public void DoWork(IRequest request)
            //// check for resource kind existence and supported types
            //if (_requestContext.ResourceKind == SupportedResourceKinds.None)
            //    throw new RequestException("Invalid request: The service {0} is a resource based service.");

            // if request was done in the context of a resource kind -> check for supported resourceKinds
            if (_requestContext.ResourceKind != SupportedResourceKinds.None)
                if (!(_requestContext.ResourceKind == SupportedResourceKinds.salesOrders ||
                      _requestContext.ResourceKind == SupportedResourceKinds.salesOrderLines))
                    throw new RequestException("Invalid request: The service {0} is only supported by salesOrders and salesOrderLines.");

            // read entry from stream
            SyncFeedEntry entry  = new SyncFeedEntry();
            XmlReader     reader = XmlReader.Create(request.Stream);

            entry.ReadXml(reader, typeof(ComputePriceRequestPayload));

            // underlying resources for price computing
            computePriceRequesttype computePriceRequest;

            CommodityIdentity[] productIds;     // will contain local ids of the commodity referenced by line items.
                                                // Could contain empty items if commodity id could not be found.

            // compute price
            computePriceResponsetype computePriceResponse;

            if (null == entry.Payload)
                throw new RequestException("Invalid Xml input stream. Could not parse the payload.");

            computePriceRequest = ((ComputePriceRequestPayload)entry.Payload).ComputePriceRequest;

            #region Trading Account (discounted)

            // get the undelying trading account
            // is null if request is not in the context of an account.
            // if no account found means that the account exists in CRM only
            // and has not yet been linked with ERP. ERP could treat the account as a
            // prospect account and generate a price for the account, or if this is not
            // possible it could return an error.


            #region PricingDocument (only salesOrder suppported)

            // document associated with this pricing request (e.g. the Sales Order, Quotation, Purchase Order number).
            // could be of any type of enumeration "pricingDocumenttype"
            // if no document exists the request is not in the context of a document like order, quote, etc.

            // TODO: Get the associated document to find out the context of the request.

            // Validate document type
            // here: only salesOrder supported
            // removed to avoid possible errors (OK as this is only an example project)
            //if (computePriceRequest.pricingDocumentType != pricingDocumenttype.salesOrder)
            //    throw new RequestException("Invalid document type in element 'pricingDocumentType' defined. Only salesOrder supported.");


            #region Commodities (for each document lines)

            // Get Commodity local ids used on the associated document lines.
            // (the array returned is always of the same size as the number of document lines in the request payload.
            // If a commodity local id could not be found in feed entry the array item will be null.
            productIds = this.GetCommodityIds(entry);   // (never returns null, but could return an empty array)


            // compute price
            PricingServices pricingServices = new PricingServices(_requestContext.Config);

            if (_requestContext.ResourceKind == SupportedResourceKinds.salesOrders ||
                _requestContext.ResourceKind == SupportedResourceKinds.None)
                computePriceResponse = pricingServices.ComputePrice(computePriceRequest, productIds, false);
                computePriceResponse = pricingServices.ComputePrice(computePriceRequest, productIds, true);

            // create response feed
            this.BuildResponseFeed(ref request, computePriceResponse);
            //this.BuildResponseFeed(ref request, cpr);