/// <summary> /// Query to subtract the oldest value of a OPC UA node /// from the newest value in the search span /// </summary> /// <param name="searchSpan">Date and time span for the query</param> /// <param name="appUri">The OPC UA server application Uri</param> /// <param name="nodeId">The node id in the OPC UA server namespace</param> /// <returns>The difference</returns> public async Task <double> DiffQuery(DateTimeRange searchSpan, string appUri, string nodeId) { try { PredicateStringExpression expression = new PredicateStringExpression( String.Format(OpcServerNodePredicate, appUri, nodeId)); BaseLimitClause firstMember = new TopLimitClause(1, new[] { new SortClause(new BuiltInPropertyReferenceExpression(BuiltInProperty.Timestamp), SortOrderType.Asc) }); BaseLimitClause lastMember = new TopLimitClause(1, new[] { new SortClause(new BuiltInPropertyReferenceExpression(BuiltInProperty.Timestamp), SortOrderType.Desc) }); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); Task <IEnumerable <IEvent> > firstTask = RDXQueryClient.GetEventsAsync( searchSpan, expression, firstMember, _cancellationToken); Task <IEnumerable <IEvent> > lastTask = RDXQueryClient.GetEventsAsync( searchSpan, expression, lastMember, _cancellationToken); await Task.WhenAll(new Task[] { firstTask, lastTask }); IEnumerable <IEvent> firstEvent = firstTask.Result; IEnumerable <IEvent> lastEvent = lastTask.Result; stopwatch.Stop(); RDXTrace.TraceInformation("DiffQuery queries took {0} ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); long first = GetValueOfProperty <long>(firstEvent.First <IEvent>(), OpcMonitoredItemValue); long last = GetValueOfProperty <long>(lastEvent.First <IEvent>(), OpcMonitoredItemValue); return(last - first); } catch (Exception e) { RDXTrace.TraceError("DiffQuery Exception {0}", e.Message); return(0); } }
/// <summary> /// Helper to query for last event of given station and nodeid /// </summary> private Task <IEnumerable <IEvent> > GetLatestEvent(DateTime endTime, string appUri, string nodeId) { PredicateStringExpression expression = new PredicateStringExpression( String.Format(OpcServerNodePredicate, appUri, nodeId)); DateTimeRange searchSpan = new DateTimeRange(endTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(360)), endTime); BaseLimitClause lastMember = new TopLimitClause(1, new[] { new SortClause(new BuiltInPropertyReferenceExpression(BuiltInProperty.Timestamp), SortOrderType.Desc) }); return(RDXQueryClient.GetEventsAsync( searchSpan, expression, lastMember, _cancellationToken)); }
/// <summary> /// Query for aggregation of count, min, max, sum and average for all active /// nodes of the given OPC UA server in the given search span as time histogram /// with interval /// </summary> /// <param name="searchSpan">Date and time span for the query</param> /// <param name="appUri">The OPC UA server application Uri</param> /// <param name="interval">Interval for Date Time Histogram</param> /// <returns>The aggregated nodes</returns> public async Task <AggregateResult> GetAllAggregatedNodesWithInterval(DateTimeRange searchSpan, string appUri, string nodeId, TimeSpan interval) { try { string id = TimeSpanToId(interval); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); PredicateStringExpression predicate = new PredicateStringExpression( String.Format(OpcServerNodePredicate, appUri, nodeId)); Aggregate aggregate = new Aggregate( Expression.UniqueValues(OpcMonitoredItemId, PropertyType.String, opcMaxMonitoredItemId), new Aggregate(Expression.DateHistogram(BuiltInProperty.Timestamp, IntervalSize.FromId(id)), new Aggregate( Expression.Count(), Expression.Min(OpcMonitoredItemValue, PropertyType.Double), Expression.Max(OpcMonitoredItemValue, PropertyType.Double), Expression.Average(OpcMonitoredItemValue, PropertyType.Double), Expression.Sum(OpcMonitoredItemValue, PropertyType.Double) ))); AggregatesResult aggregateResults = await RDXQueryClient.GetAggregatesAsync( searchSpan, predicate, new[] { aggregate }, _cancellationToken); // Since there was 1 top level aggregate in request, there is 1 aggregate result. AggregateResult aggregateResult = aggregateResults[0]; stopwatch.Stop(); RDXTrace.TraceInformation("GetAllAggregatedNodes query took {0} ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(aggregateResult); } catch (Exception e) { RDXTrace.TraceError("GetAllAggregatedNodes: Exception {0}", e.Message); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Query for aggregation of a given measure for the /// given node and given OPC UA server in the given search span /// </summary> /// <param name="searchSpan">Date and time span for the query</param> /// <param name="appUri">The OPC UA server application Uri</param> /// <param name="nodeId">The node id in the OPC UA server namespace</param> /// <param name="measure"></param> public async Task <double> GetAggregatedNode(DateTimeRange searchSpan, string appUri, string nodeId, AggregateExpression measure) { try { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); PredicateStringExpression predicate = new PredicateStringExpression( String.Format(OpcServerNodePredicate, appUri, nodeId)); Aggregate aggregate = new Aggregate( measures: new AggregateExpression[] { measure } ); AggregatesResult aggregateResults = await RDXQueryClient.GetAggregatesAsync( searchSpan, predicate, new[] { aggregate }, _cancellationToken); // Since there was 1 top level aggregate in request, there is 1 aggregate result. AggregateResult aggregateResult = aggregateResults[0]; stopwatch.Stop(); RDXTrace.TraceInformation("AggregateQuery query took {0} ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); if (aggregateResult.Measures == null) { return(0.00); } return((double)aggregateResult.Measures[0]); } catch (Exception e) { RDXTrace.TraceError("AggregateQuery: Exception {0}", e.Message); return(0); } }