Exemple #1
        private void readPorts()
            XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                Console.WriteLine("Dokument załadowany!");

                int count = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Router").Count;
                routerPorts = new int[count];
                rIds        = new String[count];

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    int    port = int.Parse(XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Router").Item(i).Attributes.Item(0).InnerText);
                    String id   = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Router").Item(i).InnerText;
                    routerPorts[i] = port;
                    rIds[i]        = id;
                    PortMatch pm = new PortMatch(id, port);

                count      = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Cloud").Count;
                cloudPorts = new int[count];

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    int port = int.Parse(XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Cloud").Item(i).Attributes.Item(0).InnerText);
                    cloudPorts[i] = port;

                count       = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Client").Count;
                clientPorts = new int[count];
                cIds        = new String[count];

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    int    port = int.Parse(XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Client").Item(i).Attributes.Item(0).InnerText);
                    String id   = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Client").Item(i).InnerText;
                    clientPorts[i] = port;
                    cIds[i]        = id;
                    PortMatch pm = new PortMatch(id, port);

                numberOfElements = cIds.Length + rIds.Length;
            catch (XmlException exc)
Exemple #2
        private BoundChannelMatches generateBoundChannelMatches(PortMatch[] portMatchesA, PortMatch[] portMatchesB)
            //use ips of first port match as reference
            uint refPeerIp;
            uint refPlaceholderIp;
            if (portMatchesA.Length > 0)
                refPeerIp = portMatchesA[0].peerIp;
                refPlaceholderIp = portMatchesA[0].placeholderIp;
            else if (portMatchesB.Length > 0)
                refPeerIp = portMatchesB[0].peerIp;
                refPlaceholderIp = portMatchesB[0].placeholderIp;
                Logger.log(TLogLevel.logDebug, "Error: Could not identify any port-matches.");
                throw new ExceptionConnectionSelectionFailed("Got two empty port matches lists.");

            List<Channel> channelsIncoming = new List<Channel>();
            List<Channel> channelsOutgoing = new List<Channel>();

            //fill list of incoming channels
            foreach (PortMatch portMatch in portMatchesA)
                if ((portMatch.peerIp != refPeerIp) || (portMatch.placeholderIp != refPlaceholderIp))
                    Logger.log(TLogLevel.logDebug, "Conflict in port matches (incoming):\nReference: " + portMatchesA[0].toLogString() + "\nConflict: " + portMatch.toLogString());
                    throw new ExceptionConnectionSelectionFailed("Found channel matches for more than one ip pair.");
                channelsIncoming.Add(new Channel(portMatch.srcPort, portMatch.dstPort, portMatch.protocol));

            //fill list of outgoing channels
            foreach (PortMatch portMatch in portMatchesB)
                if ((portMatch.peerIp != refPeerIp) || (portMatch.placeholderIp != refPlaceholderIp))
                    Logger.log(TLogLevel.logDebug, "Conflict in port matches (outgoing):\nReference: " + portMatchesA[0].toLogString() + "\nConflict: " + portMatch.toLogString());
                    throw new ExceptionConnectionSelectionFailed("Found channel matches for more than one ip pair.");
                channelsOutgoing.Add(new Channel(portMatch.srcPort, portMatch.dstPort, portMatch.protocol));

            //clone channels if one list should be empty
            if (channelsOutgoing.Count == 0 && channelsIncoming.Count != 0)
                foreach (Channel channel in channelsIncoming)
                    Channel reverseChannel = new Channel(channel.dstPort, channel.srcPort, channel.protocol);
            else if (channelsIncoming.Count == 0 && channelsOutgoing.Count != 0)
                foreach (Channel channel in channelsOutgoing)
                    Channel reverseChannel = new Channel(channel.dstPort, channel.srcPort, channel.protocol);
            return new BoundChannelMatches(refPeerIp, new ChannelMatchesList(channelsIncoming.ToArray()), new ChannelMatchesList(channelsOutgoing.ToArray()));