public override void AdjustEvaluation(int ply, ref int midgameEval, ref int endgameEval)
            //	Compensate for the two-bishops evaluation bonus.  The ColorboundEvaluation will give
            //	a bonus only if two bishops are on different colors.  But before either bishop has
            //	converted they are on the same color, however we want to give the bonus anyway.
            //	Otherwise, the computer will have a very, very strong desire to convert one of the
            //	bishops and will do it almost immedately (which is not smart.)

            PrivFlags priv = (PrivFlags)(ply == 1 ? gameHistory[Game.GameMoveNumber] : privs[ply - 1]);

            //	Fast bail-out if the conversion privs are gone
            if (priv == PrivFlags.none)

            //	Bonus for White if he still has two bishops and one will convert
            if (((priv & PrivFlags.p0sq0can) != PrivFlags.none &&
                 (priv & PrivFlags.p0sq1can) != PrivFlags.none))
                midgameEval += 62;
                endgameEval += 62;
            else if (((priv & PrivFlags.p0sq0must) != PrivFlags.none &&
                      Board.GetPieceTypeBitboard(0, Board[p0square0].TypeNumber).BitCount > 1) ||
                     ((priv & PrivFlags.p0sq1must) != PrivFlags.none &&
                      Board.GetPieceTypeBitboard(0, Board[p0square1].TypeNumber).BitCount > 1))
                midgameEval += 42;
                endgameEval += 42;

            //	Bonus for Black if he still has two bishops and one will convert
            if (((priv & PrivFlags.p1sq0can) != PrivFlags.none &&
                 (priv & PrivFlags.p1sq1can) != PrivFlags.none))
                midgameEval -= 62;
                endgameEval -= 62;
            else if (((priv & PrivFlags.p1sq0must) != PrivFlags.none &&
                      Board.GetPieceTypeBitboard(1, Board[p1square0].TypeNumber).BitCount > 1) ||
                     ((priv & PrivFlags.p1sq1must) != PrivFlags.none &&
                      Board.GetPieceTypeBitboard(1, Board[p1square1].TypeNumber).BitCount > 1))
                midgameEval -= 42;
                endgameEval -= 42;
        public override void SavePositionToFEN(FEN fen)
            PrivFlags conversionPrivs = (PrivFlags)gameHistory[Game.GameMoveNumber];
            string    privString      = "";

            //	player 0 privs
            if ((conversionPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq0must) != PrivFlags.none)
                privString += bishopSquares[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() + "+";
            else if ((conversionPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq1must) != PrivFlags.none)
                privString += bishopSquares[1][0].ToString().ToUpper() + "+";
            else if ((conversionPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq0can) != PrivFlags.none)
                privString += bishopSquares[0][0].ToString().ToUpper();
            else if ((conversionPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq1can) != PrivFlags.none)
                privString += bishopSquares[1][0].ToString().ToUpper();
            //	player 1 privs
            if ((conversionPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq0must) != PrivFlags.none)
                privString += bishopSquares[2][0].ToString() + "+";
            else if ((conversionPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq1must) != PrivFlags.none)
                privString += bishopSquares[3][0].ToString() + "+";
            else if ((conversionPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq0can) != PrivFlags.none)
                privString += bishopSquares[2][0].ToString();
            else if ((conversionPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq1can) != PrivFlags.none)
                privString += bishopSquares[3][0].ToString();
            if (privString == "")
                privString = "-";
            fen["bishop-conversion"] = privString;
        public override void GenerateSpecialMoves(MoveList list, bool capturesOnly, int ply)
            PrivFlags priv = (PrivFlags)(ply == 1 ? gameHistory[Game.GameMoveNumber] : privs[ply - 1]);

            if (Game.CurrentSide == 0)
                if ((priv & PrivFlags.p0sq0can) != PrivFlags.none ||
                    (priv & PrivFlags.p0sq0must) != PrivFlags.none)
                    addMove(list, p0square0, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.N, p0square0), capturesOnly);
                    addMove(list, p0square0, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.S, p0square0), capturesOnly);
                    addMove(list, p0square0, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.E, p0square0), capturesOnly);
                    addMove(list, p0square0, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.W, p0square0), capturesOnly);
                if ((priv & PrivFlags.p0sq1can) != PrivFlags.none ||
                    (priv & PrivFlags.p0sq1must) != PrivFlags.none)
                    addMove(list, p0square1, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.N, p0square1), capturesOnly);
                    addMove(list, p0square1, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.S, p0square1), capturesOnly);
                    addMove(list, p0square1, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.E, p0square1), capturesOnly);
                    addMove(list, p0square1, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.W, p0square1), capturesOnly);
                if ((priv & PrivFlags.p1sq0can) != PrivFlags.none ||
                    (priv & PrivFlags.p1sq0must) != PrivFlags.none)
                    addMove(list, p1square0, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.N, p1square0), capturesOnly);
                    addMove(list, p1square0, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.S, p1square0), capturesOnly);
                    addMove(list, p1square0, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.E, p1square0), capturesOnly);
                    addMove(list, p1square0, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.W, p1square0), capturesOnly);
                if ((priv & PrivFlags.p1sq1can) != PrivFlags.none ||
                    (priv & PrivFlags.p1sq1must) != PrivFlags.none)
                    addMove(list, p1square1, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.N, p1square1), capturesOnly);
                    addMove(list, p1square1, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.S, p1square1), capturesOnly);
                    addMove(list, p1square1, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.E, p1square1), capturesOnly);
                    addMove(list, p1square1, Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.W, p1square1), capturesOnly);
        public override MoveEventResponse MoveBeingMade(MoveInfo move, int ply)
            PrivFlags currentPrivs = (PrivFlags)(ply == 1 ? gameHistory[Game.GameMoveNumber] : privs[ply - 1]);
            PrivFlags newPrivs     = currentPrivs;

            //	We first check to see if there are any bishop conversion privs left.
            //	This is so that when they are gone we don't waste any more computational
            //	effort with any further checking.
            if (currentPrivs != PrivFlags.none)
                if (move.FromSquare == p0square0 && move.Player == 0)
                    if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq0must) != PrivFlags.none)
                        //	make sure this is a conversion move - otherwise it is illegal
                        if (move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.N, move.FromSquare) &&
                            move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.S, move.FromSquare) &&
                            move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.E, move.FromSquare) &&
                            move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.W, move.FromSquare))
                            //	not a conversion move, so it is illegal
                        //	since the move is legal, this must be a conversion move so
                        //	remove remove all player 0's conversion flags
                        newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0all);
                    else if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq0can) != PrivFlags.none)
                        //	is this a converion move?
                        if (move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.N, move.FromSquare) ||
                            move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.S, move.FromSquare) ||
                            move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.E, move.FromSquare) ||
                            move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.W, move.FromSquare))
                            //	we are converting, so remove all player 0 privs
                            newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0all);
                            newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0sq0can);
                            //	we are not converting with this piece, so if the
                            //	other square priv is still available, change it
                            //	from can convert to must convert
                            if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq1can) != PrivFlags.none)
                                newPrivs = (newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0all)) | PrivFlags.p0sq1must;
                else if (move.FromSquare == p0square1 && move.Player == 0)
                    if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq1must) != PrivFlags.none)
                        //	make sure this is a conversion move - otherwise it is illegal
                        if (move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.N, move.FromSquare) &&
                            move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.S, move.FromSquare) &&
                            move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.E, move.FromSquare) &&
                            move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.W, move.FromSquare))
                            //	not a conversion move, so it is illegal
                        //	since the move is legal, this must be a conversion move so
                        //	remove remove all player 0's conversion flags
                        newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0all);
                    else if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq1can) != PrivFlags.none)
                        //	is this a converion move?
                        if (move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.N, move.FromSquare) ||
                            move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.S, move.FromSquare) ||
                            move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.E, move.FromSquare) ||
                            move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.W, move.FromSquare))
                            //	we are converting, so remove all player 0 privs
                            newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0all);
                            newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0sq1can);
                            //	we are not converting with this piece, so if the
                            //	other square priv is still available, change it
                            //	from can convert to must convert
                            if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq0can) != PrivFlags.none)
                                newPrivs = (newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0all)) | PrivFlags.p0sq0must;
                else if (move.FromSquare == p1square0 && move.Player == 1)
                    if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq0must) != PrivFlags.none)
                        //	make sure this is a conversion move - otherwise it is illegal
                        if (move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.N, move.FromSquare) &&
                            move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.S, move.FromSquare) &&
                            move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.E, move.FromSquare) &&
                            move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.W, move.FromSquare))
                            //	not a conversion move, so it is illegal
                        //	since the move is legal, this must be a conversion move so
                        //	remove remove all player 0's conversion flags
                        newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1all);
                    else if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq0can) != PrivFlags.none)
                        //	is this a converion move?
                        if (move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.N, move.FromSquare) ||
                            move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.S, move.FromSquare) ||
                            move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.E, move.FromSquare) ||
                            move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.W, move.FromSquare))
                            //	we are converting, so remove all player 1 privs
                            newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1all);
                            newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1sq0can);
                            //	we are not converting with this piece, so if the
                            //	other square priv is still available, change it
                            //	from can convert to must convert
                            if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq1can) != PrivFlags.none)
                                newPrivs = (newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1all)) | PrivFlags.p1sq1must;
                else if (move.FromSquare == p1square1 && move.Player == 1)
                    if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq1must) != PrivFlags.none)
                        //	make sure this is a conversion move - otherwise it is illegal
                        if (move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.N, move.FromSquare) &&
                            move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.S, move.FromSquare) &&
                            move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.E, move.FromSquare) &&
                            move.ToSquare != Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.W, move.FromSquare))
                            //	not a conversion move, so it is illegal
                        //	since the move is legal, this must be a conversion move so
                        //	remove remove all player 0's conversion flags
                        newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1all);
                    else if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq1can) != PrivFlags.none)
                        //	is this a converion move?
                        if (move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.N, move.FromSquare) ||
                            move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.S, move.FromSquare) ||
                            move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.E, move.FromSquare) ||
                            move.ToSquare == Board.NextSquare(PredefinedDirections.W, move.FromSquare))
                            //	we are converting, so remove all player 1 privs
                            newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1all);
                            newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1sq1can);
                            //	we are not converting with this piece, so if the
                            //	other square priv is still available, change it
                            //	from can convert to must convert
                            if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq0can) != PrivFlags.none)
                                newPrivs = (newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1all)) | PrivFlags.p1sq0must;
                if (move.ToSquare == p0square0 && move.Player == 1)
                    //	can the player convert the piece on this square?
                    //	if so, he just lost that piece (and that privilege)
                    if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq0can) != PrivFlags.none)
                        if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq1can) != PrivFlags.none)
                            newPrivs = (newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0all)) | PrivFlags.p0sq1can;
                            newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0all);
                    //	was the player required to convert the piece on this square?
                    else if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq0must) != PrivFlags.none)
                        //	strip all the player's privs
                        newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0all);
                else if (move.ToSquare == p0square1 && move.Player == 1)
                    //	can the player convert the piece on this square?
                    //	if so, he just lost that piece (and that privilege)
                    if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq1can) != PrivFlags.none)
                        if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq0can) != PrivFlags.none)
                            newPrivs = (newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0all)) | PrivFlags.p0sq0can;
                            newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0all);
                    //	was the player required to convert the piece on this square?
                    else if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p0sq1must) != PrivFlags.none)
                        //	strip all the player's privs
                        newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p0all);
                else if (move.ToSquare == p1square0 && move.Player == 0)
                    //	can the player convert the piece on this square?
                    //	if so, he just lost that piece (and that privilege)
                    if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq0can) != PrivFlags.none)
                        if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq1can) != PrivFlags.none)
                            newPrivs = (newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1all)) | PrivFlags.p1sq1can;
                            newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1all);
                    //	was the player required to convert the piece on this square?
                    else if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq0must) != PrivFlags.none)
                        //	strip all the player's privs
                        newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1all);
                else if (move.ToSquare == p1square1 && move.Player == 0)
                    //	can the player convert the piece on this square?
                    //	if so, he just lost that piece (and that privilege)
                    if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq1can) != PrivFlags.none)
                        if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq0can) != PrivFlags.none)
                            newPrivs = (newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1all)) | PrivFlags.p1sq0can;
                            newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1all);
                    //	was the player required to convert the piece on this square?
                    else if ((currentPrivs & PrivFlags.p1sq1must) != PrivFlags.none)
                        //	strip all the player's privs
                        newPrivs = newPrivs & (~PrivFlags.p1all);

            privs[ply] = (int)newPrivs;
            if (ply == 1)
                gameHistory[Game.GameMoveNumber + 1] = privs[1];