public override async Task ProcessSigninResponse([NotNull] ProcessSigninResponseContext context)
            var options = (OpenIddictOptions)context.Options;

            if (context.Request.IsTokenRequest() && (context.Request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType() ||
                // Note: when handling a grant_type=authorization_code or refresh_token request,
                // the OpenID Connect server middleware allows creating authentication tickets
                // that are completely disconnected from the original code or refresh token ticket.
                // This scenario is deliberately not supported in OpenIddict and all the tickets
                // must be linked. To ensure the properties are preserved from an authorization code
                // or a refresh token to the new ticket, they are manually restored if necessary.

                // Retrieve the original authentication ticket from the request properties.
                var ticket = context.Request.GetProperty <AuthenticationTicket>(
                Debug.Assert(ticket != null, "The authentication ticket shouldn't be null.");

                // If the properties instances of the two authentication tickets differ,
                // restore the missing properties in the new authentication ticket.
                if (!ReferenceEquals(ticket.Properties, context.Ticket.Properties))
                    foreach (var property in ticket.Properties.Items)
                        // Don't override the properties that have been
                        // manually set on the new authentication ticket.
                        if (context.Ticket.HasProperty(property.Key))

                        context.Ticket.AddProperty(property.Key, property.Value);

                    // Always include the "openid" scope when the developer doesn't explicitly call SetScopes.
                    // Note: the application is allowed to specify a different "scopes": in this case,
                    // don't replace the "scopes" property stored in the authentication ticket.
                    if (context.Request.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.OpenId) && !context.Ticket.HasScope())

                    context.IncludeIdentityToken = context.Ticket.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.OpenId);

                // Always include a refresh token for grant_type=refresh_token requests if
                // rolling tokens are enabled and if the offline_access scope was specified.
                context.IncludeRefreshToken = context.Request.IsRefreshTokenGrantType() && options.UseRollingTokens &&

                // If token revocation was explicitly disabled,
                // none of the following security routines apply.
                if (options.DisableTokenRevocation)

                // If rolling tokens are enabled or if the request is a grant_type=authorization_code request,
                // mark the authorization code or the refresh token as redeemed to prevent future reuses.
                // See for more information.
                if (options.UseRollingTokens || context.Request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType())
                    if (!await TryRedeemTokenAsync(context.Ticket, context.HttpContext))
                            error: OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
                            description: "The specified authorization code is no longer valid.");


                // When rolling tokens are enabled, revoke all the previously issued tokens associated
                // with the authorization if the request is a grant_type=refresh_token request.
                if (options.UseRollingTokens && context.Request.IsRefreshTokenGrantType())
                    if (!await TryRevokeTokensAsync(context.Ticket, context.HttpContext))
                            error: OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
                            description: "The specified refresh token is no longer valid.");


                // When rolling tokens are disabled, extend the expiration date
                // of the existing token instead of returning a new refresh token
                // with a new expiration date if sliding expiration was not disabled.
                else if (options.UseSlidingExpiration && context.Request.IsRefreshTokenGrantType())
                    if (!await TryExtendTokenAsync(context.Ticket, context.HttpContext, options))
                            error: OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
                            description: "The specified refresh token is no longer valid.");


                    // Prevent the OpenID Connect server from returning a new refresh token.
                    context.IncludeRefreshToken = false;

            // If no authorization was explicitly attached to the authentication ticket,
            // create an ad hoc authorization if an authorization code or a refresh token
            // is going to be returned to the client application as part of the response.
            if (!context.Ticket.HasProperty(OpenIddictConstants.Properties.AuthorizationId) &&
                (context.IncludeAuthorizationCode || context.IncludeRefreshToken))
                await CreateAuthorizationAsync(context.Ticket, options, context.HttpContext, context.Request);
        public override async Task ProcessSigninResponse([NotNull] ProcessSigninResponseContext context)
            var options = (OpenIddictServerOptions)context.Options;

            Debug.Assert(context.Request.IsAuthorizationRequest() ||
                         "The request should be an authorization or token request.");

            if (context.Request.IsTokenRequest() && (context.Request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType() ||
                // Note: when handling a grant_type=authorization_code or refresh_token request,
                // the OpenID Connect server middleware allows creating authentication tickets
                // that are completely disconnected from the original code or refresh token ticket.
                // This scenario is deliberately not supported in OpenIddict and all the tickets
                // must be linked. To ensure the properties are flowed from the authorization code
                // or the refresh token to the new ticket, they are manually restored if necessary.
                if (!context.Ticket.Properties.HasProperty(OpenIdConnectConstants.Properties.TokenId))
                    // Retrieve the original authentication ticket from the request properties.
                    var ticket = context.Request.GetProperty <AuthenticationTicket>(
                    Debug.Assert(ticket != null, "The authentication ticket shouldn't be null.");

                    foreach (var property in ticket.Properties.Items)
                        // Don't override the properties that have been
                        // manually set on the new authentication ticket.
                        if (context.Ticket.HasProperty(property.Key))

                        context.Ticket.AddProperty(property.Key, property.Value);

                    // Always include the "openid" scope when the developer doesn't explicitly call SetScopes.
                    // Note: the application is allowed to specify a different "scopes": in this case,
                    // don't replace the "scopes" property stored in the authentication ticket.
                    if (context.Request.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.OpenId) && !context.Ticket.HasScope())

                    context.IncludeIdentityToken = context.Ticket.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.OpenId);

                context.IncludeRefreshToken = context.Ticket.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.OfflineAccess);

                // Always include a refresh token for grant_type=refresh_token requests if
                // rolling tokens are enabled and if the offline_access scope was specified.
                if (context.Request.IsRefreshTokenGrantType())
                    context.IncludeRefreshToken &= options.UseRollingTokens;

                // If token revocation was explicitly disabled,
                // none of the following security routines apply.
                if (options.DisableTokenRevocation)
                    await base.ProcessSigninResponse(context);


                var token = context.Request.GetProperty($"{OpenIddictConstants.Properties.Token}:{context.Ticket.GetTokenId()}");
                Debug.Assert(token != null, "The token shouldn't be null.");

                // If rolling tokens are enabled or if the request is a grant_type=authorization_code request,
                // mark the authorization code or the refresh token as redeemed to prevent future reuses.
                // If the operation fails, return an error indicating the code/token is no longer valid.
                // See for more information.
                if (options.UseRollingTokens || context.Request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType())
                    if (!await TryRedeemTokenAsync(token))
                            error: OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
                            description: context.Request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType() ?
                            "The specified authorization code is no longer valid." :
                            "The specified refresh token is no longer valid.");


                if (context.Request.IsRefreshTokenGrantType())
                    // When rolling tokens are enabled, try to revoke all the previously issued tokens
                    // associated with the authorization if the request is a refresh_token request.
                    // If the operation fails, silently ignore the error and keep processing the request:
                    // this may indicate that one of the revoked tokens was modified by a concurrent request.
                    if (options.UseRollingTokens)
                        await TryRevokeTokensAsync(context.Ticket);

                    // When rolling tokens are disabled, try to extend the expiration date
                    // of the existing token instead of returning a new refresh token
                    // with a new expiration date if sliding expiration was not disabled.
                    // If the operation fails, silently ignore the error and keep processing
                    // the request: this may indicate that a concurrent refresh token request
                    // already updated the expiration date associated with the refresh token.
                    if (!options.UseRollingTokens && options.UseSlidingExpiration)
                        await TryExtendTokenAsync(token, context.Ticket, options);

            // If no authorization was explicitly attached to the authentication ticket,
            // create an ad hoc authorization if an authorization code or a refresh token
            // is going to be returned to the client application as part of the response.
            if (!context.Ticket.HasProperty(OpenIddictConstants.Properties.AuthorizationId) &&
                (context.IncludeAuthorizationCode || context.IncludeRefreshToken))
                await CreateAuthorizationAsync(context.Ticket, options, context.Request);

            // Add the custom properties that are marked as public as authorization or
            // token response properties and remove them from the authentication ticket
            // so they are not persisted in the authorization code/access/refresh token.
            // Note: make sure the foreach statement iterates on a copy of the ticket
            // as the property collection is modified when the property is removed.
            var parameters = GetParameters(context.Request, context.Ticket.Properties);

            foreach (var(property, parameter, value) in parameters.ToArray())
                context.Response.AddParameter(parameter, value);

            await base.ProcessSigninResponse(context);
        public override async Task ProcessSigninResponse([NotNull] ProcessSigninResponseContext context)
            var options = (KeystoneServerOptions)context.Options;

            Debug.Assert(context.Request.IsAuthorizationRequest() ||
                         "The request should be an authorization or token request.");

            // While null/unauthenticated identities can be validly represented and are allowed by
            // the OpenID Connect server handler, this most likely indicates that the developer
            // has not correctly set the authentication type associated with the claims identity,
            // which may later cause issues when validating opaque access tokens, as the resulting
            // principal would be considered unauthenticated by the ASP.NET Core authorization stack.
            if (context.Ticket.Principal.Identity == null || !context.Ticket.Principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(new StringBuilder()
                                                    .AppendLine("The specified principal doesn't contain a valid or authenticated identity.")
                                                    .Append("Make sure that both 'ClaimsPrincipal.Identity' and 'ClaimsPrincipal.Identity.AuthenticationType' ")
                                                    .Append("are not null and that 'ClaimsPrincipal.Identity.IsAuthenticated' returns 'true'.")

            if (context.Request.IsTokenRequest() && (context.Request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType() ||
                // Note: when handling a grant_type=authorization_code or refresh_token request,
                // the OpenID Connect server middleware allows creating authentication tickets
                // that are completely disconnected from the original code or refresh token ticket.
                // This scenario is deliberately not supported in Keystone and all the tickets
                // must be linked. To ensure the properties are flowed from the authorization code
                // or the refresh token to the new ticket, they are manually restored if necessary.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Ticket.GetInternalTokenId()))
                    // Retrieve the original authentication ticket from the request properties.
                    var ticket = context.Request.GetProperty <AuthenticationTicket>(
                    Debug.Assert(ticket != null, "The authentication ticket shouldn't be null.");

                    foreach (var property in ticket.Properties.Items)
                        // Don't override the properties that have been
                        // manually set on the new authentication ticket.
                        if (context.Ticket.HasProperty(property.Key))

                        context.Ticket.AddProperty(property.Key, property.Value);

                    // Always include the "openid" scope when the developer doesn't explicitly call SetScopes.
                    // Note: the application is allowed to specify a different "scopes": in this case,
                    // don't replace the "scopes" property stored in the authentication ticket.
                    if (context.Request.HasScope(KeystoneConstants.Scopes.OpenId) && !context.Ticket.HasScope())

                    context.IncludeIdentityToken = context.Ticket.HasScope(KeystoneConstants.Scopes.OpenId);

                context.IncludeRefreshToken = context.Ticket.HasScope(KeystoneConstants.Scopes.OfflineAccess);

                // Always include a refresh token for grant_type=refresh_token requests if
                // rolling tokens are enabled and if the offline_access scope was specified.
                if (context.Request.IsRefreshTokenGrantType())
                    context.IncludeRefreshToken &= options.UseRollingTokens;

                // If token revocation was explicitly disabled, none of the following security routines apply.
                if (!options.DisableTokenStorage)
                    var token = await _tokenManager.FindByIdAsync(context.Ticket.GetInternalTokenId());

                    if (token == null)
                            error: KeystoneConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
                            description: context.Request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType() ?
                            "The specified authorization code is no longer valid." :
                            "The specified refresh token is no longer valid.");


                    // If rolling tokens are enabled or if the request is a grant_type=authorization_code request,
                    // mark the authorization code or the refresh token as redeemed to prevent future reuses.
                    // If the operation fails, return an error indicating the code/token is no longer valid.
                    // See for more information.
                    if (options.UseRollingTokens || context.Request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType())
                        if (!await TryRedeemTokenAsync(token))
                                error: KeystoneConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
                                description: context.Request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType() ?
                                "The specified authorization code is no longer valid." :
                                "The specified refresh token is no longer valid.");


                    if (context.Request.IsRefreshTokenGrantType())
                        // When rolling tokens are enabled, try to revoke all the previously issued tokens
                        // associated with the authorization if the request is a refresh_token request.
                        // If the operation fails, silently ignore the error and keep processing the request:
                        // this may indicate that one of the revoked tokens was modified by a concurrent request.
                        if (options.UseRollingTokens)
                            await TryRevokeTokensAsync(context.Ticket);

                        // When rolling tokens are disabled, try to extend the expiration date
                        // of the existing token instead of returning a new refresh token
                        // with a new expiration date if sliding expiration was not disabled.
                        // If the operation fails, silently ignore the error and keep processing
                        // the request: this may indicate that a concurrent refresh token request
                        // already updated the expiration date associated with the refresh token.
                        if (!options.UseRollingTokens && options.UseSlidingExpiration)
                            await TryExtendRefreshTokenAsync(token, context.Ticket, options);

            // If no authorization was explicitly attached to the authentication ticket,
            // create an ad hoc authorization if an authorization code or a refresh token
            // is going to be returned to the client application as part of the response.
            if (!options.DisableAuthorizationStorage &&
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Ticket.GetInternalAuthorizationId()) &&
                (context.IncludeAuthorizationCode || context.IncludeRefreshToken))
                await CreateAuthorizationAsync(context.Ticket, options, context.Request);

            // Add the custom properties that are marked as public as authorization or
            // token response properties and remove them from the authentication ticket
            // so they are not persisted in the authorization code/access/refresh token.
            // Note: make sure the foreach statement iterates on a copy of the ticket
            // as the property collection is modified when the property is removed.
            var parameters = GetParameters(context.Request, context.Ticket.Properties);

            foreach (var(property, parameter, value) in parameters.ToList())
                context.Response.AddParameter(parameter, value);

            await _eventDispatcher.DispatchAsync(new KeystoneServerEvents.ProcessSigninResponse(context));