Exemple #1
    void RenderAndWrite(Camera Cam)
        if (Cam == null)
        if (mCast == null)

        //	if no texture provided, make one
        if (mCaptureCameraTexture == null)
            mCaptureCameraTexture = new RenderTexture(Cam.pixelWidth, Cam.pixelHeight, 16);

        //	save settings to restore
        RenderTexture PreTarget       = RenderTexture.active;
        var           PreCameraTarget = Cam.targetTexture;

        Cam.targetTexture    = mCaptureCameraTexture;
        RenderTexture.active = mCaptureCameraTexture;

        //	aaaand restore.
        RenderTexture.active = PreTarget;
        Cam.targetTexture    = PreCameraTarget;

        mCast.UpdateTexture(mCaptureCameraTexture, 0);
    void Update()
        //	write latest stream data
        if (mCast != null)
            //	check where to output the camera, if we haven't already
            bool CameraCaptureOutput = false;
            int  FirstStreamUnused   = -1;

            //	output textures
            for (int i = 0; i < OutputTextures.Count; i++)
                var Tex = OutputTextures[i];
                if (Tex == null)
                    if (FirstStreamUnused == -1)
                        FirstStreamUnused = i;
                CameraCaptureOutput |= Tex == mCaptureCameraTexture;
                mCast.UpdateTexture(Tex, i);

            //	if we want to write the capture texture, and we havent... do it now
            if (!CameraCaptureOutput && mCaptureCameraTexture != null)
                //	if we haven't left a gap... do it at the end
                if (FirstStreamUnused == -1)
                    FirstStreamUnused = OutputTextures.Count;
                mCast.UpdateTexture(mCaptureCameraTexture, FirstStreamUnused);
    void Update()
        //	write latest stream data
        if (mCast != null)
            //	check where to output the camera, if we haven't already
            bool CameraCaptureOutput = false;

            //	if we want to write the capture texture, and we havent... do it now
            if (!CameraCaptureOutput && mCaptureCameraTexture != null)
                mCast.UpdateTexture(mCaptureCameraTexture, 0);
    void Update()
        //Debug.Log ("Popcast window update");
        //	update texture

        //	write latest stream data
        if (mPopCast != null)
            if (PushFakeTextures)
                mPopCast.UpdateTexture(RecordToTexture, 0);