public async Task <IActionResult> UpdatePositionAsync([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] PositionDto position)
            _logger.LogInformation("UpdatePositionAsync() method start.");

            if (id != position.Id)
                var message = $"The submitted id value '{id}' does not match the corresponding field contained in the submitted object Position id value '{position.Id}'.";
                _logger.LogError("Error in UpdatePositionAsync() method.  " + message);

            // Get the Position
            var getByIdResponse = await Task.FromResult(_positionService.GetById(id));

            if (getByIdResponse.HasErrors)
                var message = $"Error in UpdatePositionAsync() method.  Cannot find Position with id '{id}'.  Error message returned from PositionService: {getByIdResponse.ErrorMessage}";

            var model = position.Map();

            // Update Position
            var updateResponse = _positionService.Update(model);

            if (updateResponse.HasErrors)
                var message = $"Error in UpdatePositionAsync() method.  Cannot update Position with id '{id}'.  Error message returned from PositionService: {updateResponse.ErrorMessage}";

            var dto = updateResponse.Result.Map();

            _logger.LogInformation($"UpdatePositionAsync() method end with Position id '{id}'.");

        public async Task <IActionResult> CreatePositionAsync([FromBody] PositionDto position)
            _logger.LogInformation("CreatePositionAsync() method start.");

            var model = position.Map();

            // Add Position object to the database
            var addResponse = await Task.FromResult(_positionService.Add(model));

            if (addResponse.HasErrors)
                if (addResponse.Exception != null)
                    var exceptionMessage = $"Error in CreatePositionAsync() method.  Position object may not have been added to database.  Exception was thrown in PositionService.  Exception Type: '{addResponse.Exception.GetType()}'.  Exception Message: {addResponse.Exception.Message}";

                var message = $"Error in CreatePositionAsync() method.  Position object may not have been added to database.  Error message returned from PositionService: {addResponse.ErrorMessage}";

            var addedObject = addResponse.Result;
            var dto         = addedObject.Map();
            var id          = addedObject.Id;

            _logger.LogInformation($"CreatePositionAsync() method end with Position id '{id}'.");

            var actionResult = CreatedAtAction(
                actionName: nameof(GetPositionByIdAsync),                 // ASP.NET Core 3.0 bug:
                //controllerName: ControllerContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerName,
                routeValues: new { id },
                value: dto);
