protected new void Run(ClientPipelineArgs args) { Item obj1 = Database.GetItem(ItemUri.Parse(args.Parameters["uri"])); if (obj1 == null) { SheerResponse.Alert("Item not found."); } else { string str = obj1.ID.ToString(); if (args.IsPostBack) { if (args.Result != "yes") { return; } Item obj2 = Context.ContentDatabase.GetItem(LinkManager.GetPreviewSiteContext(obj1).StartPath); if (obj2 == null) { SheerResponse.Alert("Start item not found."); return; } str = obj2.ID.ToString(); } else if (!HasPresentationPipeline.Run(obj1)) { SheerResponse.Confirm("The current item cannot be previewed because it has no layout for the current device.\n\nDo you want to preview the start Web page instead?"); args.WaitForPostBack(); return; } SheerResponse.CheckModified(false); SiteContext previewSiteContext = LinkManager.GetPreviewSiteContext(obj1); if (previewSiteContext == null) { SheerResponse.Alert(Translate.Text("Site \"{0}\" not found", Settings.Preview.DefaultSite)); } else { WebUtil.SetCookieValue(previewSiteContext.GetCookieKey("sc_date"), string.Empty); PreviewManager.StoreShellUser(Settings.Preview.AsAnonymous); UrlString urlString = new UrlString("/"); urlString["sc_itemid"] = str; urlString["sc_mode"] = "preview"; urlString["sc_compare"] = "true"; urlString["sc_lang"] = obj1.Language.ToString(); urlString["sc_site"] = previewSiteContext.Name; DeviceSimulationUtil.DeactivateSimulators(); if (UIUtil.IsChrome()) { SheerResponse.Eval("setTimeout(function () {'" + urlString + "', '_blank');}, 0);"); } else { SheerResponse.Eval("'" + urlString + "', '_blank');"); } } } }
protected new void Run(ClientPipelineArgs args) { var contentItem = Database.GetItem(ItemUri.Parse(args.Parameters["uri"])); if (contentItem == null) { SheerResponse.Alert("Item not found."); } else { var itemId = contentItem.ID.ToString(); if (args.IsPostBack) { if (args.Result != "yes") { return; } var startItem = Context.ContentDatabase.GetItem(Context.Site.StartPath); if (startItem == null) { SheerResponse.Alert("Start item not found."); return; } if (!HasPresentationPipeline.Run(startItem)) { SheerResponse.Alert("The start item cannot be previewed because it has no layout for the current device.\n\nPreview cannot be started."); return; } itemId = startItem.ID.ToString(); } else if (!HasPresentationPipeline.Run(contentItem)) { SheerResponse.Confirm("The current item cannot be previewed because it has no layout for the current device.\n\nDo you want to preview the start Web page instead?"); args.WaitForPostBack(); return; } SheerResponse.CheckModified(false); //Dynamically Speaking, we want the site of the item as it relates to a home Item. //If not found, fallback to default functionalty. var site = DynamicSiteManager.GetSiteContextByContentItem(contentItem) ?? Factory.GetSite(Settings.Preview.DefaultSite); Assert.IsNotNull(site, "Site \"{0}\" not found", Settings.Preview.DefaultSite); WebUtil.SetCookieValue(site.GetCookieKey("sc_date"), string.Empty); PreviewManager.StoreShellUser(Settings.Preview.AsAnonymous); var webSiteUrl = SiteContext.GetWebSiteUrl(); webSiteUrl["sc_itemid"] = itemId; webSiteUrl["sc_mode"] = "preview"; webSiteUrl["sc_lang"] = contentItem.Language.ToString(); DeviceSimulationUtil.DeacitvateSimulators(); SheerResponse.Eval("'" + webSiteUrl + "', '_blank')"); } }