public static bool ParseAnchor( string _AnchorStr , 
									ref PosAnchor _ResultAnchor )
		char [] seperator = {','} ;
		string[] strVec = _AnchorStr.Split( seperator ) ;
		if( strVec.Length > 2 )
			float x = 0 ;
			float y = 0 ;
			float z = 0 ;
			ParsePosition( _AnchorStr , ref x , ref y , ref z ) ;
			_ResultAnchor.Setup( new Vector3( x , y , z ) ) ;
			return true ;
			_ResultAnchor.Setup( _AnchorStr ) ;
			return true ;
    // 分析位置 包含座標及位置物件
    public static bool ParsePosition( XmlNode _PositionNode , 
									  ref PosAnchor _PosAnchor )
        if( "Position3D" == _PositionNode.Name )
            if( null != _PositionNode.Attributes[ "objectName" ] )
                string objectName = _PositionNode.Attributes[ "objectName" ].Value ;
                _PosAnchor.Setup( objectName ) ;

                // 絕對座標
                string strx = _PositionNode.Attributes[ "x" ].Value ;
                string stry = _PositionNode.Attributes[ "y" ].Value ;
                string strz = _PositionNode.Attributes[ "z" ].Value ;
                float x , y , z ;
                float.TryParse( strx , out x ) ;
                float.TryParse( stry , out y ) ;
                float.TryParse( strz , out z ) ;
                Vector3 setPosition = new Vector3( x , y , z ) ;
                // the y position of Unit is sure set to 1.0f
                setPosition.y = 1.0f ;

                _PosAnchor.Setup( setPosition ) ;

            return true ;
        return false ;