Exemple #1
        private void WebMapListView_ItemSelected(object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            // When a row in the list is selected, get the associated web map item.
            PortalItemAdapter itemAdapter  = _webMapListView.Adapter as PortalItemAdapter;
            PortalItem        selectedItem = itemAdapter[e.Position];

            // Create a new map from the portal item and display it in the map view.
            Map webMap = new Map(selectedItem);

            _myMapView.Map = webMap;
Exemple #2
        private async void SearchPortal(ArcGISPortal currentPortal)
            // Show status message.
            _messagesTextView.Text = "Searching for web map items on the portal at " + currentPortal.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
            var messageBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                // Report connection info.
                messageBuilder.AppendLine("Connected to the portal on " + currentPortal.Uri.Host);

                // Report the user name used for this connection.
                if (currentPortal.User != null)
                    messageBuilder.AppendLine("Connected as: " + currentPortal.User.UserName);
                    // Note: This shouldn't happen for a secure portal!

                // Search the portal for web maps.
                var items = await currentPortal.FindItemsAsync(new PortalQueryParameters("type:(\"web map\" NOT \"web mapping application\")"));

                // Build a list of items from the results.
                var resultItems = from r in items.Results select new KeyValuePair <string, PortalItem>(r.Title, r);

                // Add the items to a dictionary.
                List <PortalItem> webMapItems = new List <PortalItem>();
                foreach (var itm in resultItems)

                // Create an array adapter for the result list.
                PortalItemAdapter adapter = new PortalItemAdapter(this, webMapItems);

                // Apply the adapter to the list view to show the results.
                _webMapListView.Adapter = adapter;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report errors searching the portal.
                // Show messages.
                _messagesTextView.Text = messageBuilder.ToString();