private void ReadClick() { s =; dataerrer = true; issessce = false; Common.Common.massage = ""; if (PortCommunication.ComName == null) { mondelName.Text = "Select Port ..."; GetComList(); //获取端口 if (PortCommunication.ComName == null) { MsgBox.Show("Please Select Port ..."); SetEnable(true); return; } } //lg = new Loading(); //lg.Location = new Point(this.Width / 2 - lg.Width / 2, this.Height / 2 - lg.Height / 2); //lg.TopLevel = false; //try //{ // lg.Parent = this; //} //catch (Exception) //{ // ; //} try { PortCommunication.NewSerialPort(); PortCommunication.openPort(); } catch (Exception) { MsgBox.Show("The port failed to open, please check the port!"); SetEnable(true); return; } conn = new Thread(br3.readMessage); conn.IsBackground = true; //timerSend.Interval = timeout; PortCommunication.timerSend.Interval = PortCommunication.timeout; PortCommunication.timerSend.Enabled = true; PortCommunication.timerSend.Start(); //timerSend.Start(); //timer1.Start(); SetEnable(false); conn.Start(); }
private void WriteClick() { s = ConState.write; dataerrer = true; issessce = false; Common.Common.massage = ""; //writeP(); if (PortCommunication.ComName == null) { mondelName.Text = "Select Port ..."; GetComList(); //获取端口 if (PortCommunication.ComName == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Port ..."); foreach (Control item in this.Controls) { item.Enabled = true; } return; } } //lg = new Loading(); //lg.Location = new Point(this.Width / 2 - lg.Width / 2, this.Height / 2 - lg.Height / 2); //lg.TopLevel = false; //lg.Parent = this; try { PortCommunication.NewSerialPort(); PortCommunication.openPort(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("The port failed to open, please check the port!"); foreach (Control item in this.Controls) { item.Enabled = true; } return; } conn = new Thread(br3.writeMessage); conn.IsBackground = true; PortCommunication.timerSend.Interval = PortCommunication.timeout; PortCommunication.timerSend.Enabled = true; PortCommunication.timerSend.Start(); //timer1.Start(); foreach (Control item in this.Controls) { item.Enabled = false; } conn.Start(); //lg.BringToFront(); //lg.Show(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the BtnClose control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param> private void BtnClose_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { PortCommunication.ClosePort(serialPort); dynamic parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(this) as MainWindow; parentWindow.LoadIndex(sender, e); }
private void OpenPort() { if (serialPort == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(Properties.Resources.DeviceNotFoundError); } PortCommunication.OpenPort(serialPort); }
internal static bool BR3Read() { for (int i = 0; i < 32 * 8; i++) { recive[i] = PortCommunication.reciveMsg(BR3SendCode.readSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.readStartAdress + i * 8, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.readAdressLenth), BR3SendCode.readAdressLenth + 4); MainForm.barEditItem3.Value = (4 + i / 3) / 1; } PortCommunication.sendMassge("62"); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the result. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RoutedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> public void RenderResult(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PortCommunication.ClosePort(serialPort); var dataContext = this.DataContext as MessuresViewModel; dynamic parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(this) as MainWindow; parentWindow.contentControl.Content = new Result(dataContext); }
internal static bool connect() { PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.connSendCode, BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); MainForm.barEditItem3.Value = 1; PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.connSendSure, BR3SendCode.connReciveSure, 8); MainForm.barEditItem3.Value = 2; PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.connReSureCode, BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); MainForm.barEditItem3.Value = 3; //lblConnect.Text = "握手完成"; //progressBar1.Value = 4; //MsgBox.Show("握手成功"); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 连接超时 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public void timerSend_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { PortCommunication.timerSend.Enabled = false; if (conn.IsAlive) { conn.Abort(); } PortCommunication.closePort(); barEditItem3.Value = 0; if (dataerrer == true) { if (!issessce) { if (conCount < 1) { conCount++; Thread.Sleep(100); if (s == { ReadClick(); } else if (s == ConState.write) { WriteClick(); } } else { Common.Common.massage = "Connect Time Out"; SetEnable(true); MsgBox.Show(Common.Common.massage); } } else { SetEnable(true); MsgBox.Show(Common.Common.massage); } } else { SetEnable(true); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the btnTakeSample control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param> private void TakeSamples(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (serialPort == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(HaenggiModel.Presentation.Properties.Resources.DeviceNotFoundError); } if (serialPort.IsOpen) { PortCommunication.ClosePort(serialPort); ToogleButtons(true); } else { PortCommunication.OpenPort(serialPort); txt17.Focus(); ToogleButtons(false); } }
internal static bool BR3Write(Class.BR3Class br3) { string str; PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeStartAdress + 0 * 8, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " " + BR3SendCode.writeNull, BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeStartAdress + 1 * 8, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " " + BR3SendCode.writeNull, BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); for (int i = 0; i < 99; i++) { if (i < br3.DtRowCount) { if (br3.Channel.Rows[i][Class.ChannelBR3.TXFrequency] != null && br3.Channel.Rows[i][ChannelBR3.TXFrequency].ToString() != "") { PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeStartAdress + (i + 1) * 16, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " " + decFrequencyToHex(Convert.ToDouble(br3.Channel.Rows[i][ChannelBR3.TXFrequency])) + " " + decFrequencyToHex(Convert.ToDouble(br3.Channel.Rows[i][ChannelBR3.RXFrequency])) , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); str = br3.Channel.Rows[i][ChannelBR3.Clone].ToString() == "Yes" ? "ff" : "fe"; PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeStartAdress + (i + 1) * 16 + 8, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " " + CTCSToHex(br3.Channel.Rows[i][ChannelBR3.CTCSDec].ToString()) + " " + CTCSToHex(br3.Channel.Rows[i][ChannelBR3.CTCSEnc].ToString()) + " " + ChannelParam(br3.Channel.Rows[i]) + " " + str + " ff ff" , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); } else { PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeStartAdress + (i + 1) * 16, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff" , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeStartAdress + (i + 1) * 16 + 8, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff" , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); } } else { PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeStartAdress + (i + 1) * 16, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff" , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeStartAdress + (i + 1) * 16 + 8, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff" , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); } MainForm.barEditItem3.Value = Convert.ToInt32(i / 1.2 + 4);//82.5+4 } string[] dis = CodeToHex(br3.Display); //57 07 90 08 PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.dispalyAdress1, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " " + dis[0] + " " + dis[1] + " " + dis[2] + " " + dis[3] + " " + dis[4] + " " + dis[5] + " " + dis[6] + " " + dis[7] , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); MainForm.barEditItem3.Value = 88; //57 07 98 08 //PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.dispalyAdress2, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) // + " " + dis[8] + " " + dis[9] + " ff ff ff ff ff "/*+Common.Common.decToHex(br3.RogerTone==true? 1:0 ) +" "*/+ Common.Common.decToHex((br3.StartupCh)) // , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.dispalyAdress2, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " " + dis[8] + " " + dis[9] + " ff ff ff " + Common.Common.decToHex(br3.Brightness) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(br3.RogerTone == true? 1:0) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex((br3.StartupCh)) , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); MainForm.barEditItem3.Value = 90; //57 07 a0 08 PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.TxStartAdress, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " " + TxCodeToHex(br3.TxStart) , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); MainForm.barEditItem3.Value = 92; //57 07 c0 08 PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.pragramAdress, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex((br3.Ppt + br3.ScanMode * 4) * 16 + (br3.BeepSound?1:0) + (br3.PowerSaving?1:0) * 2 + br3.VoiceAnnouncements * 4) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(br3.SquelchLevel) + " " + pressToHex(br3.ShotPress1) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(br3.TxLimit) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(br3.VoiceLevel) + " " + pressToHex(br3.ShotPress2) + " ff " + Common.Common.decToHex(br3.VoiceDelay) , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); MainForm.barEditItem3.Value = 94; //57 07 c8 08 if (br3.Fto == 0) { //PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.pragramAdress1, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) //+ " " + pressToHex(br3.LongPress1) + " 0a " + Common.Common.decToHex(br3.DisplayMode) + " ff ff ff ff ff" //, BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.pragramAdress1, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " " + pressToHex(br3.LongPress1) + " " + pressToHex(br3.LongPress2) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(br3.DisplayMode) + " ff ff ff ff ff" , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); } else if (br3.Fto == 1) { PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.pragramAdress1, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " " + pressToHex(br3.LongPress1) + " " + pressToHex(br3.LongPress2) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(br3.DisplayMode) + " ff ff ff ff ff" , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); } MainForm.barEditItem3.Value = 96; //57 07 d8 08 if (br3.Fto == 0) { PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.Fto, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " 60 44 80 44 ff ff ff ff" , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); } else if (br3.Fto == 1) { PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.Fto, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " 00 45 00 52 ff ff ff ff" , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); } MainForm.barEditItem3.Value = 98; //57 07 e0 08 PortCommunication.senderMsg(BR3SendCode.writeSendCode + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.TxStopAdress, 8) + " " + Common.Common.decToHex(BR3SendCode.writeAdressLenth) + " " + TxCodeToHex(br3.TxStop) , BR3SendCode.connReciveCode, 1); MainForm.barEditItem3.Value = 100; PortCommunication.sendMassge("62"); return(true); }
public static void SetDataEventhandler(Action <byte[]> handler) { PortCommunication.SetCurrentDataEventHanlder(handler); }
/// <summary> /// 连接超时 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public void timerSend_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { PortCommunication.timerSend.Enabled = false; // PortCommunication.timerSend.Interval = 0; //if (lg.IsHandleCreated) //{ // lg.Invoke(new Action(() => // { // lg.Close(); // })); // } if (conn.IsAlive) { conn.Abort(); } PortCommunication.closePort(); barEditItem3.Value = 0; if (dataerrer == true) { if (!issessce) { if (conCount <= 1) { conCount++; Thread.Sleep(200); if (s == { ReadClick(); } else if (s == ConState.write) { WriteClick(); } } else { Common.Common.massage = "Connect Time Out"; foreach (Control item in this.Controls) { item.Enabled = true; } MessageBox.Show(Common.Common.massage); } } else { foreach (Control item in this.Controls) { item.Enabled = true; } MessageBox.Show(Common.Common.massage); } } else { foreach (Control item in this.Controls) { item.Enabled = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Removes the received value. /// </summary> public void HandleFormUnload() { PortCommunication.ClosePort(serialPort); }
/// <summary> /// Closes the form. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void CloseForm(object sender, EventArgs e) { PortCommunication.ClosePort(serialPort); }