Exemple #1
        public static void startApplicationTest( string ApplicationExecutable, AppAutomationBase automationClass )
            setApplicationLocationForExcel( );

            Application holodeckApplication;
            Application AUTApplication;

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess( "STARTING HOLODECK with AUT." );

            // Start Notepad in Holodeck monitoring it...
            holodeckApplication = new Application( startHolodeck ( ApplicationExecutable ) );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess( "STARTING Monitor Thread for Holodeck." );

            // Start Monitoring the Holodeck Process...
            holodeckApplication.StartMonitoring( );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess( "FINDING the AUT Process", ApplicationExecutable );

            // Get information about the AUT that Holodeck started...
            ProcessTools.ProcessTools tools = new ProcessTools.ProcessTools( );

            // Instantiate the application class based off of the child process ID created by Holodeck...
            AUTApplication = new Application( tools.GetChildProcess( holodeckApplication.ProcessClass.Id ) );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess( "STARTING Monitor Thread for AUT." );

            // Start monitoring the AUT...
            AUTApplication.StartMonitoring( );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess( "RESUMING the AUT Process." );

            // Resume the AUT...
            resumeAUT( );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess( "PERFORMING AUT Automation." );

            automationClass.performAUTAutomation( AUTApplication.ProcessClass );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess( "SHUTTING DOWN Holodeck and AUT." );

            // Shutdown Holodeck and the AUT...
            holodeckApplication.ProcessClass.Kill( );
            AUTApplication.ProcessClass.Kill( );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess( "BUILDING Monitor File List", System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory( ) + "\\" + MonitorClassFile );

            // We now need to build a file containing a list of the locations where the monitored log files are located...
            buildMonitorFileList( MonitorClassFile, holodeckApplication, AUTApplication );

            // We must wait for the threads writing to the files to stop before continuing...
            holodeckApplication.MonitorClass.Stop( );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess( "CREATING Excel SpreadSheet for Holodeck", System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory( ) + "\\" + holodeckApplication.MonitorClass.logLocation + ".xls" );

            // Open the excel document using the monitor file list...
            openExcelDocument( ExcelDocument, holodeckApplication );

            // Remove the topmost file from the file list...
            moveMonitorFileListEntryUp( MonitorClassFile );

            // Again we must wait for the threads to stop writing to files...
            AUTApplication.MonitorClass.Stop( );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess( "CREATING Excel SpreadSheet for AUT", System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory( ) + "\\" + AUTApplication.MonitorClass.logLocation + ".xls" );

            // Open the excel document again using the monitor file list...
            openExcelDocument( ExcelDocument, AUTApplication );

            // A document should have been generated in the local build folder... This document is an excel spreadsheet,
            // which when opened will trigger code to execute.
Exemple #2
        public static void startApplicationTest(string ApplicationExecutable, AppAutomationBase automationClass)
            setApplicationLocationForExcel( );

            Application holodeckApplication;
            Application AUTApplication;

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess("STARTING HOLODECK with AUT.");

            // Start Notepad in Holodeck monitoring it...
            holodeckApplication = new Application(startHolodeck(ApplicationExecutable));

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess("STARTING Monitor Thread for Holodeck.");

            // Start Monitoring the Holodeck Process...
            holodeckApplication.StartMonitoring( );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess("FINDING the AUT Process", ApplicationExecutable);

            // Get information about the AUT that Holodeck started...
            ProcessTools.ProcessTools tools = new ProcessTools.ProcessTools( );

            // Instantiate the application class based off of the child process ID created by Holodeck...
            AUTApplication = new Application(tools.GetChildProcess(holodeckApplication.ProcessClass.Id));

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess("STARTING Monitor Thread for AUT.");

            // Start monitoring the AUT...
            AUTApplication.StartMonitoring( );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess("RESUMING the AUT Process.");

            // Resume the AUT...
            resumeAUT( );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess("PERFORMING AUT Automation.");


            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess("SHUTTING DOWN Holodeck and AUT.");

            // Shutdown Holodeck and the AUT...
            holodeckApplication.ProcessClass.Kill( );
            AUTApplication.ProcessClass.Kill( );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess("BUILDING Monitor File List", System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory( ) + "\\" + MonitorClassFile);

            // We now need to build a file containing a list of the locations where the monitored log files are located...
            buildMonitorFileList(MonitorClassFile, holodeckApplication, AUTApplication);

            // We must wait for the threads writing to the files to stop before continuing...
            holodeckApplication.MonitorClass.Stop( );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess("CREATING Excel SpreadSheet for Holodeck", System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory( ) + "\\" + holodeckApplication.MonitorClass.logLocation + ".xls");

            // Open the excel document using the monitor file list...
            openExcelDocument(ExcelDocument, holodeckApplication);

            // Remove the topmost file from the file list...

            // Again we must wait for the threads to stop writing to files...
            AUTApplication.MonitorClass.Stop( );

            TestFramework.Log.Log.printSuccess("CREATING Excel SpreadSheet for AUT", System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory( ) + "\\" + AUTApplication.MonitorClass.logLocation + ".xls");

            // Open the excel document again using the monitor file list...
            openExcelDocument(ExcelDocument, AUTApplication);

            // A document should have been generated in the local build folder... This document is an excel spreadsheet,
            // which when opened will trigger code to execute.