private PriceInformation CompletePricesWithExtraCharges(DateTimeOffset startAt, DateTimeOffset endAt, CompetenceLevel competenceLevel, List <PriceRowBase> priceListRowsPerPriceType, int rankingId, decimal?travelCost, DateTimeOffset orderCreatedDate, decimal?outlay = null, PriceRowBase requestBrokerFeeForRequisition = null) { List <PriceRowBase> allPriceRows = new List <PriceRowBase> { GetPriceRowSocialInsuranceCharge(startAt, endAt, priceListRowsPerPriceType), GetPriceRowAdministrativeCharge(startAt, endAt, priceListRowsPerPriceType), GetPriceRowBrokerFee(startAt, endAt, competenceLevel, rankingId, requestBrokerFeeForRequisition, orderCreatedDate) }; allPriceRows.AddRange(priceListRowsPerPriceType); if (travelCost != null && travelCost > 0) { allPriceRows.Add(GetTravelCostRow(startAt.Date, startAt.Date.AddDays(1).ToDateTimeOffsetSweden(), travelCost, PriceRowType.TravelCost)); } if (outlay != null && outlay > 0) { allPriceRows.Add(GetTravelCostRow(startAt.Date, startAt.Date.AddDays(1).ToDateTimeOffsetSweden(), outlay, PriceRowType.Outlay)); } allPriceRows.Add(GetRoundedPriceRow(startAt, endAt, allPriceRows)); var priceInformation = new PriceInformation { PriceRows = allPriceRows }; return(priceInformation); }
public void Read(TagReadingInfo tagReadingInfo, Stream stream) { this.Reset(); this.m_FrameHeader.Read(tagReadingInfo, ref stream); int num1 = this.m_FrameHeader.FrameSizeExcludingAdditions; if (num1 > 1) { this.TextEncoding = (EncodingType)Utils.ReadByte(stream, ref num1); string text1 = Utils.ReadString(EncodingType.ISO88591, stream, ref num1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text1)) { foreach (string text2 in text1.Split(new char[] { '/' })) { if (text2.Length > 3) { double num2; string text3 = text2.Substring(3, text2.Length - 3); if (double.TryParse(text3, NumberStyles.Any, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out num2)) { IPriceInformation information1 = new PriceInformation(); information1.CurrencyCode = text2.Substring(0, 3); information1.Price = num2; this.m_PriceList.Add(information1); } } } } if (num1 > 0) { string text4 = Utils.ReadString(EncodingType.ISO88591, stream, 8); num1 -= 8; if (text4.Length == 8) { text4 = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", text4.Substring(0, 4), text4.Substring(4, 2), text4.Substring(6, 2)); DateTime.TryParse(text4, out this.m_ValidUntil); } if (num1 > 0) { this.ContactUrl = Utils.ReadString(EncodingType.ISO88591, stream, ref num1); if (num1 > 0) { this.ReceivedAs = (IdSharp.Tagging.ID3v2.ReceivedAs)Utils.ReadByte(stream, ref num1); this.NameOfSeller = Utils.ReadString(this.TextEncoding, stream, ref num1); this.Description = Utils.ReadString(this.TextEncoding, stream, ref num1); this.SellerLogoMimeType = Utils.ReadString(EncodingType.ISO88591, stream, ref num1); if (num1 > 0) { this.SellerLogo = Utils.Read(stream, num1); num1 = 0; } } } } } if (num1 != 0) { stream.Seek((long)num1, SeekOrigin.Current); } }
protected override object AddNewCore() { IPriceInformation information1 = new PriceInformation(); base.Add(information1); return(information1); }
public TrailingStopLossDetails(Instrument.Instrument instrument) { priceInformation = new PriceInformation() { instrument = instrument, priceProperties = new List<string>() { "distance" } }; }
public TakeProfitDetails(Instrument.Instrument instrument) { priceInformation = new PriceInformation() { instrument = instrument, priceProperties = new List<string>() { "price" } }; }
public ExitOrderRequest(Instrument.Instrument oandaInstrument) { priceInformation = new PriceInformation() { instrument = oandaInstrument, priceProperties = new List<string>() { "price" } }; }
protected override object AddNewCore() { IPriceInformation priceInformation = new PriceInformation(); Add(priceInformation); // Not necessary to hook up event handlers, base class calls InsertItem return(priceInformation); }
public ExitOrderRequest(Instrument.Instrument oandaInstrument) { priceInformation = new PriceInformation() { instrument = oandaInstrument, priceProperties = new List <string>() { nameof(price) }, unitsProperties = new List <string>() }; }
public EntryOrderRequest(Instrument.Instrument oandaInstrument) { instrument =; timeInForce = TimeInForce.FillOrKill; positionFill = OrderPositionFill.Default; priceInformation = new PriceInformation() { instrument = oandaInstrument, priceProperties = new List <string>() { "price", "priceBound" } }; }
/// <summary> /// Adds price information to the article. /// </summary> /// <param name="category">The category of the price (e.g. "RRP" or "Offer").</param> /// <param name="price">The actual price of the article specified in the smalles unit of the currency (e.g. Cent).</param> /// <param name="quantity">The quantity from which the price is valid.</param> /// <param name="basePrice">The base price of the article.</param> /// <param name="basePriceUnit">The base price is specified in (e.g. "100ml).</param> /// <param name="vat">The VAT of the article.</param> /// <param name="description">The description of the price information (e.g. name of a special offer).</param> void IDigitalShelfArticle.AddPriceInformation(PriceCategory category, decimal price, uint quantity, decimal basePrice, string basePriceUnit, string vat, string description) { if (this.PriceInformation == null) { this.PriceInformation = new List <PriceInformation>(); } var priceInformation = new PriceInformation() { Category = TextConverter.EscapeInvalidXmlChars(category.ToString()), Price = price.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Quantity = quantity.ToString(), BasePrice = basePrice.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), BasePriceUnit = TextConverter.EscapeInvalidXmlChars(basePriceUnit), VAT = TextConverter.EscapeInvalidXmlChars(vat), Description = TextConverter.EscapeInvalidXmlChars(description) }; this.PriceInformation.Add(priceInformation); }
public async Task ModifyMarketOrder(string accountId, OAOrder order) { SetCredentials(accountId); PriceInformation priceInformation = new PriceInformation(); priceInformation.instrument = await GetInstrument(accountId, order.Instrument); priceInformation.priceProperties = new List <string>(); PatchExitOrdersRequest request = new PatchExitOrdersRequest(); request.stopLoss = new StopLossDetails(instruments[0]); request.stopLoss.price = Math.Round(order.SL, priceInformation.instrument.displayPrecision); request.stopLoss.timeInForce = TimeInForce.GoodUntilCancelled; if (order.PT > 1) // != 0, kvuli zaokrouhlovani { request.takeProfit = new TakeProfitDetails(instruments[0]); request.takeProfit.price = Math.Round(order.PT, priceInformation.instrument.displayPrecision); request.takeProfit.timeInForce = TimeInForce.GoodUntilCancelled; } else { request.takeProfit = null; } try { TradePatchExitOrdersResponse tradePatchExitOrdersResponse = await Rest20.PatchTradeExitOrders(accountId, order.Id, request); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message.IndexOf("NO_SUCH_TRADE") > 0) { return; } throw e; } }
public void Update(CsvRow row) { if (row != null) { String sku = row.GetColumn(Sku).Value; if (MatchingRowIds.ContainsKey(sku)) { PriceInformation pi = MatchingRowIds[sku]; if (pi != null) { row.SetColumn(VariantCompareToPrice, pi.Msrp); row.SetColumn(Option1Value, "Default Title"); row.SetColumn(CostPerItem, pi.CostPerItem); row.SetColumn(VariantPrice, pi.Price); row.SetColumn(Price, pi.Price); row.SetColumn(Msrp, pi.Msrp); row.SetColumn(Option1Name, "Title"); } } } }
public bool ApplyFilter(IFilterRow row) { bool result = false; if (row != null) { String volumeAsString = row.GetColumn("cubic_volume (in.)").Value; String weightAsString = row.GetColumn(Weight).Value; String priceAsString = row.GetColumn(Price).Value; String msrpAsString = row.GetColumn(Msrp).Value; String mapAsString = row.GetColumn(Map).Value; String sku = row.GetColumn(Sku).Value; WeightCubicVolumeInformation wi = null; decimal.TryParse(msrpAsString, out decimal msrp); decimal.TryParse(weightAsString, out decimal weight); decimal.TryParse(volumeAsString, out decimal volume); decimal.TryParse(mapAsString, out decimal map); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(weightAsString) == false && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(volumeAsString) == false) { if (decimal.TryParse(weightAsString, out decimal weightAsLBS) && decimal.TryParse(volumeAsString, out decimal volumeAsCubicFeet)) { decimal gramConversionFactor = (decimal)453.59237; weight = gramConversionFactor * weightAsLBS; wi = new WeightCubicVolumeInformation(weight, weightAsLBS, volumeAsCubicFeet); } } decimal.TryParse(priceAsString, out decimal price); decimal costPerItem = price; price = (price * (decimal)ProfitMargin); if (price > (decimal)3.0) { price = (Math.Floor(price) + (decimal)0.47); } if (price < costPerItem) { price = (costPerItem * (decimal)ProfitMargin); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mapAsString) == false) { if (price < map) { price = Math.Floor(map) + (decimal)0.49; } } if (msrp > 0) { if (price > msrp) { price = msrp; } } else { msrp = price + (price * (decimal)0.20); } IFilterValue storage = row.GetColumn("storage"); if (storage != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(storage.Value) == false && (storage.Value == Refrigerated || storage.Value == Frozen)) { price += (decimal)ShippingSurcharge; } decimal volumeShippingCost = 0; decimal weightShippingCost = 0; if (wi != null && ShouldAddShipping) { (volumeShippingCost, weightShippingCost) = ShippingCost.Get(wi); if (volumeShippingCost < weightShippingCost) { price += weightShippingCost; } else { price += volumeShippingCost; } } PriceInformation pi = new PriceInformation(msrp.ToString("C2"), msrp.ToString("C2"), costPerItem.ToString("C2"), price.ToString("C2")); MatchingRowIds.Add(row.GetColumn(Sku).Value, pi); result = true; } return(result); }
public override void Read(TagReadingInfo tagReadingInfo, Stream stream) { Reset(); _frameHeader.Read(tagReadingInfo, ref stream); int bytesLeft = _frameHeader.FrameSizeExcludingAdditions; if (bytesLeft > 1) { TextEncoding = (EncodingType)stream.Read1(ref bytesLeft); string priceString = ID3v2Utils.ReadString(EncodingType.ISO88591, stream, ref bytesLeft); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(priceString)) { foreach (string priceItem in priceString.Split('/')) { if (priceItem.Length > 3) { decimal price; string pricePart = priceItem.Substring(3, priceItem.Length - 3); if (decimal.TryParse(pricePart, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out price)) { IPriceInformation priceInfo = new PriceInformation(); priceInfo.CurrencyCode = priceItem.Substring(0, 3); priceInfo.Price = price; _priceList.Add(priceInfo); } } } } if (bytesLeft > 0) { string validUntil = ID3v2Utils.ReadString(EncodingType.ISO88591, stream, 8); bytesLeft -= 8; if (validUntil.Length == 8) { validUntil = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", validUntil.Substring(0, 4), validUntil.Substring(4, 2), validUntil.Substring(6, 2)); DateTime.TryParse(validUntil, out _validUntil); } if (bytesLeft > 0) { ContactUrl = ID3v2Utils.ReadString(EncodingType.ISO88591, stream, ref bytesLeft); if (bytesLeft > 0) { ReceivedAs = (ReceivedAs)stream.Read1(ref bytesLeft); NameOfSeller = ID3v2Utils.ReadString(TextEncoding, stream, ref bytesLeft); Description = ID3v2Utils.ReadString(TextEncoding, stream, ref bytesLeft); SellerLogoMimeType = ID3v2Utils.ReadString(EncodingType.ISO88591, stream, ref bytesLeft); if (bytesLeft > 0) { SellerLogo = stream.Read(bytesLeft); bytesLeft = 0; } } } } } if (bytesLeft != 0) { stream.Seek(bytesLeft, SeekOrigin.Current); } }