public void ChangePreferredHandLeft(SettingPanel settingPanel)
        PreferredHand pref    = XRSettings.Instance.settings.PreferredHand;
        PreferredHand newPref = pref;

        if (!XRSettings.Instance.settings.ControllersInUse)
            settingPanel.SetText("Main Device: " + newPref.ToString());

        //Can't change to controllers if no controllers are connected!
        if (pref == PreferredHand.Hmd && XRSettings.Instance.settings.RightControllerConnected)
            newPref = PreferredHand.Right;
        else if (pref == PreferredHand.Right && XRSettings.Instance.settings.LeftControllerConnected)
            newPref = PreferredHand.Left;
        else if (pref == PreferredHand.Left)
            newPref = PreferredHand.Hmd;

        settingPanel.SetText("Main Device: " + newPref.ToString());
 /// <summary>
 /// This function is used to change the preferred hand "main hand",
 /// which user wishes to use for input and actions.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newHand">New preferred hand</param>
 public void ChangePreferredHand(PreferredHand newHand)
     if (settings.CurrentHand != newHand)
         settings.PreferredHand = newHand;
    public void ChangePreferredHandRight(SettingPanel settingPanel)
        PreferredHand pref    = XRSettings.Instance.settings.PreferredHand;
        PreferredHand newPref = pref;

        //Debug.Log(newPref + " " + (int)newPref + " " + (PreferredHand)newPref);

        if (pref == PreferredHand.Hmd && XRSettings.Instance.settings.LeftControllerConnected)
            newPref = PreferredHand.Left;
        else if (pref == PreferredHand.Left && XRSettings.Instance.settings.RightControllerConnected)
            newPref = PreferredHand.Right;
        else if (pref == PreferredHand.Right)
            newPref = PreferredHand.Hmd;

        //Debug.Log(newPref + " " + (int)newPref + " " + (PreferredHand)newPref);

        settingPanel.SetText("Main Device: " + newPref.ToString());
    /// <summary>
    /// This function is called,
    /// when Game settings change.
    /// Checks the variables of XRMovementSwitch to match with new settings,
    /// and changes the movement type to match the new settings selected movement type.
    /// Also calls the StartState function and ExitState function on current movement type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="newSettings"></param>
    public void CheckMovementType(GameSettings newSettings)
        if (preferredHand != newSettings.CurrentHand)
            preferredHand = newSettings.CurrentHand;
        if (usingControllers != newSettings.ControllersInUse)
            usingControllers = newSettings.ControllersInUse;

        if (currentMovementType == newSettings.MovementType && currentXRMovement != null)

        if (currentXRMovement != null && currentMovementType != newSettings.MovementType)
        Debug.Log(this + " Changed movement type!");

        currentMovementType = newSettings.MovementType;

        ready = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Used to get controller transform matching the preferredhand enum.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="hand">Used to check the correct transform</param>
    /// <returns>the transform of left or right controller</returns>
    public Transform GetControllerTransform(PreferredHand hand)
        Transform c = rightController.transform;

        if (hand == PreferredHand.Right)
            c = rightController.transform;
        if (hand == PreferredHand.Left)
            c = leftController.transform;

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to fetch controller matching the preferredhand enum.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="hand">Used to check the inputdevice XRNode</param>
    /// <returns>The Inputdevice left or right controller</returns>
    public InputDevice GetControllerDevice(PreferredHand hand)
        XRNode node = XRNode.RightHand;

        if (hand == PreferredHand.Right)
            node = XRNode.RightHand;
        if (hand == PreferredHand.Left)
            node = XRNode.LeftHand;

Exemple #7
    /// <summary>
    /// This function Returns raw true or false primary button press, depending on the parameter Preferredhand.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="hand">The Hand which press is checked</param>
    /// <returns>returns bool of button being pressed or not</returns>
    public bool GetPrimaryButtonControlPress(PreferredHand hand)
        if (hand == PreferredHand.Left)
        if (hand == PreferredHand.Right)
        if (hand == PreferredHand.Hmd)

Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// This function is called,
 /// when settings are changed,
 /// Changes the prederred hand to new settings hand.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 public void SettingChange(GameSettings settings)
     preferredHand = settings.CurrentHand;
     Debug.Log( + " Hand changed to: " + preferredHand.ToString());