public ActionResult ViewPostsByUserId(int userId)
            List <PostDO> postList    = null;
            List <PostPO> displayList = null;
            PostViewModel postVM      = new PostViewModel();
            ActionResult  response    = null;

                postList     = _dataAccess.ViewPostsByUserId(userId);
                displayList  = PostMapper.ListDOToPO(postList);
                postVM.Posts = displayList;
                //Sets the response to the view which contains the post view model's info
                response = View(postVM);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log("Fatal", ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
        public ActionResult Index()
            ActionResult  response    = null;
            List <PostDO> postList    = null;
            List <PostPO> displayList = null;
            PostViewModel postVM      = new PostViewModel();

                //sets postList to the ViewAllPosts method in UserDAO then maps and displays it
                postList     = _dataAccess.ViewAllPosts();
                displayList  = PostMapper.ListDOToPO(postList);
                postVM.Posts = displayList;
                response     = View(postVM);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log("Fatal", ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
        public float AverageWordsPerPost()
            List <PostDO> postList     = null;
            List <PostPO> displayList  = null;
            float         averageWords = 0;

                //gets a list of posts to count the words in the content of all posts
                postList    = _postDataAccess.ViewAllPosts();
                displayList = PostMapper.ListDOToPO(postList);
                List <PostBO> ListToBofromPo = PostMapper.ListPOToBO(displayList);
                //sets the number of words in the posts to a variable
                averageWords = _ThreadBLL.AverageWordsPerPost(ListToBofromPo);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log("Fatal", ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
        public ActionResult ViewPostsByThreadId(int threadId)
            List <PostDO> postList    = null;
            List <PostPO> displayList = null;
            PostViewModel postVM      = new PostViewModel();

            postVM.ThreadId = threadId;
            ActionResult response = null;

                postList    = _dataAccess.ViewPostsByThreadId(threadId);
                displayList = PostMapper.ListDOToPO(postList);
                //Uses a post view model which holds the list of posts and the thread ID
                postVM.Posts = displayList;
                response     = View(postVM);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log("Fatal", ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);