Exemple #1
        private void Collect(ProblemReporter report)
            bool collect = Collects(report.Type());

            if (collect)
                // This type of problem is collected and we're within the max threshold, so it's OK
                long count = _badEntries.incrementAndGet();
                if (_tolerance == UNLIMITED_TOLERANCE || count <= _tolerance)
                    // We're within the threshold
                    if (_logBadEntries)
                        // Send this to the logger... but first apply some back pressure if queue is growing big
                        while (_queueSize.sum() >= _backPressureThreshold)
                    return;                              // i.e. don't treat this as an exception

            InputException exception = report.Exception();

            throw collect?withMessage(exception, format( "Too many bad entries %d, where last one was: %s", _badEntries.longValue(), exception.Message )) : exception;