protected override void OnHandle(AddPostSerieCommand command)
            using (var uow = UowFactory.Create())
                Validate(uow, command);

                var siteId = command.SiteId;
                var site   = uow.Context.Query <Entities.Sites.Site>().SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == siteId);

                var postSerie = new PostSerie
                    Site        = site,
                    Name        = command.Name,
                    Title       = command.Title,
                    Description = command.Description,
                    IsPrivate   = command.IsPrivate

        protected override void OnHandle(NewPostCommand command)
            string title          = command.Title;
            var    authorIdentity = command.UserName;

            using (var uow = UowFactory.Create())
                Validate(command, uow);

                var user = uow.Context
                           .Query <Entities.Security.User>()
                           .SingleOrDefault(u => u.UserName == authorIdentity);
                var author = user.Person != null?user.Person.GetFullName() : user.UserName;

                var       site  = uow.Context.FindById <Entities.Sites.Site>(command.SiteId);
                var       zone  = uow.Context.FindById <Entities.Sites.Zone>(command.ZoneId);
                PostSerie serie = null;
                if (command.SerieId > 0)
                    serie = uow.Context.FindById <PostSerie>(command.SerieId);

                var postStatus = PostStatus.Saved; // TODO: figure out the next status, based on user and workflow config
                var postFormat = ContentFormats.Html;
                var postTags   = (command.TagsCommaSeparated ?? "").Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                 .Select(t => t.Trim())

                var tagEntities = new HashSet <Tag>();
                foreach (var tagName in postTags)
                    var tagEntity = uow.Context.Query <Tag>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == tagName);
                    if (tagEntity == null)
                        // TODO: send AddTag command instead
                        tagEntity = new Tag {
                            Name = tagName, Site = site


                var nowDate = DateTime.Today.ToUniversalTime();
                var newPost = new Entities.Posts.Post
                    Site                      = site,
                    Zone                      = zone,
                    Name                      = title,
                    Title                     = title,
                    MetaTitle                 = command.MetaTitle ?? title,
                    MetaDescription           = command.MetaDescription,
                    Author                    = author,
                    Serie                     = serie,
                    Created                   = nowDate,
                    Creator                   = user,
                    PublishDate               = postStatus == PostStatus.Published ? (DateTime?)nowDate : null,
                    EffectiveDate             = postStatus == PostStatus.Published ? (DateTime?)nowDate : null,
                    Status                    = postStatus,
                    Format                    = postFormat,
                    IsPrivate                 = command.IsPrivate,
                    IsDiscussionEnabled       = command.IsDiscussionEnabled,
                    IsAnonymousCommentAllowed = command.IsAnonymousCommentAllowed,
                    IsRatingEnabled           = command.IsRatingEnabled,
                    IsContentBinary           = false,
                    IsPingbackEnabled         = true,
                    IsTrackbackEnabled        = true,
                    IsChromeHidden            = false,

                .ForEach(l => newPost.Links.Add(new PostLink {
                    Type = l.Key, Ref = l.Value, Post = newPost
                .ForEach(tag => newPost.Tags.Add(tag));

                newPost.LatestRevision.Summary = command.ContentSummary;
                newPost.LatestRevision.Body    = command.Content;
                newPost.LatestRevision.Reviser = user;
                newPost.LatestRevision.Author  = author;

