/// <summary>
        /// Load game assets
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            WzDirectory MapWzFile = Program.WzManager["map"]; // Map.wz
            WzDirectory UIWZFile  = Program.WzManager["ui"];

            // BGM
            if (Program.InfoManager.BGMs.ContainsKey(mapBoard.MapInfo.bgm))
                audio = new WzMp3Streamer(Program.InfoManager.BGMs[mapBoard.MapInfo.bgm], true);
                if (audio != null)
                    audio.Volume = 0.3f;
            if (mapBoard.VRRectangle == null)
                vr_fieldBoundary = new Rectangle(0, 0, mapBoard.MapSize.X, mapBoard.MapSize.Y);
                vr_fieldBoundary = new Rectangle(mapBoard.VRRectangle.X + mapBoard.CenterPoint.X, mapBoard.VRRectangle.Y + mapBoard.CenterPoint.Y, mapBoard.VRRectangle.Width, mapBoard.VRRectangle.Height);
            //SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.Opaque, true);

            // Background and objects
            List <WzObject> usedProps = new List <WzObject>();

            foreach (LayeredItem tileObj in mapBoard.BoardItems.TileObjs)
                WzImageProperty tileParent = (WzImageProperty)tileObj.BaseInfo.ParentObject;

                    MapSimulatorLoader.CreateMapItemFromProperty(texturePool, tileParent, tileObj.X, tileObj.Y, mapBoard.CenterPoint, _DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, ref usedProps, tileObj is IFlippable ? ((IFlippable)tileObj).Flip : false));
            foreach (BackgroundInstance background in mapBoard.BoardItems.BackBackgrounds)
                WzImageProperty bgParent = (WzImageProperty)background.BaseInfo.ParentObject;

                    MapSimulatorLoader.CreateBackgroundFromProperty(texturePool, bgParent, background, _DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, ref usedProps, background.Flip));
            foreach (BackgroundInstance background in mapBoard.BoardItems.FrontBackgrounds)
                WzImageProperty bgParent = (WzImageProperty)background.BaseInfo.ParentObject;

                    MapSimulatorLoader.CreateBackgroundFromProperty(texturePool, bgParent, background, _DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, ref usedProps, background.Flip));

            // Load reactors
            foreach (ReactorInstance reactor in mapBoard.BoardItems.Reactors)
                //WzImage imageProperty = (WzImage)NPCWZFile[reactorInfo.ID + ".img"];

                ReactorItem reactorItem = MapSimulatorLoader.CreateReactorFromProperty(texturePool, reactor, _DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, ref usedProps);

            // Load NPCs
            foreach (NpcInstance npc in mapBoard.BoardItems.NPCs)
                //WzImage imageProperty = (WzImage) NPCWZFile[npcInfo.ID + ".img"];

                NpcItem npcItem = MapSimulatorLoader.CreateNpcFromProperty(texturePool, npc, _DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, ref usedProps);
            // Load Mobs
            foreach (MobInstance mob in mapBoard.BoardItems.Mobs)
                //WzImage imageProperty = Program.WzManager.FindMobImage(mobInfo.ID); // Mob.wz Mob2.img Mob001.wz

                MobItem npcItem = MapSimulatorLoader.CreateMobFromProperty(texturePool, mob, _DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, ref usedProps);

            // Load portals
            WzSubProperty portalParent = (WzSubProperty)MapWzFile["MapHelper.img"]["portal"];

            WzSubProperty gameParent = (WzSubProperty)portalParent["game"];

            //WzSubProperty editorParent = (WzSubProperty) portalParent["editor"];

            foreach (PortalInstance portal in mapBoard.BoardItems.Portals)
                PortalItem portalItem = MapSimulatorLoader.CreatePortalFromProperty(texturePool, gameParent, portal, _DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, ref usedProps);
                if (portalItem != null)

            // Load tooltips
            WzSubProperty farmFrameParent = (WzSubProperty)UIWZFile["UIToolTip.img"]?["Item"]?["FarmFrame"];

            foreach (ToolTipInstance tooltip in mapBoard.BoardItems.ToolTips)
                TooltipItem item = MapSimulatorLoader.CreateTooltipFromProperty(texturePool, farmFrameParent, tooltip, _DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice);


            // Cursor
            WzImageProperty cursorImageProperty = (WzImageProperty)UIWZFile["Basic.img"]?["Cursor"];

            this.mouseCursor = MapSimulatorLoader.CreateMouseCursorFromProperty(texturePool, cursorImageProperty, 0, 0, _DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, ref usedProps, false);

            // Spine object
            skeletonMeshRenderer = new SkeletonMeshRenderer(GraphicsDevice)
                PremultipliedAlpha = false

            // Minimap
            WzSubProperty minimapFrameProperty = (WzSubProperty)UIWZFile["UIWindow2.img"]?["MiniMap"];

            miniMap = MapSimulatorLoader.CreateMinimapFromProperty(minimapFrameProperty, mapBoard, GraphicsDevice, mapBoard.MapInfo.strMapName, mapBoard.MapInfo.strStreetName);

            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            // default positioning for character
            SetCameraMoveX(true, true, 0);
            SetCameraMoveY(true, true, 0);

            // Debug items
            System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap_debug = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1);
            bitmap_debug.SetPixel(0, 0, System.Drawing.Color.White);
            texture_debugBoundaryRect = bitmap_debug.ToTexture2D(_DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice);

            // cleanup
            // clear used items
            foreach (WzObject obj in usedProps)
                obj.MSTag      = null;
                obj.MSTagSpine = null; // cleanup
        /// <summary>
        /// The GetPortals method returns an ArrayList containing all of the
        ///   Portals registered in this database.<br/>
        ///   GetPortals Stored Procedure
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// a list of portals
        /// </returns>
        public ArrayList GetPortalsArrayList()
            var portals = new ArrayList();

            // Create Instance of Connection and Command Object
            using (var connection = Config.SqlConnectionString)
                using (var command = new SqlCommand(StringsRbGetPortals, connection))
                    // Mark the Command as a SPROC
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    // Execute the command

                    using (var dr = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection))
                            while (dr.Read())
                                var p = new PortalItem
                                        Name = dr["PortalName"].ToString(),
                                        Path = dr["PortalPath"].ToString(),
                                        ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PortalID"].ToString())
                            dr.Close(); // by Manu, fixed bug 807858

                    // Return the portals
                    return portals;
Exemple #3
        // Note: all code below (except call to ConfigureOfflineJobForBasemap) is identical to code in the Generate offline map sample.

        #region Generate offline map

        private async void Initialize()
                // Call a function to set up the AuthenticationManager for OAuth.

                // Create the ArcGIS Online portal.
                ArcGISPortal portal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync();

                // Get the Naperville water web map item using its ID.
                PortalItem webmapItem = await PortalItem.CreateAsync(portal, WebMapId);

                // Create a map from the web map item.
                Map onlineMap = new Map(webmapItem);

                // Display the map in the MapView.
                MyMapView.Map = onlineMap;

                // Disable user interactions on the map (no panning or zooming from the initial extent).
                MyMapView.InteractionOptions = new MapViewInteractionOptions
                    IsEnabled = false

                // Create a graphics overlay for the extent graphic and apply a renderer.
                SimpleLineSymbol aoiOutlineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 3);
                GraphicsOverlay  extentOverlay    = new GraphicsOverlay
                    Renderer = new SimpleRenderer(aoiOutlineSymbol)

                // Add a graphic to show the area of interest (extent) that will be taken offline.
                Graphic aoiGraphic = new Graphic(_areaOfInterest);

                // Hide the map loading progress indicator.
                LoadingIndicator.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                // When the map view unloads, try to clean up existing output data folders.
                MyMapView.Unloaded += (s, e) =>
                    // Find output mobile map folders in the temp directory.
                    string[] outputFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%TEMP%"), "NapervilleWaterNetwork*");

                    // Loop through the folder names and delete them.
                    foreach (string dir in outputFolders)
                            // Delete the folder.
                            Directory.Delete(dir, true);
                        catch (Exception)
                            // Ignore exceptions (files might be locked, for example).
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error loading map");
Exemple #4
 public SaveDialogFragment(PortalItem mapItem)
     _portalItem = mapItem;
        private async void Initialize()
                // Show a loading indicator.
                _progressIndicator.SetMessage("Loading the available map areas.");

                // Get the offline data folder.
                _offlineDataFolder = Path.Combine(GetDataFolder(),
                                                  "SampleData", "DownloadPreplannedMapAreas");

                // If the temporary data folder doesn't exist, create it.
                if (!Directory.Exists(_offlineDataFolder))

                // Create a portal that contains the portal item.
                ArcGISPortal portal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync();

                // Create a webmap based on the id.
                PortalItem webmapItem = await PortalItem.CreateAsync(portal, PortalItemId);

                // Create the offline task and load it.
                _offlineMapTask = await OfflineMapTask.CreateAsync(webmapItem);

                // Query related preplanned areas.
                _preplannedMapAreas = await _offlineMapTask.GetPreplannedMapAreasAsync();

                // Load each preplanned map area.
                foreach (var area in _preplannedMapAreas)
                    await area.LoadAsync();

                // Show a popup menu of available areas when the download button is clicked.
                _downloadButton.Click += (s, e) =>
                    // Create a menu to show the available map areas.
                    PopupMenu areaMenu = new PopupMenu(this, _downloadButton);
                    areaMenu.MenuItemClick += (sndr, evt) =>
                        // Get the name of the selected area.
                        string selectedArea = evt.Item.TitleCondensedFormatted.ToString();

                        // Download and show the map.

                    // Create the menu options.
                    foreach (PreplannedMapArea area in _preplannedMapAreas)

                    // Show the menu in the view.

                // Remove loading indicators from the UI.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Something unexpected happened, show error message.
                var builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
                builder.SetMessage(ex.Message).SetTitle("An error occurred").Show();
Exemple #6
        public SaveMapDialogOverlay(CoreGraphics.CGRect frame, nfloat transparency, UIColor color, Item mapItem) : base(frame)
            // Store the current portal item for the map (if any)
            _portalItem = mapItem as PortalItem;

            // Create a semi-transparent overlay with the specified background color
            BackgroundColor = color;
            Alpha           = transparency;

            // Set size and spacing for controls
            nfloat controlHeight = 25;
            nfloat rowSpace      = 11;
            nfloat buttonSpace   = 15;
            nfloat textViewWidth = Frame.Width - 60;
            nfloat buttonWidth   = 60;

            // Get the total height and width of the control set (four rows of controls, three sets of space)
            nfloat totalHeight = (4 * controlHeight) + (3 * rowSpace);
            nfloat totalWidth  = textViewWidth;

            // Find the center x and y of the view
            nfloat centerX = Frame.Width / 2;
            nfloat centerY = Frame.Height / 2;

            // Find the start x and y for the control layout
            nfloat controlX = centerX - (totalWidth / 2);
            nfloat controlY = centerY - (totalHeight / 2);

            // Title text input
            _titleTextField                        = new UITextField(new CoreGraphics.CGRect(controlX, controlY, textViewWidth, controlHeight));
            _titleTextField.Placeholder            = "Title";
            _titleTextField.AutocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationType.None;
            _titleTextField.BackgroundColor        = UIColor.LightGray;

            // Adjust the Y position for the next control
            controlY = controlY + controlHeight + rowSpace;

            // Description text input
            _descriptionTextField                        = new UITextField(new CoreGraphics.CGRect(controlX, controlY, textViewWidth, controlHeight));
            _descriptionTextField.Placeholder            = "Description";
            _descriptionTextField.AutocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationType.None;
            _descriptionTextField.BackgroundColor        = UIColor.LightGray;

            // Adjust the Y position for the next control
            controlY = controlY + controlHeight + rowSpace;

            // Tags text input
            _tagsTextField      = new UITextField(new CoreGraphics.CGRect(controlX, controlY, textViewWidth, controlHeight));
            _tagsTextField.Text = "ArcGIS Runtime, Web Map";
            _tagsTextField.AutocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationType.None;
            _tagsTextField.BackgroundColor        = UIColor.LightGray;

            // Adjust the Y position for the next control
            controlY = controlY + controlHeight + rowSpace;

            // Button to save the map
            UIButton saveButton = new UIButton(new CoreGraphics.CGRect(controlX, controlY, buttonWidth, controlHeight));

            saveButton.SetTitle("Save", UIControlState.Normal);
            saveButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.Blue, UIControlState.Normal);
            saveButton.TouchUpInside += SaveButtonClick;

            // Adjust the X position for the next control
            controlX = controlX + buttonWidth + buttonSpace;

            // Button to cancel the save
            UIButton cancelButton = new UIButton(new CoreGraphics.CGRect(controlX, controlY, buttonWidth, controlHeight));

            cancelButton.SetTitle("Cancel", UIControlState.Normal);
            cancelButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.Blue, UIControlState.Normal);
            cancelButton.TouchUpInside += (s, e) => { OnCanceled.Invoke(this, null); };

            // Add the controls
            AddSubviews(_titleTextField, _descriptionTextField, _tagsTextField, saveButton, cancelButton);

            // If there's an existing portal item, configure the dialog for "update" (read-only entries)
            if (this._portalItem != null)
                _titleTextField.Text    = this._portalItem.Title;
                _titleTextField.Enabled = false;

                _descriptionTextField.Text    = this._portalItem.Description;
                _descriptionTextField.Enabled = false;

                _tagsTextField.Text    = string.Join(",", this._portalItem.Tags);
                _tagsTextField.Enabled = false;

                // Change the button text
                saveButton.SetTitle("Update", UIControlState.Normal);
        public async void ChangeBasemap(string basemap)
            // Apply the selected basemap to the map
            switch (basemap)
            case "Topographic":
                // Set the basemap to Topographic
                _map.Basemap = Basemap.CreateTopographic();

            case "Topographic Vector":
                // Set the basemap to Topographic (vector)
                _map.Basemap = Basemap.CreateTopographicVector();

            case "Streets":
                // Set the basemap to Streets
                _map.Basemap = Basemap.CreateStreets();

            case "Streets Vector":
                // Set the basemap to Streets (vector)
                _map.Basemap = Basemap.CreateStreetsVector();

            case "Imagery":
                // Set the basemap to Imagery
                _map.Basemap = Basemap.CreateImagery();

            case "Oceans":
                // Set the basemap to Oceans
                _map.Basemap = Basemap.CreateOceans();

            case "USGS National Map":
                // Set the basemap to USGS National Map by opening it from ArcGIS Online
                var itemID = "809d37b42ca340a48def914df43e2c31";

                // Connect to ArcGIS Online
                ArcGISPortal agsOnline = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync();

                // Get the USGS webmap item
                PortalItem usgsMapItem = await PortalItem.CreateAsync(agsOnline, itemID);

                // Create a new basemap using the item
                _map.Basemap = new Basemap(usgsMapItem);

            case "World Globe 1812":
                // Create a URI that points to a map service to use in the basemap
                var uri = new Uri("https://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/IEuSomXfi6iB7a25/arcgis/rest/services/World_Globe_1812/MapServer");

                // Create an ArcGISTiledLayer from the URI
                ArcGISTiledLayer baseLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(uri);

                // Create a basemap from the layer and assign it to the map
                _map.Basemap = new Basemap(baseLayer);
        private async void AddMapItemClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Get a web map from the selected portal item and display it in the map view.
            if (MapItemListBox.SelectedItem == null)
                MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("No web map item is selected.");
                await dialog.ShowAsync();


            // Clear status messages.
            MessagesTextBlock.Text = string.Empty;

            // Store status (or errors) when adding the map.
            var statusInfo = new StringBuilder();

                // Clear the current MapView control from the app.

                // See if using the public or secured portal; get the appropriate object reference.
                ArcGISPortal portal = null;
                if (_usingPublicPortal)
                    portal = _publicPortal;
                    portal = _iwaSecuredPortal;

                // Throw an exception if the portal is null.
                if (portal == null)
                    throw new Exception("Portal has not been instantiated.");

                // Get the portal item ID from the selected list box item (read it from the Tag property).
                var itemId = (MapItemListBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem).Tag.ToString();

                // Use the item ID to create a PortalItem from the appropriate portal.
                var portalItem = await PortalItem.CreateAsync(portal, itemId);

                if (portalItem != null)
                    // Create a Map using the web map (portal item).
                    Map webMap = new Map(portalItem);

                    // Create a new MapView control to display the Map.
                    MapView myMapView = new MapView
                        Map = webMap

                    // Add the MapView to the app.

                // Report success.
                statusInfo.AppendLine("Successfully loaded web map from item #" + itemId + " from " + portal.Uri.Host);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Add an error message.
                statusInfo.AppendLine("Error accessing web map: " + ex.Message);
                // Show messages.
                MessagesTextBlock.Text = statusInfo.ToString();
        private void PreloadResource(ResourceLoader resLoader, PortalItem portal)
            string path;

            var view = new PortalItem.ItemView();

                var typeName = PortalItem.PortalTypes[portal.Type];
                path = $@"Map\MapHelper.img\portal\editor\{typeName}";
                var aniData = resLoader.LoadAnimationData(path);
                if (aniData != null)
                    view.EditorAnimator = CreateAnimator(aniData);
                string typeName, imgName;
                switch (portal.Type)
                case 7:
                    typeName = PortalItem.PortalTypes[2]; break;

                    typeName = PortalItem.PortalTypes[portal.Type]; break;

                switch (portal.Image)
                case 0:
                    imgName = "default"; break;

                    imgName = portal.Image.ToString(); break;
                path = $@"Map\MapHelper.img\portal\game\{typeName}\{imgName}";

                var aniNode = PluginManager.FindWz(path);
                if (aniNode != null)
                    bool useParts = new[] { "portalStart", "portalContinue", "portalExit" }
                    .Any(aniName => aniNode.Nodes[aniName] != null);

                    if (useParts) //加载动作动画
                        var animator = CreateSMAnimator(aniNode, resLoader);
                        view.Animator   = animator;
                        view.Controller = new PortalItem.Controller(view);
                    else //加载普通动画
                        var aniData = resLoader.LoadAnimationData(aniNode);
                        if (aniData != null)
                            view.Animator = CreateAnimator(aniData);

            portal.View = view;