void ParsePrimitiveList(UInt16 address)
                // get pointer to vertex list
                VertexTableAddr = Memory[address++];

                for (; ;)
                    // get primitive pointer
                    UInt16 primitiveAddress = Memory[address++];

                    // exit when end of primitive list is encountered
                    if (primitiveAddress >= 0x8000)

                    // get control flags
                    PrimitiveInstruction opCode = Memory[address++];

                    // fill vertex buffer
                    bool faceVisible = RenderPrimitive(primitiveAddress, opCode);

                    // keep/remove hidden surface 'groups'/'chunks'
                    if (opCode.IsBranchInstruction)
                        // assume we will branch (this takes care of BRA states)
                        bool branch = true;

                        switch (opCode.BranchType)
                        case PrimitiveInstruction.eBranchType.BranchIfFaceHidden: branch = !faceVisible; break;

                        case PrimitiveInstruction.eBranchType.BranchIfFaceVisible: branch = faceVisible; break;

                        if (!branch)
                        else if (opCode.IsBranchRelative)
                            address += Memory[address]; // NOTE: branch is Int16, could jump forward or backward
                            address = Memory[address];
            bool RenderPrimitive(UInt16 address, PrimitiveInstruction opCode)
                float shade = 0;

                // check if first vertex is a normal vector
                VertexInstruction vertex = Memory[address];

                if (vertex.IsNormalVector)
                    // get the normal vector
                    Vector3 normal = GetVertexFromTable(vertex);
                    normal = Vector3.Transform(normal, Parent.WorldRotation);

                    // get the first coordinate
                    Vector3 pt = GetVertexFromTable(Memory[address + 1]);
                    pt = Vector3.Transform(pt, Parent.D3DTS_WORLD);

                    // check if surface is visible
                    if (Vector3.Dot(normal, pt) <= 0)
                        return(false); // not visible
                    // if shading enabled
                    if (opCode.IsShaded)
                        // both values are 14 bit fractional precision
                        // so dot product must be dividied by 2^(14+14) to normalize from 0.0 - 1.0
                        // but then we multiply by 8 (2^3) to convert to a pallete index
                        // so we divide by 2^(14+14-3)
                        const float scale = 1.0f / (1 << 25);
                        shade = Vector3.Dot(normal, Parent.Light) * scale;
                        shade = Math.Min(7, Math.Max(0, shade));

                // should we skip rendering?
                if (opCode.SkipRender)
                    return(true); // would have been visible
                // prepare the vertex buffer
                BuildPrimitive(address, Parent.GetColor(opCode.ColorIndex, shade), opCode.RenderMode);
