Exemple #1
    void CmdGearingP(int anArg)
        PrinterMotor currentMotor = m_motors[m_motor];

        Text.Log(string.Format("Motor {0}'s gearing is {1}:{2}", m_motor,
                               currentMotor.gearingNumerator, currentMotor.gearingDenominator));
Exemple #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Clones this instance.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual PrinterMotor Clone()
        PrinterMotor result = new PrinterMotor();

Exemple #3
    TickProfile(Arc sourceArc, int stepToTickRate, int tickRate)
        Contract.Assert(tickRate > 0, @"Zero tick rate for {0}.", sourceArc);

        motor     = sourceArc.motor;
        size      = sourceArc.motor.stepSize;
        direction = sourceArc.direction;

        stepRate = tickRate;
        // Sync the start with the platform conversion rate.
        startTick = sourceArc.startStep * stepToTickRate;

        // Figure out how many steps we can actually take at our rate.
        int stepsAvailable = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)(sourceArc.length * stepToTickRate) / (float)tickRate);

        tickLength = stepsAvailable * tickRate;

        // If we were supposed to take a step in the arc,
        // try to take at least one step.
        if (sourceArc.length > 0)
            tickLength = Mathf.Max(1, tickLength);

        Contract.Assert(tickLength % tickRate == 0 || tickLength < tickRate,
                        @"Non-integral tick rate for {0} from {1}.",
                        this, sourceArc);
        Contract.Assert((sourceArc.length == 0 && tickLength == 0) ||
                        (tickLength > 0), @"Should take at least one tick step for {0} => {1}",
                        sourceArc, this);
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Arc"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='aMaterial'>
 /// A material id.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='aStartStep'>
 /// A start step.
 /// </param>
 public Arc(int aMaterial, int aStartStep)
     motor               = null;
     material            = aMaterial;
     startStep           = aStartStep;
     endStep             = kNotInitialized;
     direction           = StepDirection.Unknown;
     hasVariableStepRate = false;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Arc"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='anId'>
 /// An extruder identifier.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='aStartStep'>
 /// A start step.
 /// </param>
 public Arc(PrinterMotor aMotor, int aStartStep)
     motor               = aMotor;
     startStep           = aStartStep;
     endStep             = kNotInitialized;
     material            = kNotInitialized;
     direction           = aMotor.stepDirection;
     hasVariableStepRate = false;
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Çlones an instance of the <see cref="Arc"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='aSource'>
 /// A source.
 /// </param>
 public Arc(Arc aSource)
     motor               = aSource.motor;
     startStep           = aSource.startStep;
     endStep             = aSource.endStep;
     material            = aSource.material;
     direction           = aSource.direction;
     hasVariableStepRate = false;
 public MotorRateMover(MotorRateMover aMover, int aGlobalStart)
     motor           = aMover.motor;
     direction       = aMover.direction;
     size            = aMover.size;
     stepRate        = aMover.stepRate;
     globalStartStep = aGlobalStart;
     stepCount       = aMover.stepCount;
 public MotorRateMover(PrinterMotor aMotor, StepDirection aDirection,
                       StepSize aSize, int aRate, int aGlobalStepStart, int totalStepCount)
     motor           = aMotor;
     direction       = aDirection;
     size            = aSize;
     stepRate        = aRate;
     globalStartStep = aGlobalStepStart;
     stepCount       = totalStepCount;
Exemple #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Enqueues a copy of the vertical track arc to move one layer.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='forMotor'>
    /// The motor to move.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='toQueue'>
    /// The queue to fill.
    /// </param>
    void NextLayer(PrinterMotor forMotor, List <Arc> toQueue)
        Arc anArc = new Arc(m_vertTrackArc);

        anArc.motor = forMotor;
        Contract.Assert(toQueue.Count == 1, @"Expected 1, not {0} vertical arc{1}",
                        toQueue.Count, Text.S(toQueue.Count));
Exemple #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Clones this instance.
    /// </summary>
    public void Populate(PrinterMotor result)
        result.id = id;
        result.gearingNumerator   = gearingNumerator;
        result.gearingDenominator = gearingDenominator;
        result.stepSize           = stepSize;
        result.stepDirection      = stepDirection;

        result.stepRate    = stepRate;
        result.stepCounter = stepCounter;
        //result.maxAccelInStepsPerSec = maxAccelInStepsPerSec;
Exemple #11
    public TickProfile(TickProfile source, int aStartTick)
        motor     = source.motor;
        size      = source.size;
        direction = source.direction;
        stepRate  = source.stepRate;

        startTick  = aStartTick;
        tickLength = source.tickLength;

        // NOTE: Negative tick profiles are OK
        // when pressurizing, so we don't
        // check for negative start ticks.
        Contract.Assert(tickLength >= 0, @"Negative tick length.");
        Contract.Assert(motor != null, @"No motor assigned to tick profile.");
        Contract.Assert(direction != StepDirection.Unknown, @"Unknown step direction.");
Exemple #12
    static int ApplyPressure(PrinterMotor forMotor, StepDirection inDirection,
                             int usingPressureSteps, int usingPlatformRotation, List <TickProfile> toList)
        Contract.Assert(usingPressureSteps <= kPressureSteps,
                        @"Requested {0} pressure steps; maximum is {1}.",
                        usingPressureSteps, kPressureSteps);

        // NOTE: We don't know how many steps it'll take to
        // accelerate over usingPressureSteps. So we need
        // to treat everything as if it stepped from
        // [0, usingPressureSteps) and then scale the
        // resulting ticks by anArc.startingStep.
        Arc pressureArc = new Arc(forMotor, 0);

        pressureArc.startStep = 0;
        pressureArc.endStep   = usingPressureSteps;
        pressureArc.direction = inDirection;

        PrinterExtruder extruder = (PrinterExtruder)forMotor;

        if (inDirection == StepDirection.Ccw)
            extruder.pressureRequired -= usingPressureSteps;

            Contract.Assert(extruder.pressureRequired >= 0,
                            @"Pressurized more than {0} steps.", kPressureSteps);
            extruder.pressureRequired += usingPressureSteps;

            Contract.Assert(extruder.pressureRequired <= kPressureSteps,
                            @"Motor {0} required pressure of {1} exceeds max of {2}.",
                            extruder.id, extruder.pressureRequired, kPressureSteps);

        int ticksTaken = Accelerate(pressureArc, usingPlatformRotation, toList);

        Contract.Assert(ticksTaken > 0, @"Non-positive ticks taken over {0} step{1}.",
                        ticksTaken, Text.S(ticksTaken));
Exemple #13
    public TickProfile(PrinterMotor aMotor, StepSize aSize, StepDirection aDirection,
                       int aStepRate, int aStartTick, int aTickLength)
        Contract.Assert(aMotor != null,
                        @"Tried to assign null motor to tick profile.");
        Contract.Assert(aDirection != StepDirection.Unknown,
                        @"Tried to assign unknown direction to tick profile.");
        Contract.Assert(aStepRate >= 0,
                        @"Negative step rate of {0}.", aStepRate);
        // NOTE: Negative tick profiles are OK
        // when pressurizing, so we don't
        // check for negative start ticks.

        motor     = aMotor;
        size      = aSize;
        direction = aDirection;
        stepRate  = aStepRate;

        startTick  = aStartTick;
        tickLength = aTickLength;
Exemple #14
    public static int CompleteDepressurization(PrinterMotor forMotor, int overSteps,
                                               int usingPlatformStepRate, List <TickProfile> toList)
        // No depressure remaining? Don't care, then.
        if (overSteps < 1)

        int ticksTaken = ApplyPressure(forMotor, StepDirection.Cw, overSteps,
                                       usingPlatformStepRate, toList);

        Contract.Assert(ticksTaken > 0,
                        @"No ticks required for depressurizing {0} by {1} step{2}.",
                        forMotor.id, overSteps, Text.S(overSteps));
        Contract.Assert(toList[0].startTick == 0,
                        @"Depressure {0} doesn't start at 0.", toList[0]);

        // How long we actually took to depresurize, worst case.
        return(Mathf.CeilToInt((float)ticksTaken / (float)usingPlatformStepRate));
Exemple #15
    void StepMotors()
        //Text.Log(string.Format("Steps remaining: {0}, {1}", m_motorSteps[0], m_motorSteps[1]));
        for (int aMotorId = 0; aMotorId < m_motors.Length; ++aMotorId)
            PrinterMotor aMotor = m_motors[aMotorId];
            if (aMotor.stepRate == 0)

            if (aMotor.stepCounter == 0)
                aMotor.stepCounter     = aMotor.stepRate;
                m_motorSteps[aMotorId] = 1;
        bool hasMoved = false;

        for (int aMotorId = 0; aMotorId < kExtruderBase; ++aMotorId)
            if (m_motorSteps[aMotorId] > 0)
                hasMoved = true;
        for (int aMotorId = kExtruderBase; aMotorId < m_motorSteps.Length; ++aMotorId)
            if (m_motorSteps[aMotorId] > 0)
                hasMoved = false;

        if (hasMoved && !onlyCollectExtruded)
            PrinterExtruder anExtruder       = (PrinterExtruder)m_motors[4];
            float           relativePosition = m_simulation.platformRadiusInMm - (float)m_simulation.horizTrack.position;
            float           distFromCenter   = anExtruder.DistanceFromPlatCenterInMm(relativePosition);
            float           angleInRad       = m_simulation.platform.rotationInDegrees * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

            Vector4 point = new Vector4(distFromCenter * Mathf.Cos(angleInRad) + m_simulation.platformRadiusInMm,
                                        distFromCenter * Mathf.Sin(angleInRad),

        m_globalSteps = (m_globalSteps + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF;

        Vector3 platformPosition = new Vector3(-(float)m_simulation.horizTrack.position,
                                               (float)m_simulation.vertTrack[0].position, 0);

        m_trans.position = platformPosition;
        m_trans.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, m_simulation.platform.rotationInDegrees, 0);
Exemple #16
    public int UpdateState(TickProfile fromProfile, List <TxPacket> forList)
        int          targetMotorId = fromProfile.motor.id;
        PrinterMotor targetMotor   = targetMotorId < kBaseMotors
                        ? GetBaseMotor(targetMotorId) : extruders[targetMotorId - kBaseMotors];

        Contract.Assert(targetMotor.id == targetMotorId, @"Found motor {0} but id isn't {1}.",
                        targetMotor, targetMotorId);

        bool shouldSendDirection = targetMotor.stepDirection != fromProfile.direction;
        bool shouldSendStepSize  = targetMotor.stepSize != fromProfile.size;
        bool shouldSendStepRate  = targetMotor.stepRate != fromProfile.stepRate;

        if (shouldSendDirection || shouldSendStepSize || shouldSendStepRate)
            if (currentMotorId != targetMotorId)
                // Select the motor; note that we don't change the stack.
                if (lastEnqueuedPacket != null && lastEnqueuedPacket.aCmd == GanglionCommand.StepRate)
                    lastEnqueuedPacket.aCmd = kStepRateMotor[targetMotorId];
                    lastEnqueuedPacket = new TxPacket(kMotorToCommand[targetMotorId]);
                currentMotorId = targetMotorId;
            Contract.Assert(currentMotorId == targetMotor.id,
                            @"Motor id mismatch: {0} != {1}", currentMotorId, targetMotor.id);

            if (shouldSendDirection)
                lastEnqueuedPacket = new TxPacket(fromProfile.direction == StepDirection.Ccw
                                                                  ? GanglionCommand.CounterClockwise
                                                                  : GanglionCommand.Clockwise);
                targetMotor.stepDirection = fromProfile.direction;
            if (shouldSendStepSize)
                int ganglionSize = kStepConversion[fromProfile.size];
                lastEnqueuedPacket = new TxPacket(GanglionCommand.Value, ganglionSize);

                lastEnqueuedPacket = new TxPacket(GanglionCommand.StepSize);
                targetMotor.stepSize = fromProfile.size;

                m_lastNumberSent = ganglionSize;
            if (shouldSendStepRate)
                if (fromProfile.stepRate == 0)
                    if (lastEnqueuedPacket != null && kMotorStop.ContainsKey(lastEnqueuedPacket.aCmd))
                        lastEnqueuedPacket.aCmd = kMotorStop[lastEnqueuedPacket.aCmd];
                        lastEnqueuedPacket = new TxPacket(GanglionCommand.Stop);
                    if (m_lastNumberSent != fromProfile.stepRate)
                        lastEnqueuedPacket = new TxPacket(GanglionCommand.Value, fromProfile.stepRate);
                        m_lastNumberSent = fromProfile.stepRate;
                    lastEnqueuedPacket = new TxPacket(GanglionCommand.StepRate);
                targetMotor.stepRate = fromProfile.stepRate;

        Contract.Assert(targetMotor.stepDirection == fromProfile.direction,
                        @"Direction mismatch: {0} != {1}.", targetMotor.stepDirection, fromProfile.direction);
        Contract.Assert(targetMotor.stepSize == fromProfile.size,
                        @"Step size mismatch: {0} != {1}", targetMotor.stepSize, fromProfile.size);
        Contract.Assert(targetMotor.stepRate == fromProfile.stepRate,
                        @"Step rate mismatch: {0} != {1}.", targetMotor.stepRate, fromProfile.stepRate);
