public void InstallService() { SetResutlText($"\n===== Installing service started =====", true); try { CopyAndUnzipFile(); SetResutlText("Service installation begin"); string installer = GetInstaller(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(installer)) { SetResutlText("No application found to install"); SetResutlText($"\n===== Installing service ended with error =====", true); return; } string cmd = GetInstallationCmd(installer); SetResutlText(ProcessHelpers.RunCmd(cmd, true)); } catch (Exception ex) { SetResutlText($"{ex}"); } SetResutlText($"\n===== Installing service ended =====", true); SetResutlText($"\n===== Starting service started =====", true); string startCmd = $"/k net start {setting.Settings.ServiceName}"; SetResutlText(ProcessHelpers.RunCmd(startCmd, true)); SetResutlText($"\n===== Starting service ended =====", true); }
/// <summary> /// Gets an "application name" for the executing application by looking at /// the hosted app name (.NET Framework on IIS only), assembly name, and process name. /// </summary> /// <returns>The default service name.</returns> private static string GetApplicationName() { try { try { if (TryLoadAspNetSiteName(out var siteName)) { return(siteName); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Unable to call into System.Web.dll Log.SafeLogError(ex, "Unable to get application name through ASP.NET settings"); } return(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.GetName().Name ?? ProcessHelpers.GetCurrentProcessName()); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.SafeLogError(ex, "Error creating default service name."); return(null); } }
protected void AddEnvironmentVariablesToProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo, IDictionary <string, string> environmentVariables) { var environment = startInfo.Environment; ProcessHelpers.SetEnvironmentVariable(environment, "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT", DeploymentParameters.EnvironmentName, Logger); ProcessHelpers.AddEnvironmentVariablesToProcess(startInfo, environmentVariables, Logger); }
public void ServiceCheckStatus() { SetResutlText($"\n===== Getting service status started =====", true); string cmd = $"/k sc query {setting.Settings.ServiceName}"; SetResutlText(ProcessHelpers.RunCmd(cmd, true)); SetResutlText($"\n===== Getting service status ended =====", true); }
public void UnInstallService() { SetResutlText($"\n===== Uninstalling service started =====", true); string cmd = $"/k sc delete {setting.Settings.ServiceName}"; SetResutlText(ProcessHelpers.RunCmd(cmd, true)); SetResutlText($"\n===== Uninstalling service ended =====", true); }
public void StopService() { SetResutlText($"\n===== Stopping service started =====", true); string cmd = $"/k net stop {setting.Settings.ServiceName}"; SetResutlText(ProcessHelpers.RunCmd(cmd, true)); SetResutlText($"\n===== Stopping service ended =====", true); }
private void OpenHyperlink(object parameter) { if (parameter is not string s) { return; } ProcessHelpers.ShellExecute(s); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <WorkRoot> > GetWorkRootsAsync( CancellationToken cancellationToken) { IUserSettingsManager settingsManager = _app.GetRequiredService <IUserSettingsManager>(); UserSettings?settings = await settingsManager.GetAsync(cancellationToken); if (settings.WorkRoots.Count() == 0) { _console.WriteLine("No work roots configured!"); _console.WriteLine("You can configure you work roots in the UI or directly in:"); _console.WriteLine($"{SettingsStore.UserSettingsFilePath}."); var options = new List <string> { "Open UI", "Open User settings in code", $"Add {Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()} as work root", "Cancel" }; var index = _console.ChooseFromList(options); switch (index) { case 0: IWebServer?webServer = _app.GetRequiredService <IWebServer>(); var url = await webServer.StartAsync(3003); ProcessHelpers.OpenBrowser(url + "/settings"); break; case 1: //first ensure file exists if (!File.Exists(SettingsStore.UserSettingsFilePath)) { await AddCurrentWorkroot(settingsManager, cancellationToken); } IWorkspaceService workspaceService = _app.GetRequiredService <IWorkspaceService>(); await workspaceService.OpenFileInCode(SettingsStore.UserSettingsFilePath); break; case 2: await AddCurrentWorkroot(settingsManager, cancellationToken); break; default: break; } } return(settings.WorkRoots); }
public async Task OnExecute(IConsole console) { console.WriteLine("Starting local proxy"); var port = NetworkExtensions.GetAvailablePort(Port); if (port != Port) { console.WriteLine($"Port {Port} is allready in use.", ConsoleColor.Yellow); var useOther = Prompt.GetYesNo($"Start proxy on port: {port}", true); if (useOther) { Port = port; } else { return; } } var options = new LocalProxyOptions { Port = Port, DestinationAddress = DestinationAddress }; string url = await _proxyServer.StartAsync( options, CommandAborded); ProcessHelpers.OpenBrowser(url); var stopMessage = "Press 'q' or 'esc' to stop"; console.WriteLine(stopMessage); while (true) { ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(); if (key.KeyChar == 'q' || key.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { break; } else { console.ClearLine(); console.WriteLine("Unknown command", ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine(stopMessage); } } console.WriteLine("Stopping proxy...."); await _proxyServer.StopAsync(); _proxyServer.Dispose(); }
public PerformanceCountersListener(IDogStatsd statsd) { _statsd = statsd; ProcessHelpers.GetCurrentProcessInformation(out _processName, out _, out _processId); // To prevent a potential deadlock when hosted in a service, performance counter initialization must be asynchronous // That's because performance counters may rely on wmiApSrv being started, // and the windows service manager only allows one service at a time to be starting: _initializationTask = Task.Run(InitializePerformanceCounters); }
public void AfterStartMining() { int pid = _miningProcess?.Id ?? -1; // TODO C# can have this shorter if (_affinityMask != 0 && pid != -1) { var okMsg = ProcessHelpers.AdjustAffinity(pid, _affinityMask); Logger.Info(_logGroup, $"Adjust Affinity returned: {okMsg.Item2}"); } }
/// <summary> /// Performs the entry point pre-checks; custom as well as 'RequiresElevatedPrivileges'. /// </summary> public void PerformEntryPointPreChecks() { if (this.RequiresElevatedPrivileges) { if (!ProcessHelpers.IsCurrentlyRunningAsAdmin()) { throw new NotSupportedException("This application requires elevated privileges, please run as administrator."); } } this.CustomPerformEntryPointPreChecks(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="RemoteMemory"/> for a specified <see cref="Process"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="proc"><see cref="Process"/> to open.</param> public RemoteMemory(Process proc) { if (!ProcessHelpers.ProcessExists(proc)) { throw new ArgumentException("Process not valid"); } NativeProcess = proc; ProcessHandle = ProcessHelpers.OpenProcess(ProcessAccessFlags.AllAccess, NativeProcess.Id); Is64 = ProcessHelpers.Is64Bit(NativeProcess); Both64 = Is64 && Self64; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EventLogConfig"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="logInclusionKindToOriginsMap">The log-item origins to log for.</param> /// <param name="source">Optional event log source; DEFAULT is running process' name.</param> /// <param name="shouldCreateSourceIfMissing">Value indicating whether or not to create the source if missing.</param> /// <param name="logName">Optional log name; DEFAULT is <see cref="DefaultLogName" />.</param> /// <param name="machineName">Optional machine name; DEFAULT is <see cref="DefaultMachineName" />.</param> /// <param name="logItemPropertiesToIncludeInLogMessage"> The properties/aspects of a <see cref="LogItem"/> to include when building a log message.</param> public EventLogConfig( IReadOnlyDictionary <LogItemKind, IReadOnlyCollection <string> > logInclusionKindToOriginsMap, string source = null, string logName = DefaultLogName, string machineName = DefaultMachineName, bool shouldCreateSourceIfMissing = false, LogItemPropertiesToIncludeInLogMessage logItemPropertiesToIncludeInLogMessage = LogItemPropertiesToIncludeInLogMessage.Default) : base(logInclusionKindToOriginsMap, logItemPropertiesToIncludeInLogMessage) { this.Source = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source) ? ProcessHelpers.GetRunningProcess().GetName() : source; this.ShouldCreateSourceIfMissing = shouldCreateSourceIfMissing; this.LogName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(logName) ? DefaultLogName : logName; this.MachineName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(machineName) ? DefaultMachineName : machineName; }
private void StartEmbeddedExe(string exeName, IEnumerable <string> commandLineArguments) { var args = new List <string> { $@"-p ""{ApplicationNameTextBox.Text}""", $"-i {CommandDelayUpDown.Value}" }; args.AddRange(commandLineArguments); ProcessHelpers.StartEmbeddedExe(exeName, args.ToArray(), MinimizeCheckBox.Checked); }
/// <summary> /// Starts Word /// </summary> private void StartWord() { if (IsWordRunning) { Logger.WriteToLog($"Word is already running on PID {_wordProcess.Id}... skipped"); return; } Logger.WriteToLog("Starting Word"); _word = new WordInterop.ApplicationClass { ScreenUpdating = false, DisplayAlerts = WordInterop.WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone, DisplayDocumentInformationPanel = false, DisplayRecentFiles = false, DisplayScrollBars = false, AutomationSecurity = MsoAutomationSecurity.msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable, Visible = false }; _word.Options.UpdateLinksAtOpen = false; _word.Options.ConfirmConversions = false; _word.Options.SaveInterval = 0; _word.Options.SaveNormalPrompt = false; _word.Options.SavePropertiesPrompt = false; _word.Options.AllowReadingMode = false; _word.Options.WarnBeforeSavingPrintingSendingMarkup = false; _word.Options.UpdateFieldsAtPrint = false; _word.Options.UpdateLinksAtOpen = false; _word.Options.UpdateLinksAtPrint = false; _word.Options.DoNotPromptForConvert = true; _word.Options.LocalNetworkFile = false; _word.Options.ConfirmConversions = false; var captionGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _word.Caption = captionGuid; var processId = ProcessHelpers.GetProcessIdByWindowTitle(captionGuid); if (!processId.HasValue) { throw new OCConfiguration("Could not determine Word process by title"); } _wordProcess = Process.GetProcessById(processId.Value); Logger.WriteToLog($"Word started with process id {_wordProcess.Id}"); }
public PerformanceCountersListener(IDogStatsd statsd) { _statsd = statsd; ProcessHelpers.GetCurrentProcessInformation(out _processName, out _, out _processId); _memoryCategory = new PerformanceCounterCategory(MemoryCategoryName); var instanceName = GetInstanceName(); _fullInstanceName = instanceName.Item2; _instanceName = instanceName.Item1; InitializePerformanceCounters(_instanceName); }
public void AfterStartMining() { int pid = -1; if (_miningProcess != null && _miningProcess.Handle != null) { pid = _miningProcess.Handle.Id; } // TODO C# can have this shorter if (_affinityMask != 0 && pid != -1) { var(ok, msg) = ProcessHelpers.AdjustAffinity(pid, _affinityMask); // TODO log what is going on is it ok or not } }
private static void TrySetProcess() { try { if (!_processDataUnavailable && !_initialized) { _initialized = true; ProcessHelpers.GetCurrentProcessInformation(out _currentProcessName, out _currentProcessMachineName, out _currentProcessId); } } catch { _processDataUnavailable = true; } }
private static void ReplayDynamicXml(string standardInputData) { var assemblyDirLocation = new Uri(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase) ?? string.Empty).AbsolutePath; var exitCode = ProcessHelpers.ExecuteFileAndReadOutput(new ProcessExecutionSettings { ProcessExePath = Path.Combine(assemblyDirLocation, QpDbUpdateToolPath), Arguments = $@"-s -vvv --disableDataIntegrity -t={(int)DBType} -m=""xml"" ""{ConnectionString}""", StandardInputData = standardInputData }, out var _, out var errorOutput); if (exitCode != 0) { throw new Exception($"Exit code was: {exitCode}, but should be 0. Error output from db update utility: {errorOutput}"); } }
private void WebView_OnNavigationStarting(object sender, WebViewControlNavigationStartingEventArgs e) { if (e.Uri != null && e.Uri.AbsoluteUri == "about:blank") { e.Cancel = true; return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Uri?.OriginalString)) { return; } e.Cancel = true; ProcessHelpers.OpenUrlInExternalBrowser(e.Uri?.OriginalString); }
private int GetDotnetMajorVersion() { var result = ProcessHelpers.RunProcess("dotnet", "--version", Path.GetDirectoryName(_dte.Solution.FileName)); if (result.exitCode != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to detect current dotnet version (\"dotnet --version\" exited with code {result.exitCode})"); } if (result.output.Contains(".")) { if (int.TryParse(result.output.Substring(0, result.output.IndexOf('.')), out int majorVersion)) { return(majorVersion); } } throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to detect current dotnet version (\"dotnet --version\" returned \"{result.output}\")"); }
private void OpenInExplorer(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string tempPath = Path.Combine( Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "PixiEditor", "crash_logs", "to-copy"); DirectoryInfo info = Directory.CreateDirectory(tempPath); foreach (var file in info.EnumerateFiles()) { file.Delete(); } File.Copy(report.FilePath, Path.Combine(tempPath, Path.GetFileName(report.FilePath)), true); ProcessHelpers.ShellExecute(tempPath); }
private void OpenHyperlink(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var button = sender as Button; var tag = button.Tag as string; string body = HttpUtility.UrlEncode($"** IMPORTANT: Drop the \"{Path.GetFileName(report.FilePath)}\" file in here **"); var result = tag switch { "github" => GetGitHubLink(), "discord" => DiscordInviteLink, "email" => GetMailtoLink(), _ => throw new NotImplementedException() }; OpenInExplorer(null, null); ProcessHelpers.ShellExecute(result); string GetGitHubLink() { StringBuilder builder = new(); builder.Append(""); builder.Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode($"Crash Report")); builder.Append("&body="); builder.Append(body); return(builder.ToString()); } string GetMailtoLink() { StringBuilder builder = new(); builder.Append("mailto:[email protected]?subject="); builder.Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode($"Crash Report")); builder.Append("&body="); builder.Append(body); return(builder.ToString()); } } }
public async Task ShowQuickActions(string path) { IWorkspaceService workspaceService = _app.GetRequiredService <IWorkspaceService>(); var dir = new DirectoryInfo(path); QuickAction[] quickActions = workspaceService.GetQuickActions(path).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine($"Quick actions: {dir.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"------------------------------------"); var actionIndex = _console.ChooseFromList( quickActions.Select(x => x.ToString())); QuickAction?action = quickActions[actionIndex]; switch (action.Type) { case QuickActionTypes.OpenVisualStudioSolution: ProcessHelpers.Open(action.Value); break; case QuickActionTypes.OpenDirectoryInExplorer: await workspaceService.OpenInExplorer(action.Value); break; case QuickActionTypes.OpenDirectoryInCode: await workspaceService.OpenInCode(action.Value); break; case QuickActionTypes.OpenDirectoryInTerminal: await workspaceService.OpenInTerminal(action.Value); break; case QuickActionTypes.RunSuperBoost: await workspaceService.RunSuperBoostAsync(action.Title, path); break; } }
internal static ProcessStartInfo GetInjectStartInfo(int processId, string optionalArgs = "") { // get Detourium injectclr location var installLocation = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), "Detourium"); // get x86 or x64 inject path var injectFilename = Path.Combine(installLocation, ProcessHelpers.GetPlatform(processId), "inject.exe"); var spyFilename = Path.Combine(installLocation, "Detourium.dll"); // build args var args = string.Format("-m {0} -i \"{1}\" -l {2} -a \"{3}\" -n {4}", "EntryPoint", spyFilename, "Detourium.Runtime.DetouriumRuntime", optionalArgs, processId); // create and return the process info return(new ProcessStartInfo { CreateNoWindow = true, UseShellExecute = false, FileName = injectFilename, Arguments = args }); }
static LibLogScopeEventSubscriber() { #if NETFRAMEWORK // Check if IIS automatic instrumentation has set the AppDomain property to indicate the PreStartInit state // If the property is not set, we must rely on a different method of determining the state object state = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData(NamedSlotName); if (state is bool boolState) { _performAppDomainFlagChecks = true; _executingIISPreStartInit = boolState; } else { _performAppDomainFlagChecks = false; _executingIISPreStartInit = true; try { string processName = ProcessHelpers.GetCurrentProcessName(); if (!processName.Equals("w3wp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !processName.Equals("iisexpress", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // IIS is not running so we do not anticipate issues with IIS PreStartInit code execution _executingIISPreStartInit = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, "Error obtaining the process name for quickly validating IIS PreStartInit condition."); } } if (_executingIISPreStartInit) { Log.Warning("Automatic logs injection detected that IIS is still initializating. The {Source} will be checked at the start of each trace to only enable automatic logs injection when IIS is finished initializing.", _performAppDomainFlagChecks ? "AppDomain" : "System.Diagnostics.StackTrace"); } #endif InitResolvers(); }
private void WebView_OnNavigationStarting(object sender, CoreWebView2NavigationStartingEventArgs e) { if (!e.IsUserInitiated) { return; } if (e.Uri != null && e.Uri.Contains("about:blank")) { e.Cancel = true; return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Uri)) { return; } e.Cancel = true; ProcessHelpers.OpenUrlInExternalBrowser(e.Uri); }
public static bool LocateFileInExplorer(string filePath) { if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { return(false); } // Clean up file path so it can be navigated OK filePath = Path.GetFullPath(filePath); try { ProcessHelpers.StartProcessAsync("explorer.exe", string.Format("/select,\"{0}\"", filePath)); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Starts PowerPoint /// </summary> private void StartPowerPoint() { if (IsPowerPointRunning) { Logger.WriteToLog($"Powerpoint is already running on PID {_powerPointProcess.Id}... skipped"); return; } Logger.WriteToLog("Starting PowerPoint"); _powerPoint = new PowerPointInterop.ApplicationClass { DisplayAlerts = PowerPointInterop.PpAlertLevel.ppAlertsNone, DisplayDocumentInformationPanel = false, AutomationSecurity = MsoAutomationSecurity.msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable }; ProcessHelpers.GetWindowThreadProcessId(_powerPoint.HWND, out var processId); _powerPointProcess = Process.GetProcessById(processId); Logger.WriteToLog($"PowerPoint started with process id {_powerPointProcess.Id}"); }