Exemple #1
 public Config()
     CanFired           = new Part <bool>(false, "Burns in 15 seconds. LET EVERYTHING BURN IN LAVA!");
     HasHealth          = new Part <bool>(false, "Has 100 hp, can be broken by another player");
     CreateCorpse       = new Part <bool>(true, "[true, false]");
     SaveInventoryTypes = new Part <string[]>(new string[] {
     NeedPrivilegeForReturnThings  = new Part <string>(Privilege.gamemode, "", Privilege.AllCodes());
     MaxDeathContentSavedPerPlayer = new Part <int>(10, "[0-100] (0 - disabled, more than 100 - not recommended)");
     CreateWaypoint       = new Part <string>("auto", "[auto, always, none], auto - will try to resolve conflicts with other mods");
     WaypointIcon         = new Part <string>("bee", "[circle, bee, cave, home, ladder, pick, rocks, ruins, spiral, star1, star2, trader, vessel]");
     WaypointColor        = new Part <string>("crimson", "https://www.99colors.net/dot-net-colors");
     PinWaypoint          = new Part <bool>(true, "[true, false]");
     DebugMode            = new Part <bool>(false, "[true, false]");
     FreeCorpseAfterTime  = new Part <int>(240, "[Any integer] (0 - always, below zero - never), makes corpses available to everyone after N in-game hours");
     CorpseCollectionTime = new Part <float>(1, "[float], Corpse collection time in seconds");
     CorpseCompassEnabled = new Part <bool>(true);