public PreprocessTextTransformationTest()
            _host        = new MockTemplatingHost();
            _transformer = new PreprocessTextTransformation("Test", "TestNs", null, _host);
            var renderAccessor = new PrivateObject(_transformer);

            _invokeRender = block =>
                            renderAccessor.Invoke("Render", new[] { typeof(Block) }, new object[] { block }) as string;
        // todo add to cli tool
        /// <summary>
        /// 将 T4 模板转换成 cs 代码
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">模板内容</param>
        /// <param name="className">生成的 cs 代码类名</param>
        /// <param name="classNamespace">生成的 cs 代码名称空间名</param>
        /// <returns>cs 代码内容及其引用的 Reference</returns>
        public PreprocessResult PreprocessT4Template(string content, string className, string classNamespace)
            var result              = new Parser(_host).Parse(content);
            var transformation      = new PreprocessTextTransformation(className, classNamespace, result, _host);
            var preprocessedContent = transformation.TransformText();

            var preprocessed = new PreprocessResult
                References          = result.References.Distinct().ToArray(),
                PreprocessedContent = preprocessedContent

        public void TransformSimpleTextTest()
            //      <#
            //      foreach (XmlAttribute attr in attributes)
            //      {
            //      #>
            //      Found another one!
            //      <#
            //          allAtributes.Add(attr.Name);
            //      }
            //      #>
            //      <#+
            //      private void OutputFixedAttributeName(string name)
            //      {
            //      #>
            //      Attribute:  <#= CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(name) #>
            //      <#+  // <<< Notice that this is also a class feature block.
            //      }
            //      #>

            var parseResult = new ParseResult();

            parseResult.ContentBlocks.AddRange(new List <Block>
                new Block
                    BlockType = BlockType.StandardControlBlock,
                    Content   = @"
foreach (XmlAttribute attr in attributes)
                new Block
                    BlockType = BlockType.TextBlock,
                    Content   = @"
Found another one!
                new Block
                    BlockType = BlockType.StandardControlBlock,
                    Content   = @"
            parseResult.FeatureBlocks.AddRange(new List <Block>
                new Block
                    BlockType = BlockType.ClassFeatureControlBlock,
                    Content   = @"
private void OutputFixedAttributeName(string name)
                new Block
                    BlockType = BlockType.TextBlock,
                    Content   = @"
Attribute:  "
                new Block
                    BlockType = BlockType.ExpressionControlBlock,
                    Content   = @"CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(name)"
                new Block
                    BlockType = BlockType.ClassFeatureControlBlock,
                    Content   = @"
            var transformer     = new PreprocessTextTransformation("SimpleText", "Test", parseResult, _host);
            var transformResult = transformer.TransformText();

            var newLineRegex = new Regex("\r\n|\r|\n");
            var expected     = newLineRegex.Replace(@"using System;
using TextTemplating;
using TextTemplating.Infrastructure;
using TextTemplating.T4.Parsing;
using TextTemplating.T4.Preprocessing;

namespace Test
    public partial class SimpleText : TextTransformationBase
        public override string TransformText()

            foreach (XmlAttribute attr in attributes)
                Write(""Found another one!"");


            return GenerationEnvironment.ToString();

        private void OutputFixedAttributeName(string name)
            Write(""Attribute:  "");
", Environment.NewLine);

            newLineRegex.Replace(transformResult, Environment.NewLine).Should().Be(expected);