Exemple #1
        public void Update(double time, bool AI = false)
            if (!AI)
                _currentFramesInput = GetUserInput();
            if (_currentFramesInput.HasFlag(Input.Slow))
                time *= SLOW_MULTIPLIER;
            // _position.Azimuth += time*0.5*Direction;
            if (_currentFramesInput.HasFlag(Input.Left))
                _position.Azimuth -= _velocity.Azimuth * time;
            else if (_currentFramesInput.HasFlag(Input.Right))
                _position.Azimuth += _velocity.Azimuth * time;
            _position = _position.Normalised();

            _vertexBuffer.SetData(BuildVertexList(), _dataSpecification);
        public void PolarToCartesianCoordinateTestMethod()
            PolarVector polarVectorDegree = new PolarVector(5, 30);
            Vector2f    vector            = polarVectorDegree.PolarToCartesianCoordinateDegrees();

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(vector.X - 4.33) < 0.05 & Math.Abs(vector.Y - 2.5) < 0.05);
Exemple #3
        public void GetEndCaps(int beatIndex, int sideIndex, int leftOrRight)
            var    deltaWidth  = Math.Max(_impactDistances[beatIndex] - _positions[beatIndex].Radius, 0);
            var    pLeft       = new PolarVector(_positions[beatIndex].Azimuth + sideIndex * _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], Math.Max(_positions[beatIndex].Radius - _outlineWidth, _impactDistances[beatIndex]));
            var    pRight      = new PolarVector(_positions[beatIndex].Azimuth + sideIndex * _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex] + _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], Math.Max(_positions[beatIndex].Radius - _outlineWidth, _impactDistances[beatIndex]));
            double dR          = _outlineWidth * Math.Tan(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(30));
            double dThetaInner = _outlineWidth / (pLeft.Radius + dR);
            double dThetaOuter = _outlineWidth / (pLeft.Radius + _widths[beatIndex] + dR);

            if (leftOrRight == 0 || leftOrRight == 2)
                _outlineBoundsTemp[0] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pLeft);
                _outlineBoundsTemp[1] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pLeft, -dThetaInner, dR);
                _outlineBoundsTemp[2] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pLeft, -dThetaOuter, _widths[beatIndex] - deltaWidth + 2 * _outlineWidth + dR);
                _outlineBoundsTemp[3] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pLeft, -dThetaOuter, _widths[beatIndex] - deltaWidth + 2 * _outlineWidth + dR);
                _outlineBoundsTemp[4] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pLeft, 0, _widths[beatIndex] - deltaWidth + 2 * _outlineWidth);
                _outlineBoundsTemp[5] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pLeft);
            if (leftOrRight == 1 || leftOrRight == 2)
                _outlineBoundsTemp[6]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pRight);
                _outlineBoundsTemp[7]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pRight, dThetaInner, dR);
                _outlineBoundsTemp[8]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pRight, dThetaOuter, _widths[beatIndex] - deltaWidth + 2 * _outlineWidth + dR);
                _outlineBoundsTemp[9]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pRight, dThetaOuter, _widths[beatIndex] - deltaWidth + 2 * _outlineWidth + dR);
                _outlineBoundsTemp[10] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pRight, 0, _widths[beatIndex] - deltaWidth + 2 * _outlineWidth);
                _outlineBoundsTemp[11] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pRight);
        public void CartesianToPolarCoordinateTestMethod()
            Vector2f    cartesian         = new Vector2f(5, 3);
            PolarVector polarVectorDegree = cartesian.CartesianToPolarCoordinateDegrees();

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(polarVectorDegree.r - 5.83) < 0.05 & Math.Abs(polarVectorDegree.theta - 30.963) < 0.05);
Exemple #5
        public Vector2 getWorldPosition()
            // add scene rot
            // convert to vector2d

            PolarVector offseted = new PolarVector(position.Angle - GameScene.rotation, position.Radius);

Exemple #6
 public Player()
     _length    = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(PLAYER_LENGTH_DEGREES);
     _width     = PLAYER_WIDTH;
     _position  = new PolarVector(1.5 * (Math.PI / 3) - _length * 0.5f, PLAYER_RADIUS);
     _velocity  = new PolarVector(-9, 0);
     Direction  = 1;
     UseGamePad = false;
Exemple #7
        public List <float> BuildVertexList()
            var verts = new List <Vector2>();

            verts.Add(PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(_position, _length / 2, _width));
            verts.Add(PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(_position, _length, 0));
            return(verts.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.X, v.Y }).ToList());
Exemple #8
        public List <IntPoint> GetBounds()
            var p  = new List <IntPoint>();
            var p1 = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(_position);
            var p2 = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(_position, _length / 2, _width);
            var p3 = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(_position, _length, 0);

            p.Add(new IntPoint(p1.X, p1.Y));
            p.Add(new IntPoint(p2.X, p2.Y));
            p.Add(new IntPoint(p3.X, p3.Y));

Exemple #9
        public Vector2[] GetSideBounds(int beatIndex, int sideIndex)
            var sp         = new PolarVector(_positions[beatIndex].Azimuth + sideIndex * _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], Math.Max(_positions[beatIndex].Radius, _impactDistances[beatIndex]));
            var deltaWidth = Math.Max(_impactDistances[beatIndex] - _positions[beatIndex].Radius, 0);

            sideBoundsTemp[0] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp);
            sideBoundsTemp[1] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], 0);
            sideBoundsTemp[2] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], _widths[beatIndex] - deltaWidth);
            sideBoundsTemp[3] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], _widths[beatIndex] - deltaWidth);
            sideBoundsTemp[4] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, 0, _widths[beatIndex] - deltaWidth);
            sideBoundsTemp[5] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp);

Exemple #10
        public void AddOnsetDrawing(List <bool> sides, PolarVector velocity, double width, double minimumRadius, double impactTime)
            _velocities[DrawingIndex] = velocity;
            var initialRadius = (impactTime * velocity.Radius + minimumRadius);

            _impactDistances[DrawingIndex] = minimumRadius;
            _positions[DrawingIndex]       = new PolarVector(0, initialRadius);
            _widths[DrawingIndex]          = width;

            _sides[DrawingIndex]             = sides;
            _numberOfSides[DrawingIndex]     = sides.Count;
            _angleBetweenSides[DrawingIndex] = GetAngleBetweenSides(_numberOfSides[DrawingIndex]);

            DrawingIndex += 1;
Exemple #11
        private List <IntPoint> GetSideBounds(int index)
            var p  = new List <IntPoint>();
            var sp = new PolarVector(Position.Azimuth + index * AngleBetweenSides, Position.Radius);
            var p1 = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp);
            var p2 = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, AngleBetweenSides, 0);
            var p3 = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, AngleBetweenSides, _width + PulseWidth);
            var p4 = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, 0, _width + PulseWidth);

            p.Add(new IntPoint(p1.X, p1.Y));
            p.Add(new IntPoint(p2.X, p2.Y));
            p.Add(new IntPoint(p3.X, p3.Y));
            p.Add(new IntPoint(p4.X, p4.Y));

Exemple #12
        public override void Update(double time, bool focused = false)
            // Update total elapsed time
            _totalTime += time;

            if (InputSystem.NewKeys.Contains(Key.Escape))

            _centerPolygon.Update(time, false);


            // Update next if needed
            if (_selectedItemChanged)
                // Reset elapsed time
                _totalTime = 0;

                _menuFDP = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(_menuFont.Font, _menuRenderOptions);

                _menuFDP.Print(_selectedMenuItemText.ToUpper(), Vector3.Zero, QFontAlignment.Centre);
                _selectedItemChanged = false;

            // Pulse text
            var size         = _menuFont.Font.Measure(_selectedMenuItemText.ToUpper());
            var selectedSide = GetSelectedSide();
            var newPos       = new PolarVector(selectedSide * _centerPolygon.AngleBetweenSides + _centerPolygon.AngleBetweenSides * 0.5f, _player.Position.Radius + _player.Width + size.Height * 0.9);

            var extraRotation = (selectedSide >= 0 && selectedSide < 3) ? (-Math.PI / 2.0) : (Math.PI / 2.0);
            var extraOffset   = (selectedSide >= 0 && selectedSide < 3) ? (0) : (-size.Height / 4);

            newPos.Radius += extraOffset;
            var cart = newPos.ToCartesianCoordinates();
            var mvm  = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0, size.Height / 2, 0)
                       * Matrix4.CreateScale(0.90f + (float)Math.Pow(Math.Sin(_totalTime * 3), 2) * 0.10f)
                       * Matrix4.CreateRotationZ((float)(newPos.Azimuth + extraRotation))
                       * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(cart.X, cart.Y, 0);

            _menuFDP.ModelViewMatrix = mvm;
Exemple #13
 public Measurement(float aLenght, int aAngle, bool al1, float bLenght, int bAngle, bool bl1, float cLenght, int cAngle, bool cl1)
     if (!al1)
         aAngle = 360 - aAngle;
     a = new PolarVector(aLenght, aAngle, new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0));
     if (!bl1)
         bAngle = 360 - bAngle;
     b = new PolarVector(bLenght, bAngle, new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0));
     if (!cl1)
         cAngle = 360 - cAngle;
     c = new PolarVector(cLenght, cAngle, new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0));
Exemple #14
        private void dataGridView1_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            try {
                PolarVector [] a = new PolarVector [12];
                a[0] = new PolarVector((float)dataGridView1.Rows[0].Cells[1].Value,
                                       (float)dataGridView1.Rows[0].Cells[2].Value, new Point(0, 0));

            catch (System.NullReferenceException)
            catch (System.InvalidCastException)

            Measurement measurement2 = new Measurement(100F, 30, true, 100F, 150, true, 100F, 90, false);
Exemple #15
        public void GetOutline(int beatIndex, int sideIndex)
            var deltaWidth = Math.Max(_impactDistances[beatIndex] - _positions[beatIndex].Radius, 0);
            var pOuter     = new PolarVector(_positions[beatIndex].Azimuth + sideIndex * _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], Math.Max(_positions[beatIndex].Radius, _impactDistances[beatIndex] + _outlineWidth) + _widths[beatIndex] - deltaWidth);
            var pInner     = new PolarVector(_positions[beatIndex].Azimuth + sideIndex * _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], Math.Max(_positions[beatIndex].Radius, _impactDistances[beatIndex] + _outlineWidth));

            _outlineBoundsTemp[0]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter);
            _outlineBoundsTemp[1]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter, _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], 0);
            _outlineBoundsTemp[2]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter, _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], _outlineWidth);
            _outlineBoundsTemp[3]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter, _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], _outlineWidth);
            _outlineBoundsTemp[4]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter, 0, _outlineWidth);
            _outlineBoundsTemp[5]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter);
            _outlineBoundsTemp[6]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner);
            _outlineBoundsTemp[7]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner, _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], 0);
            _outlineBoundsTemp[8]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner, _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], -_outlineWidth);
            _outlineBoundsTemp[9]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner, _angleBetweenSides[beatIndex], -_outlineWidth);
            _outlineBoundsTemp[10] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner, 0, -_outlineWidth);
            _outlineBoundsTemp[11] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner);
Exemple #16
        private void InitialisePolygon(List <bool> sides, PolarVector velocity, double width, double minimumRadius, double impactTime)
            Velocity = velocity;
            var initialRadius = (impactTime * Velocity.Radius + minimumRadius + 20);

            ImpactDistance = minimumRadius;
            Position       = new PolarVector(0, initialRadius);

            _sides        = sides;
            NumberOfSides = _sides.Count;

            EvenColour        = OddColour = Color4.White;
            EvenOutlineColour = OddOutlineColour = Color4.Black;

            AngleBetweenSides = GetAngleBetweenSides(NumberOfSides);
            _width            = width;

            _evenCount = _oddCount;
Exemple #17
 public void Reset()
     Score     = 0;
     Hits      = 0;
     _position = new PolarVector(1.5 * (Math.PI / 3) - _length * 0.5f, PLAYER_RADIUS);
 static void FormattedPrint(PolarVector vector, string name)      // форматированный вывод данных вектора
     Console.WriteLine("Vector {0}. Length: {1:F6}. Polar angle: {2:F6} degrees.", name, vector.GetLength(), vector.GetAngle());
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Title = "PolarVector Demonstation";
            PolarVector Z1 = new PolarVector();                         // создаем экземпляр класса PolarVector - Z1, используя конструктор по умолчанию

            FormattedPrint(Z1, "Z1");
            double z2Length, z2Angle;                                   // длина и угол вектора Z2 (вводит пользователь)
            bool   parsed;                                              // прошел ли успешно парсинг введенной строки

                Console.WriteLine("Enter the length of new vector: ");
                parsed = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine().Replace('.', ','), out z2Length);
            }while (!parsed);
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the polar angle of new vector: ");
                parsed = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine().Replace('.', ','), out z2Angle);
            }while (!parsed);
            PolarVector Z2 = null;

                    Z2 = new PolarVector(z2Length, z2Angle);        // создаем экземпляр класса PolarVector - Z2, используя коструктор с параметрами
                    FormattedPrint(Z2, "Z2");
                    parsed = true;
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter the length of the vector Z2 once more: ");
                        parsed = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine().Replace('.', ','), out z2Length);
                    }while (!parsed);
                    parsed = false;
            } while (!parsed);
            PolarVector Z3 = new PolarVector(Z2);                       // создаем экземпляр класса PolarVector - Z3, используя конструктор копирования

            FormattedPrint(Z3, "Z3");
            Z3 *= 2;                                                    // увеличиваем длину вектора Z3 при помощи перегруженной операции * (Альтернатива: Z3 = Z3 * 2)
            Console.WriteLine("\nNow let's multiply vector Z3 by 2. Z3 *= 2");
            FormattedPrint(Z3, "Z3");
            Z3.TurnVector(90);                                          // при помощи метода, "поворачиваем" вектор Z3 на 90 градусов ()
            Console.WriteLine("\nNow let's turn vector Z3 on 90 degrees.");
            FormattedPrint(Z3, "Z3");
                Z1 = Z2 + Z3;                                               // присваиваем Z1 значение "суммы" Z2 и Z3, вычисленной при помощи перегруженного оператора
                Console.WriteLine("\nNow let's add vectors Z2 and Z3. The result will be written in vector Z1. Z1 = Z2 + Z3");
                FormattedPrint(Z1, "Z1");
            catch (DivideByZeroException e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error with vector Z1: both right and left operand`s lengthes were 0.");
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to quit");
Exemple #20
        private IEnumerable <float> BuildVertexList()
            var verts = new Vector2[_vertexBuffer.DrawableIndices];
            int index = 0;

            _evenCount = 0;
            _oddCount  = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfSides; i += 2)
                if (_sides[i])
                    var sp = new PolarVector(Position.Azimuth + i * AngleBetweenSides, Position.Radius);
                    verts[index]     = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp);
                    verts[index + 1] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, AngleBetweenSides, 0);
                    verts[index + 2] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, AngleBetweenSides, _width + PulseWidth);
                    verts[index + 3] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, AngleBetweenSides, _width + PulseWidth);
                    verts[index + 4] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, 0, _width + PulseWidth);
                    verts[index + 5] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp);
                    _evenCount      += 6;
                    index           += 6;
            for (int i = 1; i < NumberOfSides; i += 2)
                if (_sides[i])
                    var sp = new PolarVector(Position.Azimuth + i * AngleBetweenSides, Position.Radius);
                    verts[index]     = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp);
                    verts[index + 1] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, AngleBetweenSides, 0);
                    verts[index + 2] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, AngleBetweenSides, _width + PulseWidth);
                    verts[index + 3] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, AngleBetweenSides, _width + PulseWidth);
                    verts[index + 4] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp, 0, _width + PulseWidth);
                    verts[index + 5] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(sp);
                    _oddCount       += 6;
                    index           += 6;

            //generate vertices for outline of even side
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfSides; i += 2)
                if (_sides[i])
                    var pInner = new PolarVector(Position.Azimuth + i * AngleBetweenSides, Position.Radius);
                    var pOuter = new PolarVector(Position.Azimuth + i * AngleBetweenSides, Position.Radius + _width + PulseWidth);
                    verts[index]      = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter);
                    verts[index + 1]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter, AngleBetweenSides, 0);
                    verts[index + 2]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter, AngleBetweenSides, OutlineWidth);
                    verts[index + 3]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter, AngleBetweenSides, OutlineWidth);
                    verts[index + 4]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter, 0, OutlineWidth);
                    verts[index + 5]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter);
                    verts[index + 6]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner);
                    verts[index + 7]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner, AngleBetweenSides, 0);
                    verts[index + 8]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner, AngleBetweenSides, OutlineWidth);
                    verts[index + 9]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner, AngleBetweenSides, OutlineWidth);
                    verts[index + 10] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner, 0, OutlineWidth);
                    verts[index + 11] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner);
                    index            += 12;

            //generate vertices for outline of odd side
            for (int i = 1; i < NumberOfSides; i += 2)
                if (_sides[i])
                    var pInner = new PolarVector(Position.Azimuth + i * AngleBetweenSides, Position.Radius);
                    var pOuter = new PolarVector(Position.Azimuth + i * AngleBetweenSides, Position.Radius + _width + PulseWidth);
                    verts[index]      = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter);
                    verts[index + 1]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter, AngleBetweenSides, 0);
                    verts[index + 2]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter, AngleBetweenSides, OutlineWidth);
                    verts[index + 3]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter, AngleBetweenSides, OutlineWidth);
                    verts[index + 4]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter, 0, OutlineWidth);
                    verts[index + 5]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pOuter);
                    verts[index + 6]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner);
                    verts[index + 7]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner, AngleBetweenSides, 0);
                    verts[index + 8]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner, AngleBetweenSides, OutlineWidth);
                    verts[index + 9]  = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner, AngleBetweenSides, OutlineWidth);
                    verts[index + 10] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner, 0, OutlineWidth);
                    verts[index + 11] = PolarVector.ToCartesianCoordinates(pInner);
                    index            += 12;

            return(verts.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.X + Translate.X, v.Y + Translate.Y }));
Exemple #21
 public PolarPolygon(List <bool> sides, PolarVector velocity, double width, double minimumRadius, double impactTime)
     InitialisePolygon(sides, velocity, width, minimumRadius, impactTime);
Exemple #22
        public PolarPolygon(int numberOfSides, PolarVector velocity, double width, double minimumRadius, double impactTime)
            var sides = Enumerable.Repeat(true, numberOfSides).ToList();

            InitialisePolygon(sides, velocity, width, minimumRadius, impactTime);
Exemple #23
 public void ResetSpeedTo(PolarVector v)
     Speed = v;