Exemple #1
 public void BindPrintDialog()
     Print.PageTitle = "Package and Plating Options for " + ItemNoTextBox.Text;
     Print.PageUrl   = "PackingAndPlatingExport.aspx?ItemNumber=" + ItemNoTextBox.Text +
                       "&ShipLoc=" + ReqLocTextBox.Text.Trim().ToString() +
                       "&RequestedQty=" + ReqQtyHidden.Value.ToString() +
                       "&AltQty=" + AltQtyHidden.Value.ToString() +
                       "&AvailableQty=" + ReqAvailHidden.Value.ToString();
     //lblSuccessMessage.Text = Print.PageUrl;
Exemple #2
    public void BindPrintDialog()
        PrintUpdatePanel.Visible = true;
        Print.PageTitle          = "Stock Status for " + ItemNoTextBox.Text;
        string SSURL = "StockStatusExport.aspx?ItemNo=" + ItemNoTextBox.Text + "&UserName="******"UserName"].ToString();

        Print.PageTitle = "Stock Status " + ItemNoTextBox.Text;
        // we build a url according to what item they have entered.
        Print.PageUrl = SSURL;
        //ShowPageMessage(RecallURL, 0);
    public void BindPrintDialog()
        Print.PageTitle = "Receiving Report for " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                          ". Branch=" + LocLabel.Text.Substring(0, 2) +
                          ". LPN=" + LPNLabel.Text.Trim();
        // we build a url according to how the Receiving Report report is configured
        string RecvRepURL = "RBReceiving/RBReceiveReport.aspx?UserName="******"UserName"].ToString();

        RecvRepURL    += "&Branch=" + LocLabel.Text.Substring(0, 2);
        RecvRepURL    += "&Container=" + LPNLabel.Text.Trim();
        Print.PageUrl  = Server.UrlEncode(RecvRepURL);
        Print.FormName = "RBReceiveReport";
        //lblErrorMessage.Text = "RecvRepURL " + RecvRepURL;
Exemple #4
 protected void GetDocument(string SONo)
         OrderIDHidden.Value      = SONo.Replace("W", "");
         PrintUpdatePanel.Visible = false;
         CustNameLabel.Text  = "";
         OrderDateLabel.Text = "";
         // get the data.
         // get the order data.
         ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(connectionString, "pSOEGetDoc",
                                       new SqlParameter("@DocNumber", OrderIDHidden.Value),
                                       new SqlParameter("@SortCode", LineSort.Value),
                                       new SqlParameter("@HeaderTable", HeaderTable.Value));
         if (ds.Tables.Count > 1)
             // ds[1] = header, [2] = lines, [3]=expenses, [4]=comments
             dt = ds.Tables[1];
             //show the customer
             CustNameLabel.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ShipToName"].ToString() + " - " +
                                  dt.Rows[0]["City"].ToString() + " " + dt.Rows[0]["State"].ToString() + " " + dt.Rows[0]["Country"].ToString();
             OrderDateLabel.Text = dt.Rows[0]["OrderDt"].ToString();
             // get ready to print
             PrintUpdatePanel.Visible = true;
             Print.PageTitle          = "International Invoice for " + OrderIDHidden.Value;
             //string RecallURL = "QuoteRecallExport.aspx?CustNo=" + CustNoTextBox.Text;
             string PrintURL = "SOExport.aspx?OrderNo=" + OrderIDHidden.Value
                               + "&DocType=InternationalInvoice&Header=SOHeaderRel";
             Print.PageTitle = "International Invoice " + OrderIDHidden.Value;
             // we build a url according to what serach criterai they have entered. we may even sho line detail
             Print.PageUrl = PrintURL;
             //ShowPageMessage(RecallURL, 0);
             ShowPageMessage("Document " + SONo + " not found.", 2);
     catch (Exception e2)
         ShowPageMessage("pSOEGetDoc Error " + e2.Message + ", " + e2.ToString(), 2);
    public void BindPrintDialog()
        PrintUpdatePanel.Visible = true;
        Print.PageTitle          = "Receiving Report for " + LocationDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text.Trim();
        string PrintURL = "RBReceiveReport.aspx.cs?Branch="
                          + LocationDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text.Split(new string[] { " - " }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0].Trim();

        Print.PageTitle = "Receiving Report";
        if (LPNTextBox.Text.Trim() != "")
            PrintURL += "&LPN=" + LPNTextBox.Text.Trim();
        if (ContainerTextBox.Text.Trim() != "")
            PrintURL += "&Container=" + ContainerTextBox.Text.Trim();
        // we build a url according to what search criterai they have entered. we may even sho line detail
        Print.PageUrl = PrintURL;
        //ShowPageMessage(PrintURL, 0);