Exemple #1
        internal static void PullTowardXWithForce(double goalX, PointWithVelocity point, double strength, PedigreeModel model)
            double d     = goalX - point.x;
            double force = d * strength;

            point.dx += force;
Exemple #2
 public static void PullTowardY(double goalY, PointWithVelocity point, double strength, PedigreeModel model)
     //double distanceFromGoalY = goalY - point.y;
     //double force = distanceFromGoalY * strength;
     //point.dy += force;
     if (!model.pointsBeingDragged.Contains(point))
         point.y = point.y * (1 - strength) + goalY * strength;
Exemple #3
 public static void PullTowardX(double goalX, PointWithVelocity point, double strength, PedigreeModel model)
     //double d = goalX - point.x;
     //double force = d * strength;
     //point.dx += force;
     if (!model.pointsBeingDragged.Contains(point))
         point.x = point.x * (1 - strength) + goalX * strength;
        private static void ShrinkEdge(PedigreeCoupleEdge edge, double strength)
            PointWithVelocity a = edge.u.point;
            PointWithVelocity b = edge.v.point;

            double distance = b.x - a.x;

            double forceX = strength * distance;

            a.dx += forceX;
            b.dx -= forceX;
Exemple #5
        public DragPoints(PedigreeModel model, PedigreeController layoutEngine)
            step = delegate()
                //if the mouse was pressed and there were no couples being dragged,
                //drag the one under the mouse point.
                if (model.io.mousePressed)
                    double            x = model.io.mouseX; // -model.parameters.hOffset;
                    double            y = model.io.mouseY; // -model.parameters.vOffset;
                    PointWithVelocity pointUnderCursor = GetPointUnderCursor(model, x, y);

                    if (model.Selected.Count < 2)
                        if (pointUnderCursor != null)
                        bool found = false;
                        foreach (PedigreeIndividual pi in model.Selected)
                            if (pi.point == pointUnderCursor)
                                found = true;
                        if (found == false)
                if (model.io.mouseReleased)

                foreach (PointWithVelocity point in model.pointsBeingDragged)
                    point.x += ((model.io.mouseX - model.io.pMouseX) / model.parameters.scale);
                    point.y += ((model.io.mouseY - model.io.pMouseY) / model.parameters.scale);
        private static void repelAllCouplePairs(PedigreeModel model)
                int n = model.couples.Count;

                //consider the upper triangle (all pairs)
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
                        PedigreeCouple coupleA = model.couples[i];
                        PedigreeCouple coupleB = model.couples[j];

                        if (coupleA.GenerationalLevel == coupleB.GenerationalLevel)
                            PointWithVelocity a = coupleA.point;
                            PointWithVelocity b = coupleB.point;

                            //separate exactly overlapping points
                            if (b.x - a.x == 0)
                                a.x += epsilon;

                            double distance = b.x - a.x;
                            double spread   = 200;
                            double forceX   = 10 * repulsionStrength * spread / (distance * distance + spread);

                            forceX *= b.x > a.x ? 1 : -1;

                            a.dx -= forceX;
                            b.dx += forceX;
            catch (Exception e)
Exemple #7
        private static void pullParents(PedigreeModel model, PedigreeCouple couple, bool fatherToLeft)
            double halfHSpacing = model.parameters.horizontalSpacing / 2;
            double reversal     = fatherToLeft ? 1 : -1;
            //position the father to the left
                double            goalX    = couple.point.x - reversal * halfHSpacing;
                PointWithVelocity point    = couple.father.point;
                double            strength = model.parameters.layoutCouplesStrength;
                PedigreeUtils.PullTowardX(goalX, point, strength, model);

            //position the mother to the right
                double            goalX    = couple.point.x + reversal * halfHSpacing;
                PointWithVelocity point    = couple.mother.point;
                double            strength = model.parameters.layoutCouplesStrength;
                PedigreeUtils.PullTowardX(goalX, point, strength, model);
Exemple #8
        public DetectForceConvergence(PedigreeModel model, PedigreeController layoutEngine)
            step = delegate()
                if (model.individuals.Count < 2)

                if (model.io.mouseDown == false)
                    double delta = 0;
                    //bool moving = false;
                    foreach (PedigreeIndividual pi in model.individuals)
                        double meanX = 0;
                        double meanY = 0;
                        if (model.PositionHistoryX.ContainsKey(pi.HraPerson.relativeID))
                            if (model.PositionHistoryX[pi.HraPerson.relativeID].Count > model.parameters.PositionHistoryDepth)
                            List <double> past = new List <double>();
                            model.PositionHistoryX.Add(pi.HraPerson.relativeID, past);
                        foreach (double cur in model.PositionHistoryX[pi.HraPerson.relativeID])
                            meanX += cur;
                        meanX = meanX / ((double)(model.PositionHistoryX[pi.HraPerson.relativeID].Count));

                        if (model.PositionHistoryY.ContainsKey(pi.HraPerson.relativeID))
                            if (model.PositionHistoryY[pi.HraPerson.relativeID].Count > model.parameters.PositionHistoryDepth)
                            List <double> past = new List <double>();
                            model.PositionHistoryY.Add(pi.HraPerson.relativeID, past);
                        foreach (double cur in model.PositionHistoryY[pi.HraPerson.relativeID])
                            meanY += cur;
                        meanY = meanY / ((double)(model.PositionHistoryY[pi.HraPerson.relativeID].Count));

                        if (model.TargetPositions.ContainsKey(pi.HraPerson.relativeID))
                            delta += Math.Abs((model.TargetPositions[pi.HraPerson.relativeID].x - meanX));
                            delta += Math.Abs((model.TargetPositions[pi.HraPerson.relativeID].y - meanY));
                            model.TargetPositions[pi.HraPerson.relativeID].x = meanX;
                            model.TargetPositions[pi.HraPerson.relativeID].y = meanY;
                            PointWithVelocity pos = new PointWithVelocity();
                            pos.x = meanX;
                            pos.y = meanY;
                            model.TargetPositions.Add(pi.HraPerson.relativeID, pos);
                            delta += Math.Abs(meanX);
                            delta += Math.Abs(meanY);

                    if (delta / model.individuals.Count < 0.05)
                        if (model.converged == false)
                            if (layoutEngine.ModelConvergedCallback != null)
                        model.converged = true;
                        model.converged = false;
Exemple #9
        public LayoutCouples(PedigreeModel model)
            step = delegate()
                if (model.individuals.Count < 2)

                double hSpacing     = model.parameters.horizontalSpacing;
                double halfHSpacing = hSpacing / 2;

                //for each couple, layout the mothers and fathers with no parents
                foreach (PedigreeCouple couple in model.couples)
                    if (model.parameters.hideNonBloodRelatives && couple.mother.bloodRelative && !couple.father.bloodRelative)
                        couple.father.point.x = couple.mother.point.x;
                        couple.point.x        = couple.mother.point.x;
                    else if (model.parameters.hideNonBloodRelatives && couple.father.bloodRelative && !couple.mother.bloodRelative)
                        couple.mother.point.x = couple.father.point.x;
                        couple.point.x        = couple.father.point.x;
                        if (couple.mother != null && couple.father != null)
                            bool motherHasParents = couple.mother.Parents != null;
                            bool fatherHasParents = couple.father.Parents != null;

                            //if mother and father both have parents,
                            if (motherHasParents && fatherHasParents)
                                bool fatherToLeft = couple.father.Parents.point.x < couple.mother.Parents.point.x;
                                pullParents(model, couple, fatherToLeft);
                            //if the mother has parents but the father doesn't,
                            else if (motherHasParents && !fatherHasParents)
                                //then the mother will be pulled into position by
                                //the layout step for her sibship, so position the
                                //father depending on where the mother is:

                                //pull the father to the left of the mother
                                double            goalX    = couple.mother.point.x - hSpacing;
                                PointWithVelocity point    = couple.father.point;
                                double            strength = model.parameters.layoutCouplesStrength;
                                PedigreeUtils.PullTowardX(goalX, point, strength, model);
                            //if the father has parents but the mother diesn't,
                            else if (!motherHasParents && fatherHasParents)
                                //then the father will be pulled into position by
                                //the layout step for his sibship, so position the
                                //mother depending on where the father is:

                                //pull the mother to the right of the father
                                double            goalX    = couple.father.point.x + hSpacing;
                                PointWithVelocity point    = couple.mother.point;
                                double            strength = model.parameters.layoutCouplesStrength;
                                PedigreeUtils.PullTowardX(goalX, point, strength, model);
                            //if neither the father nor the mother has parents,
                            else if (!motherHasParents && !fatherHasParents)
                                //then position them according to their spouse position,
                                //placing the father on the left:
                                    //handle the case of half siblings:
                                    bool coupleIsReversed = false;
                                    if (couple.mother.spouseCouples.Count == 2)
                                        PedigreeCouple oppositeCouple;
                                        if (couple.mother.spouseCouples[0].Equals(couple))
                                            oppositeCouple = couple.mother.spouseCouples[1];
                                            oppositeCouple = couple.mother.spouseCouples[0];

                                        double oppositeX = oppositeCouple.point.x;
                                        double motherX   = couple.point.x;
                                        bool   oppositeCoupleIsLeftOfMother = oppositeX < motherX;

                                        coupleIsReversed = oppositeCoupleIsLeftOfMother;

                                    bool fatherToLeft = !coupleIsReversed;
                                    pullParents(model, couple, fatherToLeft);
Exemple #10
        public StaticLayout(PedigreeModel model, PedigreeController layoutEngine)
            transitionToStaticLayout = delegate()
                if (model.cycles > 1000 || (model.cycles > 800 && model.couplesGraphIsPlanar && model.layoutIsValid == false))// && model.forcesHaveConverged)
                    //switch modes from self organizing to static
                    if (layoutEngine.GetMode() == PedigreeController.SELF_ORGANIZING)
                        foreach (PedigreeIndividual pi in model.individuals)
                            PointWithVelocity pos = new PointWithVelocity();
                            pos.x = pi.point.x;
                            pos.y = pi.point.y;
                            model.TargetPositions.Add(pi.HraPerson.relativeID, pos);

                        generations = new List <List <PedigreeIndividual> >();
                        //initialize the per-level ordering lists for each generation
                        for (int generation = 0; generation <= model.maxGenerationalLevel + 1; generation++)
                            generations.Add(PedigreeUtils.GetIndividualsInGeneration(model, generation));

                        readyToRunStaticLayout = true;
            step = delegate()
                if (runOnce && readyToRunStaticLayout)

                    readyToRunStaticLayout = false;
                    double spacing = model.parameters.verticalSpacing;
                    double centerY = (model.displayYMin + model.displayYMax) / 2;
                    double offset  = centerY - (model.maxGenerationalLevel + 1) * spacing / 2;

                    double initialX = 30;
                    double initialY = centerY;
                    //for each generation, bottom to top...
                    for (int g = generations.Count - 1; g >= 0; g--)
                    //for(int i = 0;i<generations.Count;i++)
                        List <PedigreeIndividual> generation = generations[g];

                        //compute the y positions
                        foreach (PedigreeIndividual individual in generation)
                            individual.point.y = g * spacing + offset;

                        //for the bottom level, just position with even spaces
                        if (g == generations.Count - 1)
                            double x = initialX;
                            foreach (PedigreeIndividual individual in generation)
                                individual.point.x  = x += model.parameters.horizontalSpacing;
                                individual.wasMoved = true;
                        //for all the other levels...
                            //First compute locations of parents centered around their children
                            //and place the parent couples exactly at those centers:

                            //for each individual in the current generation...
                            for (int j = 0; j < generation.Count; j++)
                                PedigreeIndividual individual = generation[j];

                                //if the current individual has a spouse...
                                foreach (PedigreeCouple pc in individual.spouseCouples)
                                    //so we compute the center of this couple's sibship,
                                    double sibshipCenterX = pc.GetSibshipCenterX(model);

                                    //and position the couple such that its center is the same as the sibship center

                                    if (pc.father.point.x < pc.mother.point.x)
                                        pc.father.point.x = sibshipCenterX - model.parameters.horizontalSpacing / 2;
                                        pc.mother.point.x = sibshipCenterX + model.parameters.horizontalSpacing / 2;
                                        pc.mother.point.x = sibshipCenterX - model.parameters.horizontalSpacing / 2;
                                        pc.father.point.x = sibshipCenterX + model.parameters.horizontalSpacing / 2;
                                    pc.mother.wasMoved = pc.father.wasMoved = true;

                            //Second, position the outer children:
                            //find the leftmost individual that was placed
                            for (int inc = 1; inc >= -1; inc -= 2)
                                for (int j = inc == 1 ? 0 : generation.Count - 1;
                                     inc == 1 ? j < generation.Count : j >= 0;
                                     j += inc)
                                    if (generation[j].wasMoved)
                                        for (int i = j - inc;
                                             inc == 1 ? i >= 0 : i < generation.Count; i -= inc)
                                            generation[i].point.x  = generation[i + inc].point.x - inc * model.parameters.horizontalSpacing;
                                            generation[i].wasMoved = true;

                            //Third, detect "too close"ness and move individuals to be perfectly spaced,
                            //propagating left to right and downward through children
                            for (int j = 0; j < generation.Count - 1; j++)
                                PedigreeIndividual left  = generation[j];
                                PedigreeIndividual right = generation[j + 1];
                                //if folks are too close...
                                if (right.point.x - left.point.x < model.parameters.horizontalSpacing)
                                    //move the individual on the right such that spacing is perfect,
                                    //based on the current position of the individual on the left
                                    double dx = left.point.x + model.parameters.horizontalSpacing - right.point.x;
                                    right.point.x += dx;
                                    right.wasMoved = true;

                                    for (int z = j + 2; z < generation.Count - 1; z++)
                                        PedigreeIndividual farRight = generation[z];
                                        farRight.point.x += dx;
                                        farRight.wasMoved = true;
                                    //and through their children
                                    foreach (PedigreeCouple pc in left.spouseCouples)
                                        PedigreeIndividual spouse;
                                        if (left.HraPerson.relativeID == pc.mother.HraPerson.relativeID)
                                            spouse = pc.father;
                                            spouse = pc.mother;

                                        if (right.HraPerson.relativeID == spouse.HraPerson.relativeID)
                                            //PedigreeCouple couple = GetCoupleFromLR(model, left, right);
                                            //if (couple != null)
                                            MoveChildren(dx, pc, model);

                    for (int g = 0; g < generations.Count - 1; g++)
                        List <PedigreeIndividual> generation = generations[g];
                        //for (int j = 0; j <  1; j++)
                        for (int j = generation.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                            PedigreeIndividual left = generation[j];
                            if (left.HasSpouse())
                                //PedigreeCouple couple = GetCoupleFromLR(model, left, right);
                                foreach (PedigreeCouple pc in model.couples)
                                    double parentsX = (pc.mother.point.x + pc.father.point.x) / 2;
                                    if (pc.mother == left || pc.father == left)
                                        double kidsX = 0;
                                        foreach (PedigreeIndividual kid in pc.children)
                                            kidsX += kid.point.x;
                                        kidsX = kidsX / ((double)(pc.children.Count));
                                        foreach (PedigreeIndividual kid in pc.children)
                                            kid.point.x += (parentsX - kidsX);

                                            foreach (PedigreeCouple kidsPC in kid.spouseCouples)
                                                PedigreeIndividual spouse;
                                                if (left.HraPerson.relativeID == pc.mother.HraPerson.relativeID)
                                                    spouse = pc.father;
                                                    spouse = pc.mother;

                                                spouse.point.x += (parentsX - kidsX);
                                                spouse.wasMoved = true;

                    //after positioning everyone, center the pedigree on the screen:
                    double minX = double.MaxValue;
                    double maxX = -minX;

                    foreach (PointWithVelocity point in model.points)
                        if (point.x < minX)
                            minX = point.x;
                        else if (point.x > maxX)
                            maxX = point.x;

                    double centerX      = (minX + maxX) / 2;
                    double idealCenterX = (model.displayXMin + model.displayYMax) / 2;
                    double off          = idealCenterX - centerX;
                    foreach (PointWithVelocity point in model.points)
                        point.x = point.x + off;

                //if (LayoutIsValid(model))
                if (true)
                    //model.parameters.repelIndividualSetsStrength = 1;



                //if (failedAttempts < 5)

                //model.parameters.repelIndividualSetsStrength += 0.5;
                //else if (failedAttempts < 10)
                //    model.parameters.repelIndividualSetsStrength = 1;
                //    foreach (PointWithVelocity p in model.points)
                //    {
                //        double newX = autoRand.NextDouble() * (model.displayXMax - 1);
                //        double newY = autoRand.NextDouble() * (model.displayYMax - 1);
                //        p.x = newX;
                //        p.dx = 0;
                //        p.y = newY;
                //        p.dy = 0;

                //    }
                //    layoutEngine.SetMode(PedigreeController.MANUAL);
Exemple #11
        public Pan(PedigreeModel model)
            step = delegate()
                //if the mouse was pressed and there were no couples being dragged,
                //drag the one under the mouse point.
                if (model.io.mousePressed)
                    double            x = model.io.mouseX;
                    double            y = model.io.mouseY;
                    PointWithVelocity pointUnderCursor = GetPointUnderCursor(model, x, y);
                    if (pointUnderCursor == null)
                        x1            = x; y1 = y;
                        hOffset1      = model.parameters.hOffset;
                        vOffset1      = model.parameters.vOffset;
                        panInProgress = true;
                        //model.parameters.multiSelect = true;
                else if (model.io.mouseReleased)
                    if (model.SelectionLasso.Count > 3)
                        Polygon p = new Polygon(model.SelectionLasso.ToArray());
                        foreach (PedigreeIndividual pi in model.individuals)
                            System.Drawing.Point scaled = new System.Drawing.Point((int)pi.point.x, (int)pi.point.y);

                            scaled.X += model.parameters.hOffset;
                            scaled.Y += model.parameters.vOffset;

                            scaled.X = (int)(model.parameters.scale * (double)scaled.X);
                            scaled.Y = (int)(model.parameters.scale * (double)scaled.Y);

                            pi.Selected = false;
                            if (p.Contains(scaled))
                                pi.Selected = true;
                                if (model.Selected.Contains(pi) == false)
                        //PedigreeIndividual s = PedigreeUtils.GetIndividualUnderPoint(model, x1, y1);
                        //if (s != null)
                        //    s.Selected = true;
                        //    if(model.Selected.Contains(s) == false)
                        //            model.Selected.Add(s);
                    model.parameters.multiSelect = false;
                    panInProgress = false;
                else if (panInProgress)
                    double x2 = model.io.mouseX;
                    double y2 = model.io.mouseY;

                    if (model.parameters.multiSelect)
                        model.SelectionLasso.Add(new System.Drawing.Point((int)x2, (int)y2));
                        model.parameters.hOffset = (int)(hOffset1 + x2 - x1);
                        model.parameters.vOffset = (int)(vOffset1 + y2 - y1);