Exemple #1
        private static Dictionary <String, decimal> CalculateConfidence(Node node, Dictionary <string, object> dict)
            Dictionary <String, decimal> ret = new Dictionary <string, decimal>();

            // Test childs
            foreach (Node child in node.Nodes)
                PredicateResult childPredicate = child.Predicate.Evaluate(dict);
                if (childPredicate != PredicateResult.False)
                    foreach (ScoreDistribution sd in child.ScoreDistributions)
                        if (!ret.ContainsKey(sd.Value))
                            ret.Add(sd.Value, 0);

                        decimal new_val = (Convert.ToDecimal(sd.RecordCount) / child.RecordCount) * (child.RecordCount / node.RecordCount);
                        ret[sd.Value] = ret[sd.Value] + new_val;

        public virtual void Process(GetContentEditorWarningsArgs args)
            Item item = args.Item;

            if (item == null)

            var existingSitecoreItem = new ItemData(item);

            PredicateResult matchingPredicate = null;

            foreach (var configuration in _configurations)
                matchingPredicate = configuration.Resolve <IPredicate>().Includes(existingSitecoreItem);

                if (matchingPredicate.IsIncluded)
                    var evaluator = configuration.Resolve <IEvaluator>();

                    var warningObject = evaluator.EvaluateEditorWarning(item, matchingPredicate);

                    if (warningObject != null)
                        GetContentEditorWarningsArgs.ContentEditorWarning warning = args.Add();
                        warning.Title = warningObject.Title;
                        warning.Text  = warningObject.Message;
        public PredicateResult Includes(User user)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(user, nameof(user));

            // no entries = include everything
            if (_includeEntries.Count == 0)
                return(new PredicateResult(true));

            var result = new PredicateResult(true);

            PredicateResult priorityResult = null;

            foreach (var entry in _includeEntries)
                result = Includes(entry, user);

                if (result.IsIncluded)
                    return(result);                                   // it's definitely included if anything includes it
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Justification))
                    priorityResult = result;                                                              // a justification means this is probably a more 'important' fail than others

            return(priorityResult ?? result);            // return the last failure
Exemple #4
            public ForkNode Mount(int nodeIndex, ExecutionPath executionPath, PredicateResult predicateResult)
                NodeIndex       = nodeIndex;
                ExecutionPath   = executionPath;
                PredicateResult = predicateResult;

                var sourceNode = ExecutionPath.Nodes[NodeIndex];


        public override Warning EvaluateEditorWarning(Item item, PredicateResult predicateResult)
            bool   transparentSync = item.Statistics.UpdatedBy == UnicornDataProvider.TransparentSyncUpdatedByValue;
            string title           = transparentSync ? "This item is included by Unicorn Transparent Sync" : "This item is controlled by Unicorn";

            var message = new StringBuilder();

            if (IsDevMode)
                message.Append("Changes to this item will be written to disk so they can be shared with others.");
                message.Append("<b style=\"color: red; font-size: 24px;\">You should not change this item because your changes will be overwritten by the next code deployment.</b><br>Ask a developer for help if you need to change this item.");

            message.Append($"<br><br><b>Configuration</b>: {_parentConfiguration.Name}");

            if (predicateResult.PredicateComponentId != null)
                message.Append($"<br><b>Predicate Component</b>: {predicateResult.PredicateComponentId}");

            if (transparentSync)
                using (new TransparentSyncDisabler())
                    using (new DatabaseCacheDisabler())
                        var dbItem = Database.GetItem(item.Uri);
                        if (dbItem != null)
                            message.Append("<br><b>Transparent Sync</b>: Database + Serialized");
                            message.Append("<br><b>Transparent Sync</b>: Serialized Only");

            var existingTargetItem = _targetDataStore.GetByPathAndId(item.Paths.Path, item.ID.Guid, item.Database.Name);

            // check if serialized item ID looks like a filesystem path e.g. c:\
            if (IsDevMode && existingTargetItem?.SerializedItemId != null && existingTargetItem.SerializedItemId.Substring(1, 2) == ":\\")
                message.Append($"<br><b>Physical path</b>: <span style=\"font-family: consolas, monospace\">{existingTargetItem.SerializedItemId}</span>");

            return(new Warning(title, message.ToString()));
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute OR operator between 2 predicates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pred1"></param>
        /// <param name="pred2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected PredicateResult Or(PredicateResult pred1, PredicateResult pred2)
            if (pred1 == PredicateResult.True)
                return PredicateResult.True;

            if (pred2 == PredicateResult.True)
                return PredicateResult.True;

            if (pred1 == PredicateResult.False && pred2 == PredicateResult.False)
                return PredicateResult.False;

            return PredicateResult.Unknown;
        /// <summary>
        /// Test predicate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dict"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override PredicateResult Evaluate(Dictionary <string, object> dict)
            //double var_test_double = Convert.ToDouble(dict[field]);
            //double ref_double = Convert.ToDouble(fvalue);

            if ("or".Equals(fbooleanOperator.Trim().ToLowerInvariant()))
                PredicateResult ret = fpredicates[0].Evaluate(dict);
                for (int i = 1; i < fpredicates.Count; i++)
                    ret = Or(ret, fpredicates[i].Evaluate(dict));

                    if (ret == PredicateResult.True)
            else if ("and".Equals(fbooleanOperator.Trim().ToLowerInvariant()))
                foreach (Predicate pred in fpredicates)
                    if (pred.Evaluate(dict) == PredicateResult.False)
            else if ("surrogate".Equals(fbooleanOperator.Trim().ToLowerInvariant()))
                foreach (Predicate pred in fpredicates)
                    PredicateResult ret = pred.Evaluate(dict);
                    if (ret != PredicateResult.Unknown)
                throw new PmmlException();
        public PredicateResult Includes(IItemData itemData)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(itemData, "itemData");

            // no entries = include everything
            if (_preset.FirstOrDefault() == null) return new PredicateResult(true);

            var result = new PredicateResult(true);
            PredicateResult priorityResult = null;
            foreach (var entry in _preset)
                result = Includes(entry, itemData);

                if (result.IsIncluded) return result; // it's definitely included if anything includes it
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Justification)) priorityResult = result; // a justification means this is probably a more 'important' fail than others

            return priorityResult ?? result; // return the last failure
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute OR operator between 2 predicates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pred1"></param>
        /// <param name="pred2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected PredicateResult Or(PredicateResult pred1, PredicateResult pred2)
            if (pred1 == PredicateResult.True)

            if (pred2 == PredicateResult.True)

            if (pred1 == PredicateResult.False && pred2 == PredicateResult.False)

Exemple #10
        private void collectFiredRules(OrderedDictionary /*<String, SimpleRule>*/ firedRules, Rule rule, Dictionary <string, object> dict /*, EvaluationContext context*/)
            /*Predicate predicate = rule.getPredicate();
             * if(predicate == null){
             *      throw new InvalidFeatureException(rule);
             * }
             * Boolean status = PredicateUtil.evaluate(predicate, context);
             * if(status == null || !status.booleanValue()){
             * return;
             * } // End if*/
            PredicateResult status = rule.Evaluate(dict);

            if (status == PredicateResult.Unknown || status == PredicateResult.False)

            if (rule is SimpleRule)
                SimpleRule simpleRule = (SimpleRule)rule;

                firedRules.Add(simpleRule.Score, simpleRule);
                if (rule is CompoundRule)
                    CompoundRule compoundRule = (CompoundRule)rule;
                    foreach (Rule childRule in compoundRule.Rules)
                        collectFiredRules(firedRules, childRule, dict);
                    throw new PmmlException("Type of Rule not supported");
Exemple #11
        public virtual Warning EvaluateEditorWarning(Item item, PredicateResult predicateResult)
            var existingTargetItem = _targetDataStore.GetByPathAndId(item.Paths.Path, item.ID.Guid, item.Database.Name);

            // if we have no existing serialized item, there's no need for a warning: Unicorn won't touch this item when using NIO
            if (existingTargetItem == null)

            var title   = "This item is part of a Unicorn deploy once configuration.";
            var message = new StringBuilder();

            // if dev mode is on, we don't need a warning
            if (IsDevMode)
                message.Append("Changes to this item will not be synced to other environments unless the item does not exist yet.");
                title = "This item was added by developers.";
                message.Append("You may edit this item, but <b>it will return next time code is deployed</b>. Ask a developer to help if you need to delete this item.");

            message.Append($"<br><br><b>Configuration</b>: {_parentConfiguration.Name}");
            if (predicateResult.PredicateComponentId != null)
                message.Append($"<br><b>Predicate Component</b>: {predicateResult.PredicateComponentId}");

            // check if serialized item ID looks like a filesystem path e.g. c:\
            if (IsDevMode && existingTargetItem?.SerializedItemId != null && existingTargetItem.SerializedItemId.Substring(1, 2) == ":\\")
                message.Append($"<br><b>Physical path</b>: <span style=\"font-family: consolas, monospace\">{existingTargetItem.SerializedItemId}</span>");

            return(new Warning(title, message.ToString()));
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Scoring with Tree Model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">Parent node</param>
        /// <param name="missingvalueStr">Missing value strategy to evaluate this node.</param>
        /// <param name="noTrueChildStr">Strategy to evaluate this node if no child are true</param>
        /// <param name="dict">Values</param>
        /// <param name="res" >Result to return</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ScoreResult Evaluate(Node root, MissingValueStrategy missingvalueStr, NoTrueChildStrategy noTrueChildStr,
                                           Dictionary <string, object> dict, ScoreResult res)
            // Test childs
            foreach (Node child in root.Nodes)
                PredicateResult childPredicate = child.Predicate.Evaluate(dict);
                if (childPredicate == PredicateResult.True)
                    res.Value = child.Score;
                    foreach (ScoreDistribution sco in child.ScoreDistributions)
                        if (sco.Value.Equals(child.Score))
                            if (sco.Confidence != null)
                                res.Confidence = Decimal.Parse(sco.Confidence, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    return(Evaluate(child, missingvalueStr, noTrueChildStr, dict, res));
                else if (childPredicate == PredicateResult.Unknown)
                    // Unknow value lead to act with missingvalueStr
                    switch (missingvalueStr)
                    case MissingValueStrategy.LastPrediction:

                    case MissingValueStrategy.NullPrediction:
                        res.Value = null;

                    case MissingValueStrategy.WeightedConfidence:
                        Dictionary <string, decimal> conf = CalculateConfidence(root, dict);
                        string max_conf = null;
                        foreach (string key in conf.Keys)
                            if (max_conf == null)
                                max_conf = key;

                            if (conf[key] > conf[max_conf])
                                max_conf = key;
                        res.Value      = max_conf;
                        res.Confidence = conf[max_conf];

                    case MissingValueStrategy.AggregateNodes:

                        throw new NotImplementedException();

            // All child nodes are false
            if (root.Nodes.Count > 0)
                if (noTrueChildStr == NoTrueChildStrategy.ReturnNullPrediction)
                    res.Value = null;
Exemple #13
 public void EnqueuePredicateResult(PredicateResult predicateResult)
     PredicateResultQueue ??= Parent.PredicateResultQueue.Pool.Get().AddReference();
Exemple #14
 internal void EnqueuePredicateResult(PredicateResult predicateResult)
Exemple #15
            private ForkNode BuildForkNode(int nodeIndex, ExecutionPath executionPath, PredicateResult predicateResult)
                var forkNode = _processResources.ForkNodePool.Get().Mount(nodeIndex, executionPath, predicateResult);

