private void btn_agregarHuella()
            huella.huella = Template.Bytes;
            huella.nombre = txt_nombre.Text;
            string conex = huella.conex;

            PreparandoAcceso.InsertaHuella(huella, conex);
        private void llenarDataGridView()
            DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
            string    conex = huella.conex;

            dt = PreparandoAcceso.BuscaListado(conex);

            dgv_lista.DataSource = dt;
        protected void Process(DPFP.Sample Sample)

            // Process the sample and create a feature set for the enrollment purpose.
            DPFP.FeatureSet features = ExtractFeatures(Sample, DPFP.Processing.DataPurpose.Verification);

            // Check quality of the sample and start verification if it's good
            // TODO: move to a separate task
            if (features != null)
                // Compare the feature set with our template
                DPFP.Verification.Verification.Result result = new DPFP.Verification.Verification.Result();
                Stream stream;

                DataTable      dt             = new DataTable();
                HuellaDactilar huellaDactilar = new HuellaDactilar();
                dt = PreparandoAcceso.BuscaHuellas(huellaDactilar.conex);

                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string huella     = dt.Rows[i][1].ToString();
                    byte[] byteHuella = dt.Rows[i][1] as byte[];
                    stream   = new MemoryStream(byteHuella);
                    Template = new DPFP.Template(stream);

                    Verificator.Verify(features, Template, ref result);
                    if (result.Verified)
                        MakeReport($"Huella Aceptada de {dt.Rows[i][0]}");
                        Votacion Votacion = new Votacion();

                        MessageBox.Show(new Form()
                            TopMost = true
                        }, $"Huella Aceptada de { dt.Rows[i][0]}");
