public void AddPopupWindow(Control _TargetControl, Control _PopupControl, PopupEvent _PStyle,WindowStyle _WStyle, int _width, int _height,bool _ismouseclickhide) { PopupContent popup = new PopupContent(); popup.TargetControl = _TargetControl; popup.PopupControl = _PopupControl; popup.PType = PopupType.Window; popup.PStyle = _PStyle; popup.WStyle = _WStyle; popup.Width = _width; popup.Height = _height; popup.IsMCHide = _ismouseclickhide; popup.WindowTitle = ""; _PopupControl.Tag = this; if (popup.PStyle == PopupEvent.Click) { _TargetControl.Click += new EventHandler(_TargetControl_Click); } else if (popup.PStyle == PopupEvent.Mouse) { _TargetControl.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(_TargetControl_MouseEnter); _TargetControl.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(_TargetControl_MouseLeave); } else { } popupList.Add(popup); _PopupControl.Hide(); }
public void AddPopupWindow(Control _TargetControl, Control _PopupControl, PopupEvent _PStyle, WindowStyle _WStyle, int _width, int _height, bool _ismouseclickhide) { PopupContent popup = new PopupContent(); popup.TargetControl = _TargetControl; popup.PopupControl = _PopupControl; popup.PType = PopupType.Window; popup.PStyle = _PStyle; popup.WStyle = _WStyle; popup.Width = _width; popup.Height = _height; popup.IsMCHide = _ismouseclickhide; popup.WindowTitle = ""; _PopupControl.Tag = this; if (popup.PStyle == PopupEvent.Click) { _TargetControl.Click += new EventHandler(_TargetControl_Click); } else if (popup.PStyle == PopupEvent.Mouse) { _TargetControl.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(_TargetControl_MouseEnter); _TargetControl.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(_TargetControl_MouseLeave); } else { } popupList.Add(popup); _PopupControl.Hide(); }
// === Scripted events === IEnumerator FirstTimePopup() { PopupEvent p = new PopupEvent(new Rect(Screen.width*.15f, 300, Screen.width*.7f, 400), "Welcome to "+appName+"!", "Begin by exploring the toolbox of useful daily metrics. If you see a that metric that looks useful to you, tap to add it to your checklist.\n\nThe checklist is your custom list of daily reminders. Add anything you want to it – but we recommend starting with the basics. You'll unlock more tools as you level up."); yield return StartCoroutine(eventProcessor.DoProcessUI(p)); ExplainLevelsPopup(); }
public static void Setup(string text, PopupEvent ok, PopupEvent cancel = null) { var popupTemplate = Resources.Load("ConfirmPopup"); var popup = (GameObject.Instantiate(popupTemplate) as GameObject).GetComponent <ConfirmPopup>(); popup._text.text = text; popup._okEvent = ok; popup._cancelEvent = cancel; Utilities.SetUIParentFit(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("RootCanvas"), popup.gameObject); }
private static void SendEvent(GameObject gameObject, PopupEvent eventFunc) { var popup = gameObject.GetComponent <IPopup>(); if (popup == null) { Debug.LogError( + " is not a popup object", gameObject); return; } eventFunc(popup); }
public static PopupEvent Instantiate() { GameObject obj = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Popup/PopupEvent")); if (obj == null || obj.GetComponent <PopupEvent>() == null) { Debug.LogError("<color=red> Resource Loading Error!! - PopupEvent </color>"); return(null); } PopupEvent popup = obj.GetComponent <PopupEvent>(); obj.transform.parent = m_canvas.transform; return(popup); }
public void NotifyPopupClose(PopupEvent eventArgs) { OnPopupClose?.Invoke(this, eventArgs); }
public void NotifyPopupOpen(PopupEvent eventArgs) { OnPopupOpen?.Invoke(this, eventArgs); }
private void FillGrid() { if (checkDeleted.Checked) { _listPopups = Popups.GetDeletedForFamily(PatCur); } else { _listPopups = Popups.GetForFamily(PatCur); } #region Automation PopUpThenDisable10Min //Joe - We are mimicing popups through a new AutomationAction PopUpThenDisable10Min. //We want to show it in this list to avoid confusion and phone calls. List <long> listAutoNums = FormOpenDental.DicBlockedAutomations.Keys.ToList(); Dictionary <long, DateTime> dictPatDate; //First level dictionary key is an AutomationNum. //Value is Dictionary<long,DateTime>. Popup popup; Automation autoCur; List <Automation> listAutomations = Automations.GetDeepCopy(); foreach (long automationNum in listAutoNums) { dictPatDate = FormOpenDental.DicBlockedAutomations[automationNum]; //Gets all patnums for current automation. //Second level dictionary key is a patNum for current AutomationNum key. //Value is DateTime representing block until time. foreach (KeyValuePair <long, DateTime> kvp in dictPatDate) { if (!Patients.GetAllFamilyPatNums(new List <long>() { kvp.Key }).Contains(PatCur.PatNum)) { continue; //Not in the same family. } autoCur = listAutomations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AutomationNum == automationNum); if (autoCur == null) { continue; } #region Dummy PopUp //Create dummy Popup. //Since we never insert these into the DB we just put them in our list that we fill the grid with. popup = new Popup() { PopupNum = automationNum, PatNum = kvp.Key, PopupLevel = EnumPopupLevel.Automation, DateTimeEntry = kvp.Value.AddMinutes(-10), Description = autoCur.MessageContent }; _listPopups.Add(popup); #endregion Dummy PopUp } } _listPopups = _listPopups.OrderBy(x => x.PatNum).ThenBy(x => x.PopupLevel).ToList(); #endregion Automation PopUpThenDisable10Min gridMain.BeginUpdate(); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Clear(); GridColumn col = new GridColumn(Lan.g("TablePopupsForFamily", "Patient"), 120); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g("TablePopupsForFamily", "Level"), 80); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g("TablePopupsForFamily", "Disabled"), 60, HorizontalAlignment.Center); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g("TablePopupsForFamily", "Last Viewed"), 80, HorizontalAlignment.Center); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); if (checkDeleted.Checked) { col = new GridColumn(Lan.g("TablePopupsForFamily", "Deleted"), 60, HorizontalAlignment.Center); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); } col = new GridColumn(Lan.g("TablePopupsForFamily", "Popup Message"), 120); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); gridMain.ListGridRows.Clear(); GridRow row; _listPopups.RemoveAll(x => x.PopupLevel == EnumPopupLevel.Automation && !listAutomations.Any(y => y.AutomationNum == x.PopupNum)); for (int i = 0; i < _listPopups.Count; i++) { row = new GridRow(); row.Cells.Add(Patients.GetPat(_listPopups[i].PatNum).GetNameLF()); if (_listPopups[i].PopupLevel == EnumPopupLevel.Automation) { autoCur = Automations.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.AutomationNum == _listPopups[i].PopupNum); //Get by PK. //this should never happen because we remove any where the AutomationNum is not in Automations.Listt //if(autoCur==null) { // continue; //} row.Cells.Add(Lan.g("enumEnumPopupLevel", "Auto") + ": " + Lan.g("enumEnumPopupLevel", autoCur.Autotrigger.ToString())); row.Cells.Add(""); //Disabled column. Will never happen for automations. row.Cells.Add(_listPopups[i].DateTimeEntry.ToShortTimeString()); } else { row.Cells.Add(Lan.g("enumEnumPopupLevel", _listPopups[i].PopupLevel.ToString())); row.Cells.Add(_listPopups[i].IsDisabled?"X":""); PopupEvent popEvent = _listPopEvents.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PopupNum == _listPopups[i].PopupNum); if (popEvent != null && popEvent.LastViewed.Year > 1880) { row.Cells.Add(popEvent.LastViewed.ToShortTimeString()); } else { row.Cells.Add(""); } } if (checkDeleted.Checked) { row.Cells.Add(_listPopups[i].IsArchived?"X":""); } row.Cells.Add(_listPopups[i].Description); row.Tag = _listPopups[i]; gridMain.ListGridRows.Add(row); } gridMain.EndUpdate(); }
void ExplainLevelsPopup() { PopupEvent p = new PopupEvent(new Rect(Screen.width*.15f, 300, Screen.width*.7f, 400), "How does leveling work?", "Every day you will be given random quests to explore different parts of "+appName+". Complete these to develop your Pillars of Awesomeness and unlock more functionality. Check the store or the toolbox often to find new features."); eventProcessor.ProcessUIEvent(p); }