public override Answer CheckPredicate(Element /*!*/ e, IExpr /*!*/ pred)
            //Contract.Requires(pred != null);
            //Contract.Requires(e != null);
            PolyhedraLatticeElement /*!*/ ple = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)Constrain(e, pred);

            Contract.Assert(ple != null);
            if (ple.lcs.IsBottom())

            // Note, "pred" may contain expressions that are not understood by the propFactory (in
            // particular, this may happen because--currently, and perhaps is a design we'll want
            // to change in the future--propFactory deals with BoogiePL expressions whereas "pred"
            // may also refer to Equivalences.UninterpFun expressions).  Thus, we cannot just
            // call propFactory.Not(pred) to get the negation of "pred".
            pred = new PolyhedraLatticeNegation(pred);
            ple  = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)Constrain(e, pred);
            if (ple.lcs.IsBottom())
    public override Answer CheckPredicate(Element/*!*/ e, IExpr/*!*/ pred) {
      //Contract.Requires(pred != null);
      //Contract.Requires(e != null);
      PolyhedraLatticeElement/*!*/ ple = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)Constrain(e, pred);
      Contract.Assert(ple != null);
      if (ple.lcs.IsBottom()) {
        return Answer.No;

      // Note, "pred" may contain expressions that are not understood by the propFactory (in
      // particular, this may happen because--currently, and perhaps is a design we'll want
      // to change in the future--propFactory deals with BoogiePL expressions whereas "pred"
      // may also refer to Equivalences.UninterpFun expressions).  Thus, we cannot just
      // call propFactory.Not(pred) to get the negation of "pred".
      pred = new PolyhedraLatticeNegation(pred);
      ple = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)Constrain(e, pred);
      if (ple.lcs.IsBottom()) {
        return Answer.Yes;
      } else {
        return Answer.Maybe;