public override void HandleEvent(QMsg msg) { PointMsg pm = msg as PointMsg; switch (pm.controllmode) { case PointControll_E.Edit: break; case PointControll_E.SaveMatchingpoint: break; case PointControll_E.Cancle: break; case PointControll_E.AutoNext: break; case PointControll_E.Load: LoadPointer(pm.parent, pm.pointsmap); break; case PointControll_E.ChoiseGroup: case PointControll_E.AllDisplay: RefreshDisplay(pm.controllmode, pm); break; default: break; } }
//点控制 void ControllPoint(QMsg msg) { PointMsg pm = msg as PointMsg; PointControll_E pce = pm.controllmode; currentmode = pce; switch (pce) { case PointControll_E.Edit: CheckLastEdit(currentgroup, currentindex); this.currentgroup =; this.currentindex = pm.index; break; case PointControll_E.SaveMatchingpoint: SaveGizmo(); break; case PointControll_E.Cancle: CancleGizmo(); break; case PointControll_E.AutoNext: break; default: break; } }
public void InitCameraManager() { GameObject camera = new GameObject("GameCamera", typeof(Camera)); camerarotatesphere = camera.AddComponent <CameraRotateSphere>(); camera.transform.SetParent(transform); QMsg Normalmsg = new ModelMsg() { EventID = (int)Model_E.Normal, modelevent = Model_E.SetCamera, selfcamera = camera.GetComponent <Camera>() }; SendMsg(Normalmsg); QMsg Usermsg = new ModelMsg() { EventID = (int)Model_E.UserImport, modelevent = Model_E.SetCamera, selfcamera = camera.GetComponent <Camera>() }; SendMsg(Usermsg); QMsg normalPointmsg = new PointMsg() { EventID = (int)Point_E.Normal, controllmode = PointControll_E.SetCamra, selfcamra = camera.GetComponent <Camera>() }; SendMsg(normalPointmsg); QMsg userPointmsg = new PointMsg() { EventID = (int)Point_E.Userimport, controllmode = PointControll_E.SetCamra, selfcamra = camera.GetComponent <Camera>() }; SendMsg(userPointmsg); RegetsSelfEvent(); }
void Update() { ros.Render(); if (!_running) { return; } timer -= Time.deltaTime; if (timer <= 0) { timer = pollRate; PointMsg point = new PointMsg(1, 2, 3); QuaternionMsg quat = new QuaternionMsg(1, 2, 3, 4); PoseMsg pose = new PoseMsg(point, quat); PoseWithCovarianceMsg posec = new PoseWithCovarianceMsg(pose); Vector3Msg vec3 = new Vector3Msg(1, 2, 3); TwistMsg twist = new TwistMsg(vec3, vec3); TwistWithCovarianceMsg twistc = new TwistWithCovarianceMsg(twist, new double[36]); HeaderMsg header = new HeaderMsg(1, new TimeMsg(1, 1), "0"); PoseStampedMsg ps = new PoseStampedMsg(header, pose); PathMsg msg = new PathMsg(header, new PoseStampedMsg[] { ps, ps, ps }); BoolMsg boolmsg = new BoolMsg(true); StringMsg str = new StringMsg("This is a test"); RegionOfInterestMsg roi = new RegionOfInterestMsg(0, 1, 2, 3, true); CameraInfoMsg caminfo = new CameraInfoMsg(header, 100, 200, "plumb_bob", new double[5], new double[9], new double[9], new double[12], 14, 123, roi); _genericPub.PublishData(caminfo); } }
public static Vector3 From(this PointMsg self, CoordinateSpaceSelection selection) { switch (selection) { case CoordinateSpaceSelection.RUF: return(self.From <RUF>()); case CoordinateSpaceSelection.FLU: return(self.From <FLU>()); case CoordinateSpaceSelection.FRD: return(self.From <FRD>()); case CoordinateSpaceSelection.ENU: return(self.From <ENU>()); case CoordinateSpaceSelection.NED: return(self.From <NED>()); case CoordinateSpaceSelection.ENULocal: return(self.From <ENULocal>()); case CoordinateSpaceSelection.NEDLocal: return(self.From <NEDLocal>()); default: Debug.LogError("Invalid coordinate space " + selection); return(self.From <RUF>()); } }
void ResetLastGroupItem(Button currentlistbutton, int group) { if (lastkey) { lastkey.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.white; } currentlistbutton.GetComponent <Image>().color =; //判断当前是分组显示 if (dropdownindex == 0) { QMsg usermsg = new PointMsg() { EventID = (int)Point_E.Userimport, group = group, controllmode = PointControll_E.ChoiseGroup }; PointerManager.Instance.SendMsg(usermsg); QMsg normalmsg = new PointMsg() { EventID = (int)Point_E.Normal, group = group, controllmode = PointControll_E.ChoiseGroup }; PointerManager.Instance.SendMsg(normalmsg); } currentgroup = group; // lastkey = currentlistbutton; }
public static Vector3 ToVector3(this PointMsg pointMsg) { return(new Vector3( -pointMsg.GetY(), pointMsg.GetZ(), pointMsg.GetX())); }
public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg) { OccupancyGridMsg occupancy = (OccupancyGridMsg)msg; MapMetaDataInfoMsg meta = occupancy.GetInfo(); int width = meta.GetWidth(), height = meta.GetHeight(); float resolution = meta.GetResolution(); PointMsg origin = meta.GetOrigin().GetPosition(); QuaternionMsg pose = meta.GetOrigin().GetOrientation(); Debug.Log("Width: " + width + "\nHeight: " + height + "\nResolution: " + resolution); RawImage texObj = GameObject.Find(objectName).GetComponent <RawImage>(); Texture2D tex = texObj.texture as Texture2D; if (tex == null || tex.width != width || tex.height != height) { tex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); texObj.texture = tex; } NativeArray <Color32> pixels = tex.GetRawTextureData <Color32>(); byte[] raw = occupancy.GetData(); for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length; i++) { pixels[i] = new Color32((byte)(255 - raw[i]), (byte)(255 - raw[i]), (byte)(255 - raw[i]), (byte)Mathf.Min(255, 350 - raw[i])); } tex.Apply(); }
public PoseMsg(Transform tf) { Vector3 position = tf.position; Vector3 orientation = tf.rotation.eulerAngles; _position = new PointMsg(position.x, position.z, position.y); _orientation = new QuaternionMsg(orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z); }
public void sendPingerPos() { Vector3 posTmp = pinger.transform.position; Quaternion rotTmp = pinger.transform.rotation; pingerPoint = new PointMsg(posTmp.x, posTmp.y, posTmp.z); pingerQuaternion = new QuaternionMsg(rotTmp.x, rotTmp.y, rotTmp.z, rotTmp.w); pingerMsg = new PoseMsg(pingerPoint, pingerQuaternion); obj.GetComponent <ROSInitializerSAUVC>().rosSAUVC.Publish(PingerPublisher.GetMessageTopic(), pingerMsg); }
public void SendPos(int id) { if (id != 0 && id <= props.Length) { Vector3 posTmp = props[id - 1].transform.position; Quaternion rotTmp = props[id - 1].transform.rotation; pt = new PointMsg(posTmp.x, posTmp.y, posTmp.z); qt = new QuaternionMsg(rotTmp.x, rotTmp.y, rotTmp.z, rotTmp.w); posMsg = new PoseMsg(pt, qt); obj.GetComponent <ROSInitializerSAUVC>().rosSAUVC.Publish(PosPublisher.GetMessageTopic(), posMsg); } }
public static void GUI(this PointMsg message, string name) { string body = $"[{message.x:F2}, {message.y:F2}, {message.z:F2}]"; if (name == null || name == "") { GUILayout.Label(body); } else { GUILayout.Label($"{name}: {body}"); } }
public DetectionMsg(JSONNode msg) { scores = new ObjectHypothesisMsg[msg["scores"].Count]; for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++) { scores[i] = new ObjectHypothesisMsg(msg["scores"][i]); } corners = new PointMsg[msg["corners"].Count]; for (int i = 0; i < corners.Length; i++) { corners[i] = new PointMsg(msg["corners"][i]); } occluded_corners = byte.Parse(msg["occluded_corners"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public NavStsMsg(JSONNode msg) { _header = new HeaderMsg(msg["header"]); _global_position = new DecimalLatLonMsg(msg["global_position"]); _origin = new DecimalLatLonMsg(msg["origin"]); _position = new NEDMsg(msg["position"]); _altitude = new Float32Msg(msg["altitude"]); _body_velocity = new PointMsg(msg["body_velocity"]); _orientation = new RPYMsg(msg["orientation"]); _orientation_rate = new RPYMsg(msg["orientation_rate"]); _position_variance = new NEDMsg(msg["position_variance"]); _orientation_variance = new RPYMsg(msg["orientation_variance"]); _status = new UInt8Msg(msg["status"]); }
//封装发送 private void Send(PointControll_E pcontroller) { QMsg normalmsg = new PointMsg() { EventID = (int)Point_E.Normal, controllmode = pcontroller, group =, index = this.index }; PointerManager.Instance.SendMsg(normalmsg); QMsg usermsg = new PointMsg() { EventID = (int)Point_E.Userimport, controllmode = pcontroller, group =, index = this.index }; PointerManager.Instance.SendMsg(usermsg); }
//封装发送 private void Send(PointControll_E pcontroller) { QMsg normalmsg = new PointMsg() { EventID = (int)Point_E.Normal, controllmode = pcontroller }; PointerManager.Instance.SendMsg(normalmsg); QMsg usermsg = new PointMsg() { EventID = (int)Point_E.Userimport, controllmode = pcontroller }; PointerManager.Instance.SendMsg(usermsg); lastchoiseitem.HandleEvent(pcontroller); toolpanel.SetActive(pcontroller == PointControll_E.Edit); }
public NavStsMsg(JSONNode msg) { //Debug.Log("NavStsMsg with " + msg.ToString()); _header = new HeaderMsg(msg["header"]); _global_position = new DecimalLatLonMsg(msg["global_position"]); _origin = new DecimalLatLonMsg(msg["origin"]); _position = new NEDMsg(msg["position"]); _altitude = new Float32Msg(msg["altitude"]); _body_velocity = new PointMsg(msg["body_velocity"]); _orientation = new RPYMsg(msg["orientation"]); _orientation_rate = new RPYMsg(msg["orientation_rate"]); _position_variance = new NEDMsg(msg["position_variance"]); _orientation_variance = new RPYMsg(msg["orientation_variance"]); _status = new UInt8Msg(msg["status"]); //Debug.Log("NavStsMsg done and it looks like " + this.ToString()); }
protected virtual void RefreshDisplay(PointControll_E pce, QMsg msg) { PointMsg pm = msg as PointMsg; switch (pce) { case PointControll_E.ChoiseGroup: Refreshdis(; break; case PointControll_E.AllDisplay: Refreshdis(allactive: true); break; default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// ("分组显示", "全部显示")下拉列表,事件定义 /// </summary> /// <param name="index"></param> void DropdownCallBack(int index) { dropdownindex = index; QMsg usermsg = new PointMsg() { EventID = (int)Point_E.Userimport, group = currentgroup, controllmode = index == 0 ? PointControll_E.ChoiseGroup : PointControll_E.AllDisplay }; PointerManager.Instance.SendMsg(usermsg); QMsg normalmsg = new PointMsg() { EventID = (int)Point_E.Normal, group = currentgroup, controllmode = index == 0 ? PointControll_E.ChoiseGroup : PointControll_E.AllDisplay }; PointerManager.Instance.SendMsg(normalmsg); //Enums.PointControll pcontroll = (Enums.PointControll)index; //MSGCenter.Execute(pcontroll.ToString(),choiseindex.ToString()); }
public NavStsMsg(HeaderMsg header, DecimalLatLonMsg global_position, DecimalLatLonMsg origin, NEDMsg position, Float32Msg altitude, PointMsg body_velocity, RPYMsg orientation, RPYMsg orientation_rate, NEDMsg position_variance, RPYMsg orientation_variance, UInt8Msg status) { _header = header; _global_position = global_position; _origin = origin; _position = position; _altitude = altitude; _body_velocity = body_velocity; _orientation = orientation; _orientation_rate = orientation_rate; _position_variance = position_variance; _orientation_variance = orientation_variance; _status = status; }
/// <summary> /// 加载用户点 /// </summary> protected virtual void LoadGizmopointer(Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, Vector3> > _pointmap, Transform _parent, Tool.PointMode mode) { int eventid = -1; switch (mode) { case Tool.PointMode.Normal: eventid = (int)Point_E.Normal; break; case Tool.PointMode.UserImport: eventid = (int)Point_E.Userimport; break; default: break; } QMsg msg = new PointMsg() { EventID = eventid, controllmode = PointControll_E.Load, parent = _parent, pointsmap = _pointmap }; PointerManager.Instance.SendMsg(msg); }
public PoseMsg(Vector3 _position, Quaternion _orientation, bool _fromUnity = false) { position = new PointMsg(_position, _fromUnity); orientation = new QuaternionMsg(_orientation, _fromUnity); }
public PoseMsg(Transform _tf) { this.position = new PointMsg(_tf.position, true); this.orientation = new QuaternionMsg(_tf.localRotation, true); }
public PoseMsg(PointMsg _translation, QuaternionMsg _rotation) { position = _translation; orientation = _rotation; }
public PoseMsg(JSONNode msg) { position = new PointMsg(msg["position"]); orientation = new QuaternionMsg(msg["orientation"]); }
public TransformMsg(PointMsg p, QuaternionMsg q) { _translation = p; _rotation = q; }
public TransformMsg(JSONNode msg) { _translation = new PointMsg(msg["translation"]); _rotation = new QuaternionMsg(msg["rotation"]); }
public override void Deserialize(JSONNode msg) { _position = new PointMsg(msg["position"]); _orientation = new QuaternionMsg(msg["orientation"]); }
public static void GUI(this PointMsg message) { GUILayout.Label($"[{message.x:F2}, {message.y:F2}, {message.z:F2}]"); }
/// <summary> /// Finds the world coordinates of an image coordinate based on the CameraInfo matrices /// K matrix P matrix /// 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 /// 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 /// 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 /// </summary> /// <param name="x">x coord to map</param> /// <param name="y">y coord to map</param> /// <param name="P">Projection matrix (3x4)</param> /// <param name="K">Camera intrinsics (3x3)</param> /// <returns></returns> static PointMsg FindPixelProjection(int x, int y, double[] P, double[][] invK) { PointMsg worldCoord = new PointMsg(x, y, 1); return(new PointMsg((float)invK[0][0] * worldCoord.x + (float)invK[0][1] * worldCoord.y + (float)invK[0][2] * worldCoord.z, (float)invK[1][0] * worldCoord.x + (float)invK[1][1] * worldCoord.y + (float)invK[1][2] * worldCoord.z, (float)invK[2][0] * worldCoord.x + (float)invK[2][1] * worldCoord.y + (float)invK[2][2] * worldCoord.z)); }