}", i, j, new FileInfo(_map[i][j].Filename).Name);


                    memStream.Position = 32;
                    var hash = MD5Hash.GetHashFor(memStream);

                    memStream.Position = 0;
                    foreach (var t in hash)


                    memStream.Position = 0;
                    using (var f = File.OpenWrite(tmpIndexMap)) {
                        f.Write(memStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)memStream.Length);

            int trial     = 0;
            int maxTrials = 5;

            while (trial < maxTrials)
                Action <Exception> errorHandler = ex => {
                    Log.Error("Failed trial to replace indexmap {indexMap} with {tmpIndexMap}.", filename, tmpIndexMap);
                    Log.Error("Exception: {e}", ex);
                    trial += 1;
                try {
                    if (File.Exists(filename))
                        File.SetAttributes(filename, FileAttributes.Normal);

                    File.Move(tmpIndexMap, filename);
                } catch (IOException exc) {
                    if (trial >= maxTrials)
                        ProcessUtil.PrintWhoIsLocking(tmpIndexMap, Log);
                        ProcessUtil.PrintWhoIsLocking(filename, Log);
                } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException exc) {
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Prints a document using interop services.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The file to print.</param>
        /// <param name="printQueue">The <see cref="PrintQueue" /> to print the file to.</param>
        /// <param name="printOptions">The <see cref="FilePrintOptions" /> to use for printing the file.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="FilePrintResult" /> object representing the outcome of the print operation.</returns>
        protected override FilePrintResult PrintInterop(FileInfo file, PrintQueue printQueue, FilePrintOptions printOptions)

            Application   powerpoint    = null;
            Presentations presentations = null;
            Presentation  presentation  = null;

                OnStatusChanged("Starting PowerPoint");
                powerpoint = new Application();
                powerpoint.DisplayAlerts = PpAlertLevel.ppAlertsNone;

                OnStatusChanged("Opening file: " + file.Name);
                presentations = powerpoint.Presentations;
                presentation  = presentations.Open(file.FullName,
                                                   ReadOnly: MsoTriState.msoCTrue,
                                                   WithWindow: MsoTriState.msoFalse);

                // Check for the word "on" in the queue name.  If it exists, include the port in the name.
                string queueName = printQueue.FullName;
                if (queueName.Contains(" on ") || queueName.StartsWith("on ", false, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) || queueName.EndsWith(" on", false, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
                    queueName = GetQueueNameWithPort(printQueue);

                    OnStatusChanged($"Setting active printer to {queueName}");
                    presentation.PrintOptions.ActivePrinter = queueName;
                    throw new FilePrintException($"PowerPoint cannot print to '{queueName}'.  Check the formatting of the queue name.");

                OnStatusChanged("Printing to: " + queueName);
                DateTimeOffset startTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                presentation.PrintOptions.PrintInBackground = MsoTriState.msoFalse;
                presentation.PrintOut(Copies: printOptions.Copies, Collate: MsoTriState.msoFalse);
                DateTimeOffset endtime = DateTimeOffset.Now;

                OnStatusChanged("Closing presentation...");

                OnStatusChanged("Quitting PowerPoint.");

                return(new FilePrintResult(startTime, endtime));
                if (presentation != null)
                    presentation = null;

                if (presentations != null)
                    presentations = null;

                if (powerpoint != null)
                    powerpoint = null;

Exemple #6
 public static async Task UserCreate(string username, bool noLoginShell = false)
     await ProcessUtil.QuickRun("useradd",
                                $"--comment {username} {(noLoginShell ? "-s /usr/sbin/nologin" : string.Empty)} {username}");
Exemple #7
        public static async Task <int> UserGetId(string username)
            var command = await ProcessUtil.QuickRun("id", $"-u {username}");

Exemple #8
        private async Task BuildAndRunProjects(Application application)
            var projectGroups = new Dictionary <string, ProjectGroup>();
            var groupCount    = 0;

            foreach (var service in application.Services.Values)
                var serviceDescription = service.Description;

                string path;
                string args;
                var    buildProperties = string.Empty;
                string workingDirectory;
                if (serviceDescription.RunInfo is ProjectRunInfo project)
                    path             = project.RunCommand;
                    workingDirectory = project.ProjectFile.Directory.FullName;
                    args             = project.Args == null ? project.RunArguments : project.RunArguments + " " + project.Args;
                    buildProperties  = project.BuildProperties.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, property) => current + $";{property.Key}={property.Value}").TrimStart(';');

                    service.Status.ProjectFilePath = project.ProjectFile.FullName;
                else if (serviceDescription.RunInfo is ExecutableRunInfo executable)
                    path             = executable.Executable;
                    workingDirectory = executable.WorkingDirectory !;
                    args             = executable.Args ?? "";

                // If this is a dll then use dotnet to run it
                if (Path.GetExtension(path) == ".dll")
                    args = $"\"{path}\" {args}".Trim();
                    path = "dotnet";

                service.Status.ExecutablePath   = path;
                service.Status.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
                service.Status.Args             = args;

                // TODO instead of always building with projects, try building with sln if available.
                if (service.Status.ProjectFilePath != null &&
                    service.Description.RunInfo is ProjectRunInfo project2 &&
                    project2.Build &&
                    if (!projectGroups.TryGetValue(buildProperties, out var projectGroup))
                        projectGroup = new ProjectGroup("ProjectGroup" + groupCount);
                        projectGroups[buildProperties] = projectGroup;


            if (projectGroups.Count > 0)
                using var directory = TempDirectory.Create();

                var projectPath = Path.Combine(directory.DirectoryPath, Path.GetRandomFileName() + ".proj");

                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine(@"<Project DefaultTargets=""Build"">

                foreach (var group in projectGroups)
                    foreach (var p in group.Value.Services)
                        sb.AppendLine($"        <{group.Value.GroupName} Include=\"{p.Status.ProjectFilePath}\" />");
                    sb.AppendLine(@"    </ItemGroup>");

                sb.AppendLine($@"    <Target Name=""Build"">");
                foreach (var group in projectGroups)
                    sb.AppendLine($@"        <MsBuild Projects=""@({group.Value.GroupName})"" Properties=""{group.Key}"" BuildInParallel=""true"" />");

                sb.AppendLine("    </Target>");
                File.WriteAllText(projectPath, sb.ToString());

                _logger.LogInformation("Building projects");

                var buildResult = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("dotnet", $"build \"{projectPath}\" /nologo", throwOnError : false, workingDirectory : application.ContextDirectory);

                if (buildResult.ExitCode != 0)
                    _logger.LogInformation("Building projects failed with exit code {ExitCode}: \r\n" + buildResult.StandardOutput, buildResult.ExitCode);

                foreach (var s in application.Services)
                    switch (s.Value.ServiceType)
                    case ServiceType.Executable:
                        LaunchService(application, s.Value);

                    case ServiceType.Project:
                        LaunchService(application, s.Value);
Exemple #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Unicode;

            int processPtr = ProcessUtil.OpenProcess("SiglusEngine");

            //var query = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-16").GetBytes("高い夜空から");
            //var query = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-16").GetBytes("こんな天気");
            //var query = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-16").GetBytes("それでも今年");
            //var query = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-16").GetBytes("スコップです");
            //var query = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-16").GetBytes("白い吐息");
            //var query = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-16").GetBytes("春休みが昨日");
            //var query = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-16").GetBytes("そして何より");
            //var query = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-16").GetBytes("かいてる");
            //var query = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-16").GetBytes("object[84].child[26].frame_action");
            //var query = new byte[] { 0xF1, 0x03, 0x1F, 0xA6, 0x00, 0x13, 0x00, 0x88 };
            //var query = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x8D, 0x1B, 0xFA, 0xA6, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x8A };

            var query = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-16").GetBytes(@"いまは名字が");
            //var query = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x88 };
            //var startIndex = MemoryUtil.Search(processPtr, query, startIndex: 0x100000);
            //MemoryUtil.Fill(processPtr, buffer, startIndex + 0);
            //var stringLength = ByteUtil.Search(buffer, StringTerminator);
            //var content = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-16").GetString(buffer.SubArray(0, (int)stringLength));

            //Request.MakeRequest("http://localhost:1414/new-text?text=", content);

            uint startIndex  = 10;            // 0x5000000;
            uint max         = uint.MaxValue; // 0x25000000;
            var  lastContent = "";

            while (true)
                startIndex = MemoryUtil.Search(processPtr, query, startIndex: startIndex + 2, max: max);

                MemoryUtil.DumpSection(startIndex.ToString("X4") + "_5.bytes", processPtr, startIndex - 500, 1000);

                Console.WriteLine("start: " + startIndex.ToString("X4"));

                //if(startIndex == 0)
                //    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(567);
                //    continue;

                //var newContent = GetContent(processPtr, startIndex);
                //if(lastContent != newContent && newContent != "")
                //    lastContent = newContent;
                //    Console.WriteLine("content: " + newContent);
                //    Request.MakeRequest("http://localhost:1414/new-text?text=", newContent);


            Console.WriteLine("loop done");

Exemple #10
        private async Task StartContainerAsync(Tye.Hosting.Model.Application application, Tye.Hosting.Model.Service service, DockerRunInfo docker)
            if (!await DockerDetector.Instance.IsDockerInstalled.Value)
                _logger.LogError("Unable to start docker container for service {ServiceName}, Docker is not installed.", service.Description.Name);

                service.Logs.OnNext($"Unable to start docker container for service {service.Description.Name}, Docker is not installed.");

            if (!await DockerDetector.Instance.IsDockerConnectedToDaemon.Value)
                _logger.LogError("Unable to start docker container for service {ServiceName}, Docker is not running.", service.Description.Name);

                service.Logs.OnNext($"Unable to start docker container for service {service.Description.Name}, Docker is not running.");

            var serviceDescription   = service.Description;
            var environmentArguments = "";

            var dockerInfo = new DockerInformation(new Task[service.Description.Replicas]);

            async Task RunDockerContainer(IEnumerable <(int Port, int?InternalPort, int BindingPort, string?Protocol)> ports)
                var hasPorts = ports.Any();

                var replica = service.Description.Name.ToLower() + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 10).ToLower();
                var status  = new DockerStatus(service, replica);

                service.Replicas[replica] = status;

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Added, status));

                var environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    // Default to development environment
                    ["DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT"] = "Development",
                    // Remove the color codes from the console output
                    ["DOTNET_LOGGING__CONSOLE__DISABLECOLORS"] = "true"

                var portString = "";

                if (hasPorts)
                    status.Ports = ports.Select(p => p.Port);

                    portString = string.Join(" ", ports.Select(p => $"-p {p.Port}:{p.InternalPort ?? p.Port}"));

                    foreach (var p in ports)
                        environment[$"{p.Protocol?.ToUpper() ?? "HTTP"}_PORT"] = p.BindingPort.ToString();

                application.PopulateEnvironment(service, (key, value) => environment[key] = value, "host.docker.internal");

                environment["APP_INSTANCE"] = replica;

                foreach (var pair in environment)
                    environmentArguments += $"-e {pair.Key}={pair.Value} ";

                var command = $"run -d {environmentArguments} {portString} --name {replica} --restart=unless-stopped {docker.Image} {docker.Args ?? ""}";

                _logger.LogInformation("Running docker command {Command}", command);

                service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {command}");

                status.DockerCommand = command;

                var result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync(
                    throwOnError : false,
                    cancellationToken : dockerInfo.StoppingTokenSource.Token,
                    outputDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"));

                if (result.ExitCode != 0)
                    _logger.LogError("docker run failed for {ServiceName} with exit code {ExitCode}:" + result.StandardError, service.Description.Name, result.ExitCode);
                    service.Replicas.TryRemove(replica, out _);
                    service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Removed, status));

                    PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                var containerId = (string?)result.StandardOutput.Trim();

                // There's a race condition that sometimes makes us miss the output
                // so keep trying to get the container id
                while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(containerId))
                    // Try to get the ID of the container
                    result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"ps --no-trunc -f name={replica} --format " + "{{.ID}}");

                    containerId = result.ExitCode == 0 ? result.StandardOutput.Trim() : null;

                var shortContainerId = containerId.Substring(0, Math.Min(12, containerId.Length));

                status.ContainerId = shortContainerId;

                _logger.LogInformation("Running container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId}", replica, shortContainerId);

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Started, status));

                _logger.LogInformation("Collecting docker logs for {ContainerName}.", replica);

                await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"logs -f {containerId}",
                                           outputDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"),
                                           onStart : pid =>
                    status.DockerLogsPid = pid;
                                           throwOnError : false,
                                           cancellationToken : dockerInfo.StoppingTokenSource.Token);

                _logger.LogInformation("docker logs collection for {ContainerName} complete with exit code {ExitCode}", replica, result.ExitCode);

                // Docker has a tendency to get stuck so we're going to timeout this shutdown process
                var timeoutCts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                _logger.LogInformation("Stopping container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId}", replica, shortContainerId);

                result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"stop {containerId}", throwOnError : false, cancellationToken : timeoutCts.Token);

                PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Stopped, status));

                _logger.LogInformation("Stopped container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId} exited with {ExitCode}", replica, shortContainerId, result.ExitCode);

                result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"rm {containerId}", throwOnError : false, cancellationToken : timeoutCts.Token);

                PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                _logger.LogInformation("Removed container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId} exited with {ExitCode}", replica, shortContainerId, result.ExitCode);

                service.Replicas.TryRemove(replica, out _);

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Removed, status));

            if (serviceDescription.Bindings.Count > 0)
                // Each replica is assigned a list of internal ports, one mapped to each external
                // port
                for (var i = 0; i < serviceDescription.Replicas; i++)
                    var ports = new List <(int, int?, int, string?)>();
                    foreach (var binding in serviceDescription.Bindings)
                        if (binding.Port == null)

                        ports.Add((service.PortMap[binding.Port.Value][i], binding.InternalPort, binding.Port.Value, binding.Protocol));

                    dockerInfo.Tasks[i] = RunDockerContainer(ports);
                for (var i = 0; i < service.Description.Replicas; i++)
                    dockerInfo.Tasks[i] = RunDockerContainer(Enumerable.Empty <(int, int?, int, string?)>());

            service.Items[typeof(DockerInformation)] = dockerInfo;
Exemple #11
        private void LaunchService(Application application, Service service)
            var serviceDescription = service.Description;
            var processInfo        = new ProcessInfo(new Task[service.Description.Replicas]);
            var serviceName        = serviceDescription.Name;

            // Set by BuildAndRunService
            var args             = service.Status.Args !;
            var path             = service.Status.ExecutablePath !;
            var workingDirectory = service.Status.WorkingDirectory !;

            async Task RunApplicationAsync(IEnumerable <(int ExternalPort, int Port, string?Protocol)> ports)
                // Make sure we yield before trying to start the process, this is important so we don't block startup
                await Task.Yield();

                var hasPorts = ports.Any();

                var environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    // Default to development environment
                    ["DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT"]     = "Development",
                    ["ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT"] = "Development",
                    // Remove the color codes from the console output
                    ["DOTNET_LOGGING__CONSOLE__DISABLECOLORS"]     = "true",
                    ["ASPNETCORE_LOGGING__CONSOLE__DISABLECOLORS"] = "true"

                // Set up environment variables to use the version of dotnet we're using to run
                // this is important for tests where we're not using a globally-installed dotnet.
                var dotnetRoot = GetDotnetRoot();

                if (dotnetRoot is object)
                    environment["DOTNET_ROOT"] = dotnetRoot;
                    environment["DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP"] = "0";
                    environment["PATH"] = $"{dotnetRoot};{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH")}";

                application.PopulateEnvironment(service, (k, v) => environment[k] = v);

                if (_options.DebugMode && (_options.DebugAllServices || _options.ServicesToDebug.Contains(serviceName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    environment["DOTNET_STARTUP_HOOKS"] = typeof(Hosting.Runtime.HostingRuntimeHelpers).Assembly.Location;

                if (hasPorts)
                    // We need to bind to all interfaces on linux since the container -> host communication won't work
                    // if we use the IP address to reach out of the host. This works fine on osx and windows
                    // but doesn't work on linux.
                    var host = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux) ? "*" : "localhost";

                    // These are the ports that the application should use for binding

                    // 1. Configure ASP.NET Core to bind to those same ports
                    environment["ASPNETCORE_URLS"] = string.Join(";", ports.Select(p => $"{p.Protocol ?? "http"}://{host}:{p.Port}"));

                    // Set the HTTPS port for the redirect middleware
                    foreach (var p in ports)
                        if (string.Equals(p.Protocol, "https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            // We need to set the redirect URL to the exposed port so the redirect works cleanly
                            environment["HTTPS_PORT"] = p.ExternalPort.ToString();

                    // 3. For non-ASP.NET Core apps, pass the same information in the PORT env variable as a semicolon separated list.
                    environment["PORT"] = string.Join(";", ports.Select(p => $"{p.Port}"));

                var backOff = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

                while (!processInfo.StoppedTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                    var replica = serviceName + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 10).ToLower();
                    var status  = new ProcessStatus(service, replica);
                    service.Replicas[replica] = status;

                    using var stoppingCts      = new CancellationTokenSource();
                    status.StoppingTokenSource = stoppingCts;
                    await using var _          = processInfo.StoppedTokenSource.Token.Register(() => status.StoppingTokenSource.Cancel());

                    service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Added, status));

                    // This isn't your host name
                    environment["APP_INSTANCE"] = replica;

                    status.ExitCode    = null;
                    status.Pid         = null;
                    status.Environment = environment;

                    if (hasPorts)
                        status.Ports    = ports.Select(p => p.Port);
                        status.Bindings = ports.Select(p => new ReplicaBinding()
                            Port = p.Port, ExternalPort = p.ExternalPort, Protocol = p.Protocol

                    // TODO clean this up.
                    foreach (var env in environment)
                        args = args.Replace($"%{env.Key}%", env.Value);

                    _logger.LogInformation("Launching service {ServiceName}: {ExePath} {args}", replica, path, args);

                        service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]:{path} {args}");

                        var result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync(
                            environmentVariables : environment,
                            workingDirectory : workingDirectory,
                            outputDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"),
                            errorDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"),
                            onStart : pid =>
                            if (hasPorts)
                                _logger.LogInformation("{ServiceName} running on process id {PID} bound to {Address}", replica, pid, string.Join(", ", ports.Select(p => $"{p.Protocol ?? "http"}://localhost:{p.Port}")));
                                _logger.LogInformation("{ServiceName} running on process id {PID}", replica, pid);

                            // Reset the backoff
                            backOff = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

                            status.Pid = pid;

                            service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Started, status));
                            throwOnError : false,
                            cancellationToken : status.StoppingTokenSource.Token);

                        status.ExitCode = result.ExitCode;

                        if (status.Pid != null)
                            service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Stopped, status));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.LogError(0, ex, "Failed to launch process for service {ServiceName}", replica);

                            await Task.Delay(backOff, processInfo.StoppedTokenSource.Token);
                        catch (OperationCanceledException)
                            // Swallow cancellation exceptions and continue

                    backOff *= 2;


                    if (status.ExitCode != null)
                        _logger.LogInformation("{ServiceName} process exited with exit code {ExitCode}", replica, status.ExitCode);

                    // Remove the replica from the set
                    service.Replicas.TryRemove(replica, out var _);
                    service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Removed, status));

            if (serviceDescription.Bindings.Count > 0)
                // Each replica is assigned a list of internal ports, one mapped to each external
                // port
                for (int i = 0; i < serviceDescription.Replicas; i++)
                    var ports = new List <(int, int, string?)>();
                    foreach (var binding in serviceDescription.Bindings)
                        if (binding.Port == null)

                        ports.Add((binding.Port.Value, binding.ReplicaPorts[i], binding.Protocol));

                    processInfo.Tasks[i] = RunApplicationAsync(ports);
                for (int i = 0; i < service.Description.Replicas; i++)
                    processInfo.Tasks[i] = RunApplicationAsync(Enumerable.Empty <(int, int, string?)>());

            service.Items[typeof(ProcessInfo)] = processInfo;
Exemple #12
 private void Hyperlink_RequestNavigate(object sender, RequestNavigateEventArgs e)
     e.Handled = true;
        public static bool RunOpenCover(CoverageProject project, bool throwError = false)
            var title = $"OpenCover Run ({project.ProjectName})";

            var opencoverSettings = new List <string>();

            opencoverSettings.Add($@" -mergebyhash ");

            opencoverSettings.Add($@" -hideskipped:all ");

                // -register:

                var registerValue = "path32";

                if (project.Is64Bit)
                    registerValue = "path64";

                opencoverSettings.Add($@" -register:{registerValue} ");

                // -target:

                opencoverSettings.Add($@" ""-target:{MsTestPlatformUtil.MsTestPlatformExePath}"" ");

                // -filter:

                var filters       = new List <string>();
                var defaultFilter = "+[*]*";

                foreach (var value in (project.Settings.Include ?? new string[0]).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)))
                    filters.Add($@"+{value.Replace("\"", "\\\"").Trim(' ', '\'')}");

                if (!filters.Any())

                foreach (var value in (project.Settings.Exclude ?? new string[0]).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)))
                    filters.Add($@"-{value.Replace("\"", "\\\"").Trim(' ', '\'')}");

                foreach (var referenceProjectWithExcludeAttribute in project.ReferencedProjects.Where(x => x.HasExcludeFromCodeCoverageAssemblyAttribute))

                if (filters.Any(x => !x.Equals(defaultFilter)))
                    opencoverSettings.Add($@" ""-filter:{string.Join(" ", filters.Distinct())}"" ");

                // -excludebyfile:

                var excludes = new List <string>();

                foreach (var value in (project.Settings.ExcludeByFile ?? new string[0]).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)))
                    excludes.Add(value.Replace("\"", "\\\"").Trim(' ', '\''));

                if (excludes.Any())
                    opencoverSettings.Add($@" ""-excludebyfile:{string.Join(";", excludes)}"" ");

                // -excludebyattribute:

                var excludes = new List <string>()
                    // coverlet knows these implicitly

                foreach (var value in (project.Settings.ExcludeByAttribute ?? new string[0]).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)))
                    excludes.Add(value.Replace("\"", "\\\"").Trim(' ', '\''));

                foreach (var exclude in excludes.ToArray())
                    var excludeAlternateName = default(string);

                    if (exclude.EndsWith("Attribute", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        // remove 'Attribute' suffix
                        excludeAlternateName = exclude.Substring(0, exclude.IndexOf("Attribute", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                        // add 'Attribute' suffix
                        excludeAlternateName = $"{exclude}Attribute";


                excludes = excludes.Distinct(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).OrderBy(x => x).ToList();

                if (excludes.Any())
                    opencoverSettings.Add($@" ""-excludebyattribute:(*.{string.Join(")|(*.", excludes)})"" ");

            if (!project.Settings.IncludeTestAssembly)
                // deleting the pdb of the test assembly seems to work; this is a VERY VERY shameful hack :(

                var testDllPdbFile = Path.Combine(project.ProjectOutputFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(project.TestDllFile)) + ".pdb";

                // filtering out the test-assembly blows up the entire process and nothing gets instrumented or analysed

                //var nameOnlyOfDll = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(project.TestDllFileInWorkFolder);

            var runSettings = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(project.RunSettingsFile) ? $@"/Settings:\""{project.RunSettingsFile}\""" : default;

            opencoverSettings.Add($@" ""-targetargs:\""{project.TestDllFile}\"" {runSettings}"" ");

            opencoverSettings.Add($@" ""-output:{ project.CoverageOutputFile }"" ");

            Logger.Log($"{title} Arguments {Environment.NewLine}{string.Join($"{Environment.NewLine}", opencoverSettings)}");

            var result = ProcessUtil
                         .ExecuteAsync(new ExecuteRequest
                FilePath         = OpenCoverExePath,
                Arguments        = string.Join(" ", opencoverSettings),
                WorkingDirectory = project.ProjectOutputFolder

            if (result.ExitCode != 0)
                if (throwError)
                    throw new Exception(result.Output);

                Logger.Log($"{title} Error", result.Output);

            Logger.Log(title, result.Output);
        private void OnRefresh()
            var process = Process.GetProcessById(ProcessId.Value);

            ProcessUtil.PopulateInfo(this, process);
 private void btnOpenAndEditHosts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     logger.output(ProcessUtil.StartProcess("notepad", system32location + @"drivers\etc\hosts"));
Exemple #16
        private async Task PrepareUserForSftp(string username)
            _logger.LogDebug("Configuring session for user '{user}'", username);

            _config = await _mediator.Send(new SftpConfigurationRequest());

            var user = _config.Users.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Username == username) ?? new UserDefinition
                Username    = username,
                Chroot      = _config.Global.Chroot,
                Directories = _config.Global.Directories

            var homeDirPath = Path.Combine(HomeBasePath, username);
            var chroot      = user.Chroot ?? _config.Global.Chroot;

            //Parse chroot path by replacing markers
            var chrootPath = string.Join("%%h",
                                         .Select(s => s.Replace("%h", homeDirPath)).ToList());

            chrootPath = string.Join("%%u",
                                     .Select(s => s.Replace("%u", username)).ToList());

            //Create chroot directory and set owner to root and correct permissions
            var chrootDirectory = Directory.CreateDirectory(chrootPath);
            await ProcessUtil.QuickRun("chown", $"root:root {chrootDirectory.FullName}");

            await ProcessUtil.QuickRun("chmod", $"755 {chrootDirectory.FullName}");

            var directories = new List <string>();

            foreach (var directory in directories.Distinct().OrderBy(s => s).ToList())
                var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(chrootDirectory.FullName, directory));
                if (!dirInfo.Exists)
                    _logger.LogDebug("Creating directory '{dir}' for user '{user}'", dirInfo.FullName, username);

                    if (dirInfo.IsDescendentOf(chrootDirectory))
                        //Set the user as owner for directory and all parents until chroot path
                        var dir = dirInfo;
                        while (dir.FullName != chrootDirectory.FullName)
                            await ProcessUtil.QuickRun("chown", $"{username}:{SftpUserInventoryGroup} {dir.FullName}");

                            dir = dir.Parent ?? chrootDirectory;
                            "Directory '{dir}' is not within chroot path '{chroot}'. Setting direct permissions.",
                            dirInfo.FullName, chrootDirectory.FullName);

                        await ProcessUtil.QuickRun("chown",
                                                   $"{username}:{SftpUserInventoryGroup} {dirInfo.FullName}");
                catch (Exception exception)
                    _logger.LogWarning(exception, "Exception occured while setting permissions for '{dir}' ",

            _logger.LogInformation("Session ready for user '{user}'", username);
Exemple #17
 private void btnBuyNow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ProcessUtil.Shell(_buyNowLink, string.Empty, ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized, false);
Exemple #18
        private void CreatePowerpointTemplate()
            // Erstellt die Powerpoint Vorlage die im Designer über "Vorlage herunterladen" zur Verfügung gestellt wird
            // Ist bereits eine Vorlage vorhanden, wird diese beibehalten

            if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(_globalSettings.ReportDirectory_PPT_Template, "Logo.png")))
                using (Stream s = (Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()).GetManifestResourceStream("SSG.KPI.ReportGenerator.Logo.png"))
                    Image i = Image.FromStream(s);
                    i.Save(Path.Combine(_globalSettings.ReportDirectory_PPT_Template, "Logo.png"));

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(_globalSettings.ReportDirectory_PPT_Template, "Template.pptx")))

            Application pptApp = null;
            int         pId    = 0;

                pptApp = new Application();
                pId    = ProcessUtil.GetProcessId(pptApp, ApplicationType.POWERPOINT);

                pptApp.DisplayAlerts = PpAlertLevel.ppAlertsNone;

                Presentation ppt = pptApp.Presentations.Add(MsoTriState.msoFalse);

                ppt.SlideMaster.Shapes.AddPicture(Path.Combine(_globalSettings.ReportDirectory_PPT_Template, "Logo.png"), MsoTriState.msoFalse, MsoTriState.msoTrue, ppt.SlideMaster.Width - 300, 0, 266, 45);

                Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Shape s = ppt.SlideMaster.Shapes.AddTextbox(MsoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 0, ppt.SlideMaster.Height - 25, 400, 25);

                s.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = MsoTriState.msoTrue;
                s.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 12;
                //Zeile unten links
                //s.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = 0 * 65536 + 0 * 256 + 255;
                s.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = string.Empty;

                ppt.SaveAs(Path.Combine(_globalSettings.ReportDirectory_PPT_Template, "Template.pptx"), PpSaveAsFileType.ppSaveAsDefault, MsoTriState.msoFalse);

                ProcessUtil.KillOfficeApplication(pptApp, ApplicationType.POWERPOINT, true);

                ppt    = null;
                pptApp = null;

            catch (Exception ex)
                    ProcessUtil.KillOfficeApplication(pptApp, ApplicationType.POWERPOINT, true);
                catch (Exception)

                pptApp = null;

                throw new Exception("Error Creating PPT Init Template", ex);
Exemple #19
 public static async Task UserDelete(string username, bool throwOnError = true)
     await ProcessUtil.QuickRun("userdel", username, throwOnError);
Exemple #20
        private async Task TransformProjectToContainer(Service service, ProjectRunInfo project)
            var serviceDescription = service.Description;
            var serviceName        = serviceDescription.Name;

            service.Status.ProjectFilePath = project.ProjectFile.FullName;
            var targetFramework = project.TargetFramework;

            // Sometimes building can fail because of file locking (like files being open in VS)
            _logger.LogInformation("Publishing project {ProjectFile}", service.Status.ProjectFilePath);

            var buildArgs = project.BuildProperties.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, property) => current + $" /p:{property.Key}={property.Value}").TrimStart();

            var publishCommand = $"publish \"{service.Status.ProjectFilePath}\" --framework {targetFramework} {buildArgs} /nologo";

            service.Logs.OnNext($"dotnet {publishCommand}");

            var buildResult = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("dotnet", publishCommand, throwOnError : false);


            if (buildResult.ExitCode != 0)
                _logger.LogInformation("Publishing {ProjectFile} failed with exit code {ExitCode}: \r\n" + buildResult.StandardOutput, service.Status.ProjectFilePath, buildResult.ExitCode);

                // Null out the RunInfo so that
                serviceDescription.RunInfo = null;

            // We transform the project information into the following docker command:
            // docker run -w /app -v {publishDir}:/app -it {image} dotnet {outputfile}.dll

            var containerImage = DetermineContainerImage(project);
            var outputFileName = project.AssemblyName + ".dll";
            var dockerRunInfo  = new DockerRunInfo(containerImage, $"dotnet {outputFileName} {project.Args}")
                WorkingDirectory = "/app",
                IsAspNet         = project.IsAspNet

            dockerRunInfo.VolumeMappings.Add(new DockerVolume(source: project.PublishOutputPath, name: null, target: "/app"));

            // Make volume mapping works when running as a container

            // This is .NET specific
            var userSecretStore = GetUserSecretsPathFromSecrets();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSecretStore))

                // Map the user secrets on this drive to user secrets
                dockerRunInfo.VolumeMappings.Add(new DockerVolume(source: userSecretStore, name: null, target: "/root/.microsoft/usersecrets", readOnly: true));

            // Default to development environment
            serviceDescription.Configuration.Add(new EnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT", "Development"));

            // Remove the color codes from the console output
            serviceDescription.Configuration.Add(new EnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_LOGGING__CONSOLE__DISABLECOLORS", "true"));

            if (project.IsAspNet)
                serviceDescription.Configuration.Add(new EnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT", "Development"));
                serviceDescription.Configuration.Add(new EnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_LOGGING__CONSOLE__DISABLECOLORS", "true"));

            // If we have an https binding then export the dev cert and mount the volume into the container
            if (serviceDescription.Bindings.Any(b => string.Equals(b.Protocol, "https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                // We export the developer certificate from this machine
                var certPassword         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                var certificateDirectory = _certificateDirectory.Value;
                var certificateFilePath  = Path.Combine($"\"{certificateDirectory.DirectoryPath}", $"{project.AssemblyName}.pfx\"");
                await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("dotnet", $"dev-certs https -ep {certificateFilePath} -p {certPassword}");

                serviceDescription.Configuration.Add(new EnvironmentVariable("Kestrel__Certificates__Development__Password", certPassword));

                // Certificate Path: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/blob/a9d702624a02ad4ebf593d9bf9c1c69f5702a6f5/src/Servers/Kestrel/Core/src/KestrelConfigurationLoader.cs#L419
                dockerRunInfo.VolumeMappings.Add(new DockerVolume(source: certificateDirectory.DirectoryPath, name: null, target: "/root/.aspnet/https", readOnly: true));

            // Change the project into a container info
            serviceDescription.RunInfo = dockerRunInfo;
Exemple #21
        public static async Task <bool> UserExists(string username)
            var command = await ProcessUtil.QuickRun("getent", $"passwd {username}", false);

            return(command.ExitCode == 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command.Output));
Exemple #22
        private async Task StartContainerAsync(Application application, Service service, DockerRunInfo docker, string?dockerNetwork)
            var serviceDescription   = service.Description;
            var environmentArguments = "";
            var volumes          = "";
            var workingDirectory = docker.WorkingDirectory != null ? $"-w {docker.WorkingDirectory}" : "";
            var hostname         = "host.docker.internal";
            var dockerImage      = docker.Image ?? service.Description.Name;

            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
                // See: https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/264
                // host.docker.internal is making it's way into linux docker but doesn't work yet
                // instead we use the machine IP
                var addresses = await Dns.GetHostAddressesAsync(Dns.GetHostName());

                hostname = addresses[0].ToString();

            async Task RunDockerContainer(IEnumerable <(int ExternalPort, int Port, int?ContainerPort, string?Protocol)> ports, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var hasPorts = ports.Any();

                var replica = service.Description.Name.ToLower() + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 10).ToLower();
                var status  = new DockerStatus(service, replica);

                service.Replicas[replica] = status;

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Added, status));

                var environment = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                var portString = "";

                if (hasPorts)
                    status.Ports    = ports.Select(p => p.Port);
                    status.Bindings = ports.Select(p => new ReplicaBinding()
                        Port = p.Port, ExternalPort = p.ExternalPort, Protocol = p.Protocol

                    // These are the ports that the application should use for binding

                    // 1. Tell the docker container what port to bind to
                    portString = docker.Private ? "" : string.Join(" ", ports.Select(p => $"-p {p.Port}:{p.ContainerPort ?? p.Port}"));

                    if (docker.IsAspNet)
                        // 2. Configure ASP.NET Core to bind to those same ports
                        environment["ASPNETCORE_URLS"] = string.Join(";", ports.Select(p => $"{p.Protocol ?? "http"}://*:{p.ContainerPort ?? p.Port}"));

                        // Set the HTTPS port for the redirect middleware
                        foreach (var p in ports)
                            if (string.Equals(p.Protocol, "https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                // We need to set the redirect URL to the exposed port so the redirect works cleanly
                                environment["HTTPS_PORT"] = p.ExternalPort.ToString();

                    // 3. For non-ASP.NET Core apps, pass the same information in the PORT env variable as a semicolon separated list.
                    environment["PORT"] = string.Join(";", ports.Select(p => $"{p.ContainerPort ?? p.Port}"));

                    // This the port for the container proxy (containerport:externalport)
                    environment["PROXY_PORT"] = string.Join(";", ports.Select(p => $"{p.ContainerPort ?? p.Port}:{p.ExternalPort}"));

                // See: https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/264
                // The way we do proxying here doesn't really work for multi-container scenarios on linux
                // without some more setup.
                application.PopulateEnvironment(service, (key, value) => environment[key] = value, hostname !);

                environment["APP_INSTANCE"]   = replica;
                environment["CONTAINER_HOST"] = hostname !;

                status.Environment = environment;

                foreach (var pair in environment)
                    environmentArguments += $"-e \"{pair.Key}={pair.Value}\" ";

                foreach (var volumeMapping in docker.VolumeMappings)
                    if (volumeMapping.Source != null)
                        var sourcePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(application.ContextDirectory, volumeMapping.Source));
                        volumes += $"-v {sourcePath}:{volumeMapping.Target} ";
                    else if (volumeMapping.Name != null)
                        volumes += $"-v {volumeMapping.Name}:{volumeMapping.Target} ";

                var command = $"run -d {workingDirectory} {volumes} {environmentArguments} {portString} --name {replica} --restart=unless-stopped {dockerImage} {docker.Args ?? ""}";

                _logger.LogInformation("Running image {Image} for {Replica}", docker.Image, replica);

                service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: docker {command}");

                status.DockerCommand = command;
                status.DockerNetwork = dockerNetwork;

                var result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync(
                    throwOnError : false,
                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken,
                    outputDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"),
                    errorDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"));

                if (result.ExitCode != 0)
                    _logger.LogError("docker run failed for {ServiceName} with exit code {ExitCode}:" + result.StandardError, service.Description.Name, result.ExitCode);
                    service.Replicas.TryRemove(replica, out var _);
                    service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Removed, status));

                    PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                var containerId = (string?)result.StandardOutput.Trim();

                // There's a race condition that sometimes makes us miss the output
                // so keep trying to get the container id
                while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(containerId))
                    // Try to get the ID of the container
                    result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"ps --no-trunc -f name={replica} --format " + "{{.ID}}");

                    containerId = result.ExitCode == 0 ? result.StandardOutput.Trim() : null;

                var shortContainerId = containerId.Substring(0, Math.Min(12, containerId.Length));

                status.ContainerId = shortContainerId;

                _logger.LogInformation("Running container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId}", replica, shortContainerId);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dockerNetwork))
                    status.DockerNetworkAlias = docker.NetworkAlias ?? serviceDescription !.Name;

                    var networkCommand = $"network connect {dockerNetwork} {replica} --alias {status.DockerNetworkAlias}";

                    service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: docker {networkCommand}");

                    _logger.LogInformation("Running docker command {Command}", networkCommand);

                    result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", networkCommand);

                    PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                var sentStartedEvent = false;

                while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    if (sentStartedEvent)
                        using var restartCts = new CancellationTokenSource(DockerStopTimeout);
                        result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"restart {containerId}", throwOnError : false, cancellationToken : restartCts.Token);

                        if (restartCts.IsCancellationRequested)
                            _logger.LogWarning($"Failed to restart container after {DockerStopTimeout.Seconds} seconds.", replica, shortContainerId);
                            break; // implement retry mechanism?
                        else if (result.ExitCode != 0)
                            _logger.LogWarning($"Failed to restart container due to exit code {result.ExitCode}.", replica, shortContainerId);

                        service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Stopped, status));

                    using var stoppingCts      = new CancellationTokenSource();
                    status.StoppingTokenSource = stoppingCts;
                    service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Started, status));
                    sentStartedEvent = true;

                    await using var _ = cancellationToken.Register(() => status.StoppingTokenSource.Cancel());

                    _logger.LogInformation("Collecting docker logs for {ContainerName}.", replica);

                    var backOff = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

                    while (!status.StoppingTokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                        var logsRes = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"logs -f {containerId}",
                                                                 outputDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"),
                                                                 errorDataReceived : data => service.Logs.OnNext($"[{replica}]: {data}"),
                                                                 throwOnError : false,
                                                                 cancellationToken : status.StoppingTokenSource.Token);

                        if (logsRes.ExitCode != 0)

                        if (!status.StoppingTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                                // Avoid spamming logs if restarts are happening
                                await Task.Delay(backOff, status.StoppingTokenSource.Token);
                            catch (OperationCanceledException)

                        backOff *= 2;

                    _logger.LogInformation("docker logs collection for {ContainerName} complete with exit code {ExitCode}", replica, result.ExitCode);

                    status.StoppingTokenSource = null;

                // Docker has a tendency to get stuck so we're going to timeout this shutdown process
                var timeoutCts = new CancellationTokenSource(DockerStopTimeout);

                _logger.LogInformation("Stopping container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId}", replica, shortContainerId);

                result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"stop {containerId}", throwOnError : false, cancellationToken : timeoutCts.Token);

                if (timeoutCts.IsCancellationRequested)
                    _logger.LogWarning($"Failed to stop container after {DockerStopTimeout.Seconds} seconds, container will most likely be running.", replica, shortContainerId);

                PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                if (sentStartedEvent)
                    service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Stopped, status));

                _logger.LogInformation("Stopped container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId} exited with {ExitCode}", replica, shortContainerId, result.ExitCode);

                result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"rm {containerId}", throwOnError : false, cancellationToken : timeoutCts.Token);

                if (timeoutCts.IsCancellationRequested)
                    _logger.LogWarning($"Failed to remove container after {DockerStopTimeout.Seconds} seconds, container will most likely still exist.", replica, shortContainerId);

                PrintStdOutAndErr(service, replica, result);

                _logger.LogInformation("Removed container {ContainerName} with ID {ContainerId} exited with {ExitCode}", replica, shortContainerId, result.ExitCode);

                service.Replicas.TryRemove(replica, out var _);

                service.ReplicaEvents.OnNext(new ReplicaEvent(ReplicaState.Removed, status));

            async Task DockerBuildAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                if (docker.DockerFile != null)
                    _logger.LogInformation("Building docker image {Image} from docker file", dockerImage);

                    void Log(string data)
                        _logger.LogInformation("[" + serviceDescription !.Name + "]:" + data);

                    var dockerBuildResult = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync(
                        $"build \"{docker.DockerFileContext?.FullName}\" -t {dockerImage} -f \"{docker.DockerFile}\"",
                        outputDataReceived : Log,
                        errorDataReceived : Log,
                        workingDirectory : docker.WorkingDirectory,
                        cancellationToken : cancellationToken,
                        throwOnError : false);

                    if (dockerBuildResult.ExitCode != 0)
                        throw new CommandException("'docker build' failed.");

            Task DockerRunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var tasks = new Task[serviceDescription !.Replicas];

                if (serviceDescription.Bindings.Count > 0)
                    // Each replica is assigned a list of internal ports, one mapped to each external
                    // port
                    for (var i = 0; i < serviceDescription.Replicas; i++)
                        var ports = new List <(int, int, int?, string?)>();
                        foreach (var binding in serviceDescription.Bindings)
                            if (binding.Port == null)

                            ports.Add((binding.Port.Value, binding.ReplicaPorts[i], binding.ContainerPort, binding.Protocol));

                        tasks[i] = RunDockerContainer(ports, cancellationToken);
                    for (var i = 0; i < service.Description.Replicas; i++)
                        tasks[i] = RunDockerContainer(Enumerable.Empty <(int, int, int?, string?)>(), cancellationToken);

Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the print preferences of the print queue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pqmTask">contains the info about print queue</param>
        private void ConfigureQueueForm(PrintQueueManagementTask pqmTask)
            string queueName = _defaultPrintQueue.FullName;
            var    action    = new Action(() =>
                PrintPreferences preferences =
                    new PrintPreferences(TopCat.TestApi.GUIAutomation.Enums.UIAFramework.ManagedUIA)
                    DriverModel = _localPrintQueueInfo.PrintDriver.DriverName

                ProcessUtil.Execute("cmd.exe", $"/c rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /p /n \"{queueName}\"", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(shortTimeout));

                if (preferences.DuplexUnitfor2STreeItem.IsAvailable())


                ProcessUtil.Execute("cmd.exe", $"/c rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /e /n \"{queueName}\"", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(shortTimeout));






                pqmTask.Status = Status.Passed;

            //var tempScriptDirectory = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "TopCatScript"));
            //File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(tempScriptDirectory.FullName, "CustomPrintSettings.tcx"),
            //    ScriptResource.CustomPrintSettings);
            //File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(tempScriptDirectory.FullName, "printPreferences.tcc"),
            //    ScriptResource.printPreferences);

            //_configureScript = new TopCatScript
            //    Path.Combine(tempScriptDirectory.FullName, "CustomPrintSettings.tcx"),
            //    "CustomPrintSettings"

            //    "QueueName",
            //    _defaultPrintQueue.FullName
            //    "Copies",
            //    pqmTask.Preference.Copies.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
            //    "PaperSize",
            //    pqmTask.Preference.PaperSize
            //    "PaperSource",
            //    pqmTask.Preference.InputTray
            //    "Orientation",
            //    pqmTask.Preference.Orientation
            //    "DuplexValue",
            //    pqmTask.Preference.DuplexValue
            //    "Duplexer",
            //    pqmTask.Preference.Duplexer
            //    "DriverModel",
            //    _localPrintQueueInfo.PrintDriver.DriverName
            //TopCatExecutionController tcExecutionController = new TopCatExecutionController(_configureScript);

            //string resultFile = tcExecutionController.GetResultFilePath(GlobalSettings.Items["DomainAdminUserName"]);
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultFile))
            //    XDocument resultDoc = XDocument.Load(resultFile);
            //    var successTests = resultDoc.Descendants("SuccessfulTests").First().Descendants("test");
            //    pqmTask.Status = successTests.Any() ? Status.Passed : Status.Failed;
            //    pqmTask.Status = Status.Failed;

            var token = new LocalLockToken(_defaultPrintQueue.FullName, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

            ExecutionServices.CriticalSection.Run(token, action);
Exemple #24
        public async Task StartAsync(Application application)
            await PurgeFromPreviousRun();

            var containers = new List <Service>();

            foreach (var s in application.Services)
                if (s.Value.Description.RunInfo is DockerRunInfo)

            if (containers.Count == 0)

            var proxies = new List <Service>();

            foreach (var service in application.Services.Values)
                if (service.Description.RunInfo is DockerRunInfo || service.Description.Bindings.Count == 0)

                // Inject a proxy per non-container service. This allows the container to use normal host names within the
                // container network to talk to services on the host
                var proxyContanier = new DockerRunInfo($"mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:3.1", "dotnet Microsoft.Tye.Proxy.dll")
                    WorkingDirectory = "/app",
                    NetworkAlias     = service.Description.Name,
                    Private          = true
                var proxyLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(Microsoft.Tye.Proxy.Program).Assembly.Location);
                proxyContanier.VolumeMappings.Add(new DockerVolume(proxyLocation, name: null, target: "/app"));
                var proxyDescription = new ServiceDescription($"{service.Description.Name}-proxy", proxyContanier);
                foreach (var binding in service.Description.Bindings)
                    if (binding.Port == null)

                    var b = new ServiceBinding()
                        ConnectionString = binding.ConnectionString,
                        Host             = binding.Host,
                        ContainerPort    = binding.ContainerPort,
                        Name             = binding.Name,
                        Port             = binding.Port,
                        Protocol         = binding.Protocol
                var proxyContanierService = new Service(proxyDescription);

            string?dockerNetwork = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(application.Network))
                var dockerNetworkResult = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", $"network ls --filter \"name={application.Network}\" --format \"{{{{.ID}}}}\"", throwOnError : false);

                if (dockerNetworkResult.ExitCode != 0)
                    _logger.LogError("{Network}: Run docker network ls command failed", application.Network);

                    throw new CommandException("Run docker network ls command failed");

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dockerNetworkResult.StandardOutput))
                    _logger.LogInformation("The specified network {Network} exists", application.Network);

                    dockerNetwork = application.Network;
                    _logger.LogWarning("The specified network {Network} doesn't exist.", application.Network);

                    application.Network = null;

            // We're going to be making containers, only make a network if we have more than one (we assume they'll need to talk)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dockerNetwork) && containers.Count > 1)
                dockerNetwork = "tye_network_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 10);

                application.Items["dockerNetwork"] = dockerNetwork;

                _logger.LogInformation("Creating docker network {Network}", dockerNetwork);

                var command = $"network create --driver bridge {dockerNetwork}";

                _logger.LogInformation("Running docker command {Command}", command);

                var dockerNetworkResult = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("docker", command, throwOnError : false);

                if (dockerNetworkResult.ExitCode != 0)
                    _logger.LogInformation("Running docker command with exception info {ExceptionStdOut} {ExceptionStdErr}", dockerNetworkResult.StandardOutput, dockerNetworkResult.StandardError);

                    throw new CommandException("Run docker network create command failed");

            // Stash information outside of the application services
            application.Items[typeof(DockerApplicationInformation)] = new DockerApplicationInformation(dockerNetwork, proxies);

            var tasks = new Task[containers.Count];
            var index = 0;

            foreach (var s in containers)
                var docker = (DockerRunInfo)s.Description.RunInfo !;

                tasks[index++] = StartContainerAsync(application, s, docker, dockerNetwork);

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Exemple #25
        //static void Main(string[] args)
        //    Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Unicode;
        //    Process process = Process.GetProcessesByName("Game")[0];
        //    IntPtr processHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_WM_READ, false, process.Id);
        //    int processPtr = (int)processHandle;

        //    //byte[] query = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes("ねぇねぇ。なにブツブツ言ってるのー?");
        //    ////Encoding.GetEncoding(932).GetBytes("ねぇねぇ");
        //    //byte[] query2 = Encoding.GetEncoding(932).GetBytes("ふふん");
        //    //byte[] contentKey = new byte[query.Length];
        //    //byte[] content = new byte[256];
        //    //byte[] nearby = new byte[1024];

        //    //var memoryPtr = MemoryUtil.Search(processPtr, query);
        //    //MemoryUtil.DumpSection("found.txt", processPtr, memoryPtr - 0x1000, 0x2000);
        //    //Console.WriteLine(memoryPtr);

        //    //var memoryPtr2 = MemoryUtil.Search(processPtr, query2);
        //    //Console.WriteLine(memoryPtr2);

        //    var binDecoder = new BinaryDecoder();

        //    var testBuffer = new byte[] { 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x23, 0x24, 0x12, 0x13, 0x23, 0x24, 0x11 };
        //    Console.WriteLine(testBuffer.ToByteString());
        //    Console.WriteLine(binDecoder.IsPossible("ねぇねぇ", testBuffer, 0));
        //    Console.WriteLine(binDecoder.IsPossible("ねぇねぇ", testBuffer, 1));

        //    binDecoder.CheckPossible(processPtr, "右耳に当てているケータイ電話。通話口からはなにも聞こえてこない。");
        //    //binDecoder.CheckPossible(processPtr, "ねぇねぇ。なにブツブツ言ってるのー?");

        //    Console.ReadLine();
        //    //return;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            int processPtr = ProcessUtil.OpenProcess("Game");

        private void SpawnMiner(string sComponent)
            #region Check for cust pool
            if (!txtCustomPool.Text.Equals(""))
                m_MiningURL = txtCustomPool.Text;
                PushStatusMessage("custom pool selected[" + txtCustomPool.Text + "], make sure to add your port if needed!", m_bDoLog);
                pool_SelectedIndexChanged_1(cboPool, EventArgs.Empty);

            #region UPDATE CONFIG
            #region House Keeping
            string sConfig_Template_File_Name = "config_templates/config-etncraft.txt";
            string sConfig_File_Name          = "app_assets/config.txt";
            #region Delete and recreate config.txt
            if (File.Exists(sConfig_File_Name))
            #region push msg
            PushStatusMessage("config created for " + sComponent, m_bDoLog);
            #region  copy template to new config.txt
            File.Copy(sConfig_Template_File_Name, sConfig_File_Name, true);
            #region  replace vars in new config.txt with GUI info
            var CONFIG_CONTENTS = File.ReadAllText(sConfig_File_Name);
            CONFIG_CONTENTS = CONFIG_CONTENTS.Replace("address_replace", m_MiningURL + ":" + port.Text);
            CONFIG_CONTENTS = CONFIG_CONTENTS.Replace("wallet_replace", wallet_address.Text.Replace(" ", ""));
            File.SetAttributes(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + sConfig_File_Name, FileAttributes.Normal);
            File.WriteAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + sConfig_File_Name, CONFIG_CONTENTS);
            #region Spawn miner
            PushStatusMessage("Spawning ETNCRAFT miner for " + sComponent, m_bDoLog);
            string sArgs = "";
            if (sComponent.Equals("CPU"))
                sArgs = "--noAMD --noNVIDIA";
            else if (sComponent.Equals("GPU"))
                sArgs = "--noCPU";

            Process process = ProcessUtil.SpawnMinerProcess(sArgs, m_bDebugging);
            process.OutputDataReceived += (object SenderOut, DataReceivedEventArgs eOut) => PushWorkStatusMessage(eOut.Data);
            process.ErrorDataReceived += (object SenderErr, DataReceivedEventArgs eErr) => PushWorkStatusMessage(eErr.Data);

            StartMining.Enabled   = false;
            StartMining.BackColor = Color.LightGray;
            //BtnStopMining.Enabled = true;
Exemple #27
 public void InitializeProcessAttribute(ProcessSearchResultModel selectedProcess, List <string> resources,
                                        ProcessUtil processUtil)
     StartProcessWindowVm.SetProcessAttribute(selectedProcess, resources, processUtil);
 private void btnDisableWindowsUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ProcessUtil.RunCmd("/c net stop wuauserv");
     ProcessUtil.RunPowerShell("-command \"Set-Service -Name wuauserv -StartupType Disabled\"");
     logger.output("Windows Update disabled");
Exemple #29
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行一个任务
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Task <TaskExecResult> RunTask(ExecTaskInfo taskInfo)
            Task <TaskExecResult> taskRun = Task.Run <TaskExecResult>(() =>
                taskInfo.LastExecTime = DateTime.Now;
                int execLogId         = 0;
                if (OnTaskExecBefore != null)
                    execLogId = OnTaskExecBefore(taskInfo);

                TaskExecLog taskExecLog = new TaskExecLog()
                    ExecGuid       = taskInfo.Guid,
                    ExecLogId      = execLogId,
                    IsErrorAlert   = taskInfo.IsErrorAlert,
                    Title          = taskInfo.Title,
                    ReceiveEmail   = taskInfo.ReceiveEmail,
                    ExecStatrtTime = taskInfo.LastExecTime

                TaskExecResult execResult = new TaskExecResult();
                string rsp = null;
                if (taskInfo.ExecType == (int)ExecTypeEnum.HTTP)
                    rsp = Net.HttpRequest(taskInfo.ExecUrl, taskInfo.Params, taskInfo.ExecMethod, taskInfo.Timeout, taskInfo.Encoding, taskInfo.IsResponseNorm || taskInfo.IsLogResult);
                    taskExecLog.ExecEndTime = DateTime.Now;

                    if (rsp.StartsWith(":("))
                        execResult.Code = -999;
                        execResult.Msg  = string.Format("任务:{0}, 调用异常 url:{1} ", taskInfo.Title, taskInfo.ExecUrl);
                        execResult.Data = rsp;
                        if (OnTaskExecAfter != null)
                            OnTaskExecAfter(taskExecLog, execResult);
                    if (taskInfo.IsResponseNorm)
                            execResult = rsp.FromJson <TaskExecResult>();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            execResult.Code = -900;
                            execResult.Msg  = string.Format("任务:{0},调用 url:{1} , 转换返回结果失败 结果:{1} ", taskInfo.Title, taskInfo.ExecUrl, rsp);
                            execResult.Data = ex;
                            if (OnTaskExecAfter != null)
                                OnTaskExecAfter(taskExecLog, execResult);
                        if (taskInfo.IsLogResult)
                            execResult.Data = rsp;
                        execResult.Code = 0;
                        execResult.Msg  = string.Format("任务:{0},调用 url:{1} , 处理成功 ", taskInfo.Title, taskInfo.ExecUrl);
                else if (taskInfo.ExecType == (int)ExecTypeEnum.EXE)
                    if (ProcessUtil.StartProcess(taskInfo.ExecUrl, taskInfo.Params, taskInfo.Timeout, ref rsp, taskInfo.IsLogResult))
                        taskExecLog.ExecEndTime = DateTime.Now;
                        execResult.Code         = 0;
                        if (taskInfo.IsLogResult)
                            execResult.Data = rsp;
                        execResult.Msg = string.Format("任务:{0},调用 url:{1} , 处理成功 ", taskInfo.Title, taskInfo.ExecUrl);
                        taskExecLog.ExecEndTime = DateTime.Now;
                        execResult.Code         = -800;
                        execResult.Msg          = string.Format("任务:{0},调用 url:{1} , 转换返回结果失败 结果:{1} ", taskInfo.Title, taskInfo.ExecUrl, rsp);
                    execResult.Code = -1;
                    execResult.Msg  = "执行类型不存在";
                if (OnTaskExecAfter != null)
                    OnTaskExecAfter(taskExecLog, execResult);

        public static async Task <bool> RunCoverletAsync(CoverageProject project, bool throwError = false)
            var title = $"Coverlet Run ({project.ProjectName})";

            var coverletSettings = new List <string>();


            coverletSettings.Add($@"--format ""cobertura""");

            foreach (var value in (project.Settings.Exclude ?? new string[0]).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)))
                coverletSettings.Add($@"--exclude ""{value.Replace("\"", "\\\"").Trim(' ', '\'')}""");

            foreach (var referenceProjectWithExcludeAttribute in project.ReferencedProjects.Where(x => x.ExcludeFromCodeCoverage))
                coverletSettings.Add($@"--exclude ""[{referenceProjectWithExcludeAttribute.AssemblyName}]*""");

            foreach (var value in (project.Settings.Include ?? new string[0]).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)))
                coverletSettings.Add($@"--include ""{value.Replace("\"", "\\\"").Trim(' ', '\'')}""");

            foreach (var value in (project.Settings.ExcludeByFile ?? new string[0]).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)))
                coverletSettings.Add($@"--exclude-by-file ""{value.Replace("\"", "\\\"").Trim(' ', '\'')}""");

            foreach (var value in (project.Settings.ExcludeByAttribute ?? new string[0]).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)))
                coverletSettings.Add($@"--exclude-by-attribute ""{value.Replace("\"", "\\\"").Trim(' ', '\'', '[', ']')}""");

            if (project.Settings.IncludeTestAssembly)

            coverletSettings.Add($@"--target ""dotnet""");

            coverletSettings.Add($@"--threshold-type line");

            coverletSettings.Add($@"--threshold-stat total");

            coverletSettings.Add($@"--threshold 0");

            coverletSettings.Add($@"--output ""{ project.CoverageOutputFile }""");

            var runSettings = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(project.RunSettingsFile) ? $@"--settings """"{project.RunSettingsFile}""""" : default;

            coverletSettings.Add($@"--targetargs ""test  """"{project.TestDllFile}"""" --nologo --blame {runSettings} --results-directory """"{project.CoverageOutputFolder}"""" --diag """"{project.CoverageOutputFolder}/diagnostics.log""""  """);

            Logger.Log($"{title} Arguments {Environment.NewLine}{string.Join($"{Environment.NewLine}", coverletSettings)}");

            var result = await ProcessUtil
                         .ExecuteAsync(new ExecuteRequest
                FilePath         = CoverletExePath,
                Arguments        = string.Join(" ", coverletSettings),
                WorkingDirectory = project.ProjectOutputFolder

            if (result != null)
                 * 0 - Success.
                 * 1 - If any test fails.
                 * 2 - Coverage percentage is below threshold.
                 * 3 - Test fails and also coverage percentage is below threshold.
                if (result.ExitCode > 3)
                    if (throwError)
                        throw new Exception(result.Output);

                    Logger.Log($"{title} Error", result.Output);

                Logger.Log(title, result.Output);
