private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.CompareTag("Orb")) { PowerController powerController = other.GetComponent <PowerController>(); if (type == ElectricPylonType.Classic) { //if the electric pylon is not active and the orb is on fire, set the brazier on and activates the object if not null if (!isActive && powerController.elementalPower == GameManager.PowerType.Electric) { this.Activate(); } //if the electric pylon is active and the orb isn't (else refrech the duration of the power) else if (isActive) { powerController.ActivatePower(GameManager.PowerType.Electric, "forced"); } } if (type == ElectricPylonType.ArenaElectricPylon) { powerController.ActivatePower(GameManager.PowerType.Electric, "forced"); Deactivate(); StartCoroutine(ReActivateArenaElectricPylon()); } } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.CompareTag("Orb")) { PowerController powerController = other.GetComponent <PowerController>(); if (type == BrazierType.Classic) { //if the brazier is not active and the orb is on fire, set the brazier on and activates the object if not null if (!isActive && powerController.elementalPower == GameManager.PowerType.Fire && activatedByOrb) { this.Activate(); } //if the brazier is active and the orb isn't, set the orb on fire else if (isActive && activatedByOrb) { powerController.ActivatePower(GameManager.PowerType.Fire, "forced"); powerController.isActivatedByBrazier = true; } } if (type == BrazierType.ArenaBrazier) { if (isActive) { powerController.ActivatePower(GameManager.PowerType.Fire, "forced"); powerController.isActivatedByBrazier = true; Deactivate(); StartCoroutine(ReActivateArenaBrazier()); } else if (!isActive && powerController.elementalPower == GameManager.PowerType.Fire) { this.Activate(); } } } }