Exemple #1
        private void gameChoiceCB_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                for (int i = 0; i < MyProcess.Length; i++)
                    if (gameChoiceCB.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains(MyProcess[i].ProcessName))
                        MyProcess[0]    = Process.GetProcessById(int.Parse(gameChoiceCB.Text.Replace(MyProcess[i].ProcessName + "-", "")));
                        mainModule      = MyProcess[0].MainModule;
                        Mem.ReadProcess = MyProcess[0];
                        GameFound = true;

                        //create our player with the corresponding memory addresses
                        MainPlayer.baseAddress = Mem.ReadInt(0x50f4f4);
                        //GETS US TO THE BEGINNING OF OUR STRUCT
                        MainPlayer.offsets = new PlayerDataAddr();
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Could not connect to process " + ex.Message, "Error");
 public void SetPlayerData(ProcessMemoryReader mem)
     health       = mem.ReadInt(base_addr + health_offset);
     bullet_proof = mem.ReadInt(base_addr + bullet_proof_offset);
     ammo         = mem.ReadInt(base_addr + ammo_offset);
     x_pos        = mem.ReadFloat(base_addr + x_pos_offset);
     y_pos        = mem.ReadFloat(base_addr + y_pos_offset);
     z_pos        = mem.ReadFloat(base_addr + z_pos_offset);
     x_angle      = mem.ReadFloat(base_addr + x_angle_offset);
     y_angle      = mem.ReadFloat(base_addr + y_angle_offset);
Exemple #3
        // 콤보박스 메뉴 중에 어떤 항목을 클릭했을 때 동작할 내용
        // 프로세스를 선택했을 때 어떤 행동을 할지 정하는 애
        private void ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // 해당 프로세스에 대한 권한을 가져야한다
                if (Combobox1.SelectedIndex != -1) // 목록을 선택했다면
                    string selectedItem = Combobox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    int    pid          = int.Parse(selectedItem.Split('-')[selectedItem.Split('-').Length - 1]);
                    // 문자열을 -로 나눈 후 가장 마지막 문자열을 가져온다, pid는 문자열 근데 안에서 찾는건 string 그래서 int를 string으로 바꿔주기 위해 int.Parse를 쓴다
                    attachProc = Process.GetProcessById(pid);

                    // 이제 프로세스를 열어야 한다 (권한을 주자)

                    mem.ReadProcess = attachProc; // 프로세스를 연다

                    MessageBox.Show("프로세스 열기 성공 " + attachProc.ProcessName);
                    int base_ptr    = attachProc.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32() + 0x00168A28;
                    int player_base = mem.ReadInt(base_ptr);
                    mainPlayer = new Playerdata(player_base);
                    attach     = true;
            catch (Exception ex) // 시도했을 때 예외 처리
                attach = false;
                MessageBox.Show("프로세스 열기 실패" + ex.Message);
Exemple #4
        // 콤보박스 메뉴중에 어떤 항목을 클릭했을 때 동작할 내용
        // 프로세스를 선택했을 때 어떤 행동을 할지 정하는 애
        private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // 해당 프로세스에 대한 권한을 가져온다
                // 프로세스 메모리 읽기/수정
                if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex != -1)                                                                // 목록을 선택했다면
                    string selectedItem = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();                                      // KakaoTalk-704
                    int    pid          = int.Parse(selectedItem.Split('-')[selectedItem.Split('-').Length - 1]); // 문자열을 -로 나눈후 가장 마지막 문자열으르 가져온다.
                    attachProc = Process.GetProcessById(pid);

                    // 프로세스를 열어야함! (권한)
                    mem.ReadProcess = attachProc; // 어떤 프로세스를 열지를 저장
                    mem.OpenProcess();            // 프로세스를 열기

                    MessageBox.Show("프로세스 열기 성공! " + attachProc.ProcessName);
                    int base_ptr    = attachProc.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32() + 0x00169A38;
                    int player_base = mem.ReadInt(base_ptr);
                    mainPlayer = new PlayerData(player_base);

                    attach = true;
            catch (Exception ex) // 시도했을 때 예외 처리
                attach = false;
                MessageBox.Show("프로세스 열기 실패: " + ex.Message);
Exemple #5
        static private int off_rifle_ammo = 0x150;  // Assault rifle ammo

        static public bool monitorMemoryValues(ProcessMemoryReader Mem)
            int LocalPlayerAddress = Mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(LocalPlayerBase, 4, LocalPlayerOff);

            int HealthValue     = Mem.ReadInt(LocalPlayerAddress + off_health);
            int RiffleAmmoValue = Mem.ReadInt(LocalPlayerAddress + off_rifle_ammo);

            if ((HealthValue > 100) && (!Form1.detected))
                Mem.WriteInt(LocalPlayerAddress + off_health, 10);
                MessageBox.Show("Possible Cheat Detected");

        private void BtnAttach_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Find and Attach to game
                pro             = Process.GetProcessesByName("ac_client");
                mem.ReadProcess = pro[0];

                // Below address holds total players which includes teammates
                totalPlayers = mem.ReadInt(pro[0].MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32() + 0x110D98);

                // Read game data, begin hacks
                gameFound = true;

                btnAttach.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(34, 177, 76); // Green
                btnAttach.Enabled   = false;
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Game not found!");
                throw ex;
Exemple #7
        private void tmrProcess_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (gameFound && !SA[0].HasExited)
                // Only the base address or multiLevel addresses need to be established first
                int playerBaseAddress = mem.ReadInt(offsets.baseAddr);
                // Stores an address which is the base address of the player struct.
                int XAddress = mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(offsets.baseAddr, 4, offsets.xPos);
                // Multi level pointer with 2 offsets is needed to find the address of X position,
                // then this address can be read as a float.
                int ZAddress = mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(offsets.baseAddr, 4, offsets.zPos);
                int YAddress = mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(offsets.baseAddr, 4, offsets.yPos);

                lblX.Text = mem.ReadFloat(XAddress).ToString();
                lblZ.Text = mem.ReadFloat(ZAddress).ToString();
                lblY.Text = mem.ReadFloat(YAddress).ToString();

                lblHealth.Text = mem.ReadFloat(playerBaseAddress + offsets.health).ToString();

                int Hotkey = ProcessMemoryReaderApi.GetKeyState(0x74);//F5
                if ((Hotkey & 0x8000) != 0)
                    // Teleport to Grove Street
                    mem.WriteFloat(XAddress, 2495);
                    mem.WriteFloat(ZAddress, -1668);
                    mem.WriteFloat(YAddress, 13);

                int Hotkey2 = ProcessMemoryReaderApi.GetKeyState(0x75);//F6
                if ((Hotkey2 & 0x8000) != 0)
                    // Teleport to Dome Stadium Roof
                    mem.WriteFloat(XAddress, 2737);
                    mem.WriteFloat(ZAddress, -1760);
                    mem.WriteFloat(YAddress, 44);

                int Hotkey3 = ProcessMemoryReaderApi.GetKeyState(0x76);//F7
                if ((Hotkey3 & 0x8000) != 0)
                    // Teleport to Skyscraper
                    mem.WriteFloat(XAddress, 1544);
                    mem.WriteFloat(ZAddress, -1353);
                    mem.WriteFloat(YAddress, 330);
                // Game has ended so stop performing readMemory etc
                gameFound           = false;
                btnAttach.BackColor = Color.Red;
                btnAttach.Enabled   = true;
Exemple #8
        public Buff(ProcessMemoryReader reader, int pointer)
            StartTime = reader.ReadFloat(pointer + Offsets.BuffStartTime);
            EndTime   = reader.ReadFloat(pointer + Offsets.BuffEndTime);
            int buffInfo = reader.ReadInt(pointer + Offsets.BuffEntryBuff);

            if (buffInfo < 10)
            Name = reader.ReadCString(buffInfo + Offsets.BuffName, 240);
Exemple #9
        void UpdatePlayerInfo()
            int playerBase = Mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(myProcess[0].MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32() + m_mainPlayer.baseAddress, 4, m_mainPlayer.multiLevel);

            int hp = Mem.ReadInt(playerBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[0]);

            Vector3 pos = new Vector3(Mem.ReadFloat(playerBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[1]),
                                      Mem.ReadFloat(playerBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[2]),
                                      Mem.ReadFloat(playerBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[3]));

            Vector3 velo = new Vector3(Mem.ReadFloat(playerBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[4]),
                                       Mem.ReadFloat(playerBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[5]),
                                       Mem.ReadFloat(playerBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[6]));

            m_mainPlayer.Update(Mem.ReadInt(playerBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[0]), pos, velo);

            foreach (PlayerData ai in m_AiPlayer)
                int aiBase = Mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(myProcess[0].MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32() + ai.baseAddress, 4, ai.multiLevel);

                hp = Mem.ReadInt(aiBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[0]);

                pos = new Vector3(Mem.ReadFloat(aiBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[1]),
                                  Mem.ReadFloat(aiBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[2]),
                                  Mem.ReadFloat(aiBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[3]));

                velo = new Vector3(Mem.ReadFloat(aiBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[4]),
                                   Mem.ReadFloat(aiBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[5]),
                                   Mem.ReadFloat(aiBase - MainOffset + PlayerOffsets[6]));

                ai.Update(hp, pos, velo);
Exemple #10
        private void LoopTMR_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (attach)
                    // Step2 Value를 찾아서 모니터링 (현재 값이 무엇인지 계속적으로 확인)
                    int step2SturctAddress = mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(step2Data.baseAddress, 4, step2Data.multiLevel);
                    int step2value         = mem.ReadInt(step2SturctAddress + step2Data.offsets.health);
                    Step2ValueLBL.Text = "Step 2 Value: " + step2value;

                    // Step8 Value를 찾아서 모니터링
                    int step8SturctAddress = mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(step8Data.baseAddress, 4, step8Data.multiLevel);
                    int step8value         = mem.ReadInt(step8SturctAddress + step8Data.offsets.health);
                    Step8ValueLBL.Text = "Step 8 Value: " + step8value;

                    // Step9의 플레이어 데이터를 모니터링
                    int p1Base = mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(step9PlayerData.baseAddress, 4, step9PlayerData.step9P1multiLevel);
                    int p2Base = mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(step9PlayerData.baseAddress, 4, step9PlayerData.step9P2multiLevel);
                    int p3Base = mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(step9PlayerData.baseAddress, 4, step9PlayerData.step9P3multiLevel);
                    int p4Base = mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(step9PlayerData.baseAddress, 4, step9PlayerData.step9P4multiLevel);

                    P1LBL.Text = "P1: [" + mem.ReadInt(p1Base + step9PlayerData.teamOffset) + " 팀]" + mem.ReadString(p1Base + step9PlayerData.nameOffset) + ": " + mem.ReadFloat(p1Base + step9PlayerData.healthOffset);
                    P2LBL.Text = "P2: [" + mem.ReadInt(p2Base + step9PlayerData.teamOffset) + " 팀]" + mem.ReadString(p2Base + step9PlayerData.nameOffset) + ": " + mem.ReadFloat(p2Base + step9PlayerData.healthOffset);
                    P3LBL.Text = "P3: [" + mem.ReadInt(p3Base + step9PlayerData.teamOffset) + " 팀]" + mem.ReadString(p3Base + step9PlayerData.nameOffset) + ": " + mem.ReadFloat(p3Base + step9PlayerData.healthOffset);
                    P4LBL.Text = "P4: [" + mem.ReadInt(p4Base + step9PlayerData.teamOffset) + " 팀]" + mem.ReadString(p4Base + step9PlayerData.nameOffset) + ": " + mem.ReadFloat(p4Base + step9PlayerData.healthOffset);

                    // 크랙을 동작시켰을때, 현재 크랙이 값을 수정하도록 만드는 작업
                    int hotkey = ProcessMemoryReaderApi.GetKeyState(0x02); // 마우스 오른쪽키에 대한 상태
                    if ((hotkey & 0x8000) != 0)                            // 키가 눌렸을 경우
                        if (crackState == false)                           // 크랙이 꺼져있는 경우에는 크랙 켜고 크랙 시도!
                            crackState          = true;
                            CrackStatusLBL.Text = "크랙 상태: On";
                        else // 크랙이 켜져있는 경우에는 크랙을 끕니다.
                            crackState          = false;
                            CrackStatusLBL.Text = "크랙 상태: Off";
                    if (crackState)
                        Step2Solve(step2SturctAddress); // step2 Value를 1000으로 수정
                        Step8Solve(step8SturctAddress); // step2 Value를 1000으로 수정
                catch (Exception ex)
                    crackState = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("읽기 쓰기 오류: " + ex.Message);
Exemple #11
        private void LoopTMR_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (attach)
                    // step2 value를 찿아서 모니터링
                    int structAddr = mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(
                        step2Data.baseAdress, 4, step2Data.multiLevel);
                    ValueLBL.Text = "Step2Value : " + mem.ReadInt(structAddr +

                    // 크랙이 값을 수정하는 코드
                    int hotkey = ProcessMemoryReaderApi.GetKeyState(0x02); // mouse_R button- 0x02
                    if ((hotkey & 0x8000) != 0)                            //키가눌렸을 경우
                        if (crackState == false)
                            crackState          = true;
                            CrackStatusLBL.Text = "크랙 상태 : ON";
                            crackState          = false;
                            CrackStatusLBL.Text = "크랙 상태 : OFF";
                    if (crackState)
                        Step2Solve(structAddr);          //value 를 1000으로 고정해주는 함수
                catch (Exception ex)
                    crackState = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("읽기 쓰기 에러 !!!" + ex.Message);
            }//크랙을 동작시켰을때, 현재크랙의 값을 수정
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ProcessFound)
                // Store entities memory addresses
                int LocalPlayerAddress = Mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(LocalPlayerBase, 4, LocalPlayerOff);
                int Enemy1Address      = Mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(Enemy1Base, 4, Enemy1Off);

                // Read Local PLayer Values
                int HealthValue     = Mem.ReadInt(LocalPlayerAddress + off_health);
                int RiffleAmmoValue = Mem.ReadInt(LocalPlayerAddress + off_rifle_ammo);

                // Read Enemy 1 Values
                int   Enemy1HealthValue = Mem.ReadInt(Enemy1Address);
                float Enemy1XPosValue   = Mem.ReadFloat(Enemy1Address - Enemy1XPos);
                float Enemy1YPosValue   = Mem.ReadFloat(Enemy1Address - Enemy1YPos);
                float Enemy1ZPosValue   = Mem.ReadFloat(Enemy1Address - Enemy1ZPos);

                // Local Player Lables
                Health.Text     = "Health: " + HealthValue.ToString();
                RiffleAmmo.Text = "Riffle Ammo: " + RiffleAmmoValue.ToString();

                // Enemy 1 Lables
                enemy1_hp_lable.Text   = "Enemy 1 HP: " + Enemy1HealthValue.ToString();
                enemy1_xpos_lable.Text = "X-Pos: " + Enemy1XPosValue.ToString();
                enemy1_ypos_lable.Text = "Y-Pos: " + Enemy1YPosValue.ToString();
                enemy1_zpos_lable.Text = "Z-Pos: " + Enemy1ZPosValue.ToString();

                if (RiffleAmmoValue < 5)
                    // Set Local Player Riffle Ammo to 20 if it less than 5
                    Mem.WriteInt(LocalPlayerAddress + off_rifle_ammo, 20);
                    // Set Local Player HP to 1000 when ammo is less han 5
                    Mem.WriteInt(LocalPlayerAddress + off_health, 1000);

                // Left mouse button pressed
                int pressedLeftMouse = ProcessMemoryReaderApi.GetKeyState(01);
                if ((pressedLeftMouse & 0x8000) != 0)
                    Mem.WriteInt(LocalPlayerAddress + off_fire, 1);

                    // Remove Y-axin recoil when shooting
                    float Ymouse_pos = Mem.ReadFloat(LocalPlayerAddress + off_Ymouse);
                    Ymouse_pos -= 0.38f;
                    Mem.WriteFloat(LocalPlayerAddress + off_Ymouse, Ymouse_pos);
                    Mem.WriteInt(LocalPlayerAddress + off_fire, 0);

                // F1 button pressed
                int pressedF1 = ProcessMemoryReaderApi.GetKeyState(0x70);
                if ((pressedF1 & 0x8000) != 0)
                    Mem.WriteFloat(LocalPlayerAddress + off_XPos, Enemy1XPosValue);
                    Mem.WriteFloat(LocalPlayerAddress + off_YPos, Enemy1YPosValue);
                    Mem.WriteFloat(LocalPlayerAddress + off_ZPos, Enemy1ZPosValue);
Exemple #13
 private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (GameFound)
         int   PlayerBase2 = PlayerBaseHM;
         int[] multiLevel2 = new int[] { 0x04 };
         int   playerBase2 = Mem.ReadMultiLevelPointer(PlayerBase2, 4, multiLevel2);
         label1.Text = "HP: " + Mem.ReadInt(playerBase2 + player.offsets.Health);
         label3.Text = "Mana: " + Mem.ReadInt(playerBase2 + player.offsets.Mana);
         if (Convert.ToString(Mem.ReadInt(playerBase + player.offsets.amslot)) == "0")
             if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 2)
                 label4.Text = "M1: Empty";
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 3)
                 label4.Text = "M2: Empty";
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 4)
                 label4.Text = "M3: Empty";
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 5)
                 label4.Text = "M4: Empty";
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 6)
                 label4.Text = "A1: Empty";
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 7)
                 label4.Text = "A2: Empty";
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 8)
                 label4.Text = "A3: Empty";
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 9)
                 label4.Text = "A4: Empty";
             if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 2)
                 label4.Text = "M1: " + Convert.ToString(Mem.ReadInt(playerBase + player.offsets.amslot));
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 3)
                 label4.Text = "M2: " + Convert.ToString(Mem.ReadInt(playerBase + player.offsets.amslot));
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 4)
                 label4.Text = "M3: " + Convert.ToString(Mem.ReadInt(playerBase + player.offsets.amslot));
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 5)
                 label4.Text = "M4: " + Convert.ToString(Mem.ReadInt(playerBase + player.offsets.amslot));
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 6)
                 label4.Text = "A1: " + Convert.ToString(Mem.ReadInt(playerBase + player.offsets.amslot));
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 7)
                 label4.Text = "A2: " + Convert.ToString(Mem.ReadInt(playerBase + player.offsets.amslot));
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 8)
                 label4.Text = "A3: " + Convert.ToString(Mem.ReadInt(playerBase + player.offsets.amslot));
             else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 9)
                 label4.Text = "A4: " + Convert.ToString(Mem.ReadInt(playerBase + player.offsets.amslot));
Exemple #14
        private void GameChoice_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                for (int i = 0; i < MyProcess.Length; i++)
                    if (GameChoice.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains(MyProcess[i].ProcessName))
                        MyProcess[0] = Process.GetProcessById(int.Parse(GameChoice.Text.Replace(MyProcess[i].ProcessName + "-", "")));
                        mainModule = MyProcess[0].MainModule;
                        Mem.ReadProcess = MyProcess[0];
                        GameFound = true;

                        MainPlayer.baseAddress = Mem.ReadInt(0x50f4f4);
                        MainPlayer.offsets = new PlayerDataAddr();
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Kunne ikke finde klienten, prøv igen: \n " + ex.Message, "Error");