Exemple #1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Manipulates a PDF file src with the file dest as result
         * @param src the original PDF
        public byte[] ManipulatePdf(byte[] src)
            // Create a list with bookmarks
            List <Dictionary <string, object> > outlines =
                new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();
            Dictionary <string, object> map = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            map.Add("Title", "Calendar");
            List <Dictionary <string, object> > kids =
                new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();

            map.Add("Kids", kids);
            int page = 1;
            IEnumerable <string> days = PojoFactory.GetDays();

            foreach (string day in days)
                Dictionary <string, object> kid = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                kid["Title"]  = day;
                kid["Action"] = "GoTo";
                kid["Page"]   = String.Format("{0} Fit", page++);
            // Create a reader
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                // Create a stamper
                using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms)) {
                    stamper.Outlines = outlines;
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public override void Write(Stream stream)
     // step 1
     using (Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate()))
         // step 2
         PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);
         writer.CompressionLevel = 0;
         // step 3
         // step 4
         PdfContentByte over  = writer.DirectContent;
         PdfContentByte under = writer.DirectContentUnder;
         locations = PojoFactory.GetLocations();
         List <string>    days = PojoFactory.GetDays();
         List <Screening> screenings;
         foreach (string day in days)
             screenings = PojoFactory.GetScreenings(day);
             foreach (Screening screening in screenings)
                 DrawBlock(screening, under, over);
Exemple #3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Manipulates a PDF file src with the file dest as result
         * @param src the original PDF
        public override byte[] ManipulatePdf(byte[] src)
            locations = PojoFactory.GetLocations();
            // Create a reader
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                // Create a stamper
                using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms)) {
                    // Add annotations for every screening
                    int           page = 1;
                    Rectangle     rect;
                    PdfAnnotation annotation;
                    foreach (string day in PojoFactory.GetDays())
                        foreach (Screening screening in PojoFactory.GetScreenings(day))
                            rect       = GetPosition(screening);
                            annotation = PdfAnnotation.CreateLink(
                                stamper.Writer, rect, PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT,
                                new PdfAction(string.Format(IMDB, screening.movie.Imdb))
                            stamper.AddAnnotation(annotation, page);
 // ===========================================================================
 public void Write(Stream stream)
     // step 1
     using (Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate()))
         // step 2
         PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);
         // step 3
         // step 4
         ColumnText    column = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent);
         List <string> days   = PojoFactory.GetDays();
         // COlumn definition
         float[][] x =
             new float[] { document.Left,        document.Left + 380 },
             new float[] { document.Right - 380, document.Right      }
         // Loop over the festival days
         foreach (string day in days)
             // add content to the column
             int   count  = 0;
             float height = 0;
             // iText-ONLY, 'Initial value of the status' => 0
             // iTextSharp **DOES NOT** include this member variable
             // int status = ColumnText.START_COLUMN;
             int status = 0;
             // render the column as long as it has content
             while (ColumnText.HasMoreText(status))
                 // add the top-level header to each new page
                 if (count == 0)
                     height = AddHeaderTable(document, day, writer.PageNumber);
                 // set the dimensions of the current column
                     x[count][0], document.Bottom,
                     x[count][1], document.Top - height - 10
                 // render as much content as possible
                 status = column.Go();
                 // go to a new page if you've reached the last column
                 if (++count > 1)
                     count = 0;
Exemple #5
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void Write(Stream stream)
            // step 1
            using (Document document = new Document()) {
                // step 2
                PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);
                // step 3
                // step 4
                List <string> days = PojoFactory.GetDays();
                foreach (string day in days)
Exemple #6
// ===========================================================================
        public override void Write(Stream stream)
            // step 1
            using (Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate())) {
                // step 2
                PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);
                // step 3
                // step 4
                List <string> days = PojoFactory.GetDays();
                foreach (string day in days)
                    PdfPTable table = GetTable(day);
                    table.SplitLate = false;
// ===========================================================================
        public void Write(Stream stream)
            // step 1
            using (Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate())) {
                // step 2
                PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);
                // step 3
                // step 4
                List <string>   days   = PojoFactory.GetDays();
                IPdfPTableEvent Pevent = new AlternatingBackground();
                foreach (string day in days)
                    PdfPTable table = GetTable(day);
                    table.TableEvent = Pevent;
Exemple #8
 // ===========================================================================
 public override void Write(Stream stream)
     // step 1
     using (Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate()))
         // step 2
         PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);
         // step 3
         // step 4
         PdfContentByte over  = writer.DirectContent;
         PdfContentByte under = writer.DirectContentUnder;
         locations = PojoFactory.GetLocations();
         PdfTemplate t_under = under.CreateTemplate(
             PageSize.A4.Height, PageSize.A4.Width
         PdfTemplate t_over = over.CreateTemplate(
             PageSize.A4.Height, PageSize.A4.Width
         List <string>    days = PojoFactory.GetDays();
         List <Screening> screenings;
         int d = 1;
         foreach (string day in days)
             over.AddTemplate(t_over, 0, 0);
             under.AddTemplate(t_under, 0, 0);
             DrawDateInfo(day, d++, over);
             screenings = PojoFactory.GetScreenings(day);
             foreach (Screening screening in screenings)
                 DrawBlock(screening, under, over);
                 DrawMovieInfo(screening, over);
Exemple #9
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Manipulates a PDF file src with the file dest as result
         * @param src the original PDF
        public virtual byte[] ManipulatePdf(byte[] src)
            locations = PojoFactory.GetLocations();
            // Create a reader
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                // Create a stamper
                using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms))
                    // Add the annotations
                    int           page = 1;
                    Rectangle     rect;
                    PdfAnnotation annotation;
                    Movie         movie;
                    foreach (string day in PojoFactory.GetDays())
                        foreach (Screening screening in PojoFactory.GetScreenings(day))
                            movie      = screening.movie;
                            rect       = GetPosition(screening);
                            annotation = PdfAnnotation.CreateText(
                                stamper.Writer, rect, movie.MovieTitle,
                                string.Format(INFO, movie.Year, movie.Duration),
                                false, "Help"
                            annotation.Color = new BaseColor(
                                System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + movie.entry.category.color)
                            stamper.AddAnnotation(annotation, page);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Manipulates a PDF file src with the file dest as result
         * @param src the original PDF
        public override byte[] ManipulatePdf(byte[] src)
            locations = PojoFactory.GetLocations();
            // Create a reader
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                // Create a stamper
                using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms)) {
                    // Loop over the days and screenings
                    int           page = 1;
                    Rectangle     rect;
                    float         top;
                    PdfAnnotation annotation;
                    Movie         movie;
                    foreach (string day in PojoFactory.GetDays())
                        foreach (Screening screening in PojoFactory.GetScreenings(day))
                            rect  = GetPosition(screening);
                            movie = screening.movie;
                            // Annotation for press previews
                            if (screening.Press)
                                annotation = PdfAnnotation.CreateStamp(
                                    stamper.Writer, rect, "Press only", "NotForPublicRelease"
                                annotation.Color = BaseColor.BLACK;
                                annotation.Flags = PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT;
                            // Annotation for screenings that are sold out
                            else if (IsSoldOut(screening))
                                top        = reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(page).Top;
                                annotation = PdfAnnotation.CreateLine(
                                    stamper.Writer, rect, "SOLD OUT",
                                    top - rect.Top, rect.Right,
                                    top - rect.Bottom, rect.Left
                                annotation.Title       = movie.MovieTitle;
                                annotation.Color       = BaseColor.WHITE;
                                annotation.Flags       = PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT;
                                annotation.BorderStyle = new PdfBorderDictionary(
                                    5, PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_SOLID
                            // Annotation for screenings with tickets available
                                annotation = PdfAnnotation.CreateSquareCircle(
                                    stamper.Writer, rect, "Tickets available", true
                                annotation.Title  = movie.MovieTitle;
                                annotation.Color  = BaseColor.BLUE;
                                annotation.Flags  = PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT;
                                annotation.Border = new PdfBorderArray(
                                    0, 0, 2, new PdfDashPattern()
                            stamper.AddAnnotation(annotation, page);