Exemple #1
        public GFModel(H3DModel mdl, H3DDict <H3DLUT> H3DLUTs) : this()
            Name = mdl.Name;

            foreach (H3DBone Bone in mdl.Skeleton)
                Skeleton.Add(new GFBone(Bone, mdl.Skeleton));

            foreach (H3DMaterial Material in mdl.Materials)
                H3DMesh Mesh = null;
                foreach (H3DMesh M in mdl.Meshes)
                    if (mdl.Materials[M.MaterialIndex] == Material)
                        Mesh = M;
                Materials.Add(new GFMaterial(Material, Mesh));

            Transform = mdl.WorldTransform;

            H3DMetaDataValue BBox       = mdl.MetaData[mdl.MetaData.Find(PokemonBBoxGen.BBOX_MIN_MAX)];
            List <float>     BBoxMinMax = (List <float>)BBox.Values;

            BBoxMinVector = new Vector4(BBoxMinMax[0], BBoxMinMax[1], BBoxMinMax[2], 1);
            BBoxMaxVector = new Vector4(BBoxMinMax[3], BBoxMinMax[4], BBoxMinMax[5], 1);

            foreach (H3DLUT LUT in H3DLUTs)
                if (LUT.Name.Equals(DefaultLUTName))
                    foreach (H3DLUTSampler Sampler in LUT.Samplers)
                        LUTs.Add(new GFLUT()
                            Type  = GetLUTType(Sampler.Name, mdl.Materials),
                            Name  = Sampler.Name,
                            Table = Sampler.Table

            foreach (H3DMesh Mesh in mdl.Meshes)
                Meshes.Add(new GFMesh(Mesh, mdl));
Exemple #2
        public GFMesh(H3DMesh Mesh, H3DModel Parent) : this()
            if (Mesh.NodeIndex >= 0 && Mesh.NodeIndex < Parent.MeshNodesTree.Count)
                Name = Parent.MeshNodesTree.Find(Mesh.NodeIndex);
                Name = "Mesh_" + Parent.Meshes.IndexOf(Mesh);

            if (Mesh.MetaData.Find(PokemonBBoxGen.BBOX_MIN_MAX) == -1)
            H3DMetaDataValue BBox       = Mesh.MetaData[Mesh.MetaData.Find(PokemonBBoxGen.BBOX_MIN_MAX)];
            List <float>     BBoxMinMax = (List <float>)BBox.Values;

            BBoxMinVector = new Vector4(BBoxMinMax[0], BBoxMinMax[1], BBoxMinMax[2], 1);
            BBoxMaxVector = new Vector4(BBoxMinMax[3], BBoxMinMax[4], BBoxMinMax[5], 1);

            BoneIndicesPerVertex = 4;

            int SubMeshIdx             = 0;
            List <PICAVertex> Vertices = Mesh.GetVertices().ToList();

            foreach (H3DSubMesh SubMesh in Mesh.SubMeshes)
                string MaterialName;
                if (Mesh.MaterialIndex >= 0 && Mesh.MaterialIndex < Parent.Materials.Count)
                    MaterialName = Parent.Materials[Mesh.MaterialIndex].Name;
                    MaterialName = null;
                SubMeshes.Add(new GFSubMesh(SubMesh, Mesh, Vertices, MaterialName));
Exemple #3
        public static void Save(string FileName, H3D Scene)
            foreach (H3DModel Model in Scene.Models)

            using (FileStream FS = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Create))
                H3DHeader Header = new H3DHeader();

                H3DRelocator Relocator = new H3DRelocator(FS, Header);

                BinarySerializer Serializer = new BinarySerializer(FS, GetSerializationOptions());

                Section Contents = Serializer.Sections[(uint)H3DSectionId.Contents];

                Contents.Header = Header;

                 * Those comparisons are used to sort Strings and data buffers.
                 * Strings are sorted in alphabetical order (like on the original file),
                 * while buffers places textures first, and then vertex/index data after.
                 * It's unknown why textures needs to come first, but placing the textures
                 * at the end or at random order causes issues on the game.
                 * It's most likely an alignment issue.
                Comparison <RefValue> CompStr = H3DComparers.GetComparisonStr();
                Comparison <RefValue> CompRaw = H3DComparers.GetComparisonRaw();

                Section Strings    = new Section(0x10, CompStr);
                Section Commands   = new Section(0x80);
                Section RawData    = new Section(0x80, CompRaw);
                Section RawExt     = new Section(0x80, CompRaw);
                Section Relocation = new Section();

                Serializer.AddSection((uint)H3DSectionId.Strings, Strings, typeof(string));
                Serializer.AddSection((uint)H3DSectionId.Strings, Strings, typeof(H3DStringUtf16));
                Serializer.AddSection((uint)H3DSectionId.Commands, Commands, typeof(uint[]));
                Serializer.AddSection((uint)H3DSectionId.RawData, RawData);
                Serializer.AddSection((uint)H3DSectionId.RawExt, RawExt);
                Serializer.AddSection((uint)H3DSectionId.Relocation, Relocation);

                Header.BackwardCompatibility = Scene.BackwardCompatibility;
                Header.ForwardCompatibility  = Scene.ForwardCompatibility;

                Header.ConverterVersion = Scene.ConverterVersion;

                Header.Flags = Scene.Flags;


                Header.AddressCount  = (ushort)RawData.Values.Count;
                Header.AddressCount += (ushort)RawExt.Values.Count;

                Header.UnInitDataLength = Header.AddressCount * 4;

                Header.ContentsAddress = Contents.Position;
                Header.StringsAddress  = Strings.Position;
                Header.CommandsAddress = Commands.Position;
                Header.RawDataAddress  = RawData.Position;
                Header.RawExtAddress   = RawExt.Position;

                Header.RelocationAddress = Relocation.Position;

                Header.ContentsLength = Contents.Length;
                Header.StringsLength  = Strings.Length;
                Header.CommandsLength = Commands.Length;
                Header.RawDataLength  = RawData.Length;
                Header.RawExtLength   = RawExt.Length;


                FS.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
