public ModuleState Start()
            // clear all old commands
            commandsQueue.InitPosition(new double[2] {
                -1000, 0
            if (bounderyConditions == null)
                bounderyConditions = new PointParams();

            if (internalState == ModuleState.Inactive)
                Guidance      = new Thread(new ThreadStart(motionGuidanceStrategy.MotionGuidance));
                internalState = ModuleState.Active;
 public SimpleLinesActionPlanningStrategy(WorldModel WM)
     worldModel = WM;
     mLogger    = Logger.Logger.Instance;
     random     = new Random();
     lastPlan   = null;
     lastAction = AHEntities.Action.LEAVE;
        private PointParams CalculateDirectedAttack(AHEntities.Action direction, Point puckP, Point puckV, double puckR,
                                                    double xline, int tableW, int tableH)
            PointParams finalConditions = new PointParams();

            double[] crossParamsAttack = AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.Estimate(puckP, puckV, puckR, xline, tableW, tableH);

            Point XYi = GetCollissionPoint(puckV.X, puckV.Y, xline, crossParamsAttack[0], direction);
            // Detemine speeds at the goal.
            Point  Pg     = new Point(1180, 0);
            Point  speedG = GetGoalSpeed(direction, xline, crossParamsAttack[0], Pg);
            double thetaG = -speedG.X / rp; // constrain on the angle speed at the goal
            double vG     = speedG.Norm();

            double vPS;
            Point  speedPS;
            double thetaPS, thetaPSdot;

            if (direction != AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_MIDDLE)
                // calculating angles
                double alpha = CalculateAlpha(speedG, AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_RIGHT);
                double beta  = CalculateBeta(direction, xline, crossParamsAttack[0], tableH, Pg, alpha);
                // calculating post strike prameters
                vPS        = -vG / e * Math.Sin(alpha) / Math.Sin(beta);
                speedPS    = new Point(vPS * Math.Cos(beta), vPS * Math.Sin(beta));
                thetaPS    = Math.Atan2(speedPS.Y, speedPS.X);
                thetaPSdot = 2 * vG / (rp * e) * Math.Sin(alpha) / Math.Tan(beta) - 3 * vG / rp * Math.Cos(alpha);
            else // direction == MIDDLE
                // calculating post strike prameters
                vPS        = 0;
                speedPS    = new Point();
                thetaPS    = 0;
                thetaPSdot = 0;

            // calculating frames rotation angle
            double thetaP = Math.Atan2(puckV.Y, puckV.X);
            double thetaC = CalculateRotationAngle(thetaPS, thetaPSdot, thetaP, puckR, vPS, puckV.Norm());
            // transform puck and ps velocities to impact frame
            Point impactVps = TransformFrames(thetaC, speedPS, true);
            Point impactVp  = TransformFrames(thetaC, puckV, true);
            // calculate control velocities
            Point impactVm = CalculateImpactVelocities(impactVp, impactVps, thetaP, thetaPS, rp);
            // transform to XY
            Point vM = TransformFrames(thetaC, impactVm, false);

            // create finalConditions.
            Point target = CalculateTargetPoint(XYi, new Point(AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.attackLine, crossParamsAttack[0]));

            finalConditions.T = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(crossParamsAttack[1]);

Exemple #4
        public bool PointAvailable(int index)
            int ind = index;

            if (((DivePoints[ind].Depth < DivePoints[ind - 1].Depth) && ((DivePoints[ind].Depth - DivePoints[ind - 1].Depth) / (DivePoints[ind - 1].Time - DivePoints[ind].Time) > 18)) || (DivePoints[ind - 1].Time >= DivePoints[ind].Time))
                List <DivePoint>  myDivePoint       = new List <DivePoint>();
                CompartmentParams compartmentParams = new CompartmentParams(DivePoints[0].Gas.Helium);
                double            FGas            = 1 - DivePoints[0].Gas.Oxygen;
                PointParams       truePointParams = new PointParams();
                truePointParams.pCurrent = new double[17];
                for (int i = 0; i < truePointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                    truePointParams.pCurrent[i] = pressureAmbient(FGas, 0, pressureSeaLevel);
                int      count          = index;
                int      j              = 0;
                double   airConsumption = 0;
                double   vConsumption   = 30;
                double[] check          = new double[17];
                double   max            = 0;
                while (count > 0)
                    compartmentParams = new CompartmentParams(DivePoints[j].Gas.Helium);
                    FGas = 1 - DivePoints[j].Gas.Oxygen;
                    double vRate = (DivePoints[j + 1].Depth - DivePoints[j].Depth) / (DivePoints[j + 1].Time - DivePoints[j].Time);
                    airConsumption += findAirConsumption(vConsumption, DivePoints[j + 1].Time - DivePoints[j].Time, DivePoints[j].Depth, DivePoints[j + 1].Depth);
                    for (int i = 0; i < truePointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                        truePointParams.pCurrent[i] = pressureAtoB(pressureAmbient(FGas, DivePoints[j].Depth, pressureSeaLevel), FGas, vRate, DivePoints[j + 1].Time - DivePoints[j].Time, Kf(compartmentParams.compartment.paramT[i]), truePointParams.pCurrent[i]);
                    j     += 1;
                    count -= 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < truePointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                    check[i] = truePointParams.pCurrent[i] - pressureInCompartment(compartmentParams.compartment.paramM0[i], compartmentParams.compartment.paramdM[i], DivePoints[ind].Depth);
                    if (check[i] > max)
                        max = check[i];
                if (max > 0)
Exemple #5
        public void GetAscentByIndex(int index)
            List <DivePoint>  myDivePoint       = new List <DivePoint>();
            CompartmentParams compartmentParams = new CompartmentParams(DivePoints[0].Gas.Helium);
            double            FGas                  = 1 - DivePoints[0].Gas.Oxygen;
            PointParams       truePointParams       = new PointParams();
            PointParamsAscent truePointParamsAscent = new PointParamsAscent();

            truePointParams.pCurrent = new double[17];
            for (int i = 0; i < truePointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                truePointParams.pCurrent[i] = pressureAmbient(FGas, 0, pressureSeaLevel);
            int    count          = index;
            int    j              = 0;
            double airConsumption = 0;
            double vConsumption   = 30;

            while (count > 0)
                compartmentParams = new CompartmentParams(DivePoints[j].Gas.Helium);
                FGas = 1 - DivePoints[j].Gas.Oxygen;
                double vRate = (DivePoints[j + 1].Depth - DivePoints[j].Depth) / (DivePoints[j + 1].Time - DivePoints[j].Time);
                airConsumption += findAirConsumption(vConsumption, DivePoints[j + 1].Time - DivePoints[j].Time, DivePoints[j].Depth, DivePoints[j + 1].Depth);
                for (int i = 0; i < truePointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                    truePointParams.pCurrent[i] = pressureAtoB(pressureAmbient(FGas, DivePoints[j].Depth, pressureSeaLevel), FGas, vRate, DivePoints[j + 1].Time - DivePoints[j].Time, Kf(compartmentParams.compartment.paramT[i]), truePointParams.pCurrent[i]);
                j     += 1;
                count -= 1;
            compartmentParams = new CompartmentParams(DivePoints[j].Gas.Helium);
            FGas = 1 - DivePoints[j].Gas.Oxygen;
            double depthTo3 = maxDepthTo3(truePointParams.pCurrent, compartmentParams.compartment.paramM0, compartmentParams.compartment.paramdM, pressureSeaLevel);

            truePointParams.airConsumption = airConsumption;
            truePointParams.Gas            = DivePoints[j].Gas;
            double lastDepth = DivePoints[j].Depth;
            double lastTime  = DivePoints[j].Time;

            truePointParamsAscent = ascentUp(truePointParams, pressureSeaLevel, depthTo3, lastTime, lastDepth);
            for (int i = 0; i < truePointParamsAscent.depth.Count; i++)
                DivePoint dv = new DivePoint(truePointParamsAscent.time[i], truePointParamsAscent.depth[i]);
            DivePoints.RemoveRange(index + 1, DivePoints.Count - 1 - index);
        private PointParams CalculateNaiveDirectedAttack(AHEntities.Action direction, Point puckPline, double time,
                                                         double xline, double puckRadius, double malletRadius, int tableW, int tableH, double velocity)
            PointParams finalConditions = new PointParams();
            Point       collisionPoint, targetPoint, targetVelocity;

            collisionPoint = GetNaiveCollisionPoint(direction, puckPline, puckRadius - 2, tableW, tableH);
            targetPoint    = GetNaiveTargetPoint(puckPline, collisionPoint, malletRadius - 2);
            targetVelocity = GetNaiveTargetVelocity(collisionPoint, targetPoint, velocity);

            finalConditions.T = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time);

        public void PlanNewAction(ActionDirective A, bool isNewPlanning)

            // target point parameters (for the whole motion)
            //if (isNewPlanning)
            //bounderyConditions = actionPlanningStrategy.ActionPlanning(A, isNewPlanning);
            bounderyConditions = actionPlanningStrategy.ActionPlanning(A, true);

            if (bounderyConditions == null)

            state = WM.GetPhysicalState();
            Point agentP = new Point(state["AgentX"], state["AgentY"]);
            Point agentV = new Point(state["AgentVx"], state["AgentVy"]);

            mLogger.AddLogMessage("LowLevel: action planned: agent currently at: " + agentP.ToString() + " and: " + agentV.ToString() + ", target: " + bounderyConditions.ToString());

            // initial movement parameters
            PointParams initialConditions = new PointParams();

            initialConditions.T = DateTime.Now;

            // new trajectory generation
            double time = (bounderyConditions.T - initialConditions.T).TotalSeconds;

            double[][,] newTrajectory = null;
            if ((isNewPlanning) || ((time < maxTime) && (time > 0)))
                newTrajectory = trajectoryPlanningStrategy.TrajectoryPlanning(initialConditions, bounderyConditions);

            if (newTrajectory != null)
                mLogger.AddLogMessage("LowLevel: New Trajectory Designed, Length: " + newTrajectory[0].LongLength.ToString() + " time: " + time.ToString());
                commandsQueue.Replace(QueueType.Position, newTrajectory[0]);
                // output the whole trajectory to log
                //mLogger.AddLogMessage("LowLevel: Trajectory: " + commandsQueue.PositionToString());
                commandsQueue.Replace(QueueType.Velocity, newTrajectory[1]);
            mLogger.AddLogMessage("LowLevel: Planning time was: " + planTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " Seconds");
        public LowLevelLayer(Communicator.Communicator com, WorldModel worldModel, double timeStep, short degrees)
            internalState = ModuleState.Inactive;
            communicator  = com;
            WM            = worldModel;
            DOF           = degrees;
            Ts            = timeStep;
            mLogger       = Logger.Logger.Instance;
            planTime      = new Stopwatch();
            Hashtable consts = WM.GetConstants();

            maxTime       = (double)consts["MoveInterval"];
            commandsQueue = new TrajectoryQueue(DOF, new double[2] {
                -1000, 0
            bounderyConditions = new PointParams();

            //motionGuidanceStrategy = new OpenLoopMotionGuidanceStrategy(commandsQueue, com, Ts);
            motionGuidanceStrategy     = new PDMotionGuidanceStrategy(commandsQueue, com, Ts, WM);
            actionPlanningStrategy     = new SimpleLinesActionPlanningStrategy(WM);
            trajectoryPlanningStrategy = new PolynomialTrajectoryPlanningStrategy(Ts, maxTime);

            // dummy planning to warm up the containers
            #region Warmup

             * PointParams init = new PointParams();
             * init.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
             * init.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
             * init.T = DateTime.Now;
             * //init.T = 0;
             * PointParams final = new PointParams();
             * final.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
             * final.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
             * final.T = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.2);
             * state = WM.GetPhysicalState();
             * actionPlanningStrategy.ActionPlanning(AHEntities.Action.DEFENSE_ATTACK, true);
             * trajectoryPlanningStrategy.TrajectoryPlanning(init, final);
            #endregion Warmup
Exemple #9
        public string EmergencyAscentMessage(int index)
            string            emergencyMessage = "";
            Air               air               = new Air();
            List <DivePoint>  myDivePoint       = new List <DivePoint>();
            CompartmentParams compartmentParams = new CompartmentParams(DivePoints[0].Gas.Helium);
            double            FGas              = 1 - DivePoints[0].Gas.Oxygen;

            double[]      check         = new double[17];
            double[]      d             = new double[17];
            List <string> st            = new List <string> {
            double      em              = 0;
            double      maxD            = 0;
            double      timeEm          = 0;
            PointParams truePointParams = new PointParams();

            truePointParams.pCurrent = new double[17];
            for (int i = 0; i < truePointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                truePointParams.pCurrent[i] = pressureAmbient(FGas, 0, pressureSeaLevel);
                Console.WriteLine("первое давление = " + truePointParams.pCurrent[i]);
            int    count          = index;
            int    j              = 0;
            double airConsumption = 0;
            double vConsumption   = 30;

            while (count > 0)
                compartmentParams = new CompartmentParams(DivePoints[j].Gas.Helium);
                FGas = 1 - DivePoints[j].Gas.Oxygen;
                double vRate = (DivePoints[j + 1].Depth - DivePoints[j].Depth) / (DivePoints[j + 1].Time - DivePoints[j].Time);
                airConsumption += findAirConsumption(vConsumption, DivePoints[j + 1].Time - DivePoints[j].Time, DivePoints[j].Depth, DivePoints[j + 1].Depth);
                for (int i = 0; i < truePointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                    truePointParams.pCurrent[i] = pressureAtoB(pressureAmbient(FGas, DivePoints[j].Depth, pressureSeaLevel), FGas, vRate, DivePoints[j + 1].Time - DivePoints[j].Time, Kf(compartmentParams.compartment.paramT[i]), truePointParams.pCurrent[i]);
                    Console.WriteLine("давление после шага номер " + j + " = " + truePointParams.pCurrent[i]);
                j     += 1;
                count -= 1;
            compartmentParams = new CompartmentParams(DivePoints[j].Gas.Helium);
            FGas = 1 - DivePoints[j].Gas.Oxygen;
            for (int i = 0; i < truePointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                truePointParams.pCurrent[i] = pressureAtoB(pressureAmbient(FGas, DivePoints[j].Depth, pressureSeaLevel), FGas, -18, DivePoints[j].Depth / 18, Kf(compartmentParams.compartment.paramT[i]), truePointParams.pCurrent[i]);
                check[i] = truePointParams.pCurrent[i] - pressureInCompartment(compartmentParams.compartment.paramM0[i], compartmentParams.compartment.paramdM[i], 0);
                if (check[i] > em)
                    em = check[i];
            compartmentParams = new CompartmentParams(air.Helium);
            FGas = 1 - air.Oxygen;
            if (em > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < truePointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                    d[i] = (truePointParams.pCurrent[i] - compartmentParams.compartment.paramM0[i]) / compartmentParams.compartment.paramM0[i];
                    if (d[i] > maxD)
                        maxD = d[i];
                string s = "Декомпрессионные параметры в барокамере:\n";
                maxD = Math.Ceiling(maxD);
                if (maxD % 3 != 0)
                    maxD = maxD - (maxD % 3) + 3;
                while (maxD > 0)
                    timeEm = maxTimeToStop(truePointParams.pCurrent, compartmentParams.compartment.paramM0, compartmentParams.compartment.paramM0, pressureAmbient(FGas, maxD, 10), maxD, KF(compartmentParams.compartment.paramT));
                    for (int i = 0; i < truePointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                        truePointParams.pCurrent[i] = pressurePoint(pressureAmbient(FGas, maxD, 10), truePointParams.pCurrent[i], Kf(compartmentParams.compartment.paramT[i]), timeEm);
                    string str = "";
                    str = $"поместить на {timeEm} минут при давлении {maxD / 10 + 1} Бар ";
                    maxD = maxD - 3;

                emergencyMessage = s + string.Join("\n", st);
                emergencyMessage = "Экстренное всплытие не требует декомпрессионных обязательств";

Exemple #10
        private PointParamsAscent ascentUp(PointParams previousStep, double pressureSeaLevel, double depthTo3, double timeBeforeAscent, double lastDepth)
            CompartmentParams compartmentParams = new CompartmentParams(previousStep.Gas.Helium);
            PointParams       pointParams;

            pointParams.pCurrent = new double[17];
            for (int i = 0; i < pointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                pointParams.pCurrent[i] = previousStep.pCurrent[i];
            PointParamsAscent ascentParams;

            ascentParams.depth = new List <double>();
            ascentParams.time  = new List <double>();
            double timeBeforeStepAscent = timeBeforeAscent;
            int    vRate          = -10;
            int    number         = 1;
            double vAscent        = 18;
            double vOnDepth       = 9;
            double airConsumption = (double)previousStep.airConsumption;
            double timeToStop     = 0;
            double FGas           = 1 - (double)previousStep.Gas.Oxygen;
            double depthCurrent   = lastDepth;
            double depthNext      = depthTo3;

            ascentParams.airConsumption = airConsumption;
            while (depthNext > 0)
                double t = (depthNext - depthCurrent) / vRate;
                for (int i = 0; i < pointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                    pointParams.pCurrent[i] = pressureAtoB(pressureAmbient(FGas, depthCurrent, pressureSeaLevel), FGas, vRate, t, Kf(compartmentParams.compartment.paramT[i]), pointParams.pCurrent[i]);
                airConsumption += findAirConsumption(vAscent, t, depthCurrent, depthNext);
                timeToStop      = maxTimeToStop(pointParams.pCurrent, compartmentParams.compartment.paramM0, compartmentParams.compartment.paramdM, pressureAmbient(FGas, depthNext, pressureSeaLevel), depthNext, KF(compartmentParams.compartment.paramT));
                if (timeToStop > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < pointParams.pCurrent.Length; i++)
                        pointParams.pCurrent[i] = pressurePoint(pressureAmbient(FGas, depthNext, pressureSeaLevel), pointParams.pCurrent[i], Kf(compartmentParams.compartment.paramT[i]), timeToStop);
                    airConsumption += findAirConsumption(vOnDepth, timeToStop, depthNext, depthNext);
                    double d = depthNext;
                    ascentParams.time.Add(timeBeforeStepAscent + t);
                    ascentParams.time.Add(timeBeforeStepAscent + t + timeToStop);
                    timeBeforeStepAscent += t + timeToStop;
                    depthCurrent          = depthNext;
                    depthNext            -= 3;
                    number += 1;
                    double d = depthNext;
                    depthNext            -= 3;
                    timeBeforeStepAscent += t;
            ascentParams.time.Add(timeBeforeStepAscent + 0.3);
            ascentParams.airConsumption = airConsumption;
Exemple #11
 public abstract double[][,] TrajectoryPlanning(PointParams initialConditions, PointParams finalConditions);
        public override double[][,] TrajectoryPlanning(PointParams initialConditions, PointParams finalConditions)
            if (finalConditions == null)

            double time = (finalConditions.T - initialConditions.T).TotalSeconds;

            if ((double.IsInfinity(time)) || (time < 0))
            if (time < Ts)
                time = Ts;

                double[,] initialConditionsArray;
                double[,] finalConditionsArray;
                int    counter = 0;
                double finalTime, startTime = 0.0;
                int    size = (int)Math.Floor(time / Ts);
                time      = size * Ts;
                finalTime = time;
                double[][,] trajectory = new double[2][, ];
                trajectory[0]          = new double[2, size];
                trajectory[1]          = new double[2, size];

                // check if motion is too long (longer than MaxMoveTime)
                if (time > maxMoveTime)
                    startTime = time - maxMoveTime;
                    finalTime = maxMoveTime;
                    // zero velocity
                    initialConditions.EditParamByIndex(2, new Point(0, 0));
                    initialConditionsArray = initialConditions.GetParamsAsArray();

                    // motion is too long, setting an initial resting period
                    for (double t = Ts; t <= startTime + eps; t = t + Ts)
                        // Velocity
                        trajectory[1][0, counter] = 0;
                        trajectory[1][1, counter] = 0;

                        // path
                        trajectory[0][0, counter] = initialConditionsArray[0, 0];
                        trajectory[0][1, counter] = initialConditionsArray[1, 0];

                        t = Math.Round(t * 1000) / 1000;
                    initialConditionsArray = initialConditions.GetParamsAsArray();

                finalConditionsArray = finalConditions.GetParamsAsArray();

                // check if a degenerated trajectory
                var equal =
                    initialConditionsArray.Rank == finalConditionsArray.Rank &&
                    Enumerable.Range(0, initialConditionsArray.Rank).All(dimension => initialConditionsArray.GetLength(dimension) == finalConditionsArray.GetLength(dimension)) &&
                    initialConditionsArray.Cast <double>().SequenceEqual(finalConditionsArray.Cast <double>());

                Matrix X1, Y1;
                if (equal)
                    X1 = Matrix.Parse("0\r\n0\r\n0\r\n0");
                    Y1 = Matrix.Parse("0\r\n0\r\n0\r\n0");
                    X1 = CalcSpline3(new double[] { initialConditionsArray[0, 0], initialConditionsArray[0, 1] },
                                     new double[] { finalConditionsArray[0, 0], finalConditionsArray[0, 1] },
                                     time - startTime);

                    Y1 = CalcSpline3(new double[] { initialConditionsArray[1, 0], initialConditionsArray[1, 1] },
                                     new double[] { finalConditionsArray[1, 0], finalConditionsArray[1, 1] },
                                     time - startTime);

                // calculate motion for start/resting position

                for (double t = Ts; t <= finalTime + eps; t = t + Ts)
                    // Velocity
                    trajectory[1][0, counter] = Math.Round((X1.mat[0, 0] * 3 * t * t + X1.mat[1, 0] * 2 * t + X1.mat[2, 0]) * 1000) / 1000;
                    trajectory[1][1, counter] = Math.Round((Y1.mat[0, 0] * 3 * t * t + Y1.mat[1, 0] * 2 * t + Y1.mat[2, 0]) * 1000) / 1000;

                    // path
                    trajectory[0][0, counter] = X1.mat[0, 0] * t * t * t + X1.mat[1, 0] * t * t + X1.mat[2, 0] * t + X1.mat[3, 0];
                    trajectory[0][1, counter] = Y1.mat[0, 0] * t * t * t + Y1.mat[1, 0] * t * t + Y1.mat[2, 0] * t + Y1.mat[3, 0];

                    t = Math.Round(t * 1000) / 1000;

            catch (Exception ex)
        public override PointParams ActionPlanning(AHEntities.ActionDirective action, bool isNewPlaning)
            AHEntities.Action A = action.Action;
            PointParams       finalConditions = null;
            Random            random = new Random();
            Point             puckP, puckV;

            physicalState = worldModel.GetPhysicalState();
            puckP         = new Point(physicalState["PuckX"], physicalState["PuckY"]);
            puckV         = new Point(physicalState["PuckVx"], physicalState["PuckVy"]);
            global        = worldModel.GetSize();
            Point crossing;

            double[] crossParams;

            switch (A)
            case AHEntities.Action.BLOCK:
                #region BLOCK
                crossParams = AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.Estimate(puckP, puckV, rp,
                                                                       AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.blockLine, global[0], global[1]);
                crossing = new Point(AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.blockLine, crossParams[0]);
                Point defendPoint = AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.CalculateActionPoint(crossing,
                                                                                         new Point(crossParams[2], crossParams[3]), rp, rm);
                mLogger.AddLogMessage("LowLevel Planning BLOCK: estimated collission: mallet: " + defendPoint.ToString() +
                                      ", puck: " + crossing.ToString());
                finalConditions = new PointParams();
                finalConditions.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
                finalConditions.T = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(crossParams[1]);

                #endregion BLOCK
            case AHEntities.Action.LEAVE:
                #region LEAVE
                finalConditions = null;

                #endregion LEAVE
            case AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_RIGHT:
                #region ATTACK_RIGHT
                //finalConditions = CalculateDirectedAttack(AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_RIGHT, puckP, puckV, physicalState["PuckR"],
                //                  AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.attackLine, global[0], global[1]);
                #endregion ATTACK_RIGHT
            case AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_LEFT:
                #region ATTACK_LEFT
                //finalConditions = CalculateDirectedAttack(AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_LEFT, puckP, puckV, physicalState["PuckR"],
                //                  AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.attackLine, global[0], global[1]);
                #endregion ATTACK_LEFT
            case AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_MIDDLE:
                #region ATTACK_MIDDLE
                crossParams = AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.Estimate(puckP, puckV, rp,
                                                                       AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.attackLine, global[0], global[1]);
                mLogger.AddLogMessage("LowLevel: Puck Estimated at: (" + AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.attackLine.ToString() + "," + crossParams[0].ToString() + ") in " + crossParams[1].ToString() + " seconds");
                Point  puckPline = new Point(AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.attackLine, crossParams[0]);
                double velocity  = 1000;
                finalConditions = CalculateNaiveDirectedAttack(A, puckPline, crossParams[1],
                                                               AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.attackLine, rp, rm, global[0], global[1], velocity);

                #endregion ATTACK_MIDDLE
            case AHEntities.Action.DEFENSE_ATTACK:
                #region DEFENSE_ATTACK
                if (Math.Abs(puckV.X) < 0.01)
                crossParams = AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.Estimate(puckP, puckV, rp,
                                                                       AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.defenseAttackLine, global[0], global[1]);
                if (crossParams == null)
                    finalConditions = null;
                crossing = new Point(AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.defenseAttackLine, crossParams[0]);
                Point attackPoint = AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.CalculateActionPoint(new Point(AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.defenseAttackLine, crossParams[0]),
                                                                                         new Point(crossParams[2], crossParams[3]), rp, rm);
                mLogger.AddLogMessage("LowLevel Planning DEFENSE_ATTACK: estimated collission: mallet: " + attackPoint.ToString() +
                                      ", puck estimated at: " + crossing.ToString());

                finalConditions = new PointParams();
                double yvel = (attackPoint.Y > 0) ? (yvel = -200) : (yvel = 200);
                finalConditions.AddParameters(new Point(500, yvel));
                finalConditions.T = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(crossParams[1]);

                #endregion DEFENSE_ATTACK
            case AHEntities.Action.PREPARE:
                #region PREPARE
                finalConditions = new PointParams();
                finalConditions.AddParameters(new Point(-1000, 0));
                finalConditions.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
                finalConditions.T = action.TimeStamp + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5);

                #endregion PREPARE
            case AHEntities.Action.STUCK_ATTACK:
                #region STUCK_ATTACK
                double stuckTime;
                stuckTime = (action.Duration - (DateTime.Now - action.TimeStamp)).TotalSeconds;
                Point stuckAttackPoint = AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.EstimateStuck(puckP, puckV, rp, global[0], global[1], stuckTime, rm);
                if (stuckAttackPoint == null)
                    finalConditions = null;
                mLogger.AddLogMessage("LowLevel Planning STUCK_ATTACK: estimated collission: mallet: " + stuckAttackPoint.ToString());
                finalConditions = new PointParams();
                finalConditions.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
                finalConditions.T = action.TimeStamp + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(stuckTime);

                #endregion STUCK_ATTACK
                #region default
                finalConditions = null;
                #endregion default

            //saving current planning (action and parameters)
            lastAction = A;
            if (finalConditions != null)
                if (lastPlan == null)
                    lastPlan = new PointParams();
                lastPlan.T = finalConditions.T;
                lastPlan = null;
