private void ImportResults(PolyStatusOr <PolyListAssetsResult> result)
        // Set options for import so the assets aren't crazy sizes
        PolyImportOptions options = PolyImportOptions.Default();

        options.rescalingMode = PolyImportOptions.RescalingMode.FIT;
        options.desiredSize   = 5.0f;
        options.recenter      = true;

        // List our assets
        List <PolyAsset> assetsInUse = new List <PolyAsset>();

        // Loop through the list and display the first 3
        for (int i = 0; i < Mathf.Min(5, result.Value.assets.Count); i++)
            // Import our assets into the scene with the ImportAsset function
            PolyApi.Import(result.Value.assets[i], options, ImportAsset);
            PolyAsset asset = result.Value.assets[i];

            //attributionsText.text = PolyApi.GenerateAttributions(includeStatic: false, runtimeAssets: assetsInUse);

        string attribution = PolyApi.GenerateAttributions(includeStatic: false, runtimeAssets: assetsInUse);

    // Callback invoked when the featured assets results are returned.
    private void ListAssetsCallback(PolyStatusOr <PolyListAssetsResult> result)
        if (!result.Ok)
            Debug.LogError("Failed to get featured assets. :( Reason: " + result.Status);
            statusText.text = "ERROR: " + result.Status;
        Debug.Log("Successfully got featured assets!");
        statusText.text = "Importing...";

        // Set the import options.
        PolyImportOptions options = PolyImportOptions.Default();

        // We want to rescale the imported meshes to a specific size.
        options.rescalingMode = PolyImportOptions.RescalingMode.FIT;
        // The specific size we want assets rescaled to (fit in a 1x1x1 box):
        options.desiredSize = 1.0f;
        // We want the imported assets to be recentered such that their centroid coincides with the origin:
        options.recenter = true;

        // Now let's get the first 5 featured assets and put them on the scene.
        List <PolyAsset> assetsInUse = new List <PolyAsset>();

        for (int i = 0; i < Mathf.Min(5, result.Value.assets.Count); i++)
            // Import this asset.
            PolyApi.Import(result.Value.assets[i], options, ImportAssetCallback);

        // Show attributions for the assets we display.
        attributionsText.text = PolyApi.GenerateAttributions(includeStatic: true, runtimeAssets: assetsInUse);
    public string GetAttributionsString()
        string msg = "";

        if (downloadedPolyAssets.Count > 0)
            msg += PolyApi.GenerateAttributions(true, downloadedPolyAssets);

        if (downloadedImageUrls.Count > 0)
            if (msg != "")
                msg += "\n";
            msg += GenerateImageAttributions();;