Exemple #1
    private bool CheckCollision(PrismCollision collision)
        Debug.Log("beginning of check collision");
        // Task 1. Determine whether there is an actual collision using the GJK
        var prismA = collision.a;
        var prismB = collision.b;

        // For each collision, create a simplex to calculate Minkowski sum
        //Simplex simplex = new Simplex();

        // Oho Yeah it's working now!

        Simplex gjk_simp = GJK_collision(prismA, prismB, new Simplex());

        // Task 2. If there is, compute the penetration depth vector using EPA algorithm
        // EPA calculate penetration depth:
        // if (gjk_simp != null)
        // {

        //     collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB = EPA_pd(prismA, prismB, gjk_simp);
        //     Debug.Log("collision");
        //     return true;

        // }
        // else
        // {
        //     Debug.Log("no collision");
        //     return false;
        // }
        collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB = Vector3.zero;

Exemple #2
    private bool CheckCollision(PrismCollision collision)
        var prismA = collision.a;
        var prismB = collision.b;

        var centerA = prismA.transform.position;
        var centerB = prismB.transform.position;

        //Subtracts centers of both prisms to find the initial direction of the vector to perform GJK on.
        Vector3 d = centerB - centerA;

        // If GJK returns points we have a simplex, otherwise we have an empty list of vectors.
        Simplex GJKVector = GJK(prismA, prismB, d);

        if (GJKVector != null)
            print("GJK Not null, starting EPA " + prismA.name + " " + prismB.name);
            collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB = EPA(GJKVector, prismA, prismB);
Exemple #3
    private bool CheckCollision(PrismCollision collision)
        var prismA = collision.a;
        var prismB = collision.b;

        collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB = Vector3.zero;

Exemple #4
    private Vector3 getSupportVector(PrismCollision collision, Vector3 d)
        var     prismA = collision.a;
        var     prismB = collision.b;
        Vector3 aPoint = getSupportPoint(prismA.points, d);
        Vector3 bPoint = getSupportPoint(prismB.points, -d);

        //return the minkowski point
        return(aPoint - bPoint);
Exemple #5
    private IEnumerable <PrismCollision> PotentialCollisions()
        List <belonger> meep = new List <belonger>();

        for (int i = 0; i < prisms.Count; i++)
            belonger minx = new belonger();
            belonger maxx = new belonger();
            minx.xval = prisms[i].points.Min(point => point.x);
            maxx.xval = prisms[i].points.Max(point => point.x);
            maxx.max  = true;
            minx.max  = false;
            Debug.Log("these are our generated x vals" + minx.xval + ' ' + maxx.xval);
            minx.p = maxx.p = prisms[i];
        foreach (belonger b in meep)
            Debug.Log("this is supposed to be the list" + b.xval + "this is if its max" + b.max);

        meep.Sort(delegate(belonger x, belonger y) { return(x.xval.CompareTo(y.xval)); });
        foreach (belonger b in meep)
            Debug.Log("this is supposed to be the sorted list entry" + b.xval + "this is if its max" + b.max);

        Debug.Log("This is supposed to be the ordered list" + meep);
        List <Prism> activelist = new List <Prism>();

        foreach (belonger b in meep)
            if (b.max == false)
                foreach (Prism p in activelist)
                    var checkPrisms = new PrismCollision();
                    checkPrisms.a = p;
                    checkPrisms.b = b.p;
                    yield return(checkPrisms);


        yield break;
    private IEnumerable <PrismCollision> QuadtreeRecursion(QuadTree quadtree)
        if (quadtree.subtree != null)
            foreach (PrismCollision check in QuadtreeRecursion(quadtree.subtree[0]))
                yield return(check);
            foreach (PrismCollision check in QuadtreeRecursion(quadtree.subtree[1]))
                yield return(check);
            foreach (PrismCollision check in QuadtreeRecursion(quadtree.subtree[2]))
                yield return(check);
            foreach (PrismCollision check in QuadtreeRecursion(quadtree.subtree[3]))
                yield return(check);

        if (quadtree.father != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < quadtree.objects.Count; i++)
                foreach (PrismCollision check in fatherRecursion(quadtree.father, quadtree.objects[i]))
                    yield return(check);
        for (int i = 0; i < quadtree.objects.Count - 1; i++)
            if (quadtree.objects[i].check == false)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < quadtree.objects.Count; j++)
                    if (quadtree.objects[i].prismObject.name != quadtree.objects[j].prismObject.name)
                        var check = new PrismCollision();
                        check.a = quadtree.objects[i];
                        check.b = quadtree.objects[j];
                        quadtree.objects[i].check = true;
                        yield return(check);
Exemple #7
    private void ResolveCollision(PrismCollision collision)
        var prismObjA = collision.a.prismObject;
        var prismObjB = collision.b.prismObject;

        var pushA = -collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB / 2;
        var pushB = collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB / 2;

        prismObjA.transform.position += pushA;
        prismObjB.transform.position += pushB;

        Debug.DrawLine(prismObjA.transform.position, prismObjA.transform.position + collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB, Color.cyan, UPDATE_RATE);
Exemple #8
    private IEnumerable <PrismCollision> PotentialCollisions()
        ktree = new KdTree <float, int>(2, new FloatMath());

        for (int i = 0; i < prisms.Count; i++)
            var prism = prisms[i];
            foreach (var point in prism.points)
                ktree.Add(new[] { point.x, point.z }, i);


        for (int i = 0; i < prisms.Count; i++)
            if (prisms[i].points.Length == 0)
            var   prismI          = prisms[i];
            var   prismTransformI = prismObjects[i].transform;
            var   bboxI           = BoundingBox(prismI.points);
            float radius          = Vector3.Distance(bboxI[0], bboxI[1]) / 2;
            float[] position = new float[] { prismTransformI.position.x, prismTransformI.position.z };
            foreach (KdTree.KdTreeNode <float, int> node in ktree.RadialSearch(position, radius))
                int j = node.Value;
                if (j == i)
                var prismJ          = prisms[j];
                var prismTransformJ = prismObjects[j].transform;
                var bboxJ           = BoundingBox(prismJ.points);
                if (AreBoxesColliding(bboxI, bboxJ))
                    var checkPrisms = new PrismCollision();
                    checkPrisms.a = prisms[i];
                    checkPrisms.b = prisms[j];

                    print("in here");

                    yield return(checkPrisms);
        yield break;
Exemple #9
    private IEnumerable <PrismCollision> PotentialCollisions()
        for (int i = 0; i < prisms.Count; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < prisms.Count; j++)
                var checkPrisms = new PrismCollision();
                checkPrisms.a = prisms[i];
                checkPrisms.b = prisms[j];

                yield return(checkPrisms);

        yield break;
Exemple #10
    private void ResolveCollision(PrismCollision collision)

        var pushA = -collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB / 2;
        var pushB = collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB / 2;

        for (int i = 0; i < collision.a.pointCount; i++)
            collision.a.points[i] += pushA;

        for (int i = 0; i < collision.b.pointCount; i++)
            collision.b.points[i] += pushB;
    private void ResolveCollision(PrismCollision collision)
        var prismObjA = collision.a.prismObject;
        var prismObjB = collision.b.prismObject;

        var pushA = -collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB / 2;
        var pushB = collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB / 2;

        for (int i = 0; i < collision.a.pointCount; i++)
            collision.a.points[i] += pushA;
        for (int i = 0; i < collision.b.pointCount; i++)
            collision.b.points[i] += pushB;

        Debug.DrawLine(prismObjA.transform.position, prismObjA.transform.position + collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB, Color.cyan, UPDATE_RATE);
Exemple #12
    private IEnumerable <PrismCollision> PotentialCollisions()
        for (int i = 0; i < prisms.Count; i++)
            Prism p = prisms[i];
            var   nearestNeighbor = prisms.FindClosest(p.transform.position);
            Debug.Log(nearestNeighbor == p);
            if (!nearestNeighbor.Equals(p))
                var checkPrisms = new PrismCollision();
                checkPrisms.a = p;
                checkPrisms.b = nearestNeighbor;

                Debug.DrawLine(p.transform.position, nearestNeighbor.transform.position, Color.red);
                yield return(checkPrisms);
        yield break;
Exemple #13
    private IEnumerable<PrismCollision> PotentialCollisions()
	for (int i = 0 ; i < prisms.Count ; i++){
				//newobj.AddAll(prisms.Where((v, k) => k >= prisms[i]).ToList());
				var x = prisms.FindClosest(prisms[i].transform.position);
				var setPrim = new PrismCollision{ a = prisms[i] , b = x}; 
				Debug.DrawLine(prisms[i].transform.position, x.transform.position, Color.green);

			yield return setPrim;

        yield break;
Exemple #14
    private IEnumerable <PrismCollision> PotentialCollisions()
        foreach (var prism in prisms)
            Debug.Log("Checking prism #" + prism.name);
            var nearestNeighbor = prisms.FindClosest(prism.transform.position);  // Find closest object to given position
            if (nearestNeighbor != prism)
                var checkPrisms = new PrismCollision
                    a = prism,
                    b = nearestNeighbor

                yield return(checkPrisms);

        yield break;
 private IEnumerable <PrismCollision> fatherRecursion(QuadTree quadFather, Prism obj)
     if (quadFather.father != null)
         foreach (PrismCollision check in fatherRecursion(quadFather.father, obj))
             yield return(check);
     for (int i = 0; i < quadFather.objects.Count; i++)
         if (quadFather.objects[i].check == false)
             var check = new PrismCollision();
             check.a = quadFather.objects[i];
             check.b = obj;
             yield return(check);
    private List <PrismCollision> collisionAlongX()
        var outputListX = new List <PrismCollision>();
        var _activeList = new List <Prism>();

        _axisPointsX = new List <Tuple <float, char, Prism> >();

        for (int i = 0; i < prisms.Count; i++)
            _axisPointsX.Add(new Tuple <float, char, Prism>(prisms[i].bounds.minV.x, 's', prisms[i]));
            _axisPointsX.Add(new Tuple <float, char, Prism>(prisms[i].bounds.maxV.x, 'e', prisms[i]));
            //Debug.Log(prisms[i].bounds.minV.x +"--"+ prisms[i].bounds.maxV.x);

        _axisPointsX.Sort((a, b) => a.Item1.CompareTo(b.Item1));

        for (int i = 0; i < _axisPointsX.Count; i++)
            if (_axisPointsX[i].Item2 == 's')
                for (int j = 0; j < _activeList.Count; j++)
                    var checkPrisms = new PrismCollision(_axisPointsX[i].Item3, _activeList[j]);
                    // checkPrisms.a = _axisPointsX[i].Item3;
                    // checkPrisms.b = _activeList[j];
            else if (_axisPointsX[i].Item2 == 'e')
        // Debug.Log(outputListX.Count);
Exemple #17
    private bool CheckCollision(PrismCollision collision)
        #region Great Jolly Kappadia

        var prismA = collision.a;
        var prismB = collision.b;

        //Generate minkowski difference
        //List<Vector3> minkowskiDiff = new List<Vector3>();
        Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

         * foreach (Vector3 vecA in prismA.points) {
         *  foreach (Vector3 vecB in prismB.points) {
         *      Vector3 nextVec = vecA - vecB;
         *      minkowskiDiff.Add(nextVec);
         *      //Debug.DrawLine(nextVec, nextVec + offset, Color.black, 5f);
         *  }
         * }
         * // */

        List <Vector3> simplex = new List <Vector3>();

        Vector3 initDir = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
        simplex.Add(MinkowskiSupport(prismA.points, prismB.points, initDir));
        initDir = -initDir;

        while (true)
            simplex.Add(MinkowskiSupport(prismA.points, prismB.points, initDir));

            //Optimization to make sure the last element added actually passed the origin
            //If not the Minkowski sum doesn't contain the origin
            if (Vector3.Dot(simplex.Last(), initDir) <= 0)
                var values = containsOrigin(simplex, initDir);
                initDir = values.Item2;
                if (values.Item1)

        foreach (Vector3 v in simplex)
            //Debug.DrawLine(v, v + 2*offset, Color.blue, 5f);
        //Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero + 2*offset, Color.white, 5f);


        #region Environmental Protection Agency

        List <Edge> edges = new List <Edge> ();
        for (int x = 0; x < simplex.Count; x++)
            for (int y = x + 1; y < simplex.Count; y++)
                Edge e = new Edge(simplex[x], simplex[y]);
                if (!edges.Contains(e))

        //Doesn't work currently, so commented out
        //This is suppoped to be part of the EPA algorithm
        float improvement = 10, best = -1, bestdist = -1;
        int   curpos;

        while (improvement > 0.5)
            curpos   = -1;
            bestdist = -1;

            for (int pos = 0; pos < edges.Count; pos++)
                float result = edges[pos].originDistance();
                if (bestdist < 0 || result < bestdist)
                    bestdist = result;
                    curpos   = pos;

            best = bestdist;

            Vector3 newPoint = MinkowskiSupport(prismA.points, prismB.points, edges[curpos].normal());

            edges.Add(new Edge(edges[curpos].v1, newPoint));
            edges.Add(new Edge(newPoint, edges[curpos].v2));


            float newOD1 = edges[edges.Count - 2].originDistance();
            float newOD2 = edges[edges.Count - 1].originDistance();

            bestdist = min(newOD1, newOD2);

            improvement = best - bestdist;

        curpos   = -1;
        bestdist = -1;

        for (int pos = 0; pos < edges.Count; pos++)
            float result = edges[pos].originDistance();
            if (bestdist < 0 || result < bestdist)
                bestdist = result;
                curpos   = pos;

        collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB = edges[curpos].normal() * (bestdist + 0.05f);


Exemple #18
    private IEnumerable <PrismCollision> PotentialCollisions()
         * for (int i = 0; i < prisms.Count; i++) {
         *  for (int j = i + 1; j < prisms.Count; j++) {
         *      var checkPrisms = new PrismCollision();
         *      checkPrisms.a = prisms[i];
         *      checkPrisms.b = prisms[j];
         *      yield return checkPrisms;
         *  }
         * }
         * // */

        foreach (Prism p in prisms)
        QuadTree tree = new QuadTree(Quadtree_Depth, new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), prismRegionRadiusXZ);
        // */

        /* Uses a hashset to keep track of collisions
         * This way if A and B are overlapping on many quadrants, you'll
         * notice but only do the intensive check a single time.
         * // */
        HashSet <int>         collisionKeys = new HashSet <int>();
        List <PrismCollision> colList       = new List <PrismCollision>();

        foreach (Prism p in prisms)
            List <Prism[]> cols = tree.register(p);

            if (cols.Count == 0)
                //print("0 collisions");


            foreach (Prism[] col in cols)
                // very simply: order prisms from 0 to n-1, use the key n*bigger + smaller
                int bigger = max(col[0].num, col[1].num), smaller = min(col[0].num, col[1].num);
                int key = bigger * prismCount + smaller;

                //print("Made it here");

                // check if this key (unique for every combination of 2 prisms) is NOT already in the set
                if (!collisionKeys.Contains(key))
                    var check = new PrismCollision();
                    check.a = col[0];
                    check.b = col[1];

                    //print("Collision between " + col[0].num + " and " + col[1].num);
        // */

    private bool CheckCollision(PrismCollision collision)
        var prismA = collision.a;
        var prismB = collision.b;
        // prismA.check = true;
        // prismB.check = true;

        // Debug.Log("Points in prism A");
        // foreach (var VARIABLE in prismA.points3D)
        // {
        //     Debug.Log(VARIABLE);
        // }
        // Debug.Log("Points in prism B");
        // foreach (var VARIABLE in prismB.points3D)
        // {
        //     Debug.Log(VARIABLE);
        // }

        // List<Vector3> minkowski = new List<Vector3>();
        // foreach(var p in prismA.points){
        //     foreach(var p2 in prismB.points){
        //         minkowski.Add( p - p2);
        //     }
        // }

        // draw the minkowski
        // for (var i = 0; i < minkowski.Count(); i++)
        // {
        //     Debug.DrawLine(minkowski[i], minkowski[i] + new Vector3(0.0f, 0f, 0.05f), Color.magenta, UPDATE_RATE);
        // }

        bool colliding = GJK(prismA, prismB);

        // remove duplicates from pointList
        HashSet <String> p_str    = new HashSet <string>();
        List <Vector3>   toDelete = new List <Vector3>();

        foreach (var p in pointList)
            String s = p.ToString();
            if (p_str.Contains(s))
        foreach (var p in toDelete)

        if (colliding)
            collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB = EPA(prismA, prismB);
            collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB = Vector3.zero;

Exemple #20
    private bool CheckCollision(PrismCollision collision)
        var prismA = collision.a;
        var prismB = collision.b;

        // simplex 3 vector3 list
        List <Vector3> simplex = new List <Vector3>();

        // starting direction
        Vector3 direction = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);

        // support function to return furthest point in prism in given direction
        Vector3 support(Prism a, Vector3 d)
            float max = -float.MaxValue;
            int   iPt = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < a.points.Length; i++)
                float dot = Vector3.Dot(d, a.points[i]);
                if (dot > max)
                    max = dot;
                    iPt = i;


        // function to return furthest point on minkowski difference convex hull given direction
        Vector3 mink(Prism a, Prism b, Vector3 d)
            Vector3 ptA = support(a, d);
            Vector3 ptB = support(b, -d);

            return(ptA - ptB);

        // Add the first point to the simplex
        simplex.Add(mink(prismA, prismB, direction));

        // Reverse the direction so we get the furthest point in opposite direction
        direction = -direction;

        // Start looping through simplexes with minkowski difference points

        while (true)
            // get new point in the current direction
            Vector3 newPt = mink(prismA, prismB, direction);

            // detect whether or not point goes past the origin, dot product must be positive
            if (Vector3.Dot(newPt, direction) < 0)

            // point is past origin so we can add it

            // check if simplex contains the origin, update if not
            if (contOrigin() == true)
                //Starts EPA algo
                while (true)
                    float   distance = float.PositiveInfinity;
                    Vector3 normal   = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                    int     index    = 0;

                    nearestEdge(simplex, ref distance, ref normal, ref index);

                    //get support point in minkDiff
                    Vector3 supp = mink(prismA, prismB, normal);

                    float d = Vector3.Dot(supp, normal);

                    //Check if simplex and minkDiff points converged
                    if (d - distance <= Mathf.Epsilon)
                        collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB = normal * distance;
                        //update simplex to include minkDiff point
                        simplex.Insert(index, supp);

        //Finds edge in simplex that is nearest to origin
        void nearestEdge(List <Vector3> simp, ref float closeDist, ref Vector3 closeNorm, ref int closeIndex)
            for (int i = 0; i < simp.Count; i++)
                int j = i == simp.Count - 1 ? 0 : i + 1;

                Vector3 edge = simp[j] - simp[i];

                //origin to first vector (simplex[i])
                Vector3 ao   = simp[i];
                Vector3 norm = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(edge, ao), edge);
                norm = Vector3.Normalize(norm);
                float dist = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(ao, norm));

                if (dist < closeDist)
                    closeDist  = dist;
                    closeNorm  = norm;
                    closeIndex = j;

        bool contOrigin()
            // if simplex only has 2 points
            if (simplex.Count() == 2)
                // get the points
                Vector3 ptA = simplex[1];
                Vector3 ptB = simplex[0];

                // get the segments
                Vector3 aOrig = new Vector3(0, 0, 0) - ptA;
                Vector3 aB    = ptB - ptA;

                // adjust direction to be perp
                direction = new Vector3(-aB[2], 0, aB[0]);

                // if dot product of direction and aOrig less than 0, adjust to point at origin
                if (Vector3.Dot(direction, aOrig) < 0)
                    direction = -direction;

                // keep editing simplex
            else if (simplex.Count() == 3)
                Vector3 ptA = simplex[2];
                Vector3 ptB = simplex[1];
                Vector3 ptC = simplex[0];

                // get the segments
                Vector3 aOrig = new Vector3(0, 0, 0) - ptA;
                Vector3 aB    = ptB - ptA;
                Vector3 aC    = ptC - ptA;

                // adjust direction to be perp to segment away c
                direction = new Vector3(-aB[2], 0, aB[0]);
                if (Vector3.Dot(direction, ptC) > 0)
                    direction = -direction;

                // if perp vector from AB pointing toward origin we can remove c
                if (Vector3.Dot(direction, aOrig) > 0)

                // readjust direction AC from B
                direction = new Vector3(-aC[2], 0, aC[0]);
                if (Vector3.Dot(direction, ptB) > 0)
                    direction = -direction;

                // if perp vector from AC pointing toward origin we can remove b
                if (Vector3.Dot(direction, aOrig) > 0)

                // otherwise the origin is contained inside of the trianglge

                Debug.Log("Simplex size not equal to 2 or 3");

        collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB = Vector3.zero;

Exemple #21
    private bool CheckCollision(PrismCollision collision)
        var            prismA = collision.a;
        var            prismB = collision.b;
        Vector3        a, b, c, ab, ac, ao, abPerp, acPerp;
        bool           ans       = false;
        List <Vector3> simplex   = new List <Vector3>();
        Vector3        direction = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

        simplex.Add(getSupportVector(collision, direction));
        direction = -direction;
        while (true)
            simplex.Add(getSupportVector(collision, direction));
            if (Vector3.Dot(simplex.Last(), direction) < 0)
                //print(Vector3.Dot(simplex.Last(), direction));
                ans = false;
                a  = simplex.Last();
                ao = -a;
                if (simplex.Count == 3)
                    b  = simplex[1];
                    c  = simplex[0];
                    ab = b - a;
                    ac = c - a;
                    //AxBxC = B(C.dot(A)) – A(C.dot(B))
                    //tripleProduct(ac, ab, ab);
                    //tripleProduct(ab, ac, ac)
                    abPerp = ab * Vector3.Dot(ab, ac) - ac * Vector3.Dot(ab, ab);
                    acPerp = ac * Vector3.Dot(ac, ab) - ab * Vector3.Dot(ac, ac);
                    if (Vector3.Dot(abPerp, ao) > 0)
                        direction = abPerp;
                        if (Vector3.Dot(acPerp, ao) > 0)
                            direction = acPerp;
                            ans = true;
                    b  = simplex[1];
                    ab = b - a;
                    //abPerp = tripleProduct(ab, ao, ab);
                    abPerp    = ao * Vector3.Dot(ab, ab) - ab * Vector3.Dot(ab, ao);
                    direction = abPerp;

        Vector3 normal = Vector3.zero;
        float   depth  = 0f;
        float   closestDist;
        Vector3 closestNormal;
        int     closestIndex;

        while (true)
            closestDist   = 1000000000000f;
            closestNormal = Vector3.zero;
            closestIndex  = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < simplex.Count; i++)
                int j = i + 1 == simplex.Count ? 0 : i + 1;
                a  = simplex[i];
                b  = simplex[j];
                c  = b - a;
                ab = a * Vector3.Dot(c, c) - c * Vector3.Dot(c, a);

                 * print(b);
                 * print(c);
                 * print(ab);*/
                float d = Vector3.Dot(ab, a);
                if (d < closestDist)
                    closestDist   = d;
                    closestNormal = ab;
                    closestIndex  = j;
            Vector3 p  = getSupportVector(collision, closestNormal);
            float   ds = Vector3.Dot(p, closestNormal);
            if (ds - closestDist < 0.5)
                normal = closestNormal;
                depth  = ds;
                simplex.Insert(closestIndex, p);
        collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB = normal * 2 * (1 / 1 - depth);
    private bool CheckCollision(PrismCollision collision)
        var            prismA = collision.a;
        var            prismB = collision.b;
        List <Vector3> points;
        bool           check = false;

        //Minkowski Difference Computation
        points = new List <Vector3>();
        foreach (var point1 in prismA.points)
            foreach (var point2 in prismB.points)
                var result = Vector3.zero;
                result = point1 - point2;
        bool[] col = new bool[4];
        for (int i = 1; i < col.Length; i++)
            col[i] = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
            if (points[i].x > 0 && points[i].z > 0)
                col[0] = true;
            if (points[i].x > 0 && points[i].z < 0)
                col[1] = true;
            if (points[i].x < 0 && points[i].z < 0)
                col[2] = true;
            if (points[i].x < 0 && points[i].z > 0)
                col[3] = true;
            if (points[i].x > 0 && points[i].z == 0)
                col[0] = true;
                col[1] = true;
            if (points[i].x < 0 && points[i].z == 0)
                col[2] = true;
                col[3] = true;
            if (points[i].x == 0 && points[i].z > 0)
                col[0] = true;
                col[3] = true;
            if (points[i].x == 0 && points[i].z < 0)
                col[1] = true;
                col[2] = true;
        int count = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < col.Length; i++)
            if (col[i] == true)
        if (count == 4)
            check = true;
            int far = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count - 2; i++)
                if (points[far].sqrMagnitude < points[1].sqrMagnitude)
                    far = i;
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count - 1; i++)
                if (check)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < points.Count; j++)
                    if (i != far && j != far)
                        if (whichSide(points[far], points[i], points[j]) == whichSide(points[far], points[i], new Vector3(0, 0, 0)) &&
                            whichSide(points[i], points[j], points[far]) == whichSide(points[i], points[j], new Vector3(0, 0, 0)) &&
                            whichSide(points[j], points[far], points[i]) == whichSide(points[j], points[far], new Vector3(0, 0, 0)))
                            check = true;
        if (!check)
        Vector3 speedV = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
                if (i != j)
                    bool edge = true;
                    for (int k = 0; k < points.Count; k++)
                        if (!(k == i || k == j))
                            if (whichSide(points[i], points[j], points[k]) != whichSide(points[i], points[j], new Vector3(0, 0, 0)))
                                edge = false;
                    if (edge && (((perpendicular(points[i], points[j]).sqrMagnitude < speedV.sqrMagnitude) || (speedV.x == 0 && speedV.y == 0 && speedV.z == 0))))
                        speedV = perpendicular(points[i], points[j]);
        collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB = new Vector3(speed * speedV.x, 0, speed * speedV.z);
Exemple #23
    private bool CheckCollision(PrismCollision collision){
        var prismA = collision.a;
        var prismB = collision.b;
        List<Vector2> Simplex = new List<Vector2>();
        int sizeOfList = Simplex.Count;

        collision.penetrationDepthVectorAB = Vector3.zero;
        return true;

        Vector2 getFarthestPointInDirection(Vector2 d) {
            int index = 0;
            double maxDot = (int)Vector2.Dot(Simplex[index], d);
            if (Simplex != null)
                for (int i = 1; i < sizeOfList; i++)
                    int dot = (int)Vector2.Dot(Simplex[i], d);
                    if (dot > maxDot)
                        maxDot = dot;
                        index = i;
            return Simplex[index];
        Vector2 support(Prism a, Prism b, Vector2 d){
            // get points on the edge of the shapes in opposite directions
            Vector2 p1 = a.getFarthestPointInDirection(d);
            Vector2 p2 = b.getFarthestPointInDirection(new Vector2(-d.x, -d.y));

            // Minkowski Difference
            Vector2 p3 = new Vector2((p1 - p2).x, (p1 - p2).y);

            // p3 is now a point in Minkowski space on the edge of the Minkowski Difference
            return p3;

        bool containsOrigin(ref Vector2 d){
            Vector2 a = Simplex.Last();
            Vector2 ao = new Vector2(-a.x, -a.y);
            if (Simplex.Count() == 3){
                support(prismA, prismB, d);
                if((a.x == 0) && (a.y == 0) {
                    return true;
            return false;

            bool IsCollide(Prism a, Prism b) {
            Vector2 last = Simplex[sizeOfList - 1];
            Vector2 dark = new Vector2(1, -1);
            // negate d for the next point
            // start looping
            while (true)
                // add a new point to the simplex because we haven't terminated yet
                Simplex.Add(support(a, b, dark));
                // make sure that the last point we added actually passed the origin
                int dot6 = (int)Vector2.Dot(last, dark);
                if (dot6 <= 0)
                    // if the point added last was not past the origin in the direction of d
                    // then the Minkowski Sum cannot possibly contain the origin since
                    // the last point added is on the edge of the Minkowski Difference
                    return false;
                    if (containsOrigin(ref dark))
                        // if it does then we know there is a collision
                        return true;
